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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1921)
in fa 1 THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, .NEB., JULY 12, 1921. No. 53 9 i -.If x BRIDGE BONDS T(l ViilT'ff?rivl8Uor hor(? yostcrday $LP DJD VUIJii1 E11 Votaw of'Maywood trnnsnotod COUNTY C03UIISSIOXEHS ASK FOJl HUGH SUM roil KEPAIIUXG : COUNTY UltlUGES. Ono of tho largost bond Issues over prosonted to tho voters of Lincoln County will bo voted upon at a spec ial olectlon on August 1C. Tho Board of County Commissioners at a meet-; ing held last Friday morning passed tho necessary resolutions calling for tho election and specifying tho details of tho i issue, Tho amount needod la $105,000.00. Part of this lssuo is to be 1 used for repairing tho bridges which Woro damage) 1 by tho recent llood3, part to tako up some of tho bridge bonds now issued and part to allow for replacement. Tho dotails of tho plan and tho official oofll for tho eloctlon will appear In early Issues of tho paper. While, the sum is largo It is not moro than absolutely nec essary to meet tho conditions. :o: FINE HAND COLORED SLIDES TO BE SHOWN IN ItUItAL SCnOOLHOUSES. County Agent Kellogg will bo at:Grand Isiand ntor vistlng his aunt East schoolhouso In Osgood precinct, Tuesday, July 12, with a lantern and a flno sot of slides showing pictures to promoto tho "Pure Bred Sires" cam paign. Ho will bo at Spurrier school house in Nichols precinct on Wednes day July 13 and at .McNeol school liouso in Rosedalo precinct on Thurs day July 14. This Is a flno set of slides and farmers cannot spend an hotir any better than to seo '-these free pictures. "SEW BOOKS AT THE NORTH VIjATTE PUBLIC LIBRARY Shield of Silence Comstock Silver Sixpence 2t Saw" Old Mans' YoutlLi-iSa-iftiDo Morgan Iho Tryst?- "- Lutz Gods Couritryt Curwood Honryana O Henry Twister Trails Oycn -,- ,i '" i HUIH.U- ' Broad Walk Wl(lwer ' iiroaa wane , Mountebank.- A -r -Locke Red Masquerade-----.- Vance John Meyors, of Nowton, Iowa, vis- j iton local, friends Friday onroutb to Chappell. HOW DOES YOUR' CAR LOOK? If it needs reflninishing, why out savo time and money by re finlshlng it yourself with Chi Namol Auto Finishes? Anyone can apply them, and as they arc quick-drying and self-leveling, yon can finish tho oob in a few ovenihg. STONE'S DRUG STORE. Smsmawwsawawwawow t w 1 .V n - I LOCAL AND PEIISONA'L John Barton of Somorsot Waa a buslnoss In tho city Saturday. Dr. P. W. Mlllor, Dentist, Kolth Thoatro Building. Mrs, Win. Gate loft Friday for Chicago to spond soveral weeks. Miss Mary Ellsworth spont tho wool: oiid In Horahoy visiting hor pnronte... Prod Stoddard of Lona, Nobr. trans- l-nnfnrl llllolt.naa In iUex Cn for Hay Fever see Dr. Shaffer. Ooo. VanMeter of Flats, Nobr. trans acted business In tho city Saturday. Miss Mary Ellsworth spent tho wcok ond visiting her parents In Hcrshey. F. C. Plelstlcker and M. ID. Scott went to Paxton last night on business Dr. F. W. Miller. Dentist, Keith Thoatro Building. J. B. Payno of tho People's Mission Churchy camo -yesterday from a busN ness trip wo3t. Isaac Doats, Omar Huff aiil II. O Horton left yesterday for Wolcott, on a two weeks fishing trip. Miss Margaret Sullivan of Grand Is land camo tho first of tho week to vis it her sister Mrs. H. Schloutor. Miss Lorctta Murphy, City Librar ian, reports tho increase in book cir culation for Juno 1,278 books. Mr. and "Mrs. Benson of DesMolnos, Iowa arrived Saturday to visit their, S daughter, Mrs. W. OHphnnt Thomas Gorham loft yestorday for Mrs. W. A. Bulflnch of tills city. Mrs. L. Johnson of Nowman Grovo, Nobr. camo tho lattor part of the woolc to visit at tho A. O. Talbot home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Williams and children loft Sunday for Omaha to visit Mrs. William's sister for soveral weeks. Miss Bessio Greenawalt returned to her homo in Paxton Saturday after undergoing an operation at a local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grelsor re turned from St.Paul 'and Spaulding tho latter part of tho wook whore the!'' have boon visiting. Mrs. L. 