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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1921)
J. C' PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION - A STORE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. Bringing to them the BEST VALUES in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, READY-TO-WEAR at LOWEST PRICES. The LARGEST CHAIN DE o 3 PARTMENT STORE in America is working for you. Take advantage of this opportunity to save money on your purchases for th entire family. J. C. PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION Q O i EH 2 I O u d o Eh W Q i i O i i New Spring Dress floods Pine Swiss organdies, plain white and colors, 98c, $1.11), $l.-tf $1.00 Voiles in plain colors and figured patterns 25c 2c, 51c, Se, (5i)c, 5KSc New arrivals in silk taffeta, satin messlino and fonulards 08c, $1.10 lo $2.0S New Spring Clothing 4Sr For. Men and Boys. Latest FashionsLowest Prices MHiVS SUITS New all wqoI, latest styles in hairline and pin 'stripes, single and double breasted. Best in style and quality $!M).7f Other styles and colors, blue serge and plain grey $10.00, $24.78, $3-l'.75 New - Spring Coats, Suits and Dresses You'll need them soon. ?lne white curtain scrim Mne white curtain scrim . , , , 15c ?no ecru curtain scrim 0o. JJOc ." Laco panel curtain goods in white and ecru jnj Lacy overdrapes in brown, blue, green, old rose.'. ;770c-: Draperies for bed rooms and dining rooms, 20, 510, 10,' 586 BOYS' SUITS alue Big . assortment, extra va! $7.00, $S.0(), $0.00, $10.75 Smartest Styles Right from Fashion's Center Latest Jlotlols, Beautiful Colors, Lowest Trices The Garments that Stylish Women are wearing this Spring Coats at $12.78 $19.90 $24.75 to $39.75 Suits at 12.75 21.75 24 75 $34.75 39.7 5 Dresses at 9 90 14.75 19.90 29.75 39.75 Jlen's lints and Caps Men's Spring Hats $1.08 Extra quality at $!J.0S Genuine Velour $7.50 Caps, all colors, (0c See the special table of Boyy j to$2.40 suits at . . . , . . .$8.00 ta 'J50C MARK ! - MEN'S TROUSERS Extra good corduroy at . $o.0S Dress pants $4.98, $5.90, $6.90 Boys' Hats and Caps Cloth Rah, Rah styles 40c 0o Straws in same style ' 40c -lo 08r ' Caps, all colors 00c, 80c, OSc Neil's Shirts Just in an elegant lassortment of men's negligee shirts, now. ' 08c .Fine stripe madras, Soft shirts, collars at tached . ,08c to $1.08 Overalls Boys', (overalls up to -'08c Just r.ej&ived a heavy blue shirt, all sizes at Specials Special lot percales in lights and darks, big assortment, per yam 15c and 10c New Spring Curtain Goods Hi B O O' ft) .20c 1 his Is the r amily bhoe tgKgi Where Honest Values at Lowest Priees Roign Supreme V d A, 55 to 14 Shoes! and Children For Men, Women, at Lowest Prices. Men's brown and black blucher dress shoe, smooth , calf leather $!1.08 Men's black English shoe $1.0S Waists Special lot . of fine lawn" waists', now . , ." $1.08 Ecru Soisette waists, now $2.49 Men's black and cordovan shoes in line kid leather $5.50 to . $0.00 ' ; , Ladles' military heel oxfords, brown and black $3.08 and ....... . ".'.V .' $8.40 Ladies' line kid black oxfords '.' ; ;$5.00 Ladles' lace oxfords, black, ... .V, ,.,.'.......:. . .$.10 ., , w ,f .... ; ,, ... . Men's, Boys' and Girls' gym; and tennis shoes ' t , ' $1.49 to .$2.08, ilk Underthings 1'or Women Camisoles.'. .OSc. Camisoles ' $1.40 Camisoles $1.08 Bloomers, Petticoats, fine quality, up to , $5.00 cA cNsttion"A)ide 9IrtstitiA.tion itl'2 lU'XY HTOItKK Special A special buy from our New York headquarters. v Ladies' .Vanity Bags Silvertone Bags, Cordovan Tooled Ldather Bags Priced at ,$9.08 t-4 tor. EI O e H t 1 2 w d o J. C. PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION J. C. PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION mm GIFTSTHATV LAST CLINTON Sign of The Big Ring CLINTON, THE JEWELER & SON, The Eye Glass Men Satisfaction---Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians POLITICAL LIISHL ACTIVITIES KNDS IN SUIT ACJAINST l'I)ITOI(. .'.................. :.t :.t DR. O. II. CRESSLEU GltADUATi: DENTIST Office over the McDonald State Bank. C.w.Kv' .......... .. LOCAL AND PEKSONAL New blouses In gala effects, blfc Hhowlng, at nio Leader Mercantile Co. Koberts MubU Co. carries tin . Victor Ilecords. Tho new April re ' cords are here now. Walkon's Colored Stringed orchestra will furnish music for a danco in the 1 , K. C. hall tomorrow evening. A splendid elblt of tho famous Wallace Nutting picturoe this week See Dixon's Music Shop window. Misses Gortrudo and Marjory Ar nold will entertain tomorrow evoning at Uiolr homo in honor of Miss .Lucille McFarland, an April bride. Your separate skirt is hero, and if you como right in you will havo first cholco of oho just mado for your typo, at The Londor Morcantllo Co. " Uta our baby chick starter and baby chiok food prevents loss. North Platto. Feed Co.. Phono 20G. