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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
ffirtete mm -At.. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLAlTEyNER., Jim 28, 1921. ,No. 40 ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS OUIUlBtfE COMMENT ABOUT FEO- MiE and the Things they AHE DOING HERE. Just as the ferry over tho South River liad to bo given up tho men succeeded In. gottlng a footbridge over tho river and now anyone can cro3B on foot, Work on tho tempor ary structure 13 under way and -will bo rushed as fast as possible with tho idea of gottlng It completed so that autos can cross by tho Fourth. Thoy havo tho names of tho streets la bright colors, conspicuous enough so that ono docs not havo to hunt for thom and yet not too bold. Gothonburg Is to bo congratulated on Its street markers nnd wo woiilU do well to plan for n system as slmplo and sub stantial horo at North Platte. Horshey will celebrato tho Fourth. Tho full program was not announced but W. V. Hoagland of this city will mako tho address of tho day. Walter will mako a good speech and whlfo a good speech is not a thriller as an attraction for tho Fourth, no celebration is complctb without a pro gram which Is calculated to make us better citizens. NEW SERVICE STATION OPENS HhrELL KNOWN UNION lMCIt'IC EN GINEER IS DKOWNED IN THE SOUTH l'LATTE. SIMON STATION ON EAST EOUitTH STjfklil' CATEHS TO ' MOTOIS NEEDS. A number of Lincoln County poo plo are enrolled In tho Unlvorsity of Nobraska Summer School this year preparing for advanced certificates in teaching and for crc3Its toward grad uation from tho collogcs. Tho enrollment- in tho University Summer School has increased from 959 last summer, ,and that was a record breaker, to o,vor 1300 this year. . i It is reported that water was turned into tho ditch leading to the now bathing bvach yesterday bul that somo of tha banks to the inlet ditch wore not high enough ami tho water was spreading out whero it was not wanted.- At any rate a trial of tho whole works Is to bo made soon now and it may bo that wo can take a dip In tho now pool in a short time. Tho other day tho flro department was called down to Ed Walkers plac0 whero tho barn was on flro. Ed lives In tho fifteen hundred block out east Tho city mains do not go within sev eral blocks of his place. A year ago tho firemen would havo been help less but now thoy havo the new truck and it has a powerful forco pump on. It. Tho firemen simply lowered ono end of tlio hose into the Walker well and started tho onglne. Tho pump started and a powerful stream of water nut out tho flro with only a small damago. North Platte merchants, are plan ning on a community bargain Iday. A commlttco haB been appointed and it is tho intention of thoso promoting tho enterprise, that only thoso. mer chants bo allowed to advertise tho community bargain day who really are giving bargain prices. No date has been set but t will bo a big Uay when it comes. II. L. Cochran, Representing tho State Engineer's offlco in this part of tho state, yesterday.told tho Rotary Club that tho trouble with tho South River bridge at this place was that it was not properly protected at tho south end and tho piling upon which tho pier rested wore not long enough Had these been different tho bridgo would now be standing' Intact. Ho said It is tho intention of tho Stato Engineer's offlco as ho understands to rebuild tho wrecked .sections of tho bridge on tho same plan as be fore only to place the piers on much longer piling; With adequate wings and deflators he says tho water could bo sent under tho bridge with out danger. Ho also explained how' tho bed of tho bridgo could bo drained. "no; Tho now ' building at the cdrnor of Qhostnut " and FOUrth Strcots which' WaS built recently by 1. F, Simon for a sorvlco station has boon leased by 0. R. & W. A. Robinson. was opened for business thlB week under the mnnagomont of W, Robinson and a number of cus tomors are purchasing gas, oil