'Beck of Goring and Mrar Harry Lavina of, Elmcrepk who have boon guests nt tho jTh. Guiles" home returned to their homes Sunday. . When in North Platto stop at tho Itltner Hotel. Save a placo for your family. Rooms C0-75-$l. Thoroly ro- ,...nA. .1 ,, ,, """""a bi Mrs prank Q Hox,o roturned to gatur ftftor d, a tho summer on tho IIoxlo ranch near Ogalalla. Mrs. R. L. Gathers nnd children ro turned from Omaha Saturday whore thoy have been visiting. Margaret Cathors went from Omaha to Chicago to visit her granjlmother. Mrs. J. H. Fonda haB returned from several months spent with hor daughter in Arkansas. Sho reports tho temperaturo as very 'hot there and says sho likes North Platto at mosphere better. Mrs. Spraglo of Maywood shopped in tho city Friday. Mrs. S. E. Butler anil sons loft Sat. urday for Kansas City to mako their futuro homo, fa a 1 - ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS C0JUU2XV COMMENT ABOUT VlW) PI.E AND THE THINGS THEt . A HE DOING HEltE. Tho Bowlhig Alloy on EaBt Sfi&iJ i i ... i I Birmi, wniou nns uoon oporatojl rtf contly by Smith and Sago has chang ed hands. Mr. Smith' still ratains hi interest but Mr. Sago has sold out Ifta intorost to A. A. Hobs who, formerly wasJn partnership with Mr,. Sago tyi tho same business. A North Platto woman put a fow dozen eggs in a Jar of wator glass last sunimer. During tho wintqf she dipped them from tho jar and usod them. Sunday sho brought tho. Jar out of tho collar and waa sur prised to find ono egg which had been overlooked. But hor surprise was increased whon sho broko tho ogg and found it as good as when sho packed them. Tho ogg waa used and after tho members of tho family had passod favorable judgment on tho flavor thoy wofo told that it had ' been laid over a year before One of tho most brlllant paradon of tho season waa staged Wednesday morning when Omnha lodgo B. P. O. E. No. 39 coming in on No. 10 left' tho train and paraded up Dewoy St. I r flirt TTMIr 'o TTrtv n n n I lirinlr 4 r ' depot. It was headed by a band of forty pieces which played stirring marches at tho depot and during tho tho rlvor yesterday and gavo it a parade. Tho band wna uniformed in good coat of paint. Tho carpontors purplo and white which with tho'P"1 UP tho building, tho masons tho shining silver instruments mado n"ch,innoJr nnd tho flrPlaco and now brilliant showing. Tho train was on tho painters have put tho finishing Ifjt wnv west, whom tho fllks will hold their annual convention .at Los Angeles. O'new motor has been installed at tho "'Air Mall Wlroltila- station "lu' tho city park which lncreasos' tho powor of tho station from 2KW to 5KW. This does not mean much to us' but when the man in charge safil that tho Atlantic or Pacific coasts could now hear North Platto wo got the idea. Ho also told us that a key U being put in over at tho airplane field and that by tho uso of a switch of some kind tho message could bo sent direct from tho airplano flold east of tlio city. At the samo timo an other message can be sent from the station in the city park, thus doubling tho' capacity of tho plant Receiving wires will bo put undor grounfl at the mail station. Every once in a while someone gets sick In North Platte and lays It onto tho wator. And overy once In n while pur Water Commissioner sends a sam- plo of the city water to tho state lab- oratory for examination just to bo suro ; that tho wator doos not make nnyono route of 24 miles is olghteon hund sick. Yestorday Mr. Welch showed us red dollars a year with thirty dollars tho latest report of tho stato laborat-fn year for each mile In excess of 24 ory director on four samples of city miles on tho roiito, tho psoltion is a water taken from four different parts very good ono. Women, undor cor of tho city. Usually those samples aro . tain conditions may bo appointed, takon from the Idcad ends where tho Tho best way to find out is to writo wator has probably stood for some or call on tho North Platto postofflco time. Each of tho samplos tested high. I for Information desired. No coll woro found nnd tho highest, -to;; bacterial content of a cubic centimeter , Mrs. Hugh Brogan roturned to Key was 875 with ono running as low as , stono Saturday aftor visiting friends in 400. In closing , L. O. Voss, tho dlroct- tho city. or romarks tlat thoy found no evl- Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Crosby and sons denco of contamination in nny of the samplos. Gasoline Storage Prices Reduced Fords per month $6.00 AU other makes $7.50 Day storage all makes $ .25 Night storage all makes $ .50 WE NEVER CLOSE. