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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1921)
NORTH PLATTK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LOCAL AJN'I) 1'KllSOXAL Ladtds' Quoon Quality shoos mid oxfords nt Wilcox Department Store. 'aiitiB. List on of Dickens transact ed business In the city yesterday. fah. A. L. Mnrtln of Onint Is tak ing treatment nt the Gonoral hospital. iiuuruii s iiuus ill luunuiutuiu jmiuub at Wilcox Dojmrtinent Store. t"Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Durtuli of Wollfleet were city visitors yoster . day. Thoro Is soinothlng now ovory day In tho Arvllm Whlttakor Millinery Shop. Miss Haze) .Smith left yesterdny for Omaha and Lincoln lo spend a few days. Miss Until Hubbard returned lost evening from I'axton whoro she spent two weeks. A. F. Johnson of Gothenburg un derwent an operation at tho Ooncral hospital Wednesday. Frank Robling of Omaha will ar rive this evening to spend the week dnd at the Troxler homo. Airs. IS. J. Kobonicm roturned to her homo In Council Illuffs, yesterday nftor visiting nt the linker home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. noddy will loavo tho first of tho week for n month's stay at Excoislor Springs. Tho Harmony Socloty Club return ed from Gothenburg this morning whoro they furnished music for n danco. , Mrs. W. J. Ilondy wont to Fre mont yesterday to attend n meeting of tho Executive Hoard of the P. 13. 0. Trotwiiror S. M. Soudor has issued fill) auto Hconsos during the month of March. This makes a total of 3,077 up to April J. Thoso who lovo boautlful pictures will surely enjoy tho display of Genulno Wallnco Nutting paintings In Dixon's Music Shop window. Mrs. Victor Halllgan entertained tho Indian Cnrd Club at hop home Wednesday afternoon.' Dainty re freshments woro served. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platte Floral Co. Flowers. W. Twolfth Street Phono 1023. Wo deliver and ship anywhere An art exhibit of rare beauty Is the ono of paintings by Wallace Nut ting. See It this week in Dixon's Music Shop window. . Wo are' showing a lot of now rib bons, fancies and trimmings, laco collars and veils, smart hats, both trimmed and tailored, Arvllla Whlt takor, first door north of postofflco. Mrs. Frank Krneliler. lira. .Tnolr f nriLW mill Mln Ril in 1 1 ml nlrl;nv - . -.. t l 1 tVIIUJ OlillV I to Gothenburg Wednesday to mnko arranccinnntR for Hin Rnttionmil nlnv nor miovch which is to uo staged In that city next week. . Vory uttrncttvo values In spring prices oxcc)tlonally attractive. You j iiiuHi nee uiem ai tho ioauor flior cantlle Co. 'James Karls, -108 E. Ninth street North Platte, has Hied his application to become a cltlzon of tho United States. He Is a subjqct of thoKlng of Greece and arrived nt New York July 7, 1912. His application will bo heard before Judge Grimes, Novombor 3, 1921. Word was resolved hero today of tho marriage of Miss Uortha Stub bins of this city to Ralph Shawgo ut Davenport, Iowa, on Tuesday. April 5th. Sirs. Shwago In tho daughter or Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Stobblns of this City,, Shu hns boon a stonograplfor In the offlco of tho Northwoslorn Doll Telephone Co., at Davonport for some time. I CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY T in! g v it MmM JtLaS JmmM JLrii &gr 4 Direction of MR. HENRY COX MR. PAUL HARRINGTON, "A. B. '14" Soloist. KEITH THEATRE NORTH PLATTE SUNDAY APRIL 10 This Concert is given under the auspices of Knights of Columbus , 13SB : -' MATINEE 3 P. M. . SEATS ON SALE EVENING 8:15 Tickets 75c. Rexall Drug Store. TICKETS, BALCONY 75C, LOWER FLOOR $1.00. JUST TO REMIND YOU. Spring Is only Just around tho cor nor and a pair of Goodrich tires on your hike will save you time, exponso and annoyanco all summor. "A Smile u mile" on Goodrich tires. JOHN II. NULL, 100 B. Front . Feed mid Garden Seeds of all des criptions. North Plntto Feed 'Co.. Phono 20G. LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN TIIF VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OK ' THE CITY. EXCHANGE Saturday In Derrbyerry & Forbes window by Maccabees, lltKSHYTERIAN 11:00 Preaching. s:00 -Preaching. UNIVERSITY CLUI1 Will meet Monday, April 11 with Dr. and Mrs. Howard Yost. IHH VOlt EVE It REALIZE 7 i W fsM-- m There nro In tho United States 10.000 Luthoran Mlnlstors. 15,038 Luthornn Churches. 2.461,997 Conllrmed Members. il.052,010 Uaptlzed Mombors. 