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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM EX CHANGES WHICH REACH OUR DESK. OLD LANDMARK Tho Glasburn mon nro digging n large pit on tho ground noar tho old court houso building into which they wMl tumblo tho grout walls. Tho dirt from tho pit will bo used oa a filler for tho ontiro campus. Thoy will finish razing tho walls this wook, and bo good byo to an old landmark, and good riddanco ns woll. Mr. Glnsbum and sons hnvo removed tho lumbor to t) o ranch which. Is to construct a set of ttvm buildings. Sldnoy Tele graph. , U. P. EXTENSION Stool Is now bolng laid on tho main lino of tho Union Pacific railroad's ox- Goshon Hole on tho first fow mllos of tension from Holg, Nobraakn, into ronjdbod graded. Constructors havo fin- ished springing tho old dump at tho end if tho lino in Nebraska up to grado two mllos of matorlal track has boon built and a giant movablo crano has nrrlvodjthero and is oxpHUng tho j work considerably. Such rapid prog ress is being mado It Is expected trains will bo running ns far west as Lyman, Nob., by Soptombor 1, nnfl that boot dumps will bo installod in that section In tlmo to movo this year's crop of sugar boots. Goshon IIolo News. INDIAN GRAVES Workmen engaged In excavation upon tho Union Pacific extension un covered skulls and bones of some thing liko a dozen persons at a point a milo or so west of station No. 2 known as tho Balloy farm In tho upper edge of Mitchell valloy. Dr F. B Young who makes regular trips ovor tho extension, handllny the medical work for tho railroad camps, brought ono of tho skulls into tho Courlor oftlco Wodnosday. It Is his opinion that tho skull was that of an Indian and that tho bones unearthed represent a portion of what is loft of an Indian burying ground. Most of tho bonoa woro unceremoniously dumped asldo with tho rest of tho excavated matorlal and will continuo to rest In tho bosom of Mother JEarth and form a part of tho railroad grado ovor which countloss millions will In tho futuro pass along tho now trjmscontlncn'tal Touto. There ar several points In tho western part of tho country whoro burial places aro known to exist, ono bolng in tho lower part of Mitchell valloy and another in tjio vicinity of Horse Creek but In cuch caso theso aro id entified in history ono as a mili tary cometery from which a number of bodios havo boon removed within tho liast fow years, and the other whore tho victims of an Indian mas sacre woro Intorcd.Tho present dis covory Is not a matter of knowledgo so far as can bo learned, and tho theory of an Indian burial ground js probably correct Coring Courlor. ::o:: Misses Doris and Holon Solbort of Grand Island arrived Tuosday to visit local friends. Dr. F. V. Miller, Dentist, Keith Theatre Building. Dorothy Hostotter returned to hor home In Maxwoll Wednesday aftor visiting at tho homo of Mrs. Claudo Lanco. To whom aro you going to soil your Ilay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer- cantllo Co. will offer tho highest prices. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blalock return ed from Omaha yesterday. They woro accompanied by tho lattcr's slsjtor, MIsb Margaret Fltzputrlck. Francis Norrls roturned to Chey enne Wodnosday after colobratlng tho Fourth In tho city. Why Not Enjoy a Vacation Right Here at Home? A vacation from tho family wash tub from Blue Monday and all its cares. Just resolvo right now, this week, to bundle up the family wash and send It to us. We'll wash everything sweet and clean for you with Turo Soft lYator (just like rain water) which we obtain from our new IVnter Soften ing Plant, and iron all tho flat pieces. Then we'll return your bundle, all complete except for a fow things you can iron at your llesure. Think of all tho time and toll this plan will saVe you yet it costs so very little. . Gather up ovorythlng that needs washing, phone for our driver and he'll call promptly. Dickey's Sanitary Laundry "YOUR BOSOM FRIEND" Tho Soft Wator Laundry Phono 77 108 Wost Sixth Street Easy to Remember FRONTIER COUNTY AGKICULTUll. Ali AGENT TELLS OF TRIP TO THE STATE FARM. -:o: STILL SAWING