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. Fcdornl Court has adjoumod was an oxponslvo sossion, lasting nl most throo weoka with jurors, attor neys and dozens of wltnosson in atton (lanco. Judgo Woodrough prosided and nftor tho closing of tho'torm ho niotorod back to Omaha. District Court will closo this ovoiw lng. Tho sossion haa boon n short one with sovoral cases of Importance but not of gonornl intorost. Judgo Towoll of Sidney who was recontly fippolntod to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of Judgo Grimes, waa on tho bonch and hold this his first term of District Court hero. - Qoopro Finn, oarotnkor ntaho Free Auto Camping grounds told ua la-t rvonlng that an aVorago of 30 cars stopped at the camp ground every ,lay InSt WO (I If Snmn dn' M1,. tw. . .. 'car from Now Hampshire was on tho ,aN bcon wamlnoil and approved of grounds waiting for onglno repairs. by U! tco,m,tto 'ey are do Thocars have an average ot our por-,clt!r0(l to bo rcal bTO's. Special soiiB each, making .144 porsdns a dav, who uro ontfirnlnml llV tlin ritmnihnr nt nCoinmorco. f Some few weeks ago tho men in tho , .. .. V " Rotary Club woro ;divldod into two classes and each started out to have ft porfoct nttondnnco at tho weekly luncheons of tho club. Tho side which ,.vus cnpminea y w. u. Aiaionoy won, tho contest so the W. J. Ilondy bunch entertained tho winning side at lunch- eon at tho Country Club yestortlay noon, in addition to tho rcculnr din - nor. Captain Hondy In honor of his . . birthday, served a flno largo enko. A bunch of paintora went out to n flnmnflrn n-lrla trillion nnifl, nf tho w.,.t,..v o"" ..v.. v.nonio anfi man 10 mnico a uav or ic. toucnes on mo uuumng. tuo uamp fire council la very fortunate In hav ing tho esteem of tho best men of the city and tho girls will havo a hflno lodgo as tho result, , ,i Ono man told us how thoy'JUd H ,oro. no sppico oi uio- new - inuiip at Maxwell. Whon tho brldgo wna ground nnd told of tho plans for on in danger and tho fill had overflowed, forcing tho regulations regarding Its tho Maxwell business men and the use. Garbago disposal was tho prin- south sido farmers got togothor and au nuuu an mu unub d".iu vtij htil tho Jill repaired and south sido farmers crossed tho brldgo and wont to Maxwell or North Platte to do business, Tho Maxwoll people fixed tho brldgo but tho North Platto peoplo Juivon't oven thankod anyone for 'it, yet I l Paxton people will bo interested ln tho announcement of tho Civil Ser vice Commission that an examination for rural carrier at Paxton will be hold, at North Platto on August 13th This examination ia also to qualify carriers for other rural routes ln Keith County that may bocomo va- cant. Since tho salary of a rural carrier on a standard dally wagon Ifft Monllay for Yellowstone National Park by auto to spend sovoral weeks. i 1 " COMMUNITY SALES DAY NORTH PLATTE MERCHANTS TO MAKE . COMBINED EFFORT . , TO (UVE VALUES. u- ; F'or thb flr8t llmo 1,1 11 mtmbor ot yonra' 1,10 '"orotmnts of North Plntto through tho Chamber of Commerce putting on a bargain day. Next fat"rday, ,S th tlmo NorlU r,IlUu 8 th p,no.0' Mr? Umn forty ot tho "vm, "10 0 avo onroiiod m 1' " " . 1 ll?"G tlio mercantile Hfo cf ,th0 community Tho ltoma advortisod prlcoa aro glvon on all kinds of cloth ing from box to dresses. Discounts have boon nllowod on razors, thoatro jiioKots, carnntlons, carpet swoopors, tttrMBM; flsh,"e Jod3' alf m cl, books nnd coal. Sugar, flour, moat nnd coCoo nro offorcl nt bargnJn prlcoa. Many othor itoniB-nro) onum- 0 mt,i ln thn ntu-nHlmnnfa wi,mi. LpponP on tho Intj!do pagos oI Ulfa ls8U0. rmiirond mqn will lay off in or(lor to got tho bargaln8 Housewives J wl bo on hftnd car,y Saturilay morn. , ,wI11 mako lon trlp3 ' . , , ,, n I LU KUb til U1L 111U DllUUltVL 111 li;UB, ' i,a ,, wm , WiVII IVM 4fAWj W V tO Mill U L W j between sales to got somo of tlio good . things offorcd by tho othor morchants. Evory ono Bl0Ui(i road tho advortlso- ' . . . . m