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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1921)
THE NORTJI PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Warning! Unless you sco the name "Bayer" on pnekago or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one ycurs nntl proved safe by millions. Tnko Aspirin only as told In the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neural gia, Itlicumntlsm, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark vof Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldcster f Sallcycacid. CALIFORNIA TO GROW DATES Possibility That That State May Bo. come Center of Culture of Fruit In the World. Within a few ycurs the Solton sea basin, near Indlo, Cal may become the center of the world's (Into culture. tlinnks to the efforts of the Depart ment of Agriculture. For ncury twenty year the bureau of plant Industry has been endeavoring to procure shoots of the date tmltus which bear the fruit, known commercially as tho Suldy, or Wahl, and Sowl varieties. So difficult wbb the source of the splendid fruit to trace that, up to 1013, only n few shoots had been procurable. At thnt time an Immense grovo of 200,000 of tHtfi palms In the ousls of Dnlthla, Tunis, was discovered. . Kegotlntlons for the purchaso of specimens having been satisfactorily concluded, tho collection of tho shoots was begun. That It was slow la ac counted for by the fact that a tree puts forth only twenty to thirty shoots dur Ing Its lifetime. However, tho collec tion was finally completed and the work of setting out 2.800 of the young trees will be started within the near future. Populur Mechanics Magazine, Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women nave kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it, Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho resmt ot kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are, not in a. healthy con dition, they may cause tho other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may bo despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr Kilmer's , Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to bo just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swnmp-Uoot, tho great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Br. Kilmer & Co., llinghamton, N. Y., you may rcccivo sample nizo bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchaso .medium and iBigw. slid uoiucs at an urug. stores. Art Criticism. Arthur, ngo nine, returned from his first visit to the art Instltuto with such a depressed nlr that his mother was puzzled. "Didn't you like It, dear?" "Not much. Mostly there wero peo plo with their heads cut off.' "But there must hnvo been soma pictures of unlpmls and trees nud love, ly country." "Oh, n fow, but," in disgust, "thera were moro of pcoplo doing things they shpuldn't." "Things they shouldn't?" "Yes, somo of them had taken off all of their clothes, oven their union BUltS." FRECKLES Now U Iha Tint to Cat Rid of Tkaaa Ugly Spot. Thro' no longer the slightest need ot feeling aahamed ot your freckles, at Othtnt double strength li guaranteed to remove theee homely spots. Simply set an ounce of Othlne double strength from your drugglat. and apply a little ot It night and morning and you should soon sea that eten the worat freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanlihed entirely. It la seldom that mora than ona ounce la needed to corn, pletely clear the akin and gain a beautiful olear complexion. Ba aura to aek for the double strength Othlne, as this la aold under guarantee ot money back It It fatla to remove freckles, A Belligerent Race. "I can sympathize with Lloyd George," rcmnrked Mr. Dubwalte, "Why, ho has tho Irish problem on his bauds." "That's why I can sympathize with him, Mrs. Dubwalto and I have an Irish problem on our hands. Her namo la Naruh and she's supposed to bo something urotiud n gns range." Bir mingham AgcIIernld, r Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. Ab exquisitely scented face, skin, baby sad dusting powder and perfume, ren- ' derlng other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on It becnuso ono of the Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and , Talcum). 25c each everywhere,' A Man's Works. The' potter forms what ho pleases 'Wftli 80ft clay, o a man accomplishes -lifSw'orks by his own act. Ultopa-d'Siux; TARIFF MEASURE NOW IN CONGRESS Bill Introduced in the House Without tho Customary Explanation HUGE REVENUE FORECASTED Many Articles Removed From the Free List Boosts Duties On Im ports Now Taxed F.arm Im plements Exempted. Washington, D. fV The administra tion's penniimcnt tnrlfT bill, now be fore congress, Is expected to return n revenue to the government of approxi mately $700,000,000 a year, according to unofllclnl estimates. The bill was Introduced In the house last week by Congressman Kordncy and Immediately thereafter was tniido public for the first time. No explana tory statements accompanied the Intro duction of the measure, us heretofore lias been customnry. lOxamliintloii