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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1921)
r "T - V - v . llorth Wat THI RT Y-SEVENTI I YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 20, L921. No. 38 HARDWARE MEN HERE MONDAY DISTRICT MKKTING 01' RETAIL HARDWARE DEALERS TO LAST 0NK DAY. Monday, May 23 is tho dato or tho meeting of tho Retail Hardware Dealers of this District at North Platto. There aro ahout forty stores In this territory and each Js oxpected to 'send at least, one representative to this mooting. Mr. Miles of the National office will bo here to bring a message from National Headquart ers. Albort Lahr, President, Georgo II. Diotz, Secretary and Frank Ben nett, Field Secretary, all officials of the Nebraska Hardware Dealers As sociation will bo hero and take part ' in tho discussions. The Chamber of Commorco will tender a banquet to tho visitors and members In the evening after which the business meoting will be held. Tho afternoon session will be held in tho Knights of Columbus Hall and th0 evening session at the Hotel Palace. When seen last night. S. It. Derry borry,' Chairman of tho local com mittee said: "Tho object of tho meoting. is to enable the retail hard ware dealers of this part of tho state to get together, to become acquainted with ono another, to discuss business and business -methods and totalk shop. Wo dp not know how many' dealers will be hero but wo have en couraging word from quite a number that only something unusual will prevent them from being here."' This is one of several district meetings which have been arranged lor this month in different parts of - tho state. Tho territory covered by tho North Platte meeting covers from Kearney on tho east to Ogal alla on tho west and Includes the lines , both north and south of us. . -Tholocal 'coni mlttoe Is pdolngjc thing possible to make tho convon tion-a success and of value to those vho attend. i :':o:: WILL INVESTIGATE STREET LIGHTING. Tho directors of the Chamber of Commorco at a meeting yestorday re quested tub committee on civic better ment to begin an investigation having in view better street lightng espclal ly In the business section. T,hls com mittee consists of E. R. Goodman, F. L. Moonoy and M. E. Crosby and in authorized to add other members if found desirable. Tho directors favor cluster light standards on the bloclis which aro at present paved. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weil, former re sidents, arrived yesterday from Los Angeles, where they are now making their liomo. They mado tho trip by auto' and wore fourteen clays on tho way. , S&dft OrU-'ilGzi l)hiMrK fa AX OUTO ROOSTER TRIP IS PIMA' NED BY THIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Plans woro mado yestonlay by tho directors of the. Chamber of Com morco for n'booster trjp of 170 miles which will bo taken Wednesday. June 22d. The committee which will look ivftor tho details of tho trip nro E. N. Ogler, O H. Theolecko, W. J. Tiloy, Harry Porter and Elmer Coatbs. Tho itinerary will be Max welf, Drady, Gothenburg, across to Farnam, thonce west on tho high lbno through Mooroflcld, Curtis, May wood, Dickons, Wellfleot, Wallace, thenco aoross to Suthorlnnd,, Her- shey and home. The distance Is about 170 miles and Is a good day'a drive, counting tho necessary stops, but It counting tho necessary stops. It Is figured that autoes sufficient to accommodate 200 Including tho band can oaBlly be secured. Ono object of tho trip is to boost the auto races on July 4th. SENIOR CLASS PRESENTS "THE FOUTUiYE HUNTER" AS ITS CLASS PLAY. Tho Annual play of tho Senior Class of