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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
1 mi Linn .1. ! MOT! 81 CAR X' 7 v:- You will find-every member of the family loyal to the car. It is serviceable alike for all ages and all demands, whether business, family or social. i ? If . ' The gasoline consumption is unusually low ', '," ,- i ne ure mileage is unuBuauy nign v; J. ROMIGH, Decile . ... Cofner?6th and Locust. 4 . 1 tag? IK J WHAT OTHER PAPERS' IKTEIIEKTINO ITEMS FKftM RY. CHANGES WHICH REACH 0U DESK. AT MAXWELL jaxwcll was visited by tho boosters of, tho North. Plntto. Chamber of Commorco Wednosday morning about eight o'clock. After tho band concort and pnrado thoy resumed their trip eastward, boosting for tho Amorican Legion carnival to bo hold in North Platto July 4th. Tolcpoat foot bridge Id built in two sections,! ono was complctod lost evening and tho other will bo finished by tho tltrfo this paper Is off the press. Tho village had .previously flxod up tho grrjfo from tho railroad track's to tho city limits which is to tho np proach of tho bridgo. The commissioners are pushing plans to begin tho work of rebuilding tho bridgo tho first of tho woek. Ghas, Jones, tho highway commissioner is in Omaha slnco Monday getting tho noc ossary machinery to drlvo piling and rebuild the grndo.-Kelth Co. News. INSURES BALL GAME C P. Coy, agent for tho Hartford Insurance Company is in town tcjdhy paying a loss to tho Paxton baso ball team on account of rain. Thin loos was for tho game May 29 when rain stopped tho gamo botweon Grant and iPaxton after four innings of play. Thb policy covering this gamo and two otlicrs was written by M. C. Murphy, local Hartford ngont.-Paxton Times. AT GOTHENBURG About fifty automobiles, containing 225 men and women and tho North Platto Chamber of Commorco Band; swooped down on Gothenburg last' Wednesday morning. Tho blasts of sirens, tho good music of tho band, tho circus Hko uniforms and humorous capers forced every citizen to stop nnd tako notice. Tho Visitors consti tuted tho North Platto Boosters, whd camo to remind us that their city will put on a mammoth Fourth of July celebration. Tho procession movdl up and down tho business section of Lnlco Avenue, stopping fit last at tho corner of Latta Avonuo and Torfth stroot btt not until nil kinds of souvenirs had been thrown from Uio marching ranks to bystanders. From, a platform L. C. Carroll gavp a short speech, expound ing -on tho glorious Fourth, telling of tho wondorful preparations 'being made for tho day, and extending nn invitation to us to bo at North Platto on this Independence Day. A double malo quartet sang two selections and thoy sang mighty well. Tho band play, (jj again anl again, citizens and visit ore mixed1 during tho hour's visit, then tho lino of nutos formod anr a mldst the din of sirens, tho party left on tho return trip. Tho Independ ent. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platto Floral Co. Flowers. W. Twelfth Streot. Phono 1023. We deliver and ship anywhero. AT SUTHERLAND About 150 of North Platto's boostors arrivced in Sutherland last night nt about 9:30 and their band lod thorn In a parajlo. Thoy wore out boosting for tho colouration in that city and the Fourth, and if boosting will do nny good North Platto will suroly havo a crowd. Tho celebration will bo under the management of Tho Lincoln County iAgrlcultUiral Society Cour ier. LOCAL ANI) I'EKSONAL J, W. Sparks of Paxton was a city visitor Friday. Ralph Adams spent tho week enlJ in Grand Island visitng. Carl H. Bloomberg of Omaha, is in tho city visiting friends. J. D. Scovlllo of Wallace transact ed business in the city FrlJay. Mrs. Walter Ramsey of Ogallalr. shopped in tho city Saturday. . For Hay Fever see Dr. Shaffer. Miss Margaret Peterson, of Big Springs was a city visitor Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Peters of Oga lalla visited friends In tho cty Fri day, Miss Eva Roberts of Horshoy came Saturday to visit Miss Alborta Bur ton. Crystal Holdenbrandt of Tryon transacted business in tho city Fri day. Mrs. J. H. Stafford of Paxton was among tho out of town visitors Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Aherndt of Wul laco transacted business In tho city Friday. Philip Schwartz returned from New Mexico Friday where ho spent several months. "Siren of a Southern Sea" is that piece you liked and wondered what It was. Got it at Dixon's Music Shop. ' A. A. Klaas, of Big Springs was a visitor to this city tho latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Wlckard of Horshey transacted business in vtho city Friday. Miss Lillian Farley will leave this week for her home In Kentucky after spending the winter nt tho home of Mrs. Carl Brodbeck. Mrs. Walter Hnzencamp and sonl and Miss Josephine Robb return?)