WOOD AT 101 Tho following communication from W. H. Campbell, County Agent of Frontier County tells of tho trip mado by Frontlor County farmers to tho Experimental Substation, and other matters of Interest to farmers. This year tho corn plowing and harvest overlapped so far that the annual tour to tho North Platto Ex periment Station was postponed. How ever a fow wont to look over tho . mall grain platto and to report ob servation. By the Experimental Station re ports we find that tho farmers of Frontjler County aro following tho best practlco-wheat or oats aftor corn and corn after small grain. While a largor yield of wheat is obtained on groun)l that was summer fallowed, tho difference Is not enough to pay for tho loss of a crop every other year by the summer fallow or tillage Corn continuously aftor corn work ed out bottor than wheat following wheat Next week wo will toll about tho dairy herd of grado rind purebred Holstolns. Another sowing club was organized Tuosday ovenlng, Juno 27, at schlol district No. 10 7East Curtis. Miss AUcO Olson is leader. Tho east Curtis pig club complctod Its organization with Stephen LaRuo m local leader. , Keep on sawing wood and for get your age is the living advice of lames A. Kochcford who is shown here celebrating his 10 1st birthday at the old buck saw. The picture was taken at his home in Brighton. Mass., last week. His wife, 84 years old, assisted him to make merry. He says a little exercise after passing 100 years is just as enjoyable as before reaching the century mark and to thi tiMct! he attributes his joy in lite. One Way to get Big Mileage Regularly The importance of gasoline with a complete chain of boiling point fractions You wouldn't expect to light a green stick with a match. - Yet some gasolines are like green sticks. They neither ignite quickly nor burn up completely because they lack sufficient low boiling-point fractions for kindling, and have too great a proportion of slow-burning elements. Straight distilled gasoline How to get better result at lvs possesses tho complete chain of boiling points which assures quick igni tion and practically instant, complete combustion. Every bit is converted into heat and power gives big ger mileage per gallon than slow-burning mixtures, or less carefully refined gaso line. Red Crown Gasoline has a com plete chain of boiling point fractions Red Crown Gasoline is straight distilled gasoline. It meets all specifications required by the United States Navy for motor gasoline. It has a complete chain of boiling-point fractions low, medium and higher boiling-point fractions which, in right proportion, assure big power and big mileage. It Is uniform and dependable wher ever you buy it, Ttt M ffi UUi k mi I 9 3A$OHN mniM en scour if num 1 I cost The way to get mileage and power economically, to escape carbon troubles, to have a spry, quick-starting engine, is by per fect adjustment of the motor to the fuel used. This can only be secured by using gasoline that is UNIFORM gasoline you can get wherever you are gasoline that gives a lean, dry, powerful mixture under all weather conditions. Use Red Grown Gasoline. Authorized Red Crown Dealers Everywhere Wherever you go you can al-. ways get Red Crown Gasoline from reliable, competent and obliging dealers. The gasoline and motor oils they sell make motor operation more economi cal and marc dependable. They, are glad to render the little courtesies which make motor ing pleasanter. Drive in where you see the Red Crown Sign. ITnte or ask for a Red Crown Road Map STANDARD OIL COMPANY- OF NEBRASKA RED CROWN GASOLINE LOCAL AND PERSONAL f MONEY THROWN ON THE WAXES RETURNS TO YOU IN A FEW DAYS' PART, however small, of evcrv dol lar you spend in your own town comes back to you. The more money that is spent in this town, the more there is to be spent WITH YOU, no matter whether your business is farming, dry; goodsing, restaurant ing, plumbcring or laboring. This is true of every town and" city in the land. But the town that can coax money from the people of other towns, soon becomes so pros perous that people flock to it, and that's how wealthy cities are