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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1921)
3 i' J; .IK IT H' v mo 1 1' II i iii 1 2- '4.. 91;,, -' . f-.A - to . ' Yt aft; BE'.- - Z jr .NORTH PLATT13 SfiMl-WEElUA' TRIBUNE $ 'a Friday, Saturday, Monday JULY 8th, 9th and 11th It has arrived that hour when the Dollar has reached the apex of its purchasing power. THE BIG DOLLAR SALES. Every department in tlmgreat store has a genuine bargain to offer you for $1.00 Look over the Items below and you will be surprised what a Dollar willQdo. Scores of items not listed newspaper space will not permit. You must come to the sale. Dry Goods 30 inch Nainsook, Good Quality 4 YARPS FOR $1.00 3tS inch white Voiles, good quality , -3 YARDS FOR $1.00 32 inch Middy Cloth, good weight 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 j .. 30 iiieh Middy Cloth, standard 2 YARDS FOR $1.00 x 36 inch Cotton Challics, good quality . ,. ; 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 , kV27inch31aid G-inghams, standard r r - Tabids Fonv$i.po . 1 27 inch Plaid Zephyr Ginghams 5 YARDS FOR $1.00 27 inch Standard Apron Gingham 7 YARDS FOR $1.00 - 27 inch Standard Best Calicoes 12 YARD&FOR $3.00 27 inch Shirting Cheviots '. 0 YARDS FOR $1.00 g. : 36 inch Standard Pcrcaes1 7 YARDS FOR $1.00 ' 36 inch Standard Percales I' 4 YARDS FOR $1.00 . 'V 36 inch Unbleached' Muslin, standard 10 YARDS FOR $1.00 1 18 J 36 inch Bleached Muslin 7 YARDS FOK $1.00 36 inch Best Quality Bleached Muslin G YARDS FOR $1.00 36 inch Bleached Indian Head Liriieri 4 YARDS FOR $1.00 27 inch White Outing, good quality 7 YARDS FOR $1.00 27 inch Fancy Stipes or Checked Outing 7 YARDS FOR $1.00 27 inch Fancy or White Outing, extra grade 4 YARDS FOR $1.0 36 inch Kahki Cloth 5 YARDS FOR $1.00 36 inch Kahki Cloth, government standard 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 17 inch Toweling, bleached or unbleached 7 YARDS FOR $1.00 Huck Towels, 16x22, good weight 7 FOR $1.00 Domestic Goods Turkish Towels, 17x34, heavy 5 FOR $1.00 2 lb. Feather Pillows, good quality for $1.00 36 inch Silkolines, standard 4 YARDS FOR $1.00 36 inch Cretonne, lloral designs, standard 1 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 1 " Voiles, Skirtings, Plaxons, Mohairs, Mostly 36, inch goods 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 Table Oil Cloth, white or colored, standard 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 Pillow Cases, 36x42 size, good weight . 5 FOR $1.00 Embroideries, all widths $2.00 WORTH FOR $1.00 All over Laces, black or white $2.00 WORTH FOR $1.00 Remnants silks, wool goods, wash goods $2.00 WORTH FOR $1.00 Women's $2.00 White Wash Waists for $1.00 Children's $2.00 value Middies for $1.00 Wdhien's Middies up to $2.00 value for $1.00 Children's Gingham Dresses ages 2 to 8 for $1.00 Children's Gingham Dresses ages 6 to 14, $1.00 Women's Nainsook Gowns for $1.00 Women's Nainsook Teddiees for $1.00 Children's White Cambrbic Bloomers, ages 2-12 2 FOR $1.00 'Women's Polly Prim Aprons 2 FOR $1.00 Women's Furnishings Women's White Silk Fibre Hose, all sizes 8 PAIR FOR $1.00 Women' Brown, Black or White Lisle HoBe M PAIR FOR $1.00 Women's Grey or Brown Lisle Hose all sizes 3 PAIR FOR $1.00 Women's Fancy two-tone Laco Silk Fibre Hose 1 PAIR FOR $1.00 'Women's White Cotton Vests, Jersey Ribbed - 5 FOR $1.00 . . . Women's White or Pink Lisle Vests, all sizes ' 4 FOR $1.00 . v .Children's Taped Waist Union Suits ' . 2 FOR $1.00 Children's Vests, all sizes, 5 for $1.00 ; Leather Faced Gloves, 4 pair for 1 $1.00 Leather Faced Gloves, 5 pair for $1.00 Tennis Shoes at $1.00. White Handkerchi&ia at 12 fqr L--:;$1.00 Seamless Hose for Men, 9 pair for $1.00 Darn Proof Hose, 5 pair for $1.00 "s Heavy Canvas Gloves, 6 pair for $K00-'l HHIr Tina TiYmr-ln-T-lrinfl 9 fni. , ? ' at All " 1 ' i Men's Caps, 2 for -JJ.i$1.00 Boys' Union Suits, 2 for $1.00 Madera Silk Hose, 3 pair for $1.00 Standard Gingham Rompers, 2 pair for $1.00 Children's Rompers, $1.25 and $1.50 values at ' $1.00 . Pins, 21 packages for $1.00 Pins, 11 packages ,for $1.00 Shoo Laces, 21 pairs for $1.0" Binding Tape; 21" bolts for $1.00 Buttons, 21 cards for $1.00 Hooks and Eyes, 21 cards for $1.00 Darning Cotton, 21 spools for '. $1.00 Amber Hair Pins, 11 boxes for $1.0" Bias Tape, 7 bolts for $1.00 2-in-l Shoe Polish, 8 packages for $1.00 Women's $2 Auto Hats for $1.00 Women's $2.00 Canvas Sport Hats for $1.00 Children's $2 and $3 Summer Hats for a$1.00 Women's House Dresses, slightly soiled from handling, Gingham or Percale, up to $5 value FOR $1.00 Children's Dresses, slightly soiled from handling values up to $3.00 FOR $1.00 9 DON'T MISS THESE THREE BIG DAYS DRY GOODS-WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - oHOtb ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E. NELSON. MANAGER