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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1921)
Jtorth THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEW., MAY 27, 1921. No. 40. COUNTY SCHOOL GRADUATES UUItAIi nih IvAllGI OliAS ov VILTjAGK SCHOOIj PUPILS TO 1U2GEIVE DIPLOMAS. XI5W ItltSTACKANT IS .TO OPKX SUNDAY WITH AMUIUCAX AND OKIUSXTAL MMXU. One cf the largest classes In the history of Lincoln County will bo graduated from tho Eighth Grades on Saturday, May 28th. Each rural and village school in the County has been asked by County Superintendent Afrleon G. (Cochran to prepare dte eighth grade pupils to takotho uni form stato examinations. These ques tions yere sent out In the early Spring and the papers have boon cor rected. Those Who passed tho exam ination with "Satisfactory grades aro to bo given certificates of graduation from tho Eighth Grades of Lincoln County ontltllng them to' enter any .nlnfh grade In the stato of Ne braska. These certificates havo been prepared and will bo presented to tho boys and girls at the exercises Saturday. Tho program begins at 2 p. m. at tho Fraklln Auditorium. It Is open ed with an invocation by Itev. W. H, Moore nhd closes with America. Tho class adderss 1h to bo made by Miss Anna Kramph and tho .presentation of diplomas by Alleen G. Cochran, County Superintendent. A number of recitations and musical mnnbera make up a varied program. Ono of tho Interesting features will bo the presentation of the. History medal from the Daughters of American Re volution. This will bo awarded by Mrs. Daisy Hinman to tho pupil who stood highest In the study ot Am erican History in tho whole county, not including North Hatto. The exercises are free and every one is invited. A3IEMCAN LEGION . BASEBALL TEAM TO MEET OGALPALA OX LOCAL GROUNDS Tho King Pong Cafo will open at 501 Dowoy street next Sunday. This cafo is undor tho managomont ot some Chinese men who have como horo from Los Angeles whore they havo boon connected "with a cafo by tho same namo. They also own and op erate a cafe in Omaha. They are ex perienced in tho iteslaurant business and nro planning on making their placo horo fully up to tho standard tfioy havo maintained elsowhoro. UKUN10N OF COMPANY E TO BE A ' DAY FULL OF ENTERTAINMENT. LODGE, CHURCH j f AND SOCIETY I TJWO 310KB' l'ASSENOUU TRAINS BK AllDKD TO THE DAILY TlfAIN' SERVICE COMING MEETINGS IN THE VAWOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF - THE CITY. Tho annual rounlon of tho members of Company E will bo hold at North Platto May 29th. A forenoon session will bo hold at Central Labor Union Temple folldwed by a banquot dlnnei at tho Hotel Pslaco at noon. Aftoi dlnnor thoro will bo a ball gamo nml other sports with a welnlo roast out doors In tho ovonlng. All tho mom berg of Company B havo been invited and although they aro widely scatter ed a largo attendance is expected. : :o: : NUMBER OF HUNGRY MEX AT PEOPLE'S MISSION SHOWS SLIGHT DECREASE. Tho weekly report of Rev. J. B. Payno, In charge of the People's Mis sion Free Lunch shows that during the -week ending May 22 he served 36-1 meals or an average of G2 a day. For tho previous week ho served 417 meals or 59 a day. This is a falling off of over fifty meals for tho week and indicates that those who predict ed that all the hungry men in the country would flock to North Platte, were wrong. Tho number is largo yet but shows a slight Wiling off. ::o:: MASONIC Master Degree is to bo conforrftft on Saturday, May 28, nt 8 p. m. RED POPPIES Wilt bo on salo by tho War Mothers nt flfteon cents a piece Snturpay' at tornoon in the lobby ot tho Keith The ntro. Beginning next Sunday, the Union 8'ftclfic will agnln put on passenger trains known as No. 11 and 14. Thoso ttjains curry styopors