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hansen sailed on tho SShannon for Honolulu Tuesday noon. Mr. Hansen has charge of the main quartermaster department in Honolulu. Mrs. Hansen is a sistor of Dr. O. II. Cressler of this city. Dr. Geo. 11. Dent wwent to Paxton this morning on professional business. MMIss Jones of the Expression School of tho University of Nebraska ar rved Wednesday and will direct tho Declamatory contest and coacli tho Senior play. Tho Episcopal Missionary Society ind tho Sunday School Class were .interallied last evening by Mrs. K. H. Ilincker. Mrs. J. IJ. Hedllold gave a, talk on tho Lifo of Christ and showed pictures by Hoffman. Tills Is one of a series of similar studios which are to bo taken up each week. Mrs. Brock assisted the hostoss In serving tho lunch. Mrs. Seth Shorwood, Is al the homo of hor mother Mrs. Sarah B. Finney. In this city, suffering from a broken hip. According to our re ports. Mrs. Sherwood was recovering from a stroke of paralysis and while trying to get around the house, fell and broke her hip. The sympathy of many friends goes out to hor in her Intense suffering. Mrs. Shorwood was at ono tlmo one of tho church sup porters who gave of her moans to the limit. Sho lis only recently re turned lo this city. PHO.MIXKNT WAIt tfOKKKK AMI SOCIAL LKADEH IIIKS IN (WLIFOJtNIA. ' Friends wore shocked to learn of tho death Tuesda night of Mrs. Frank Buchanan of this city. She died while on n visit to California for the benefit of her health. She was with her mother, Mrs. Todd, but her condition was not so serious that it was thought ecessary for the other members of her family to be with her. Tho body will arrive hero on No. G Sunday. Tho sympathy of tho frfendB and acquaint ances goes out to tho husband mid other relatvcH in their suffering. AM KB I CAN LKGION TO IIAVK A BASK BALL TL'A.H THIS . SIDLMKB William E. Shuman, candidate for Mayor on tho Citizen's ticket in tho recent city election lllcd a suit at three o'clock on tho afternoon of election day against A. P. Kelly, editor of tho Evening Telegraph charging him with libel. Mr. Shu- , man acted through his attorneys, Halligan, Beatty & Ilalligan. Mr. Shuinan claims to havo two objects . in bringing tho case into court. Ono I is tp right the wrong which ho says was dono him by the attacks in tho Telegraph and tho other as a warn ing to the Telegraph and other news papers that citizens of North Platto may become candidates for public office without having mud batteries turned upon them. $20,000 Is tho amount of damages asked for by Mr. Shuman. Tho case will como up in tho fall term of the District Court. S K VE UAL THO USA XI X ATI' 1 1 A L 1ZATI0N UKBTIFIUATIIS AUK INDELIVEUEI). Gloria, he infant daughter of Mr. 1 and Mrs. John J. Sykcs, who died , Tuesday, was burled In tho North Platto Cemetery Wednosday. Embroidered voiles uiiJ orgundh .J, , pleasing variety, niodts In price at Tho Leader Morcautlk (' A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs Lions yestorday at thoir honio 611 wost 10th street. All concernod are dolus; nicely. Hco the pretty variety of gifts and nrt goods at riu'ionuble prices at th Specialty Shop, 510 Locust St All members of the American Le gion interested in basobali are requested by the nianagomont lo a,p poar on tho Fair Grounds at 2:I!0 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Dr. Mc Klrahan Is going to coach tho play and Fred Potorson has boon nppolnted mnnuger. ltoniper and play suits for little tots in ngos 2 to G voars on sale at Tho Loader Morcantllo Co, Mrs.1. A. IJaunta loft this .morning for her homo In KlmlxUl aftor-'vlsitlug friends in tho city.' M. It. Bovington, Chief Natural ization Examiner at St. Louifl has written Geo. E. Prosser, Clerk of tho Lincoln County Naturalization Court' that unclaimed certificates issued to soldlors in some of tho military camps, cantonments, reservations and schools having military units at tached, are still in his hnnds. It sooniH that during tho war, an enlist od man who was not a citizen was naturalized and his papers wore hold for him until after the war. Now thoy cannot be delivered. Any of our readers knowing themselves ontitlod to ono of theso papers should com inunicato with Mr. Prosser, Clerk of tho District Court of Lincoln County ::o:: Owing to a disagreement over the fulfillment of tho tonus of the lease, W. H. McDonald has ordorod tho W. It. Malonoy Co, to vacato the store room on Dowoy Stroot which Is oc auplod by tho furnturuo department. It is probnhlo that tho mutter will havo to bo settled In tho courts. Remember! Your Money "els into a Ijank whether you nut it there or not. If you spend all some successful man deposits your j money. OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT.' You will he surprised to find how short a time it takes to ac- 1 cumulate a . surplus. We Welcome Your Wonnt. HP NHRTH PLATTE, NBR. 11 fm pan (fin