! Friday from Lexington where thoy visited for two weeks. Murray Brush of Pittsburg returned j to his homo Saturdayaftor visiting i his sister Mrs. Chas. Cornell. He was enrouto from Denver to his homo. Mrs. Julia Dunn left Sunday for Cedar Rapids. Iowa, and Chicago to spend several weeks. She was ac companled to Omaha by Mrs. James Hart. Miss Ruth Temple of California visited at tho home of her aunt Mra C. F. Spencer tho latter part of tho week enrouto from Chicago where she has been iitenjllng fiohool, to her home. Miss Floronco Fitzgibbon returned from McCook Saturday and resumed duties at the W. J. O'Connor store yesterday. Tho Alpha Delphian Society has just closed a very successful year of work. A vacation will bo taken dur ing the hot weather of tho summer and in the fall the work will open again. Plans are being made for tho production of a pageant in tho fall. A. H. Atkins of Bridgeport visited local friends over tho week end. Wo still havo a fow gallons in half and 1 quarts of Patton'o Sun Proof Paint at $2.90 per gallon, $1.45 half gallon, ' $.75 a quart. STONE'S DRUG STORE NOW OPEN King Fong Cafe 601 DEWEY STREET Choice American and Oriental Foods Served . . in a Tasteful Manner at Fair Prices . WE AIM TO PLEASE Bread and Butter, Potatoes Coffee or Tea and Dessert at.Lunch Time, Served With Each McatflOrder. SPECIAL LUNCHES FROM 11 A. H. TO 2 P. M. . , NOTICE At the Special Meeting of the legal voters of school district number 95 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, whlcr will bo held at the school house on Mon day, July 11, 1921, at 2:00 P. M. East Time, the proposition will bo sub mitted to tho votorB of raising the binlget of One Thousand dollars to conduct the school for tho coming year. This will require a levy not to exceed ono hundred mills on. tho dol lar of the assessed valuation of said district. O. N. SAN FORD. flf r Director. r NEW GOVERNOR OF HAWAII AT IIERSHEY The North Platto boostors arrived n Hershey Wednesday- evening at about nine o'clock, a llttlo later thnn their schedule. Quito a crowd of.Hor Bhoy people woro out to witness tho stunts. Tho band roil'ored sovornl selections as did tho malo quartet Souvenirs woro distributed and the boosters went on to Sutherland. Tho Times. NEW COMMANDERS OF AMERICAN LEGION AT BRADY Tho Amorican Legion and North Platto buslnesB men were hero for a half hour Wednesday forenotn adver tising their carnival and Fourth of July colobration. Thoy expected to mako a completo circuit of tho county during tho day. Their cars almost filled Main street, tho band ployoU two pieces, and ovory child in town was gbnorousiy supplied with a dozen on more souvenirs. Komi Flutto has the real booster spirit all right. Brady Vindicator. i ii r "1 linnp nnlv n rnrrir mil (.. ..!.. 1! I f 1 t L s Oalbraith. said the new national commander, JohnT Emery, of Grand Knpids. Mich., as he took'command of American Legion affairs. He en tered the world war ns captain, was promoted to major, and, while lead ing the 1st Battalion of the 18th Infantry, was severely wounded by shell lire. J nomas J. I annigan of Hartford. Conn., is the new National vice 'VMrr', r c,"l to place through the death of Col. Galbraith'. A Photograph It is a suitable gift for almost any occasion. It speaks a unlvorsal language a language understood' by ovory body. Whether it conveys a message of frlonshlp or love,. It tolls it moro effectively Umn a written letter. Of course to do thiB it has to bo a "speaking likeness?' Tho kind , thoy make at ' The Rembrandt Studio A FOOTBRIDGE. ' , The business mpn aiid other citizens of Ogalalla havo been busy for a fow j days constructing a foot bridgo across the river to accommodato peoplo of tho south tablo until tho commission ers can rebuild tho main bridgo. Tho "MAKERS OF QUAalTY PORTRAITS" 6th and Dowoy ' North Platto, Nebr. "DE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY." CLINtOIMST This is Wallace Rider Farring ton, who has just been appointed governor of Hawaii by Prcsidcnr Harding. Mr. Farrington was born in Maine and was a newspaperman before he went to the islands. There he has been editor of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, and Hono lulu Bulletin. He is now vice-president and general manager of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. 1 A Cause and a Remedy for High Battery Costs M 1 JlL. How gasoline quality affects tho battery Spinning a motor repeatedly to get it started puts a big strain on the battery. It is due largely to the gasoline -to gasoline that does not vaporize properly. It is not a matter of high or low specific gravity, but of chemi cal composition. Straight distilled gasoline has a natural chain of boiling point (vaporizing) fractions which insures quick ignition and com plete combustion of every par ticle of the gasoline puts a minimum strain on the battery. Why you should use Red Crown Gasoline RED CROWN GASOIINE m . , - Red Crown Gasoline is straight distilled. It meets every require ment of the United States Navy specifica tions for, motor gaso line. It not only ignites instantly and develops maximum power, but it also leaves a minimum of carbon. It is as UNIFORM as the most modern refining methods can make it. Importance of uniformity Economical operation depends largely on the accurate adjust ment of the motor to the fuel. If your fuel varies, your engine efficiency varies with it. If, on the other hand, you adopt Red Crown Gasoline as your stand ard and stick to ityou can regulate and adjust your motor so that you never have difficulty in starting. You will also get maximum mileage per gallon. Authorized Red Crotvn Dealers Everywhere Wherever you go you can always get Red Crown Gaso line from reliable, competent and obliging dealers. The gas oline and motor oils they sell make ' motor operation more economical and more depend able. They are glad to render the little courtesies which make motoring pleasanter. Drive in where you see the Red Crown Sign. Write or ash for a Red Crown Road Map STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA BED CROWN GASOLINE