made. It is the duty of every man andi woman in this community to spend every cent ho intends to spend right' here. .It is his duty tot himself, so that his own property, his own busi ness, his own job will be worth more worth more in the selling market. Homes and farms and blocks and businesses and jobs are least valuable and poorest In communities whose people spend .their money elsewhere. " c ' V HOME, DOLLARS I FOR SALE Ono 18 month old Shorthorn bull, blocky, weight about 1300 lbs. Three young Shorthorn bulls ready for small herds. A fow good Ilostoln-Frolsian bulls ready for sorvico. Theso aro priced to soli. Experiment Substation. John Ititncr left yostordayfor Den vor to visit frlonds for two weeks. Mlas Ethel Suite went to Oslikosh Wednesday to spend a week with rel atlves. Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians, r-rv us for service. Misses Nell Cooney and Kato Miles left Wednesday for Denvor to spend two woeks. Mr. nnld Mrs. H. Soaburg returned tho first of the week from an extended visit in eastern Iowu. Miss Glnjiys ICnapp 'returned to her homo In Maxwell Wednesday after visiting frlonds In the city. Miss Katherlne Stovens of Ottumwa Iowa, was tho honorcji guest at dinner at tho Harry Stovons home Thursday evening. Dr. F. W. Miller, Dentist, Keith Theatre Building, Mrs. C. M. .Nowton and son Donald roturned Wednesday from Pino Bluffs anil Choyenno whoro thoy visited ovor tho Fourth. Miss Marlon. Smith returned to her homo in Kearney Wednesday after visiting at tho homo of hor sister Mr3 Wm. Strauss. Mrs. Roscoo Zlmmer nnd daughter Gladys returned to their homo in Sid noy Tuosllay aftor visiting at tho W, H. LoDIoyt homo. Mrs. L. M. Mackintosh roturned to hor homo In Lowollon Wednesday nfter celebrating tho fourth nnd visit lng friends in tho city. Miss Frances Wostrlng of Lincoln who has boon tho houso guest of Miss Violet Maddox left Wednesday for Denver to spend two weeks. First class painting and paper hang ing- Elogant stock of wall paper just received. Store at 113 W. Sixth St. Phono 570W. H. H. Lnndgraf and Kdd Frlend- "Jack'' O'Donnoll, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. O'Donnell of Denvor, enter tained a fow frlonds Wednesday at the W- H. LoDIoyt homo in honor of his first birthday. A law has recently been passed In Now York by which a new housc car ries an exemption of $5,000 In valuat ion for taxes. This applies only to tho first year's tax and Is JJeslgned to en- courago building. It has not been lu force long enough to enablo ono to Judgo of tho result Howovor as a gen eral proposition It Is not right to ex empt, any prlvato property from taya- tlon because that makes all otner property thmat Is taxed pay a llttlo more. Just so much money lias to bo raised from taxation and Uio prob- Is to got each to pay his Just proportion Dr. F. W. Miller. Dontlst, Ketth Thoatro Building. A numbor of young pooplo hold an onjoyablo dancing party at tho Coun try Club Wednesday ovonlng. Tho out of town guosts woro Miss Frances Wostrlng of Lincoln, tho houso guost of Miss Violet Maddox, Miss Reba Evos of Oakland, Calif.,, a guest at tho York Hlnman homo, nnd Miss Faltho Campbell ot Los Angeles, guost at tho F. A. Rlckard homo. A numbor of Amorlcan Legion mon attonded tho funoral ot Oscar Brown at Horshoy on Tuosday afternoon. Tho fun oral was conductcjl by mombors of Company E ot this city. Oscar Brown was tho son of Mr. and Mm. Wator Brown of Hershey and died at a local hospital from an Infection which sot In rocontly. At ono tlmo ho was a student in tho North Platto High School and later joined Company E and sorvod during tho World War, ITo was well known hero anji had many frlonds on account ot his happy disposition nnd other good qualltlos. An obituary will bo published later. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, alst Real Estate. References and Date: I'lrst Nntlonnl Bank. North Platto, Nebraska. , . W.V.V.V. . VV..W.V. J J.S.TWINEM M.D. Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon General Practlco and Construction Surgery Hospital Accommodation Platto Valley Hospital Former Nnmo Twlnem JIospItnL NORM PLATTE, NEBR. WYLIE WALKER Export' Piano Tunor and Ropalrer. Leavo orders at 914 W. 4th St. Or Phono 334. Office 340 HousolM1! DE. