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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WKEKUX TRIBUNE I CI FTSTHATJLASTj TBe r Mutual Building & Loan Asso CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men ciation, of North Platte. Sign of The Big Ring "'PA Satisfaction- Sure Try Us. Gradual Opticians .VAJMtlAOE LICENSES I MIbs Etel Sulto loft last evening rot jfearnoy ftn omnha to spend a wdek. Tho rollowlng licenses wore issued, Mrs, M. Smith of Vnlyrang transact County Judge wooM- this week by hurst: July 14 Olllo 0. White, Lincoln ami Mlsa Lulu I. Hlnkley, Lincoln; married by Judge "WoodhurBt. July 1G Wm. A. Adkln, embalmor, North Platto and Mrs. AHco N. Swart out; married by Jufl'go WoodhurBt. July 18 Hugh E. Richoy, Cozad and Miss Mablo R. Woodsldo, Cozad; married by Judge Wocjlhurst. July 19 Alfred R.'Scott, Owen, Wy oming and MIbb Mary G. Atkinson, Owen, Wyoming; married by Judgo Woodhurst lf!AL AND PERSONAL cd business In tho city ycsterjlny. Miss Margaret Johnson returned Wednesday from a trip to Denver and Colorado Springs. Mr. and Mrs. P. Galllgher of Staple toil came this morning to attend tho funeral of tho lato Wm. Shcedy, Tho now swimming pool is cortalnly a success. The beach aB well as the pool is crowded ovory ovenlng. Mrs. R. B. Millor of HerBhoy shop ped in tho city yestorday and visited Mrs. Marion Millor. Tho wrecking crow was called, to Crook, Colo., tills morning where a freight train was wrecked. Mrs. M. A. DoWoody left yesterday J. G. Heeler transacted business in for Hastings and St. Cloud to romairf Hershey yesterday. '"several weeks. Mr,s. J. Boylo and daughters of Her- Tho Lutheran Sunday scohol will shoy woro city visitors yestorjJny. hold a picnic at tho City Park on All hair goods at halfrprico at iho Wednesday of noxt week. Thoso at- Stylo Shop Friday and Saturday. . tending will meet at tho church at two A number of young pooplo atended o'clock. tho danco in Marwoll last ovenlng. Miss Esther Elder arrived this T. N. Arnold left Wednesday for morning from Boulder, Colo., where Omaha to transact business. sho Imb ben attending tho Unlvorsity, P. N. Baldwin loft yesterday for St. Sho will spenll a month with her par- Cloud, Nobr., to transact business. cnta Mr. ami Mrs. 0. E. Eldori Chas. Macho rcturnell' WodncsdayJ Cecil Cool BUstalned a broken ankle from Omaha where ho transacted Wndnesdav evening whilo practicing business. baso'.ball at tho fair grounds with tho i Big half-prico sale of combs and. local Legion team, Ho was .running hair goods Friday and Saturday nt the and sljlj to base,, turning and falling Stylo Shop.' on his ankle. Ho Is tho socond of tho Mrs: W. 8. Chonoyr and son wen 'o Logionors to'brcaK Jils ahkloM;hHe Lexington yosicruay to sponp a row playing imso uau tins year. days visiting. Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians. Dr. S. E. Hunfer left this moraine' TT ub for service. , for Salt, Lake, Oltjyto yifljt at thoihomo!. , t. j; KRAUSE. Dentist. X-Rny ot her. ulster andbrot)i.or, She. wM Jo IManosls jfcIonnld Hank Building. absent about a month. Phono 07. n 8 s.t if if I if if i.t if :.t if if li if if if if if if if if if if if if 8 :.t if i if if if if if if n $ if if i.s j.i it it if :.: if i if if if if if tf s if if if 8 8 8 i.t 8 if if if if 8 tf if if if if if 'if- Saturday's Bargains HIRSCHFELD'S Cireaf Clean-Up Sale MEN'S X $1.25 MlNSOOIv ATHLETIC JCr UNION SUITS .