of the bill shows that In some enses the ruloK proposed are higher than corresponding rates of tho I'ayne-Aldrlch law, while others are correspondingly lower. This law In the normal prewar years, produced a little more than $:100,000,000 a year. An critlmntu of how the whole bill compares Willi tnc rnync-Aitincn law would be possible only through a detailed study by tariff experts. because the schedules of tho new bill are, In ninny cases, not framed In parallel wltlr the schedules of the Payne law. In comparison with the Underwood tariff law of tho Wilson ndmlnlstrn tlon, tho new bill removes mnny articles from the freo list, although It leaves a large list free of duty, Inelnd lng print paper, wood pulp, leather, harness and agricultural Implements, It raises tho duties on the great bull: of Imports already being taxed ami has mado no notnblo additions to the free list. , Soldiers Break Up Meeting.' Detroltt Mich. Bursting Into the hall where the national convention of socialists vns being held, seventy-five veterans, delegates to tho convention of Disabled American Veterans of tho World Wnr, demanded an explanation of a speech, In which the speaker Is said to havo declared "there Is only ono flag, the red flag," and demanded thnt tho snclnllst delegates who hnd nny such Idea "step out and light? Tho mooting adjourned. Hnll Damages Crops. Sioux Falls, S. D. Damnges est! mated at several thousand dollars, was done to crops whort n hall storm swept thru sections of Lincoln oounty, South Dakota, laying tho grain Hat for it swath of from two to threo tnllt's In width and twenty to thirty miles in length. According to farmers visited by tho storm, sinnll grain crops are n total loss, tho fields nppenriug ns If they had been cut with a binder. Corn was not seriosly dumuged. Blue Law Supporters Lose. Glendnle, Cal. Proponents of "blue laws" mot defeat In the city election to chooso flvo trustees. The margin was so narrow that the result was In doubt until tho final tabulation. There wore throe tickets In tho field, "Liberal," "Blue" and "Com promise" Tho five elected wero the choico of the compromlso element and wero known as fusion ticket. Wilson New York Lawyr. Now York. Former President Wll sou hns been admitted as u practicing attorney and counsellor at law In tho state of Now York. Ho will enter a pnrtnorshlp with former Sccrotury of oiuiu iHiiuuriugo uoioy. Reduce Miners Wages. Lead, S. D. The Ilomestnkw Mining company, tho largest gold mine in South Dakota, has annouticod a re duction of CO cents per day In the wages of all Us employes effective at once. Big Sum to Prevent Strike. Chicago, 111. Tribute to union load ers in tho BUm of $50,000 was exacted from the local Hotel Aiiibussudor dur ing Its construction, according to test imony given beforo the Dalley legis lative Investigating committee, Thomas S. Kearney, president of tho Chlcugu building trades council, was Indicted by a spoclul grand Jury on a charge of extortion. Ho was alleged to havo exacted $15,000 from n motion plcturo concern to provont strikes during tho erection of a thentre. Paper Mills 8trlke at End. Now York. An arbltiMtlou agree ment was signed hero by union work ors at nil the paper mills In this country and Canada, with the except tlon of the International Paper comp any. Tho worker had been on strike slnco May 1. Tim workers will rurn nt the wage scnlo in effect when thy walked out and will nbldo by tlw decision of an arbitration board ot seven as to whether tho companies aro entitled to Introduce a vrniro cut CORN PROSPECTO ARE BEST Reports From Three States Indicate Bumper Crop For This Season. Must Have Rain Shortly. Slonx City, In. Never before in northwest Iown, South Ditkotn and northern Nebraska has corn looked better than It does just now and never before wns It so fnr ndvnnced ns It Is now according to reports from 'those rectlons. In t lie southern sections cul tivation Is completed and In the north ern the finishing .touches are being put on, two or three weeks earlier thnn usual. However, conditions nrc exceedingly critical. Unusually high temperatures havo dried "the soil and tho absence of rnln during the last two weeks Is be coming ntnrmlng, though no damage has been done to corn. In some sections, early planted po tatoes and close cropped pastures havo already suffered badly from the drought. Dumugc will result to nearly all crops If high temperatures continue and there Is no general rainfall soon. Winter wheat and rye are being hnrvested nnd nro average crops, while spring grown grains nro at the singe to be greatly damaged by con- Untied drought or by excessively heavy rains. Carrying Dry Laws to Extreme. Washington, D, a Declaring that the country Is "drifting towards pro hibition anarchy," nnd unless calm and sane judgement "dlsplnce popular ex citement nnd hysteria," all respect for tho law so essentlnl to enforcement will bo lest, Alfred D. Van Duron 'of Kingston. N, Y., hns resigned ns chief counsel to tho federal prohibition com missioner. Explaining his action Mr. Vnn Huron nssertod