and accessories thoro. Tho Roblnapnj brothers nro tho proprietors of tho & R. Sorvlco Station at the coruois of Locust and Sixth StrootB. They will run tho two stations at tho two. good locations and each will bo a model of real sorvlco to tho public Tho East Fourth Street station has not boon named yet and until it is given somo tltlo It will probably be known as tho Simon Station. It la a beautiful building of stucco and Qlonn Scott, 014 W. A street, was drowned last ovcnlng about 5:30 in tho South Platto rlvor Just east of tho David Scott & Sons Ice houso. Ho and his 12 year old son and Mtb. Scott had Bono to tho rlvor for a awlm. Ho was n good Bwmmor and had boon In tho wator a short tlmo when ho Btartod to talto tho boy across tho stream to an Island. Whon somo distance from tho shore tho boy who was riding on him mya ho gavo u cough and sank. Thoso near say thoro was hardly a rlpplo. Tho boy was holpod out of tho water by somo othor boys but Mr. Scott novor camo up. A llttlo lator ho was rescued aiid Dr. Kerr was summoned. Ho with another doctor, worked for fifty minutes' but woro unablp to ro storo respiration. It is said that tho doctors got air into his lungs but woro unablo to get a heart boat This might Indicate heart falluro as tho cnUBO ot death. Tho bojly wag brought to tho Malorioy morgue. No funoral ar rangomcnta wcro mado nt tho tlmo wo go to press but it waB thought probable that-burial will be at Beavor City, Ncbr., in which caso tho funoral will bo held from tho homo somo time tomorrow. Glenn Scott was nn engineer who BAR MEETING TOMORROW ANNUAL MEETING OF WESTERN ASSOCIATION CONVENES HERE TOMORROW. tlcrht colored wood work. It is high and airy with good wldo drlvo had, boon sot back during tho short ways which always appeal to timid" drivers. It meets tho tourist as lie comes in ov6r tho Lincoln Highway and offers him gas, oil, tires, tubes and auto uccolsorles. Slnco tho 'S & R. StaujpV has been a success frolm. thomjjfrt wo predict that this latest venture of tho same manage ment will bo favorably received by tho automoblltsts. . FARM RUREAU ORGANIZES BUS CHANAN MtECINCT WITH A LARGE ATTENDANCE buslnoss and yesterday completed his Togularrun ns usual. Ho waB a faith ful membor of tho Christian church and has a largo number of 'warm fronds and admirers. Tho "sympathy ot the community goes out to Mrs, Scott and tho othor members of bin family in their loss. n ORDER OF DEMOLOY IS TO RE OR GANIZED HERE BY MASONIC FRATERNITY. At a recent meeting of tho Chamber of Cqmmorcd members the proposition of 'making a fight for tho new Stato Reformatory which is to be built this year at a cost of $300,000 was brought up. North Platte has been mentioned frequently In tho press as tho logi cal place for the location ofthis In stitution. After discussing tho matter from all angles a motion was made and carried unanimously that North Platto withdraw its application and uso her Influenco In getting the Instl "tution located at Ogallala. There is a feeling that while tho eastern part ot the stato may furnish tho most criminals, thoy cannot take care ot them as well aB the west Since tho above was written we learn that tho Board of Control has located the Reformatory at Lincoln north l'latte legion u. from Ogallala sdndax by rig score. Twenty-five farmers met at 'th nollinc placo In Buclinnan precinct last Thursay evening and organlzod tho Farm Bureau in that precinct by lectlng tho following officers: Ben. R. Morrill, .prescient; Clydo Van No,t- Ono of the very first things that at tracted our attention as wo went Into Gothonburg last week with the Boost ers was the street markers. Thoy are e i-rm woll made and- attractive. ML. 1 1 w A wire received by base ball fans stated that North Platto won from Ogallala by a score of 20 to 3 Sunday on the Ogallala field. The team played in Sidnoy yesterday and ninn tndjui. Thov will arrive noma thlo ovening. A meeting will bo held Thursday ovening in tho voting place In Hall precinct