-- JC $1.50 NAINSOOK ATHLETIC UNION SUITS 95c $1.50 RIBBED UNJON SUITS 95c Men's $hUs RAtiSTON'S value to $15 1-1IQH-GRADE $fi.90 DRESS KT-TfYRR U it j.t it if 3 t.t if if if if if if if i it if if if AINr Irma Carreo .uyl, entertained nt dinner Wednt-Bdoy In honor of Mrs; M. Wycherley of England. Tho Nlcaflgco Campflro was enter tained Wednesday evening at tho homo of MIbb Florlne Stobblns. A very pleasant evening was spent Misses Margaret Tottenoft anil Agatha Raucho entortained 'VVodnes- day evening at a picnic in tho south canyons. A very pleasant ovenlng was spene. Misses Ruth Davidson and Marie Gough entertained a number of young people at a plcnio at Lamplaugh's Lake WbUnesday evening. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed. Mrs. Edward WeokB entertalnoji at hor homo Monday n'sriioon compli mentary to Mrs. M. Wycherley of Eng land. Aftor a vleasant afternoon re freshments wore served. A number of young folks held an enjoyablo picnic in tho south hilts Tueslhy evening complimentary to Marcoll Keliher of Baltimore who was guest at the E. F. Sceberger homo this week. Mrs. Wm. Voselpka entortalnol last ovonlng at a kitchen shower compli mentary to Miss Fern Watts, a July bride. Aftor a a pleasant evening dainty refreshments wero served. Alissil Watts rocoived many useful gifts. Mrs. Fred Elliott entortained Tues day cYunlnc nt a theatre party in (Under Supervision of State Banking Board) ' t 11 ' ,4 ' ' '" .. Financial Statement July 1, 1921 Loans on City Real Estate $1,445,000.00 Loans on pass book security . 4,200.00 Dues from Shareholders i 2,0G0;90' Office Building r -J- ' 27,423.14 Furniture , - ' 1,335.47 Balance in Treasury 1 ' 0,492.15- ., " - x '-f-" ' -1-- Total ' 1 ---- $l,489,511.6fi Installment Stock and Dividends : $ 560,915.46- Paid up Stock 847,000.00 Undivided Profits L '. $47,496.20 ' Reserve Fund -- 34,100.00 , 81,596.20' Total $1,489,511.C( We invite you to avail yourselves of the service and secur . ity of oiir Association for the accumulating of your savings and the making of investments. , OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS T. C. Patterson, President W. H. Munger, Treasurer.-, ., - V. yonGoetz, Vice-President Halligan'Beatty & Halligan, , Bessie F. Salisbury, Secretary Attorneys. V. vonGoetz " W. W. Cumming W. R. Maloney Ira L. Bare M. J. Forbes ' T. C. Patterson Frank N. Buchanan Geo, W. Finn Harry M. Porter Office Corner 5th and Locust St. T COUDflSSlOXkllS? lItOCEDINGS Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County met in tho Court Mmtnn Mniwlnv .Titlv 1S.""uMfh nrnnrtnt u tncatro Dartv in - - . - '. ---v Sprinffer, Cohageti and Cokoc--ana 1n,1 n m.nat nt fl.n kmn nf CoUllty Clerk Alldl. duuirhtji Mrs. Sam I!; wes, John Hays, road dlst 37, $3.60. T. M. Cohagen, salary and expense, ?175.00. E. T. Trursing, refund, ?46.50. Stack & McGovern,'$'0.00. J.' R. Ritner, bridge work, $100.00. ', At. F. Brook, dragging, $9. FoUowln- ThofollovVing bills' wef e ' rl Fackler- dragging, $2.10. . Boliowmg . 