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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 41 WAV OF INTEREST TO RURAL READERS FAllJI BUREAU NEWS SKUVICE SUl'l'LIES ITEMS FOIt THE TRIBUNE READERS In spite of tho projudlco against tlio glossy," bony'coW that novor seems to get enough to cat, it Is usually Just bucIi a milk cow that makes tho pro fits, snys tho Nebraska College of. Ag riculture. This Is especially truo If hor appotlto Is satisfied. Tho plump, woll-rounded cow Is ofton tho star- boarder. Milk tho cow that makea milk out of her food. On account of a dangerous and con taglous dlscaso of wlilto pine, trees known as whlto ptno btistor rust, tho Statd Entomologist has declared a quarantine against all llvo white plno or other plnoa boarlng neqlles In bun dies of flvo'oach, of any slzo or ago, and tho shipment of theso plants Into Nebraska from all states cast of and including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri. Arkansas and Louisiana la prohibited. Tho Unltofl States Department of Agrt culturd has declared a quarantine on tho Interstate movement of five leafed pines and currant and gooso borry plants from all states oast o! and Including tlioso named, abovo to points out3lldo tho quarantined area As tho shipment hf flvo-loafcd pines from without tho state into Nebraska might bo tho moans of Introducing tho whitb plno blister rust into Ne braska, it has bocomo necessary to es tablish n quarantine against these plants. Early plowing for fall wheat Is now gonornlly accepted as good practice. It ia truo that oarly plowing Increases tho ylold whoro tho soil is not very fertile, says tho Nebraska Collcgo of Agriculture Whoro tho soil la very rich early and dcop plowing may result in too rank a growth of tho straw. When plowing is done early aomowhat moro fortllity becomoa avnilnblo in tho soil. There Is likely to bo lcs3 "wood 'growth, to draw on tho food and water supply, tho looso soil takes in moro of tho rain, and tho stubblo and wocls that tiro turned undor havo n longer period to docay and boueflt tho fcrop. Tho soil has moro time to set tle and ,bocomo firm and honco a bet ter peed bed Is freauontly possible, hnd disking and harrowing will rosuH In ti, niollow and compact soil for seed ing.' In ,orlcr to got the harvested wheat out of tho way for early plow ing many farmers stack Instead ot waiting to thresh out ot the shock Rains and othof ' Intorforonco with threshing frequently Idolny work until early iplowlng la out ot tho quoston. mcnt circular No. 3, J'Icolesa Rcf rigor ator." A number of lccloss refrlgora tora aold by commercfal concerna are said to bo giving satisfaction.. LOCAL ANIM'ERSONAL Mrs. 11. B. Smeroy ot Wallace visited local friends Friday. Win. Bellow of Somerset transacted buBincsfl in tho city Friday. Julius Plzor 16ft Frldny for Hast ings to transact business. For Hay Fovcr boo Dr. Shaffer. F. L. Tcmplo apont tho wcok end in Loxington vlaltlng his family. Itov. Gottys of Horshoy transacted business in tho city Saturday. Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians, Try us for Borvice. Mrs. M. Honry Gllfoyl loft yestor. day for Omaha to spend a fow days. Phondgraphs and rccoiila from DlX' on's will Inauro a happy vacation soa son. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Miller of Try on, woro nmong tho out of town vis I tors Friday. - - A baby girl waa born Friday to Mi. and Mra. IL F. Brogan of Kcystono at tho Platto Valley hospital. Donald MoFjarland and Lawronce Murrin will loavo noxt week by auto for Estog Park and Denver. Junior Hlnman returned from, Lou isville, Kentucky Friday where ho vIp itod his alstors for sovoral -weeks, Mrs. Elizabeth "Wilson and (daugh ters Dorothy and Maxino loft Satur day for Paxton to spend two weeks visiting. Mrs. Margaret Bundy and Mrs. L. A. Wnugh and daughter returned Sal urday"from Portland whoro thoy spent a month. Mra. Maslngalo undorwont an op oration at tho Platto Vnlloy hospital Friday and la reported to bo getting ulong nlcoly. Mrs. Henry Waltomath and daugh ters Miss Alma and Mrs. Chas". Dixon will ontertnin tomorrow at ono o'clock luncheon, Ilov. and Mra. E. R. King and chil dren roturned to their homo In Cozad Saturday after vlBitlng at tho D. M. Howard homo. Mra. C. Shrumoy and children of Maxwell transacted buslnos3 Saturday in tho cty,. Thoy loft tho samo day for Omaha to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murdock nnll chil dren roturned frinn Missouri tho lat ter part of tho Week whoro thoy apont two weeks visiting. i FOR SALE Ono 18 month old 'Shorthorn bull, blocky, Weight about 1300 lbs. Throo young Shorthorn bulls ready for small hords. A fow good Hostoln-Frolslnn bulls ready for service. Thoao avo priced to soil. Experiment Substation. An enormous wasto of grain and great loss or t'mo result ovory year through tho Inefficient work of throsh" lng machines that aro not pfoporly re paired and put In thorough working order before tho boglnning of the soi Bcm. according to tho United Stntos Department ot Agriculture, which la distributing freo through tho Stnto Collego of Agriculturo two bulletins on tho ropalr and operation of grain BoparaJtorB: . Bullot)in 1C)!)G, ' nnd Repair of Farm Implements Grain Separators," discussoa In gen- oral tho overhauling; ot soparatom and