for the organization of a Hall Proclnct Farm uureau, urns mooting is for all fanners living In Hall precinct who ard members of the Lincoln County Farm Bureau or aro eligible to membership and might C. T. Harrison, editor of Tiio ltep iihUpnii nt Boonoville. Mo. visited Sunday with his sisters Mrs. A. M Howard and Miss Efflo Harrison. Ho also visited W. L. Howard. Tho n.. T,. Murdock homo was quarantined for small pox yesterday ta, .vice-president; Roy Raperty bo , lnrger citIcs of Nebraska- and vtho retafy; James Glaze, trpnsurcn appcaHng tImt tfio North' This precinct lias asiccu ipr uuiuun stratlons In a number of lines includ' ads lit I . li . II Oh rf RnnR of Masons and their chums aro to havo tho (opportunity of join ing a fraternity called tho Order of DoMoloy which is boing sponsored by tho Masons. Tho objects ot tho order1? aro: to stand for truer patriotism, bot or scholarship, more loyal sonshlp and more active faith In God. Ordera havo been organized In a number ot Platto Masons havo taken it up and David J. Frcdrlcks has been appointed Chairman of tho Advisory Council. A mooting will bo hold at Masonic hall next Thursday evening at 8 p. m. at which tlmo definite stops will bo tak en by tho boys tfnd their parents toward perfecting tho order horo. Ing culling poultry, stocic uisoases. seed corn selection, etc. - County Agent Kellogg attended tho meeting and spoko of tho work of tho County Farm Bureau and its Agent A sextotto consisting of Clair Boy- or, Cllfforjl Hlxon, Austin Miles, Roy, Albert and Arthur Badgett was enter tained at tho homo of Mrs. Magnolia Duko Saturday ovening. Mrs. Duko furnished tho refreshments and tho bpys furnished tho music which was also appreciated by tho neighbors. Ross M. Daly is tho assistant at tho United Stato Weather Bureau at North Platto. Ho took tho civil ex aminations ana lntenus to uccoiuu a i BOn weatherman like Mr. Shilling. Mlag Tjorenlco Eshleman of'Her- T. M. Cohagon Is spending this Bh visitcd friends in tho city today week In Toledo, Ohio, wnoro no is onrouto f0 Omaha. attending tho national convention of Mra Edward Mason loft this morn tho Loyal Order of Mooso. ' lng for Qgalalla to visit Tho band concert on Friday evening Was woll attended and tho applause was hearty. Many sot on tho lawn but others stood and tho opinion was freely expressed that somo -means should be provided so that thoso who woro will ing could rent chairs for tho concert. Mrs. G, A. Funk returned to Be atrice this morning after visiting at tho homo of her brother J. O. John- Tho Western .Nebraska Bar Assoc! ation Will moot at North Platto Wed nesday Juno 29, 1921. Tho call for the convention issued In tho follrtwlnc udiclnl phrasoBt Brothers, ono and all, bo horo. For got tho worries of tho offlco. Declare yoursolvos. Kick ovor tho trucos for ono day, grab your lint nmi nmn Come as you aro; don't dress up If you aro drossod up you will bo laugh- tji av uut, wimtovor you do, bo euro to como. Como in splto of tho four conts a mile, tho hard times, tho high cost of living and Hblon tho Income tax. mi ... . . j-uiTu. win oo an ontortammcnt as popular rb homo browing, ns fashion able aa boot-logging, as harmlosa nn Jury bribing and ns peaceful and quiet as a Bolshovlk Rovolutlon an old-ngo dostroyor, gloom killer and a grouch disinfectant that will add ton yoara to your lifo, bring back your youth and mako you forgot tho trials nnd tribulations of tho past docado, guar antood to kill all futuro worries. Don't forget to bring your wives or sweethearts (but not both). During tho his show there will bo a sldo show for tho ladies with special at tractions. Tho day opons with a mooting ot tho Association In tho fdiornl court room In tho forenoon with tho following program: President's address, "Drifting' Wl V. Hoagland) North Platto; Addros3, Somo Reconstruction Problems," T. M. Morrow, Scotto bluff; AddressFred A. Wright, Om aha; Address, ''Tho Lawyer A Cone munityy Builder," Judgo R. Daon. Aftor