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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1921)
'4. f4-cmt Movm jssr THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR-. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 24,. 1921 . No. 39 4 GRADUATION THIS WEEK A LAUGH' GLASS . WILL RECEIVEH DIPLOMAS FK03I THE HOARD OF EDUCATION. The graduation oxcerclses' of tho North Platto High School will bo hold at tho Franklin Auditorium, Saturday. May 28 at 8 o'clock. At Jlint tlmo thirty-one young men and women will bo awarded diplomas by tho Board ot Education. They will bo represented by tho class president, Julius Hoga, who will Introduce tho speakor of tho evening, Representative Reavir., of Nebraska, Mr. Reavls Is one of tho most Influential men In tho National House of Representatives and Is known as a powerful Bpcaker. Ho la making a' number of speeches In" this stato and has consontcd to address ( tho graduates on this occasion. The Franklin Auditorium is largo but not largo enough to hold all tho people who would como to this graduation oxorciise;,' so tho school' authorities have decldoji to make a chargo of ton cents to keep out thoso who would only como out of curiosity and those children who have no interest ri the program. A variation in the graduation ex ercises is the holding of tho class, day program on Friday afternoon. Tho program will be varied and given wholly by tho pupils of the school. It will bo held in the Franklin Auditor ium bcglntng at 2:30. This program is to ba free ani everyone is invited. Following is a l(st of t,he graduates with the class of 1921: Julius Hoga Helen Schwaigdr -n Ray Eason . Eunice Woodcock . ', V rDaleodWlhV - . ,: ArdlsrSlllaBen- ; Adele LeDloyt Harold Cox - Evelyn Boldt. Raymond Tottenhoff Irraa Robison '"Russell Dorryberry Elva Harding Frank Cornwell Caryl Dorryborry William Elder Mabol Peters ' ' v , Junior. Hlnman Mary Ellsworth Everett Bradley Lottie La Rue " Arthur Carpenter Luolla Adamson Carrol Stevens ' Marlon Richards Louis Troxlor Hopo Watklns Frances Edwards - -Helen Moore DortheaHoga UA WW; I wvi-s. hm hum "tfa .(II VlJ li (I. '. lure. G. iC ioiifuA'liMitM 6m.. BALL (JAME STAGED AT STATU FARM IS CALLED A DEAL GAME. Tho Stato Farm Boys and tho Me thodist Young Mon mot at tho Stato Farm, last Thursday evening and played a base ball jjamo which re sulted in a Stato Farm victory to. the scoro of 2 to 3. Everyone soon says It was a real gamo with plenty of pep and no dissatisfaction. Datterios woro Kronquost and Donegan for tho Farm and Pitman nnd Walters for tho. Methodists, Tho gamo was play od aftSr six o'clock. ' i ::o:: NORTH PLATTE WILL OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAY WITH CAMP FIRE AND. PARADE. The joint committee of tho pat riotic organizations held a mooting last evening ind decided to hold n Campflro In tho Franklin Auditorium on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the program -to bo announced later. Promptly at 9:3 0 the parade will form at the court house and move to tho cemetery whoro tho -G. A. R. nnd W. R. C. will have ritualistic ser vices. All patriotic and civic or ganizations have' boon asked to tako a part in tho parade. ; VALEDICTOIUAN FOR THE GRADU ATING CLASS WAS ANNOUNCED YESTERDAY Miss Effla V. Johnson, Principal of tho Senior High School anounced yes terday that the highest honors in tho Class of 1921 go to Everett Bradloy. The second place Is won by Ray Eas on. Tho student having tho highest grades during his High School course Is ayarded this honor and with tho title ot Valedictorian of tho class. Tho second place is assigned to tho Saluta torlan of tho class. Both of these young men will appear on the. class day program. -::o:: ' TRAVEL AND STUDY CLUB ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE COM ING YEAR. .J.-:' ' . '' ', ' '.a Jf wwu- :.L' At a' meeting of the Travel and Study Club held last evening at the Uiome of Miss Gertrude Baker, Miss Florence Stack read. a paper on "Our National Parks.;' Following this the following officers were elected: Mrs II. C' Brock, president; Miss Gert rude Baker, vice-president; Miss Florence Stack, secretary-treasurer. MEMORIAL SUNDAY TO BE CELE BRATED HERE BY APPRO PRIATE SERVICES. Tho joint committee of all the patriotic societies decided last even ing to -hold a Union Memorial next Sunday evening at tho Franklin Audi torlum. Seats will bo reserved for all of the patriotic organizations which como in separate bodies. Rev. H. E Hess ha sbeen asked to givo tho ser mon. The services will begin at' P. M. J. E. Nelson left yesterday, for Ster ling to transact business. Jw&Wa OA DRAINAGE IS TO BE TRIED NEARLY TWENTY-SIX MILES OF DITCH TO