thnt tho Volstead enforcement law has carried things to extremes and tlmt tho people are Just beginning to renllzo that the effort to carry Into effect natkwnl prohibition !b nffoctlng tha practice of medicine, pharmacy, chemistry nnd religion. Anti-Beer Bill Passed." Washington, D. C Hopes for n medlclnnl 4-per cent blew ended, when the houso passed th Willis-Campbell nntl-bcer bill by a vote of 250 to 03. ixxnuers pinn to rush the measure through tho senate to forestall Issu ance of regulations by the .treasury de partment, which would make It pos sible for physicians to prescribe pre Volstead beer for ailing patients. Tho bill absolutely prohibits tho uso of beer ns medicine. May Pay Debt In Commodities. Washington, D. C The paying In commodities instead of cola may solvo the problem of getting from the allies tho $10,000,000,000 war debt owed the United States. Treasury department ofllclnls, it has been lenrncd havo considered such a solution. The United States needs millions of dollars' worth of goods annually from Orcnt Britain, our greatest creditor, her colonics and from Franco, Italy, Greece and other nations which owe, money to the United States. A Notable) Gathering. Washington, D. 0. President Hard-, lng, tho cabinet and 000 odd officials who guide government expenditures mot last week with Director Dawes of the new budget system to lay what was hailed as the foundation for a .new era of economy In federal ndmlnlstrn tlon. Tho president opened the con ference with tho declaration that "there Is not n mennco In the world to day like growing public Indebtedness nnd mounting expenditures." Ho re ferred to the gathering ns a first and extraordinary method adopted to moot an emorgency. Steamer Believed Lost. Sydney, N. S. W. Tho steamer Can ns'tohn, '1,001 tons, Is believed to havo been lost between Welllngtop, N. Z, nnd Sydney. She Is now ten days overdue and hns not been h.enrd of by wireless during thnt tlmo. Legislative Program Uncertain Washington, D. C. Congressmen nd mlt that the legislative record of tho special session of congress Is now In tho balance. The fato of many pieces of important legislation Is uncertain and unless a change of sentiment oc- curs moro wrangling nnd now delays will develop, it was Indicated. Farmers Fight Grasshoppers. Colorado Springs, Colo. Facing nn army ot countless millions ot migra tory grasshoppers thnt nro threatening crops In this section, more than 100 formers began a systematic fight on tho pests In tho southeastern part of 121 Paso county, Just where tho grasshopper army had Its qrgln Is not known hut It has spread over n Inrgo section of Lincoln, Crowley nnd Pueblo counties nnd Is threatening to enter El Paso county from both cast nnd south. Gas Line Texas to Missouri. Houston, Tex. Articles or ngrcC' ment which nro declared to constltuto tho first step toward one of tho biggest gns marketing propositions tho country has seen havo been filed for record nt Shrevcport by tho Union Power Co nnd tho Fidelity Trust Co. of Houston according to udvlces hore. Tho pro Ject embraces a 'pipe lino froln tho Shrevcport section to St Louis, prob ably by tho way of Memphis, nnd to nouston, glvrig these sections prac tically an unlimited supply of gas. X3te AMERICAN LEGION (Copy for Thla Department Supplied lit me American Legion nawi Berries.) EMERY THE NEW COMMANDER Grand Rapids (Mich.) Official Is Ele vated to Succeed the Late F. W. Galbralth, Jr. , Maj. John Garfield Emery of Grand Itaplds, Mich., was unanimously elec ted national commander of tho Ameri can Legion at a meeting of tho nation al executive committee held la In dianapolis. Ho succeeds tho lato Frederick W. Galbralth, Jr., who was recently fatally Injured In nn automobile acci dent at Indianapolis. Major Emery wns ono of the flvo vice commanders of the Legion, hav ing been elected to that position at tho Cleveland meeting ot tho organ ization. Thomas J. Bnnnlgan, of Hartford, Conn., wns elected vice-commander, succeeding Mr. Emery In that position. Major Emery saw much fighting dur ing tho World war. He entered tho Becond officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan August 27, 1017. After finishing tho course ho wns commissioned a captain ot Infantry JOHN G. EMERY. and sent to France wltk tho first group of Americans. He at first was assigned to the railway transportation fflco at Blola, France, and remained thero until February 20, 1018. Later ha attended tho First corps school at Gondrecourt until March 24, when he took charge of company F, Eighteenth Infantry, First brigade, First division Major Emery participated In all the major actions with his regiment In 1018, at Cantlgny In April, May nnd Juno; at St. Mlhlel In September, and in tho Meuso-Argonno offensive In September and October. Ho was com missioned n major of Infantry August BO, 1018. On October 0, 1018, during tho Meuse Argonno drlve Major Emory wns Wounded in tho left arm and was In valided home, being discharged at Camp Custer. Soon after his return to Grand Itaplds, ho - was elected a member of the Grand Rapids