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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1920)
ft- Watches 'ztfct us iest your ey es. If your watch is not keeping correct time, do not blame the watch-blame yourself. Perhaps your watch only need cleaning. We will clean or repair your watch or anything else that needs fixing, and do it right and charge you for our work only a reasonable price. We charge you nothing for testing your eyes, and if you need them, only a moderate price for. your glasses. CLINTON, The Jeweler. THE SIGN OF THE BIO RING. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Statu Hunk. CITY AND COUNT V NEWS. Hazel Mapos left Thursday for Suth erland. Don't fall to read the WALKER MUSIC CO. Advertisement. Mrs. Mcrlo Mercer left Saturday for hor' homo In Big Springs. Havo you seen the nifty hat at tho , Hub Millinery Department 74 2 Mrs. John J.oMastor loft Tuesday for . in extended visit in Indiana. ' You and your family will enjoy nn Edison. Dixon, tho Jpwelor. Kolih Novlllo left Saturday for Don vor vhoro ho will transact business.' Dixon's grind lenses in their own shop. Miss Mabel Churchill is on, hor vnca- tlon from tho First National Bank. Now shipment of KNOX HATS has arrived nt THE STYLE SHOP. Mr. and Mrs. David Rudat and baby loft Saturday morning for Sutherland. 25 reduction on overythiug but diamonds at AUSTIN'S Jpwolry store MIbs Mario Rudat left Saturday for Lexington where sho will visit friends. Mina Brcstel loft a fow days ago to attend a business collego in Om nlinj Mrs. R. It. Henderson left Saturday morning for Sidney to spend several days. W. R. Maloney returned Wednesday evening from a business trip to Mass achusetts. . Airs. P. Paltior, of Denver, camo Saturday to visit at tho W. H. Lc Dloyt homo. , Miss M. Combs left Saturday for Sutherland after visiting In this city for somo time. Llbby Cut Glass makes a wonderful and most beautiful gift., Dixon, tho Jowoler. . . i Misses Minnie nnd Edna Gotz. of flashier, Nebraska, are visiting Miss Beatrice Hoodeon of this city. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gaggett, of Goth enburg, loft Thursday for their homo aftcr visiting Mrs. Poter Pettlt. Mr. and Mrs. Rlnghouso, of Gothen burg, camo Saturday to visit over Umj week end with Mrs. J. R. Brcstol. Tho Homo Guards and Mothers Jewels announced for Saturday will bo postponed until further notice. Mrs. R. McGralo, of Chappel, loft Thursday for her homo after transact ing business In this city for somo time. Health of the Voice and Throat Tho volco varies in quality from timo to lime, ono day boing clear and .vibrant, and another day breathy and below normal. A healthy volco Is not necessarily a strong or a musical volco. But It Is cortajn that an un healthy throat and larynx cannot pro duco a sound that is clear and vibrant and natural. !It isjuo secrot that Caruso helps to kcop his volco In condition by chiropractic adjustments. Tho norvos ' that control tho action of tho throat and volco If pinched nt tholr exit (' from botweon spinal Joints, aro cor taln to roduco tho strongth of tho throat and volco. Chiropractic ad justing frees tho norvos nnd Naturo ro stores health. ,i i NO CHARGE, ' Consulfntion Is without thargo or Hon. ' '. Drs. States $ States, i, The P. S. C. Chiropractors. Building unil Lonn Building North. Platte 1 Ncbrnfjliii. CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES "THE TOLLOWING t. -MEAD EYES EARS THROAT tr ARMS T. vN Li r a n v LIVER" STOMACH PANCnEAS SPLEEN KI0ME1Y5 DOWELS LOWER PINCHED NERVE5,IMP053IB!P PHOPFR IMPULSES (LIFE AND HFUJH) TO THEIR OnGAliS AMD TI55U LOOK WHAT'S COMING TUESDAY M L't80 Masonic Hall Eastern Star