W. COXSTltUCTED LN LINCOLN" COUNTY Drainage District No 1 of Lincoln Countf 1b to bo. u dminago district In fact as Well as In name in tho near luturo according to present pinns. Tho bonds have been voted nnd sow, tho surves have been made .nnd tllo estimates are being prepared. W. A. Kelly tho onglneer in chargo has giv en out tho following 1 Information which Is taken from tho last Issue of tho Hcrshcy Times: "All drains havo been located ox- copt for a short oxtontlon of ono lntor-, al drain. The estimate of quantities almost comnlotod. Tho mans nnd nro-ithls files should bo completed within the noxt week. It may hoof Interest to stato that thero aro 25.9 mllos of opoli ditches which is mudo jip of Drain N) 1 I 1 nnd Drain No 2. Drain No 1 is abotlt arranged and all North Platto Yoo 11.8 miles long and Drain No 2 Is about! men aro urged to attond. 14.1 miles long. "The average depth Is' about ten feet. In Drain No. 1 thcri will bo nbout 45S.500 cubic yarjls of c ; cavatlon nnd In Drain No. 2 nbout 45X1. ' BOO cubic yards of excavation orn . total -ot about 950,000 cubic yards. - This, at 15 cents per yard, gives, a cost of about $142,000 for the digging of tho open ditches. This. docs not in- cludo tho cost of bridges, overhead ox- pensq, rignt-oi-wny. it is nopcu tnat, tho right-of-way will bo secured at, little cost. In many districts In thti ', west tho right-of-way is secure! with-' out cost to tho district." " "Drain No. 1 'begins at tho North Platto river, about ono-hnlf mile oast of tho old Cody Ranch buildings ,nnl follows a lino one-fourth ' milo ' south 6 of the Lincoln Highway to center SectloiUf 2Qr 14 -31 whoro JiX turn iggutlijVeat.croBSlng t)ierallr6ad'ntt,tgS!ii, soutuwest corner or section su-i-wi.) From there it follows Scout Creek I ,T" location which tho local camp not far from the railroad at any point, llre council solectod for. tho girl's im tr. imni-Mm miiidin of sooinn nn-14. camp was down tho rlvor near tho 31 and from hero along tho south lino of tho railroad right-of-way up to tho j west line or section 26-14-32. Then It follows tho east and west miUdle section line up to tho oast edge of, Hershoy, tho end of tho open ditch." . ''Drain No. 2 begins near tho center1 of Section 2G-14-31 where it intersects Drain ,No. 1, and runs west on a lino ono-fourth of a mllo south of tho Lincoln Highway to "near tho west side of Section 30M4-3L A) slight detour to tho south is mado through tho old Wallace ranch on account of a hill. At tho west sldo of Section 30-14-31 tho ditch crosses tho Lincoln Highway and runs parallel to it i long the Suburban canal to tho west sldo of Section 24-14-32. From this THE FREE-WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE This Week's Very Special' i This week we are giving a special sewing machine demonstration. A factory expert will be here and you are cordially invited lo come in and see this really marvelous sewing mat Line which he is demon strating. COME IN AND SEE fs O OBLIGATION, o North Platte Light ft Power Co. point It runs northwost through tho low Rildle in tho hill to tho center ot Section 23-14-32 and' thonco west n long the wost mlddlo Bcotlon lino to ono-fourth mile from, tho west line? ct Section 19-W-32, tho Snd of tho opou ditch. "It is possible that slight change may bo made in those locations duo to difficulty in securing right-of-way. Howovor. no sorlous troublo Is an ticipated ns tho ownors of land along tho ditch nro assured of perfect draln v.q for tltolr laml. '.It is hdpud that within, tho noxt week tho locations of tllo drains can bo given, nnd tho total ostlmato of costs." :o:; YHOME.V TO HOLD BIO BLOWOUT HERE WITH MANY OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS. It Is ostlmatod that thoro will bo two hundred visitors from out of town nt tho Yeoman mooting to bo of the hold horo on ThunUay evening wook. Many will como on , afternoon and ovonlng trains and 'v on tho Into night passongers 'ut' most of tho visitors oxpoct to como by auto. A fln0 tlmo Is bolng . , . ::o: STAPLETON BASE BALL TEAM MET DEFEAT A THANDS OF AMERICAN LEGION I Staploton met defeat boforo tho local Amorican Legion team Sunday to tho tune of 7 to 1. Miltonberger did tho heavy hitting for tho locals getting 3 hits out of four times Up. louuimoi pueueu jus aeconn -j, nu game, Staploton getting ono hit through tho Infield. Batteries: North Platto Tottonhof nnd Laiigford, Stapleton: Snyder and Davis. Hits North Platto 10 Staploton 1. Vni" plres, Swopo and Boll. j ' ;;o;; ' THE CA3IlFIUE COUNCIL 18 LOOKING FOR A SANITARY LOCATION FOR ACAMIV ww junction of the North and South Forks at what is commonly known na Tho PolntB." All plans woro made for building a beautiful