then takoB up each part In dotnll. Bullotin 991, "The Efflclont Operation of Threshing Machines" dcsils In de tail with tho proper threshing of gnxliit Adooillng to this (publication, lmprop or speed is often tho causo of heavy gratn lossoa. Caro should bo takon to hco that 'tho soparator is operated at tho propor speed and that tho engine hag onough reaervo power to handle oxtra loads. When tho spcod varies too much, moro or Iobb loss of grain Ib un avoidable Both bulletins may bo oh tnlnod, (through county ngrlou!ltural ngonte or. from tho Collogo of Agrl oulturo, Lincoln. Homoa without Ico may. obtain liich dMsreo ot satisfaction from an Icolcsa rofrigorator, according to oiroulnr sont out by tho Nobraska Col lego ot Agriculturo. An ldoloas nffalt that will do surprisingly woll In keep lng food cool can bo mado by almost any boy In a halt a day. It consists of a wooden frame covorod with canton tlnnnol, burlap or heavy duck Wicks made ot tho samo material ua tho cover, and sowed on top ot oao! sldo of tho cover, oxtond Into a buckot or pan of wator on top of tho rotrlg orator Tho wator eoops ovor tho sldo's of tho pan and down tlio sldoa of Urn coolor and evaporation from this molsturo dnvwa tho heat from tho In , aide und causes a lower temperature for tlio food. Tho clroulnr glvoa full directions for making tho lcoloss ro frlgorntor, Including a Hat ot tlio ma torlaja noodod. Tho rofrigorator la os neolally woll adapted to wostorn No braslca conditions. Thoso interested Bho'uld ask their county agricultural figent or homo agent or wrlto tho Col lo&o of Agrloulturo for houso equip YOU CAN'T PUT YOUR DALIGHT SAVINGS IN THE BANK. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. (k'ueral Farm Sules A. Specialty, alst Ileal EHtale. References and Date First National Bank. North Platto, Nobraska. !Mf.MMHWWM.HitwwM,mtMH.i J.' J. S. TWINEM M.D.1 lloiueopuUilo Physician & Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery llospllnl AccommodaUon Pintle Vnlloy Hospital l ormcr Nnmo Twlnem Hospital. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. 3 DERRYMERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmors Undurtnkers ami Funeral Directors Iny Phone 11 Night Phono Dlnck 588 July4 WOULD AN AUTOMOBILE NTEREST YOU? American Legion Carnival JULY 2 AND 3 1 North Platte. Where You Will See Boxing, Wrestling and Dancing All Kinds of Concessions i Girls. in Open Air Dance - And Riots of Fun Every Minute. hi Dr. L. J. KKAUSE, Dentist, X.Ray Diagnosis. McDonald Unnk Building, Phono 37. ' CANCER REMOVED By Harmless Romodlos. CHAS. It, DEVEII, M. D. 307 Drownoll Dlock. Lincoln, Nebr. GO TO II. & P. FEED STORE For Millet Seed and Feed Phono C39W HERMINGIIAUSEN & FltOMAN. WYLIE WALKER, Expert Piano Tuner Repairer, Loavo orQfu 014 Vf. 4th St. Pr Thonp 381. Carnival Does not Close Until You are Ready. ESSEX TOURING CAR j IF SO COME TO THE Office 340 Housol261 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. ... . North Piatt, GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention GlTen to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phono: Offlco 130. Resldenco 116 HOWARD TOST Dental Surgeon Phono 307 Oral Prophylaxis , Jt'nono Houso 1236J. Twlnem Bldg Mouth Hygiene Offlco 28B. Office phone 241. Res. phone' 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platto, - Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phono 83 Residence 38 DR. HAROLD FENNER , Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phono 1020 OTIS R, PLATT, M. D Physician nnd Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night Over Union State Bank. Phono 296. 3 W. T. PRITCIIARD GraQuato Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vino Street Hos pital Phono 633, Houso Phono 633. DRS. STATES & STATES , Chiropractors 5, 6. 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242 DR. J. R, McKIRAIIAN I'rnctlco Limited to Diseases of Women und Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113. Residence 265 DR. REDFIELD PHYSIdAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day rnonos uuico i42, Ifesluence 676 John Grant, Attorney. NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1825 of George Lannin, de ceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said Estato take notice that a petition has been filed for tho issuance of Letters of Ad ministration to Emma Lannin, and for tho appointment of Emma Lannin an Administratrix ot said estate which has been set for hearing heroin on July 12th, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Juno 20th, 1921. WM, H. C. WOODHURST, I SEAL) County Judge. NOTICE OF BIRDWOOD IRRIGA TION DISTRICT. Notico Is hereby given that tho as sessor In and for tho BIrdwood Irri gation District, Lincoln County, Ne braska, has completed tho assessment for said district and has delivered samo to tho Secretary. Tho Board of Directors Is hereby called to meet at tho offlco of tho Socrctary on SBVl ot Soc. 36, T. 15, R. 32, Tuosday, July 5, 1921, to act as a Board ot Equaliza tion and to hear and adjust all ob jections to tho assessment Tho said Board to romaln in session as long as necessary, not to exceed ten days, during which tlmo all objections to tho assessment and valuation will bo hoard and dotormlned. Dated thlB 8th day ot Juno, 1921. MARY C. McNEBL, Secretary. f