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over tho OaslB. North PlatU. GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surpreon Spcclnl Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan' Building Phono: Office 130. Residence HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Phono 307 " Twlnem Bldg- Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene i'none Houso 123GJ. Offico 298. Office phono 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platto, Nebraska Knlghta of Columbus Building. CANCER REMOVED By Harmloss Remedies. CIIAS. It. DEVER, M. D. 307 Brownell Block. Lincoln, Nebr GO TO II. & F. FEED STORE For Millet Seed and Feed Phono G39W -HER3IINGHAUSEN & FROMAN. OTIS B, rLATT, M. n Physician andSurgcon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night. Ovor Union State Bank. Phono 296 W T. PRITCHARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street Hoi' pltal Phono 633, House Phono 633. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 0. 7 Building & Loan Building. Offico Phone 70. Ros. Phone 1242 DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases of Women -and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Offico 113. Residence 265 DERRYBERRY. & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phone Black CSS NOTICE OF SALE JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. . Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phono 83 Residence 38 DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phono 333 Res. Phono 102ft DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day tuuuea uince tH2, ixesldenco 676 NOTICE At the Special Meoting of tho lotral voters of school district number 95 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, whlcr will bo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, July 11, 1921, at 2:00 P. M. East Timo, tho proposition will mlttcd to tho vojtors of raising the biAlgot of Ono Thousand dollars to conduct the school for tho coming year. This will require a levy not to oxceed ono hundred mills on, tho dol lar of the assessed valuation of said district. o. N. SANFORD. Director. John Grant, Attornoy. NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1825 ot Goorgo Lannln, de ceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. . Tho Stao of Nebraska. To all per sona interested in Bald Estato take notice that a potltlon has boon Hied for tho issuance of Loiters of Ad ministration to Emma Lannln, and for tho appolntmont ot Emma Lannln as Administratrix of said estato which has boon set for hearing herein on July 12th, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Juno 20th, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, iSEAL) County Judgo. NOTICE OF BIRDWOOD IRRIGA TION DISTRICT. J. V. Roralgh has a Warehouse man's Lien against ono Ford Runa bout, color red, Motor No. 318722, do posited nnd left at J.V. Romlgh Gar- ago, on September 5th, 1920, by Wm, B. Farrol, and eald automobile Is hold on tho account ot Wm. R. Farroll in tho amount ot $131.00 and accrued costs. By vlrtuo thoreot and to cover said claim J. V. Romlgh will sell at pub lic auction at Romigh's Garago on 'July 13th, 1921, at 6th and Locust Streets, 1 o'clock P. M. to tho highest blddor for cash tho said-automobile abovo described. J. V. Romlgh, Lloa Holder. By HoaglasiJ & Carr, Attyo. Notice is heroby given that tho as sessor In and for tho BIrdwood Irri gation District, Lincoln County, Ne braska, has completed the assessment for Bald district and has dollverod Bamo to tho Secretary. Tho Board of Directors is hereby called to meet at tho offico of tho Secrotary on SE'4 of Sec. 36, T. 15, It 32, Tuesday, July 5, 1921, to act as a Board of Equaliza tion and to hear and adjust all ob jections to tho assessmont Tho sold Board to remain in session as long as necessary, not to exceed ten days, during which tlmo all objections to tho assessment and valuation will be hoard and determined. Dated this 8th day ot June, 1921. MARY O. McNEEL, Secretary.