125 Luthoran Higher Schools. In 1919 tho Luthoran Church ox ponded I17.COO.000 for niuintonanco of local churches. It oxpondod $0,500,000 for foreign imd home missions, bouevolenco and education. ' Slnco ho dirst Lutheran Service held In America, by Pastor Rasmus Jensen, In August 1019, moro than a yoar bofaro the coming or the Mny llowor, tho story of tho Luthoran Church has been ono of unparalleled and continued growth WHY 7 Tho Lutheran Church Is Biblical, Christian, Evangelical, Democratic, Tho Church of tho Opon Door gladly wolcomos ALL to hor services of wor ship. If you aro unchurched or n now comer, como to our Borvlcos nuxt Sunday at either cloven or eight" . ()'olock. Tho choir will sing, Thoro Is room ffir nil. ,. First Evangelical 'Lutheran Church 'The Church ot the Open Door" Htrl)"years of faithful service in North Pintle. Located on Fifth Street at Sycamore c: C. Franklin Koeh, Pastor. EXCHANGE Saturday In W. window by Itoyal Team. It. Maloney Co. Neighbors-Drill LL'TIIEIJAN 1 ir l.rMi. v. i it . . i. , UUU 1 HO UOOll OU0pilUI(kJM,4.( : 00 . "Mt. Morlah A Mj5uil umeni 10 to i esiou, rami. EPISCOPAL 11:00 Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:;t0 Evoning Prayor and Sermon. CHRISTIAN 11:00 Regular Service. 7:30 "The Worst Thing In North Plaatto." STUDY CLU11 Tho Travel mid Study C.lnli will llinnt IV'IMi IVIIuu f?...f M.ln llnlrnn r 1 ... vj n ...... . i i ti uui tl IMIU UllhUI AllUl." day, April 11. I1APTIST 11:00 "Goodness "In the Pit." 7:30, "Tho Importance of Little Things." , f - Tho Ladles of the Maccabees ..will lulu tho rugulnr lnoetlng Saturday afternoon In P. Hall. Following tnja will no a ton cont pocial. I SOCI.M. The W. It. C. will hold a social at tho homo of Mrs. Joe. Morsoh. Wednesday, April la, The soelnl ,v il i . i. .... , . I. iit'iu m rue iMiernoon. 'lie VETERANS' BALL Tho Spanish AVar Veterans will hoi" a Special Danco Frlduy ovcnlng, April 1C, In tho K. C. hall. Tho' music will bo furnished by Scholtz orchostrn of Donvor. ' - CONSOLIDATION Professor C. G. Sarironn nf ihn Rtntn AKrClllturill rolloirn nf Vnrt f,.11lna Colorado, will give a lecture on Con solidation, illustrated by moving pic tures at tho Crystal Theatre Thursday aftornoon. Anrll 14th. nt 2?nn nvinoif Thoro Is no charge for this lecturo. CIVILIZATION k Is tho subject of tho W. C T. V. mooting at tho homo of Mrs. W. N. Roso. 520 S. Chestnut, Tuesday, April 12, Refreshments will bo ser vod by tho hostoss nslstod by Mrs. Mlnnlo Porklns. Mrs. Rose T.nudnn will bo tho loader. Wegare showing a lot of new Ceorgelle Waists made in the newest shades fancy laGe hummed. Some are blouse styles all at one price. The. number is limited, so come and get yours now. ' Wilcox Department Store. Mlssos Violet Maddox, Georgina McKay and Marjorlo Russell will en- tortaln this ovcnlng In tho Maddox! homo, 802 West 'Sixth Streot at a kitchen shower complimentary to Miss Luclllo McFarland, an April bride. You will find a full lino of Infants' wear that Is well made and priced so you can afford to buy It at Wilcox Dopartmont Store IJAHY CHK'KS AND EGGS HATCHING Whllo Leghorn, Slnglo-comb Rhode Island Rods, Harrcd Rocks and White Wynndottos. Hatching eggs $1.G0 for ID; f8 for 100. Uaby chicks $20, $22.50 and $27.50 for 100 chicks. Poultry Department, Experimental Substation, j "'''WVVVVVVi '' For Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Peony and Dahlia Roots, Cinnamon and Maderia Vines, Hardy Pinks, Pansy Plants, Trees and Plants that Grow, Cut Flowers, and other Plants for any occasion, call AMERICANIZATION Tho Twontloth Contury Club will moot at Flromon's Hall Tuesday, April 12 hi 3 o'clock. Mrs. Hlnman, tho leader, has arranged musical numbors to Ulustrnto tho topic ''Amt tu'lcanUatlnn through Muic." Tho lSvooutlvo Hoard meets at 2 o'olock . Uo our baby chick starter and ImUy ohlok faoil provauts loss. North Plntto Fead Co., Phone 200. ' To whom aro you going to sell your Hay and Grgln? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the hlghost prices . Have vou lost vour annetite? i Do you tret so tired with the day's duties that you're unable to enjoy an evening with friends or at the movies once in a while? Arc you losing your rosy cheeks and your springy step? Dr. Miles' Tonic vraa made to .restore health to people in your condition. It has been of permanent benefit to thousands who were afflicted just aa you are. ..jr uuiis juu try a uottier uet in line for better health JjegmnlnB today. .Every Drug Store c'arries Dr. Miles' Medicines, : NORTH PLATTE FLORAL CO., Visitors Welcome. Phono 1023 West 12th Cor. Curtis. Select your Paper at Home PHONE 1061J PHSL BEAT! :.t