i ::o:s mwv.s i r i zens to support the HOARD OF HEALTH TO GET CLEAN CITY, Dr. Claudo Solby, City Physician, nskoll tho membors of tho Rotary Club yesterday to assist tho city ad ministration in overy way possible in gcteting a bottor disposal of rofuso and . i. . . i. cjnal thomo of his talk which was "woll Tho boy scouts who nro Interested in forming a Boy Scout Gleo Club aro asked to moot at tho Franklin Audi torium Thursday ovenng, July 14, nt o'clock. This is to bo ono of tho now organlzalons of tho scouts and will bo ono ot tho most popular. Evoryono likes to hoar boys sing when thoy nro trained as this bunch will bo. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McDonald and Idnughtor Janet left Sunday by auto for Estos Park to spond sovoral wcoks DINING ROOM ENJOYMENT Btrlctlons of uunntlty, makes much difforonco. Thoy BUffor Just tho same. Tho cuuso of jhronio stomach weakness of this character is'pros suro upon spinal norvos nt "stomach placo" ln the splno. A disturbance of tho allgnmont of Jonts at thlB point causes proasurw. Tlio result is a stomach weakness that in somo coses amountB almost to paralysis. Chl ropractlo spinal adufttmenU will ra storo alignment nnd removo tho cause. HEALTH BEGINS When your honlth begins dopohds on you. Conaultation is without ohargo. Drs. States & States, Tho l. S. C. Chiropractors. Building nnd Loan Building LOCAL AND PEKStWAL , . . J- G. Boolor loft yostorday for Oma Iih to transact lognl business. - C. V. Turpio roturned Friday from Donvor wlioro ho transacted bustnoss. Marco! Kolllhor of Baltimore,-is ok Iootd this wook to visit nt ho E. F. Sooborgoi homo. ' Wnyno Rooouorants Is visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rosgticrmits this weok. Dorothy Rosoncrnnts is loavlng Friday to spcnl a vacation in" Den ver nnd othor woetorn points. Tho Board ot Directors of tho Country. Club mot Friday nf tomoon. A routlno of business was transaotod. Milco Hayos loljt yostorday tor Rochostor, Minn., to undorgo an ex amination at tho Mayo Bros, hospital. Tho now-h.rn joy bnby of Mr. and Mrs. Ernost Grnnnoll, 908 E. Sixth St., died yesterday nnd wns burled in tho local' comotory. G. W. lijciik. who recently had a norvotia urpHidown, loft for'Xlncoln Sunday whare he will tako treatment rnd n coiuploto rest -Mrs. .r. W. Inyno and Mrs. A. W. Wilcox (nteitar.od at a ono o'clock lunchonn jestorday. Tho aftornoon wag rpwit in playing brldgo. . Mrs. Ira LaRuo will entertain tho lndlds of Canteen Company G at n breakfast, Wednesday morning. Tho I'ocornf Ion will bo garden flowers. Mr. nnd Mrs! M. E. Crosby and fam ily started Monday for YollowBtono Park. Thoy expect to meot tho W. P. Snydor family thoro and tour tho Pary with them. Mr. anH Mrs! Will Flkca, formor roaitlonts of North Platto, aro visiting nt tho Miko Hayos homo this wook. Thoy will roturn to tholr homo tomor row night. Tho Pioneer Cnmpflro Glrla nro bulUUus n tennis court in tho 700. Hook on Wt Fifth. This Is ond of tlio finest auortB loi tho young glrla an-l this camtiflrc Is t bo commended for taking up tho irnttor In such 'i substantial mr.nnor. AH scouts are invited to nn over night hlko to Camp Roberts on Friday evening of this weok. Each Bhould bo iproparcdt to" bak'anUtslcbp ' fanhia own hook vhllo away, Scout Executivo Stephens should bo consulted regard ing tho needs of tho trip. Vulcanizing Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. FERD STREITZ VULCANIZING CO. Corner 5th and Locust Phono C25W. Dining room onjoymont waits on ap petite, but thoro' aro many ravenous who dnro not eat. To those tho tlln Ing'room is Hko tho entrance room to a palaco of horrors. Chronic indigestion sufforors aro -not all dietetic fools, nor gluttons. In fact a healthy stomach, barring abuso trougle. Thoro aro many to whom no change of dlot, nor any ro- liiUiimiuiumiuiurnniiiitltl CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS D15Ef.5E3yTHE FOLLOWING HEAD EYES EARS NOSE TMHOAT i imr. 'LIVER ' STOMACH 'PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS L BOWELS APPENDIX '(bladdeji s' LOWER Spinal , Xoliftnw LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND HEALTH) North Platte Nebraska. TO THEIR ORGANS AND TISSUES