4 t S : ft . Geo. B. Dent. Countv Phvsidan.. thavthcatre a dainty lunch was served "'m auowem. . v $250 00 uriugu ; , I Adjourned to July 25. ' -i i ; i n hi J: Q i NOTICE Joe Soderman, special at tho Oauis. ' I t ' . i i . i . t .i V iJ Wfi1ni.Hiln nvnnlnc at her home - n o"iT-P'"8 unuBu o.; h6nor- ot Mlsa Ferrt Watts wlio will bo marrlod" thtrt month. The evening wcaf nlAnhmit.W Riinnt. ntnl ilnlntvi rofrfsh'-if MEN'S $1,50 Porovs ivlesh $4.15 JL UNION SUITS $2.00 FANCY MADRAS ATHLETIC .1H,15 lTNTON RTTTTR 1 Men's Shirts ONE LOT $0.90 DRESS SHOES - Values up to $6.00 . MEN'S FINE DRESS SHIRTS $ VALUES TO $2.50 1 15 MEN'S PONGEE SILK SHIRTS $0.90 Collars to Match 3 MEN'S KHAKI Collars Attached SHIRTS 1.15 1 BOYS CHAMBRAY ir SHIRTS, $1 value. MEN'S FINE COTTON HOSE 15c MEN'S FANCY COLLARS 5c MEN'S WHITE 15c H'NDKERCHIEFS 9c 50c WASH TIES 35c ONE LOT MEN'S WORK SO.95 SHOES S Values up to $6.00 Mi Trousers 185 PAIRS OF MEN'S HIGH GRADE TROUS IDRS IN HARD FINISH WORSTED, CASIMERES, MOHAIRS AND BLUE SERGES. A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT $i.85 Valiifia tn $10 1 LOT YOUNG MEN'S ALL WOOL BLUE SERGE TROUSERS $0.95 $8.50 VALUE O Straw Hats ALL OUR STRAW HATS One-Half Oft Ladies9 Hose if if J.t J.t :.: j.t j.t J.t J.t . J.t J.t if if if tf if if if if if if it J.t J.t J.t Jt j j.t J.t J.t J.t meats woro served. Miss watts re- celved. many beautiful linens. Tho Episcopal Young People's As sociation hold an enjoyable tiarty In the now club house Tuesday evening. A good program waB rendered and was followed by jdnncing and games. At tho oloso ot the evening refresh ments woro sorvd. This was the sec ond party hold in the club house. MIbb Margaret McQraw entertained at a luncheon Wednesday noon iu honor of hor cousins Misses Irma and WUrua Reese of Wallace, who aro her guests. Miss Nell Hartman will entertain to morrow evening at a theatre party complimentary to Miss Fern Watts, a brido of this month. Today is ladies' day at the Country Club. This is tho first of tho season and tho day wllf bo spont in croquet, tennis, golf and many other games. LADIES' SILK FACED HOLEPROOF HOSIERY $1.50 GRADE 95c if it s Jt J.t J.t it t.t j.t j.t if if if it i1" HIRSCHFELD & NORTH PLATTE'S LEADING CLOTHIERS Hoys' Iron Clntl HOSE 35o U t.t if SCHOOL NOTICE. For Sale School house, west end ot District No. 5. at publls auction, iAug. 8 to bo sold a school house at oclock, terms cash, ten Idays to remove building. C. A. Orrin, Fred Slmants, Frank Purdy. Phono 798FU 1 :o: HOW DOES IT SOUND TO YOUV G room modem oxcept heat on flno comor lot aOOl west 4th. A good home In a real location at $5,500; easy torniB to right party. A nico ilyo room cottage, modern excopt boat nt 804 east 3rd street. Big lot, nico trees and garage; prlco $4200 THE H. & S. AGENCY hua them. Ed Pearson, services, $38. , , Sun)lry "persons surveying, $81.25. Carl EchlUnd dragging ?$2l85. C. L. McNeol, dragging $10.50. Jas . Sadie road dist. 10, $21. Otto Schwank special bridge, $5.35. Wm. Elliott, Bervlces $25. ' Ni W, Scott, cutting weeds, '$5. ' ' National Oil Co. Com. 2, $41t50:' 'J C. L. Long, dragging, $72. ' ' ' F. W. Llntfekugol road dlst; 0, $51. C. C. Long, dragging, $18. Wr J. R-nner, refund $13.23 E. C. Hostetter, dragging, $G.' -Harvey. Tdillion, road dlst 4, $2) ' G. Schwang, special bridge $6.60: M. Conneally, dragging, $0. W. H. Dale, road dlst. 28, $27.60. S, & R. Service station, oil, $41.60. Jos. Solomon, state, $7. H. Van Cleavo, special brUgo, $48, ' L. E. Ludwig, dragging, $14. M. E. Gordon, special brldgo $4. -Art N. Alweltt, special