tho North Platte High School was given Tuesday evening, May 17th at tho Koitlf. A fair slzod audience showed its appreciation by applauding freely at the many places where especially good work waB done. It would be somewhat dif ficult' to plckout thoso who did ex ceptionally well. The cast was strong throughout and woll balanced so that thoso who had tho most to say were not especially conspicuous bo cause of tho weakness of those who took minor parts. Thoso who took parts in tho "Fortune Hunter'' were Louis Trexlcr, Raymond Tottenhoff, Ray Eason, Frank Cornwell, Carroll Steyens, Willlan Elder, Everett Brad ley, Julius Hoga, Dale Godwin, Jun ior Henman, Cal Shulz, Ralph Simon Arthur Carpenter, Harold Cox, Adelo T.nninvt Afrirv TCllKwnrth nnrl Mai'lbn dlnuHi?IcilarIls. .The High School orchestra furnished music and Caryl Dorry berry saijg a double number. The play was put on under tho direction of Miss Leah Jones of tho School of Expression of tho University of Ne braska Miss Jones may well bo.proud of her work here and tho class of 1921 may well bo proud of Miss Jones. Both have worked together but i Is to tljo genius of tho director that tho credit must be given for tho finish and unity which was so char acteristic of ''Tho Fortuno Hunter," 'THE FORTUNE HUNTER" ACCEP TED WELL 1JY GOTHENBURG RESIDENTS Tho senior class gavo its play "The Fortune Hunter" In Gothenburg last evening and it was woll received by a large crowU. Tho high school or chestra accompanied tho cast and fur nished music for tho play. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AWARD l'illZK FOR BEST DISCRIP- ' TION OF NORTH PLATTE. Frank Mooney was awarded a prli of ton dollars by tho officers of th Chamber of Commerce for the l)os essay on North Platte, hor hlstor, and institutions. Several hundred compositions woro written . In ro sponso to tho invltnHnn rr th Cfmnibtr of Commorco for tho pupils! of tho Junior High School to com- poto for tho tn dollar prize. Thq wlntflng essay oxcolled In originality and cloarnoss of dcscrlptlo.n It wnsj stnt to Oniaha in response to a re' quest from ono of tho Omahn schools: for Information about this oltyf "Most of tho compositions showed that thoy woro coplod book or reforonco. from som 1 JOINT CONCERT BY Cadet Band and High School Orchestra. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1920 8 O'CLOCK. CHARLES J. KILLIAN, Director. Programme March "Heroes of War'. r Waltz Selection "DrcnmIng'V,L, Band Gavotte "Cupid's Arrow" Ti r..T . : Band Baritone Solo "Freer Thau n King" i. Harrison Tout Mrs. Wilson Tout, accompanist. Intermezzo "Carnation" Band Serenade "Midnight Echoes" - 1 Band Medley Ovorturo "Genms froratho Operas" Bund Clarinet Sill "O, Lovely Night" NomanMoulton Madollno Blickonsdorfer, accompanist - , Cnvnnlmtln nunftnt. "QAtnnltnn f ... . 1. TIl. !.,.. ui.wj.uuw hvb WW. VVMUU ".uul 1 " ,y- - Frank MoonoV,. Soprano t Gunsolly. jfiFT Ernest Gunsolly, Alto 1 Emmet Moody, Tenor i "'' , Norman Moulton, Barltono ; .Vv. Popular Song "Freckles" rTi.-.-.Baiul Waltz "Leaves of Autumn" ,T,.Jl,....."L Band March "Prido of tho Parade" .Band PART TWO March "Our Victorious Flag" ..t..M ...Orchestra Overture "Victory" L . . .....Orchestra Intermezzo "Pllgrlm'a Lovo Song". . Orchestra Vocal Solo "Llttlo Girl's Lnment" "Four Loaf Clover" ' J. Caryl DCrryborry Mrs. Thomson, nccompanlst. . Dance "Slavonian Danco" ..1 - . Orchestra Ovorturo "Festival" ; Orchestra Piano Solo "Polish Danco" ! Margaret Edwards AValtz "Lovo Dream" ... Orchestra Popular Song "Marglo" h Orchestra March "Graduation Mnrch" Orchestra VMEUICAN LKGIOX GALLS' J1HUT IG TO PLAN FOU