from Chicago tu Etonver and return. They woro Ala tfonUiuiql last fall when the tourist sontson ended. No. 11 going west will pass through North Platto at three q'olock in tho afternoon and No. 11 going oast will bo here at seven in tho evening. Thoso will furnish added J accommodations oach wny to North Platto people In addition to giving om- yiuent to moro of our rallrond men. ::o:: NEW STUDIO - NOW1 OPEN ARTIST OF STANDING AND PEIUENCE TAKES OVEH VOX GOETZ STUDIO. EX- WAR MOTHERS Will moot nt tho homo of Mrs. W. J. Tfiloy this evening 1101 East' Cth St. Final arrangements will bo made for tho convention which will ho hold Juno 2nd. . Mcl'HEUSON COUNTY HIGH STC o IMJNTS AND TEACHERS HOLD PICNIC HERE. t Five cars loaded With peoplo from Trvon snout TuoiUnv nt tho Exnori- montnl Substation' horo. They hnd a lflonlc dlnnor on tho lawn in tho Shade of, tho cottonwood treos and in that 0ty coinhinod ploasuro with tho bun iuoes ot the trip. Tho rost ot tho tinio MARRIAGE LICENSES The North Platto American Legion team will meet Ogallala Sunday, May 29, at the Fair Grounds. Ogallala as usual has a fast team and somo of the old starsaro among the lino up. The gamo will bo called at three" o'clock. Co. E, , 134th United States Infantry is holding a reunion hero on that day and will attend tho ball, game in a body. ::o:: Shortly after school is out, Miss Laura Murray.Principal of the Wash ington school will leave for California where she will spend the summer vis iting friends and enjoying her vacation. Following is a list ot licenses issued by. Wm. H. C. Woodhu,rs,w .Qpunty JujJgo of Lincoln County: May 21 Albert C. Black, station helper, Sutherland ana Mlss Luella L. Crablll, Sutherland. May 23r-Swan E. Odean, farmer! Horshty and Miss Zlda D. Eckhoff, Horshey. Married by Judge Wood hurst. May 23 Carl J. Stonohurg, farmer Arnold, Nebr., and Miss Mnblo I, Schroyer teacher, Arnold, Neb. Mar rldl by'judgo Woo'dhurst. May 24 Elmer L. Peterson, lum berman Hampton and Mrs. Stella Boll Youst, clerk, Hampton. Married by Rev. C. Franklin Koch. May 25 Robert T. Tillman, farmer, Ogallala. (and Miss Elslo P. Spear, Keystone. Mnrried by Judge Wood-hurst Super Special Feature and Comedy o i - Tiff dunaay, in ran lonaay & lues MAURICE TOURNEUR Presents day til i.oliiciis A THIHUTE TO THE MEMORY OF NOEL C. DONEGAN. Look down dear Noel, from beyond the surt, Will you como to moot us whcirour llfo work Is done? Shnlf you go vfth us to that wonderful placo v ' Whero together wo'U see God fftoo to face. . au. You left us dear Noel, with a prayor in your henVt. ' . v Victory accomplished, wo'd uovor more party- The victory for you was in giving yuur life, And accepting tho cost in tho midst oftlio strife. , ' But, Oh, how wo miss you, ygur Runshlno and cheer," - Your lovo and kind lntorost In ho friends you hold dear. In your spirit of hopofulness and faith in mankind, As you led, wo shall follow, may .wo not fnll behind. i Two calls you received, nnjl two were obeyed, . . You answered thorn both and were still unafraid. When' wo answer tho last, wo too jdiall havo won, Love lives in Hoaven'when witji this earth wo havo done. ; r-A. L. D. iLOCAL AND PBHSJNAl. Miss Gladys Stegall Is off duty thin week at the-office of Dr. Dent on ac count of Mess. Korekjarts plays a Borenado for the ltkos. Get 'lUat Dixon's Music Shop. Miss Isabollo Thayer returned yo lerday from Sidney whero sho vlslul Miss Gladys Zimmer and attended tho Tho Rembrandt Studio Is the new namo for tho photographic rooms formerly occupied by V. Von Coot. P. Van Gnn'on is tho proprietor. Ho comes to North Platto aftor having operated a studio l Alllanco follow ing a long poriod of rosldonco in New York and olhor eastern joints. 