Ktmtfugtori 7:30 Sun MM Hobbs 7 80 Koith Sick Abed 7:30 qrystal The "Woman in Room lit 8:00 Chamber of Commorco Dlreotorf WEDNESDAY 7:J10 Koith Tho Toll Gato 7:30 Sun Miss Ilbbbs 7:30 Crystal The Woman In Room 13 8:00 Churchou Mid wook Prayer Mootlngs , THURSDAY 3:00 Prosbyterlan Ladies' Aid .7:30 Crystal The Dark Mirror 7:30 Sun Don't Ever Got Married 7:30 Koith The Toll Gato : :o: ' I. O. O. F. NOTICE. Clns's Initiation Thursday evening AH members nro requested to be pres ent. ) J. GUY SWOPE, Secy. -::o:i SALE OF IIOOS. On Saturday, Oct. 23 at Lexington, in tho Salo Pavlllion, wo wjll soli as cla-sy an offering of Poland Chinas as will go through any salo ring this year. We havo studied tno hoc business fr6m a practical farmers standpoint for 20 years and havo spared no effort posslblo In developing that type. Tho Judge at tho County Fair said I had a distinct largo typo with un iformity, smoothness and quality not found In many herds. We appreciated the compliment most because all our winners and 27 of tho 28 head shown by us were of ur own brooding. From our herd of. 200 head wo will select 15 fall and 15 spring boar pigs including tho winners. Wo will also include 10 sows with litters and 10 open fall gilts, and 10 stock shoats. Come, buy them at your own prlco. Fot further particulars send for a catalog to J. O. ANDERSON & SONS. -!!: LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Mildred Walker, of Mason City, has left for her homo after suffering a nervous breakdown. Sho has been teaching in tho Primary- department of Washington School until this week. "Miss Gladys Lyle, teaching an in termediate room In tho Washington School, has been off duty for two weoks on account of sickness. Miss Curry is taking her. place nt present. D; Morrill. Dentist, office over Wilcox Department Storo. L. 13. Dick will leave tho latter part of this week for Toledo, Ohio, in which city Mrs. Dick has been visiting for several weeks. Mr. Dick while cast will attend tho world series ball games. Wo hereby announce a Public Sale at tho Ed Cederburg farm, ono mllo wost and two mllos south of tho Ex periment Station on Tuesday, Oct. 5. Watch fqr bills and newspaper an nouncements. The Royal Neighbors will hold a social Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. E. F. Hutlman, 414 S. Willow St. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, Mrs. Moonoy and Mrs. Mark McCabo will -assist the hostess. . Tho District Convention of tho Roy al Neighbors will bo hold at Maxwoll, Wednesday, October 5th. All mem bers of Silver Leaf Camp No. 301 who expect to attend pleaso notify record Mrs, Ilcnckol, not later than Oct. 1st. Howard S. Valll, of Waterbury, Conn., 'is hero visiting James W. Rowan. Mr. Valll has Just ilnitihed oighycars of sorvlco In tho navy. Ho mado sovon round trips abroad dur ing tho wnr. During tho last thrco years ho travelled 2,000 miles on ono ship. M. N. Holcoinb, formor Brady resi dent nnd ox-county treasurer, now mnklng his homo in Laramie, was a visitor in town yostorday. Ho said tho oil production In that section of Wyo ming and tho building of two rofln orlos in that city had resultod In n big boom for Laramlo. Thrco rosldonco properties aro re ported to us this wcok among tho sales made by O. II. Thoolocke. They aro the Goo. Donohowor homo at 404 AV. Socond St. to Ella J. Park; tho A. M. Soharmann property No. C So. Mnplo to Marian Millar nnd the John Dugnn proporty on Wast Tonth St. to R. O. Hoaton. A fire startod yostorday afternoon in somo rubbish in tho rear of the Unit Goodman & Buokloy building on Frout Street and but for the prompt action of those In the building and tho local llro company, might liH,ve uaused considerable damage. Tho rubbish waa humeri nnd slight lUiiiM was done to the building. ' f-Wi j"aTt-ifi , Winsome Shoes for Fall For early hours out of doors, one. chooses Hoots or Oxfordo, substantial in design, and baving lower heels. For afternoon or semi-dress more ornate . types, with French heels appear, g They are all here at SHOE iMAKKET where style, value and quality go hand in hand. We have military bezels in dark b'rojv'n, black, light tan, with turn. or welt soles.'