MEMORIAL DAY GKIiEBKATIOX. A call has boon issued for a inci't- ing of committees from tho Grand Army, tho Woman's Relief Corps, the United Spanish War Veterans, tho U. S. W. B. Auxiliary, tho War Mothers, the Amorlcan Legion, the North Platto Volunteer Fire De partment, th0 Boy Scout Council and tho Campflro Girls Council. The dato I1 Monday, May 23rd and tho .moot ing will be hold In tho City Hall at 8 p. m. Tho object of tho meeting is to complete arrangomonts for tho Decoration Day service. FATHERS TO MAXAfiE PJtOUltA.U AT WASHIXTtTX PAItENT TI3ACHEK MEETING. The men of the Washington Helioo) Parent-Teacher Association will have charge of the program at the meeting to be held at the school building next' Muday evening. The program will begin m 7:30 and is as follows:- Baml con cert from 7:30 to 8 o'clock; Stand ardization of tho Schoo'ls by M. K. Crosby; Quartet, Messers. Birga, Arnold, Clinton and Solby; Support Paronts Should Give the Board of Education by W. H. Cramer; Solo by Mrs. W. M. Morris; Proper Ven tilation of our School Building by Dr. J. B. Redfleld; Address by Rr, P. R. Stevens; Quartet. Opportunltl will be given for discussion 'of Ut papers presented Every man ! tjt Washington School area is asked to attend and bria; tils wife. CITY WATER MAINS TO HE EN. LARGER AND EXTENDED IN A SHORT TIME. Work on extending and enlarging the street mains for tho vntor de partment will probably begin within the next ten days If the woHthor is favorablo and tho materials arrive on time. A now ten Inch main will be laid from tho water station cast on soventh streot to Poplar, thoneo south on Poplar vto Sixth where it will connect with a smaller main for tho present. If the bonds are car ried thp ton-Inch main will bo carried futher south and east. About 150 men havo handed In applications for work on this Job but tho officers in charge say they will give preference to mou with families. It Is not thought that all tho men who havo THE PART ONE , .... .Band IJUIlUIIIIllIl Villi - y- V-"'' 'i V ' Z applied for this work can stand such hard labor as somo aro qulto old and others' are not woll. However they will be given a chance. ::o: GRADUATING CLASS TjU HE HON'. OREI) GUESTS AT RAXQUET TOMORROW EVENING. Tho Senior Class will bo banquet ed tomorrow evening by the Junior Class of tho local high scthool at tho Union Pacific Dinning Room. Tho monu will road aB follows: Croam of Tomato, Rolish, Chlckon-a-la-Maryland, Mashed Potatoes Creamed Poas, Lottuco and Tomato Salad, Brick Ico Croam, Swoot Wat ers and Coffee. Tho toast list lias been selected as follows: Reading, Adelo LoDroyt; "Welcome," Donald Yost, Toastmast or; Seniors, Julius Hoga; Eligibility, Supl. C. L. LIttol; N. P. II. S. Elmlra Broilbeck, Idlosyncraclos, Wllber Swansonj Outlook. Miss Effie V. Johnson; Reminiscences, Helen nliwaiger; So -Long, Mies Marie Shannon. :ao: (' TY COUNCIL DEL1REUATES RE. FORE SPEXDIXG 1MPKOV1C- MHNT ROXDS .MOXEY. ' r u meeting of tho city council he t Tuesday evening bids were oi ad for the purchasing of Iron PU1 for water mains. The council ac. ited a bid for sevenll-seren tons Of ! n inoli pipe and 108 tons of elgi . Inch pipe at $67.67 n ton. A shor lime ago the priee was 103 a tea. A number of hydrants and Talve were also ordered. ' PARENTS OF JEFFERSON SCHOOL PUPILS KNTERTIAN TKA0H KRS AT A BANQUET Tho jmronts ontertnlnod tho tonoh ors of tho Jefferson school Wednosdav ovolilng at a banquet In the Episcopal church basomont. Supt, C. L. Llttel and wife wore tho only other guests 'A toasU list followed, tho banutiHt with Guy Swopo as tonstmastor. WILL HOLD EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATION FOR LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOLS. County Suporlntendont Alleon O. Cochran has announced tho Eighth Grado Graduation Exorcises for tho Lincoln ounty Schools for Saturday aftornoon, May SSth, at 2 o'clock. Tho exorcises vllL be held In tho Franklin Auditorium. Thoro is no admission and all Eighth Grado graduates and their rolatlvea and frlonds nro Invited to nttond. -::o!!