camp on a carefully chosen site when several of our prominent citizens took It upT on themselves to inspect tho sanitary conditions. They found that tho slto chosen was so near the outlet of the Rower system that tho water at that point would be dangerous for wash ing and bathing purposes; They also found' that tho city contemplates putting tho city garbage and dump grounds just abovo tho slto solected and so they mado their flndlngH public. Tho findings woro promptly accopted by tho local Council and nn othor slto will ho chosen. LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. AOIHIBMA CLUB Will meet Frhlay afternoon at the homo ot Mrs, II. T. Hbncklo. ALTRUIST Blblo Clase will moot Thursday in tho Mothodlst Church parlors. DOLLY VARDEN Club will bo ontortnlnod this after noon by Mrs. A. McAUoy at Uio T. M Cohagdn homo. CAMPF1RE .COUNCIL Will moot at tho homo ot Mrs. M. E. Crosby this ovonlng. Important busi ness. INDIAN CARD Club will' moot at tho homo of Mrs. William Hawloy on WlnoWay nttor noon of this wook. ALTAR SOCIETY Of tho Catholic Church 'Will moot Thursday aftornoon at ' tho homo of Mrs. N. McCabo. AUXILIARY Of Spanish War Votorans will moot Thursday aftornoon. Mrs. Mill er of Omaha will bo present nnd all members aro requested to attend. LUTHERAN GIRLS' , Club will moot. tomorrow (Wednes day ovonlng) nt tho homo of, Mrs. L, B. Dick, 423 W. Sixth, with MrB. E. B. Payno assisting. SIGNET CHAPTER No. 55 O. E. S. will ineot Thursday May 2G at Masonic Hall for Initiation of candidates arid lnstalatlon of of ucers.. - v-"Sfwywfe.-T. PRESBYTERIAN Aid Society will moot Thursday aftornoon at tho church. Entertaln- iont commlttcb consists of Mcs- damoB White, Davidson nnd Jodon HELPERS Tho Church Helpers of tho Prosby- torlnn Sunday School will moot In tho church pnrlorri Friday aftornoon. Mosdames Oglor and Payno will bo hostesses. Buy Quality and Known Dependability MOTOR CAR Dodge Brothers have nlwnys built quality niul tested soitIco Ih their products, and in thoso days oi insane scramble with chonp products and cut prices it is well to remember. that which has been proven good in wbrld-wido use. Good after service is necessary to the full satis faction of any car, and wo fully believe and can prove to you that in equipment, repair parts and me chanical ability, we can give you full and satisfactory service. Do not bo stampeded, as tho business world has often proved that good products sold at fair prices must and always have' won out. Judge valuog, -not prices, as you do when you buy good clothing' or a good house., We are at your service, if we can help you toward the purchase of a good car. J. V, ROMIGIL DeaUr. Oversize cord tires on all at no extra price. PICNIC Tho' UiilvorajLv Club, will hold a picnic at tho Stnto Farm on Wednes day ovonlng qf this wook. Anyono wishing td ftilond should notify Mrs. J. B. Redfldld. AMERICAN WAR MOTHERS J Will moot at tho homo of Mrs. W. J. Tlloy Friday, ovonlng, 1101 East 6th Btreot. Assisting hostossos aro Mrs. W. J. Stuart. Mrs. L. Duko. UHUHKAII The Rebokah Konslnglon will meet In tho I. 0. 0. F. hall Friday aftornoon at which tlmo the nnnuul olootfon of officers will ho held. A largo at tundnnco Is desired. LUTHERAN AID , Wilt moot In to basement of tho church Thursday aftornoon and Will bo cntortalnod by Mrs. Jas. MUlor, Mrs. Mario Mottin and Mrs. Paul Mot- ton. All mombers nro urges! to bo present. , ' HIGH SCHOOL ROYS TO HAVE A WEEK OF CAMP LIFE AT THE CLOSE OF SCHOOL' Tho Cndot Band and tho CadcL Com pany from tho local High School are proparlng for a wook ot camping In tho now park at Gothenburg. Tlleso organizations havo been raising funds from tlmo to tlmo during tho year fcr tho purposo of paying tho expenses of this camp but In soma instances their, offorts wpro not very successful and thoy Hull that a largo, part of tho oxponso Is yet to bo raised by per sonal assessment or otherwise Tho boys plan on leaving horo ojt tho 30t'i of May and will Btoy as long ns tho chow Insts. -::o:;- WESTERN BAR ASSOCIATION TO HOLD MEETING IN NORTH PLATTE At a recent mooting of tho Lincoln Clpunty Bar Association tho follow ing" officers woro elected f on' tho on suing V'oar. Wm. Shuman, president j C. L. BaBlclnB, secretary1 -Th'o-. jmpor tartljugcrnsa'?,teil was arranging for a meeting of tho Woatorn Nebraska Bar Association which will bo hold In North Platto Juno 29. About fifty lawyora aro ex pected to attond from over tho west ern part of Nebraska. Tho wives of tho awyern have a separate organiza tion of which Mrfl. W. V. Hoagland is president. Thoy will also hold a mooting at this tlmo. i:uii , Mrs, V. E. CtilinB visited ovor thi wcok end In Maxwoll. m a GEJjR0THER5 Dodge modols