city com mission, a position he has held slnco that time. Beforo entering the service he wns a real estate and lnsurnnco broker. Major Emery was born July 4, 1881, In Grand Itaplds. As vice-commander of the American Legion Major Emery was a closo friend and confidant ot Commander Galbralth. WORKER FOR THE AUXILIARY Devil's Lake (N. D.) Woman Is Elect ed First Vice President for Her State. When the United States declared war against Germany her son was" op erating a "largo ranch In North Dakota. The son volunteered. His mother hurried to him and with her husband took over the task of man aging that strip of fertile lund which would pro vide bread and beef for the armies. Mrs. Eugene Feulon, Devil's Luke, N. D played no spectacular part, therefore, In the world conflict hut she learned the service of sacrifice. There wero times when the ranch wns running smoothly enough and she spent the hours mnk lng bundles of comfort kits and knit ting box nnd sweaters. When the mothers, sisters ami wives of ex-servlco men organized a women's auxiliary to the American Legion in her city, Mrs, Fenlon wns chosen president. The organization furnished clubrooms for their boys nt an expense of $2,000 during her first administration. Mrs. Fenlon recently, nan elected first vlco president of the! pTemen's auxiliary of North Dakota. KCQQCococecooeocoscocqs Carrying on 8 With the 8 American Legion 8 Of all the fruit that crows in tho Imperial valley of Cullfornln, a consid erable portion In planted and tended wouviuu vine-runs 01 uio worm war, Whllo receiving $100 monthly compensation from tho government, tho men aro placed on tracts of land me reuernl Hoard of vocational ed ucation and nro assisted In getting out meir crops, it. T. Fisher, assistant national director of tlio imvnrnniKnt'n rehabilitation work, recently compli mented the California department of tho American Lcclon for KufoiMmrdlnir the Interests of the veterans who aro winning their way hack to lienlth nnd usefulness in tho fruit-growing project. Tho aid of women's clubs of thu West In tho interest of a coast to coast Victory Memorial highway will be so licited by Capitol post of tho Ameri can Legion In Toncka. Kan., with which the plan originated. The To- poka Woman's club will place the re quest for co-operation before the com ing convention of the state federal ion of women's organizations. Iutcsrrul highways now In uso would bo hurd surfuced by the govcnimont. Bronze memorial figures of American soldiers In full equipment and with rifles at "present urms" would mark all-state boundaries. ' Another move to Induce the United States government to force the release by the Bolshevlkl of Capt Emmet K1L Patrick, Uulontown, Ala., has originat ed with the department of Poluud of the American Legion. Latest reports declare that the American, confined In a Moscow prlsou, Is in a deplorable condition from brutality und terror. Captain Kllputrick, a Bed Cross work er, was captured in Crimea. The National Americanism commis sion of the American Legion Is making arrangements to have a member pres ent at nil Legion state conventions. In addressing tho conventions the Ameri canism ofllclnls will lay. emphasis upon the necessity ot co-operation with teachers for the furtherance of educa tion In citizenship, the promotion ,of patriotism and the development ot Americanism. - A house-to-house canvass of the en; tire city of Chicago has bcon under taken by posts of the American Legion, in seeking out veterans who have been unsuccessful In adjustment of compen sation claims with the government. A recent membership campaign in 1111 nols netted a gain of 10,000 members for the first four months of 1021 over tho corresponding period of last year. Tho American language will replace German In the services of the Bethany Reformed church of Baxter, la., under the provision of a resolution adopted by the congregation after, a conference with tho local American Legion post commander. Tho Lcglou objected to preaching In German at- the funerals of veterans who wero killed in France. Aerial mall flyers, their mechani cians and all who assist them In tho U. S. Tost Ofllce department's air mall sorvlco will be ex-service men, accord Ing to nn order Issued by John S. Jor dnn, San Francisco, chief of construc tion, acting superintendent' of the traf fic division, air mall service, a copy of which has reached American Legion national headquarters. A proper education for American children In China and Jupan Is tho end sought by the Peking (China) post of the American Legion, which has written to Legion national headquar ters to enlist the aid of ex-servlco men in the movement- The American Chamber of Commerce and other or ganizations nro working with tho Le gion in the project Because they believe that Memorial day should be observed In a reverent and decorous manner, members of tho American Legion in Indlnnnpolis, Ind., have asked that the annual motor speedway race bo held In tho future on July 4 lnstend of on May SO. More thun 130,000 persons attended the In ternational motor classic