bridge, $4. Fred Tobas, bridgo work, $24. M. M. Baker special bTidge $24. Wilson Brps., Com. 2, $27.50. E. & W. Cokor, Com. 3, $31. A. E. Rishel,. dragging, $72. M. M. Browor repairs, $6. Jacob Scheroh, road (diet. 20, $7.50. Geo. G. Schect, road dist 20, $81.35. .Chris. Schect, road dist 20. $15. Goo. Drlngman. special bridge, $25.50. Clarence Drake, special brldgo, $3u. John Schrocongost, special bridge $25. W. D. McCrea, ronjl dist 37, ?"J4.uu. Allen Long, ronl dlst 37, $13.50. Jas. McCrea, road dlst 37, $43.50. I. Darloy, road dist 37, $5.40. P. D. Long, road dist 37, $77.25. EVery day this week at 9:30 a. m. lectures on Food and Its Preparation will be given by Miss Sutley, an ex perienced teacher, ,at Maloney's Fur niture Store. No charge everything free. New lessons every day. Bring pencil and pad. You will want to copy tho recipes. . j ::o:: u. .' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Following is aTlist of deeds, flltfil for record in the office of C. W. Yost, Rogister of Deeds for Lincoln.' Coun ty 'up to July 20. July 14 Holdrego State, Bank to Albert G. Warren SE Sec. 8, T. 9, R. 32, $1400. , July 14 Carroll F. Bliss and wife to James D. Welsh, lot 5 of Ed. Cok or subdivision of Clarkson's subdi vision of NWJ4 Sec. 29, T. 14, R. 33, $5000. July 14 J. P. Nystroin to August EIanJo SE& of Sec. 36, T. 13, R. 26 $10,000.00. -i , July 16 Ed w. R. Moss and wife to dw. W. Johnson, SE& of Sec. 32,., i'T. 11, R, 37, $2000. . .... .... July 16 W. T. "Wilcox et al to Herbert B. Ham, lot 7 block 14, Pea nlstons addition to North Platto, $525. , July 1,6 iT. A. Brennan and wife to Amanda G. Millhouso lot 3 and west half lot 2 block 2 Trustees Addition', to North Platte, $5412.44. . t, July 14 Robert "M. McFarlanji to D. V. FarreU W1 block 34 Platteview addition to NorUi Platte, $4000. ' July 14 Robert McFarland to D. V.' Farroll lot 5 block 77 original town of North Plat&, 400(). n- July 16 Jha"s. W Ruble t0iFrance3 t- . . i a ai it. i . m - n nnrt 1JUI11UI8 Ull Ul UIO BUUIU mui UL DWVi of Sec. 25, T. 4, . 31, south of tlio U. P. R. R., $400. ; July 16 Noah W. Cogman and wife to Francis Montague, a part of lot 5 of County Clork's subdivision ot lot 1 and SEi of NE'i ot Sec. 4, , 13, R. 30, $1700. July 16 M. K. Neville and wife to Lizzio M. Miller,' ""lot 5, block ""?;' Flynn'a addition to North Platte. AT THE ::o:: NOTICE. SUN THEATRE Tho next Lincoln County Teachers' examination will bo hold in North Platto only on Saturday. July 23. Allcon G. Cochran, County Superintendent :o: TODAY A THK MISLKADINO LADY" Wall Paper Select your Paper at Home PHONE 1061J PHIL DEATS starring iieut iatj:ll ALSO 3 REEL COMEDY SATURDAY ifJUDY OF ROflUE'S HARBOR" ' , STARRING' i MARY MILES M1NTER - REEL COMEDY We are welding castings of all kinds. Get your grain binders and mowers that aje broken fixed up before you need them. We repair broken pumps, gears, wheels, put cogs in wheels and any shape casting can be repaired. Auto fenders that are commencing to crack can be re paired, and save a new one later on. 'Windshield frames manifolds and axle housings that are leaking oil can be fixed. Car Irames welded and reinforced, made as good as new or wheels that have broken tires and rims that hae been bent and broken. Also tire lugs built up at North Side Blacksmith Shop Phone 361W MARTIN WYMAN, Pro i. 7 ' v