- CURREXT HISTORY AS TAKEX FROM THE LAST ISSUE OF THE TRIRUXK. Announced opening of Chambor of Commorco Freo Aulo Camp Grutind, Rov. J. II Curry announces nc coptanco of Presbyterian Church pul pit at 55ano8vllle, Ohio. Board of Education nnnouncos ad option of klndorgartons for coming yoar. Wedding of Miss Luella Smith and Marvin Hall. First ball game- ot tho season Is played between Maywood and North Platto. Payno Precinct organizes a Farm Bureau. Chas. A. Seaton . died Monday. Aurora Boroalls puts telegraph lines out of commloslonr Carnival opens near old round house. Just ub tho rain was at Its best yog torday thoro was a sharp craclc ot lightning and louji thunder fojlowoil A resldont on east Sixth street mis took some vapor or Bpray for smoko and thinking the . hpugehhati,. boon Btruck by tho lightning, Hho turned I In tho fire alarm. Howovor tho rain had almost stopped when tho small ' truck responded antf word was Bo-t to tho. station tin time to Btop tho "big ' truck beforo It got started. Mrs. Wilson Tout nttondod "Tho Fortuno Hunter" .In Gothonburg last ' ovoning. Stapleton vs. North Platte SUNDAY, MAY 22, THREE O'CLOCK To Mnhe the Purchase Price of a Dodge Brothers Car as Nearly as Possible ihe Last Expenditure. We announce thai from date all Dodge Drothers Cars, both open and'olosed types, will, carry as extra equipment oversize cord tires 32x4 inches in size, which should in any ordinary service givo from 15000 to 20000 miles. . This change to oversize cord tlro without any extra expense is but in keeping with our policy of -giving the most service for your dollar, and tho new equipment should save the owner at least the price of two extra sets of fabris casings nt $85 per set. Our service department and parts stock is kept complete for the benefit of our car owners. dee Brothers TOR C . V. ROMIGII, Dealer. LODGE , CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS L THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. EPISCOPAL HtOOMornlng Prayer JUid'Sormon. 8:00 Evonttg Prnyor attd'-sormon. PRESBYTERIAN 11:00 Morning sorvico. S:00 Evoning sorvico. CHRISTIAN 11:00 "Tho Fruit of Llfo." 7:30 Chllidron's Day program. BAPTIST 11:00 "Tho Slave." 7:W-fDQot Environment Mako n Man?" " CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 10:00 Sunday School. 11:00 Sorvicos In tho Building & Loan Building. JUNIOR HIGH Tho Junior High School" promotion exorcises will tako placo this aftor noon at 2 o'clock in tho Franklin Aud itorium. METHODIST 11:00 High School Graduation Sormon "Find Yourself." 8:00 "Tho Froo Gift" and recep tion of now mombors. WOMAN'S, CLUB Tho last mooting of tho LItornturo, Music and Art Department of tho Twontloth Century Club will bp hold noxt TttosMay afternoon at tho FIro? men's hall. A good program has boon jirrnnged and a largo attondnnco Is doBlrod by tho committee -::o::- STAPLETON RASE It ALL TEAM COMING TO MEET JiEGIOX TEAM SUNDAY. Stnploton has secured a flrst-clars pltchor for tho gamo which will bo played with tho American Loglon team at tho 'fair Grounds Sunday at 3 o'clock. A special attraction will be ontortalnmont by tho American, Legion Drum Corps which has been recently organized. TM