this year. When tho town of Lawton, Okla., set about building n road to the oil fields, 20 miles away, Lowry post of the American Legion undertook the building of a . , much-needed bridge ubout eighteen miles from town. Dur ing the construction members of the post's Women's Auxlllnry brought food to the busy Legionnaires every day. Fifty-eight years of residence In America were not enough to Induce a resident of Emerald, Neb., to famili arize himself with tho American lan guage nnd institutions of government. As a result his application for filial citizenship papers was denied at a naturalization hearing in which Amer ican Legion members testified. A resolution calling upon congress to pass tho American Legion's legisla tion fpr the relief of disabled veterans of tho World war sent by an American Legion post at Newberry, S. C, was accompanied by a large pair of shears. An attached card bore the Inscription: "For the Love of' Mike, Cut Out tho Bed Tape." "No plan for future preparedness can be carried out without the support of the American Legion," said General Pershing nt a banquet held in his hon or at Lincoln, Neb. . KILL RATS TODAY By Using i the Genuine QTPARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE The guaranteed "killer" for naU.MIej. Ooekroachel. Anu and WaterbnKS me ,Sy","",, rooortT. S? 01""?:. Th?7 ieetror both food and - Kg" from the bulldlns for Ji?Iairv TRAPS RKADT FOB OSMimKBIBWmra Tiro SUes, BSo and IU0, Hnoogh to kill U to 100 rsw. Saved My Life With Eatomc Says New Jemmy Woman "1 was nearly dead until I found -Eatonic and I can truly say It saved my life. It Is tho best stomach medP clno ever made," writes Mrs. Ella Smith. Acid stomach causes awful misery which Eatonic quickly gets rid of by taking up nnd carrying out tho acidity and gases which prevent good diges tion. A tablet taken after meals brings quick relief. Keeps the stomach, healthy and helps to prevent the many Ills so liable to arise from excess acid. Don't suffer from Btomach miseries when you can get a big box of Eatonic for a trifle with your druggist's guar antee. Might Be Ericsson's Ship. A traveler In Norway has been look ing at tho two ancient ships In ona of which Lief Ericsson may havo reached the western world llvo cen turies before Columbus. The ancient pagan custom that buried the craft of the sea hero pre, served the galleys away In the soil of .Norway, thanks to a covering of pot ter's clay, and a Twentieth-century farmer discovered tho second one. Tho savants looked it over, and dated It from tho Ninth century, contemporary with the adventurous Ericsson, possi bly his own ship. About seventy feet long, the vessel Is shaped not unlike a double pointed rowbout, flat and low, with forked up rights for 15 pairs of oars, and the conventional dragon carved on bow and stern. Under the floor aro tho compart ments where the voyagers doubtless .stored their provisions. For your daughter's sake, uso Ited Cross Ball Blue In the laundry. Sho will then have that dainty, well-groom-cd appearance that girls admire. 5c. Many Kinds of Honey. There are more kinds of honey than you think. There is honey that Is black and sour; honey that Is red; honey that Is poisonous, honey that Is green nnd honey that Is rose color. Many -of us have eaten honey that Is white, and most ot us know honey that ranges In color from pnlo yellow to brown. Honey is of many flavors, depending on the kind of blossoms the bees work on. MAN'S' BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and nrlc add troubles slnco 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs, All druggists, three sizes. Look for tho name Gold Medal oa OTery box And accept no imitation Kill All Flies! THEY 8PRBAD DISEASE Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attract! and kills all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental. ccmYtnlcnt and eneap. taiamiiaea aft. Mada of metal. can't anill or tin over; will not anil orinlnr rttunir, unaranuea. U A la I FLY KILLER 5 br EXPRESS-prepald. 11.28. HASOLD 80ltell3. K0 1 Kalb A.. Ilrooldyo. N.X- at roar dealer or Comfort Your Skin WithCuticuraSoap and Fragrant Talcum Seap 25c, Oiatment 25 aid 50c, Talcsa 25c. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tUnoTesDanaratr-etoptUalrFallintl Kcsiorea iuor ana Beauty to Cray and Faded ab ninfot Chrm. Wka, ratchogne.K.T, auc. ana ai.w ai urnnriat. HINDERCORffi louaea. etc, stow all pala, eniurea comfortto tha 'I'b Bnf,5?.,'Jik"1"l rV.?,- J byraalloratDru. cUta. UlaeoxCtiemtoalWerka.ratcboEUa.M.X, BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present Urns for young women OTor nineteen years ot ago who hare bad at least two years In high school to take Norses Training In general hospital. Oar graduates are In great demand. Address SHpt, of Nurse, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebraalca TCMTC kmm ud STACK covins I Kb 11 1 Ctt ear Prtoa. Thr ut Rljat American Tent and Awning Ce. SOUi and Famam Sts. Omaha PATENTS giiaVa . T, , J - AOYloaand book trea Rata raaaooabla. Ulabeit t ataiancea. UeatierrloM V