. Priced from $5.00 to $12.00. Perfect in fit; perfect in shade Tweedie boot tops. They shape to your ankle as smoothly as good silk hosiery; there is as shade to harmonize with every popular fallfgarment color; and all you need to do to eniov these handsome Tweedics is to stop in at our store and say; "Tweedie boot tops, please," THEY'RE $3.50 A PAIR SHOE MARKET A17CC VATt W M ONEY ON SHOES. OPEN THE GATE TO THE ROAD TO PLEASURE. So -IN- The TollIGate'' A two-gun tale of an outlaw who fought on the square, loaded with'Vobbery getaway, chase and battle. Fired by bandits, renegade "greaeers" and posses of dare-devil troopers. Wiped clean by the love of a.woman and the tiny hands of a child. The best picture Hart ever made. KEITH, Wednesday and Thursday. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Beverly Wurtelo left Sunday tho homo of his brother Frank Mc for Omaha where sho will attend Brownell Hall. A. E. Sholt, of Lexington, left for his homo Saturday after visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schatz. Mrs. C. A. Jones returned to her homo in Balrd yesterday after jyisit ing nt tho home of hor parents Mr. and Mrs. "Well. A heart touching story of hate that wonderful lovo conqucrod. Hart's greatest picture "Tho Toll Gato" Keith "Wednesday and Thursday. Tho plcturo of the first mall piano arriving In North Patto will bo shown Thursday and Friday, September 30th and Octobbr 1st at the SUN. Can you beat It? Jertaln light rays, called heat rayi and ultraviolet rays are injurious to tho eyes. Wo now havo a wonderful uow glass that cuts off theso harm ful rays. DR. McREYNOLDS. 75-3 Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho Pres byterian church will meet in tho church parlors Thursday aftornoon ontertained by Mosdamcs Hart, Dillon and Anderson. in a trap shoot Sunday between J. C. Den and Ed Galvin at 100 targets and on a bet of $100, Den won by broaklng eighty-two to Galvln's sov-onty-soven. Both shot below their avorago'. ""' Do you romcmbor tho Httlo freckled faced boy that played with Mary Pick ford In Daddy Longlogs? Also with Blanche Sweet In Tho Unpardonable Sin? Soe him In "Don't Evor Marry" In tho rolo of tho bell boy. At tho Sun Thursday and Friday. ThoSoitombor Issue of OUR FAM ILY BULLETIN. Issued monthly by the Union Pacific Family Loaguo, has reachod Tho Tribune office. It is a newsy little paper of thirty-two pages with E. D. .White as odltor. About a liolumn Is used in reporting the North Plptto Items moat of which aro hort poraonal news of th men. (org Hurray ! tho editor. fAeres solid gomforf in COAL Our9 Jizeii ur? motto is ke Gx2den jRjute Coal comfort means real contentment. Buying your coal of us means complete satisfaction, It also means rapid delivery. Order it to-day and to-morrow you will feel pleased about it. I EAST YARD WE5TYAR nil) FJtONT OP THE CHASSIS embodies tho vital mechanism neces sary to run tho motor cnr. it's tin motor that needs tho most caro ai nttontlon and that is tho part of t automobllo that wo claim to know i about every detail. Wo make n pairs for you in an export mannor t . short notlco for modest compensate Roy V. Buskirk Garage 215 East Fifth St. it it it i.t it it