luncheon the business sosslbn will bo hold which includes roports ot committees on the I0ath of J. S, Hoagland. of John E. Evans and ot 'IT. M. Grimes. Following tho'buslncfifi mooting Chief Justlco A. J. Morrlssoy will address th convontlon. At four o'clock thoro will bo a bail gamo between tho Thirteenth and Seven- teonth Judicial Districts. Following tho ball game will bo a succession of nthletlo ovonts and stunts. Luncheon will bo sorved at tho Union Pacific Dining Room by tho Chambor of Com moroo and dinner nt six will bo at tho Country Club. During tho afternoon, tho' Ladles Association which is tho auxiliary to tho Bar association, will bo ontor- talnod. at tho W. V . HonglanU homo, with dlnnor nt thb Country Club, tho wives ot hp North Plntto Bar mem bors bolug "hostesses. About 150 members of tho Bar aii.l Gio Ladles auxiliary will bo 'in at toij lance. Chief Justice Morrlssoy and tho inombors of tho Nebraska Supremo Court havo sont word that thoy will bu horo in a body, coming through in nutomobitoB. Federal Court will bo ad journed Wednesday, bo tho Judgo and stuff ami tho attorneys may attend tho Association mcotings. :o: i HOY SCOUTS TO PUT ON PLAf AND OTHER ENTERTAINMENT THIS EVENING. A joint mooting of all Boy Scouts of tho city is to bo hold this evening at .the Franklin Auditorium. Tho Scout Exccutlvo has sent a special lnvltaton to Campflro Girls because ono of them is tho holp out in tho play. Ho also wants all members of Troop Committees nnd members of tho Scout Council to bo prcsont This Is to bo ono ot a number of meetings, ono to bo given each month, and tho objoct 1b to acquaint tho peoplo who will nttond with tho aims and objocts of Scouting. Tho play is a patriotic af fair and is espocally appropriate for tho occasion. N13W VOTERS TO HE HONORED ON Tina FOURTH KY WOM AN'S CLUB. Thoso young mon nnd young wo mon who Jmvo boqomo twenty-one years, old during tho past year aro in vited by tho Twontioth Century Club to nssomblo at' Court Houso Park right aftor tho parado on tho Fourth and each will receive a souvenir. This is in recognition of tho obligation of cltlzonshlp which each boy and girl takes upoh ontoring his twenty-second year. Tho -parado commlttco for tho 4th .of 'Julrhas mado announcement that thoro will bo a flftqon dollar prize tor. tho , best decorated prlvato auto By . tlifs thoy mean' that tho auto is not to bo ontored by an organization or business firm. A baby girl was ,born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schmidt, , All concerned aro doing nlcoly. Mrs. Ola Beck and son of Gerlng visited at tho J. H. Guiles homo ovor tho weok end enrouto to Omaha. ON 'SALE ONE DAY ONLY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29th: Ladies Pure Silk Holeproof Hosiery with the celebrated extra stretch ribbed top ffogoraf osierc A Good $2.50 value $1.65 JL pair. Colors Black, While, African Brown, Cordovan, Cloud Field Mouse, Gun Metal, Russia Calf. HIRSCHFELD c The Home of Holeproof Hosiery in North Platte. Have Sold 10 More Bodge Brothers Cars in the Last Six Days ; t More Dodge.touring cars in Nortn PlaXte than, . -'"any other car. New Price $1140 More Dodge roadsters in North Platte than, .1 of any other roadster New l3rice.wr $1085 More Dodge Coupes In town than of any o'ther make of Coupo. Now Price a -$1770 More Dodge Sedans in town thTin of any other make of Sedan. New Price -41995 More Dodge Brothers Commercial cars in tpwn than pf any other make. New Price y $1175 I am selling a mighty good car at a wonderful bargain price, which may not last long, and the re sult Jb that people who recognize real value, have bought and saved money not only in first cost but al bo in maintenance afterwards. ' DODGE BROTHERS CARS ARE SHORT Get your car ordered today, as I am now over a car load behind on deliveries today. J Excepting Ford's. J. V, Romigh DEALER . In the past 10 months wo have sold and delivered more Dodge Brothers cars man tne wwii an dealers', saies, except u m u. v