1 During his yonrs ot training and ox porlonco in tho east ho worked nt every known kind of photographic reproduction including moving pic ture, portrait, out door, commercial and scientific photography. Ho has mado a specialty ot tho study ot light and shndos and secures somo .bonutl- ful effects undor Just ordinary con ditions. Ho has purchased soma im- UBual apparatus for getting tho do sirod rosults In his aliulio and. is al ready producing somo artistic ef fects. ' Mr.v Van Graven has secured tho nsslstanco of Mrs. Julia Wood in his studio. When soon at tho studio yes torday Mrs. Wood said: "I am sure Wo are going to Uko North Platto. It is such a wldo-awako place. If tho pepplo will only glvo us a chanco to show what Mr. Van Grnvon can do tliey will bO highly pleased. ! MAYOR EVANS ISSUES MEMORIAL ' DAT PROCLAMATION. , To Uio Public I Our patriotic socltlcs havV Joint ly arranged ft suNablo Memorial Day observance." This day of all others ollcils a com mon heart boat. Tho World War haa added a now significance Amoricans will not forget tho "thousands buried in for.olgn lands and to attend our homo conrotarios is to dlvort our thoughts to thlr sacrifice and to coll sccrato their memory, Tho obesrvnnco is such that all may join, and I, thoreforo, tnko tho liberty to urge tho peoplo ot North Platto to lay aside tholr work, omit their pleasures and partako of tho spirit ot tho dny sot asldo for' tho rouiembrancc of thoso who nro pass ed beyond. t Rospectfully, E. 1U EVANS, Mayor. OAMPFIRE ::oi: COUNCIL SECURES LEASE OX TRACT OF "LAND VOU CAMP SITE. Tho Local 'Council of tho Cainp flrp Girls just cntorod Into" nn 'agrco mont for a tract of land north of tho North River and west of tho Locust Street rond. This la on tho Wright placo and Is far 6n6ugh backfrom tho roadHhat It will bo quito seclud ed. The main hall is to bd built back In tho trees with an oponwny to tho river. Tho foundations nro to bo placed tho flrst of next week and It la plnnncd to erect tho building on Thursday, Juno 2. Dotnllod announco- Ul8 .tnonta will bo glvon lntor. vft spont Instujljing-Hhodivlrysp'db' partment, tho poultry work and ox porlmontnl iplnts on tho tablo land, tho forest trees ani thi othor num erous things of Interest. Visits to the Experimental Station by agriculture classes in tho high schools of this part of the stato are1 becoming moro num erous each year. County Superintend ent A. O. Johnson of Tryon, Prin cipal Harvey of tho McPhorson Coun- fatlior was n patntor and ho haB had 20 yoarB oxperionco in art work of various kinds. I know wo arc going to like North Platto." Tho Tribune assures the" Rembrandt Studio that it haB fallen holr to u lot of good will upon -assuming the business of V, Von Gootz and lfhastons to Wolcomo the'so now people into tho bustnow life of this community. . '.. ' r.o:: i - -t:o:i- FIRST GOLF TOURNAMENT OF SEA SON STARTS SUNDAY AT THE COUNTRY CLUB NEnrFAST-HRAIN: lMOJLVilAtoanaUotr TO NORTH PLA11TE AND 1 lL.!:i:"JLpf YOUR CHANCE AND. OPPORTUNITY Parochial School ulay. Mrs. C. B. Davidson left Tuosdav ! l' 'S" School, tho president of tho for Lavlna, Montana to wcloomo her new granddaughter who, was born last week to Mr. nid Mrs. Frank LnughlJn. bevoral good rains in this part of the country havo put crops in good condition locally. Tie rains are ir regular and in" some cases are nc- Uoard of Education of the County High School and others accompanied by tho classes In ag'riculturo In tho school, constituted tho party. ;:o:: MISS WlhTTAKER'S OFFERINGS. All week beginning May 28th to companled by hail. During tho past I Juno Gth all small nnd medium dark week tho temperaturo has raised so that It has seemed quite like sum mer, Ono or two men's straw hats have appeard on tho streets and many of tho workers have shed tholr coats for the summer. In this issue wo aro running a dis play advertisement of a- local lumber. firm which is cause for thought on tho part of auyone who Is planning on building. Tho prices quoted aro for standard lumber and wo aro told that thdso mices aro less than half what was charged somo time ago. Tho trond of lumber prices has boon downward but thoro aro many in dications that tho movement haa lost its force and that tho reaction will set in before long with advancing prices. hats will lie radically reduced in price. Ilats that havo been selling up to $12.00 and $1.".00 will go for ?5.00 on Saturday only. Also havo a Jargo assortment of 8plondi(l looking hats $2.00 and $4.00 No largo hats will bo Included in wale. 1 These reductions aro positively tho best over offorcd In North Platto Ueinembor ono day only on $5.00 hats nt Arvilla Whittnker's now store, GOfi Locust St. First door north of Post Office DENVER. Commencing May 30 tho' Union Pacific's Denver Special will bo re stored, leaving Omaha at 8:10 A. M. nnd arriving at North Platto at 2:40 M. This train iprocecds to Denver, arriving thoro at 8:59 P. M. Tho Ovorland Llmitcll for San Fran cisco will loavo Nortfi Platto at 3: GO P. M. nn.d tho Los Angolcs Limited for Los'Angoles will loavo at 3:40 P. M. commencing May 29th. Low sumJ mor tourist fares begin Juno 1st, Ask the Union Paclflo Agont for inform ation. - ::oi: Mrs. L. F. Soules went to Northport Wcdnolay whore sho will mako hor futuro homo. Mr. Soulcs is employed at Northport, hnvlng been thoro for two months past. Tho ilrst golf tournament of tho sqa soil will bo hold Sunday and Monday at tho Country Club. The young men. liavo organized a tonm with Guy Swopo as Captain and will play tho old man wltli Thomas Iloalo atf Captain, for a On Saturday, May 28, from 8 o'olock A. Ms to 0 o'clock P. M. of that day wo will sell all tho balance ot tho latn loft in' tho Ottonstoln Block as follows . Inoida lots, $1400.00 Cornor lots, $1700.00 and $1800.00.. With a pgymont down of $250.00, tho bajaco at $25.00 por month. Intoroiit Ifaynblb monthly or qunrtorly. This block Is wltliln throo and ono half blocks of tho court houso. It has water, gas, sowor, walks, and fine shade trees, Tho cornor lots aro rflal- ly worth $2500.00 each, tho inside ones nro really worth $2000.00, but for Sat urday, May 28, only, wo will sell them at tho low flguros and on tho oasy terms'. Pick your lot anil closo con tract on It that dny. Tho H. & S.' AGENCY :o: :- Xollce (o American 1,6gin. All mombors of the Logion will meat at tho Court House, In uniform io proceed to tho North Platto Come tary at 9:30 Monday morning. $1. II. EVANS, Post Commander. An American Drama Eternal by James Fen imore Cooper. ' Directed by Maurice Tourneur and Clarence - L. Brown. A HISTORICALLY TRUTHFUL VERSION OF ' THIS WORLD-KNOWN STORY, You all know "Buster Keaton" the comedian that never smiles, he will be at The Sun in 'Hard Luck" Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. LISTEN, How SATURDAY We are going to have another Special Sale on Rib Beef Boil and Rib Beef Roapt. at 9c a pound. This meat is government inspected. Lard in 10 lb pails at 10c , - t - 1.10 A good Heavy Bacon at 2 lb - 25c Oranges per dozen - .. 20c 28 bars of laundry soap - " -' - $1.00 3 boxes Jelly Powder (same as Jalb ) , - 25c We bandle Ice Cream. $lt?u the Uu-Co Brand of canned goods. McMtchaePs Grocery PIIONK 4-11 THE FREE-WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE This Week's Very Special This week we are giving a special sewing machine, demonstration. A factory expert vill be here and you are 'cordially invited to come in and see this really marvelous sewing machine which she is demon strating, y COME IN AND SEE-NO OBLIGATION. North Platte Light & Power Co.