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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1920)
4 DOROTHY DALTON IN 'THE DARK MIRROR' Hoyt Smlthars, formerly with tho' Hoxall, but now in tho drug businoss in Kournoy, was n visitor In town yestorday. ' Take advsntnge of tho Removal SrIo at Austin's Jewelry Store, only a few days more to save inonoy. Ronl Tho romanco of two worlds and of Bargain. two beautiful womon. A bRby girl was born. Soplombor c-. .,,. . . i elghtonth to Mr. and Mrs. Hay Cross See what happens whon ove, wrong-, , ,t , , ,, , nt,.i ......, i a , , " of Moorofiold. Mrs. Cross was formerly and misunderstanding bring tho I ,,, . T . ,, . ' -.,, . . , Miss Ksta Jones of this city, -worlds of those two women crashing' togothor. , I Mr- antl Mr8' c- A D,11 of st- Paul, i Minn., loft Saturday morning for their CrVStal I !lotne aitor visiting Irionds and at- tending tho funoral of Mrs. Yost.. ThllvcrJntr inA G1,.;,,, , The Golden Hulo Bible Class of thu inursday and mday. PrelIiylflPinll church wm meet with Eimsismmym1"-Curry' 312 Wost Sccond stroct' on Friday afternoon at threo o'clock. Geo. C. Donehowor has sold his rcs idonco on west Second Street to Mrs. Wm. Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Donehower will live in the now Reynolds apartments. LOCAL ANT) PERSONAL 15 reduction on diamonds, large variety. AUSTIN'S SALE. Don R. Gilbert, of tella, Nobr., is a GHoet at the liomo of his aunt, Mrs. Earl Payne. MUSIC CO. Advertisement. Don't fall to read the WALKER Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mungor will leavo Friday for a ten-day visit in Omaha and Des Moines. Sheffield Silver, of most different patterns, make a lasting gift, see tho beautiful assortment at Dixon's. A Kensington to finish the quilt will bo hold by tho Eastern Star on Wed nesday at 2:30 No lunch, just work. Rov. J. H. Curry left yesterday af ternoon for Denver where ho will transact business for n rannln Miss Helen Page, 6t Greeley, Colo., left Saturday 'for Chicago whero sho will attend school. Miss Pago has boon visiting at the home of Miss Alma Tollllon Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnson, of Schoolcraft, Mich., are visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Carman this week. They aro returning from u vacation trip in California. Something now, a wrist watch in 18K, solid whito gold, heavily engrav ed at $00.00. This will please you wo nro sure. It is different. Dixon, j the Jeweler. Hart's Girl Band left Saturday FJtANK KBELK WJtlTES OF 11IS ' TltlP THROUGH SOUTH AMERICA. ; Don't fail to see "Sick Abed" wlthl"'"1 " " 1ulul Wallace Reid at the Keith tonight-1 TllCy wl" g0 lo M,tche11' S- D- from Last showing. I there to Kansas and then back lo ,r . . . 1 their homo in Ohio. iurs. ti. itooertson, or L.ouisport, I who has been visiting at the home of J. R. Whito, of Sutherland, drove down yesterday morning to seo and ! hearPresidential Candidate Cox. Mr. Whito is still carrying tho democratic Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brodbeck left Saturday. Your eyes have a way of asking for" ,,.- , , , mn,MW .. help and when those symptoms ap- withstanding toear it is time to see Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. , When 1,10 mau who 110,1 ncVel ,, , . , known a good woman met the woman The big removal sale is going full who lm(1 nevcl. known R d man blast at Austin's Jewelry Store. 15 ! what lmppenod7 Como to the Keith reduction on diamonds. 25 on every . , , m, , , 4, 10 Wednesday or Thursday and see tho thing else. j pcturo story BiU Hart has been wait- Mr. and Mrs. -Miko McPndden and i lug three years to produce. "The Toll children, of Paxton were visitors at ' Gate" teh great, human, thrilling, as tho home of John Herrod the last of founding, dramatic, entertainment tho week. , , that it is. . S . . At The Sen Tuesday and, Wednesday IN 66 ALSO .Universal rtews.-- AND 'A "Christy Comedy. AT THE SUN THEATRE THURSDAY and FRIDAY Matinee at 2:130 ond 4 O'clock t MARSHALL FMEiLAN presents HT mm Alitor Tribune: - Whon I was in your offlco last I ! told you I would write you something j about my trip to South America. 1 ; left New York, March 17th. and ar rived at Rio do Janeiro, April 5th nfter a very pleasant voyngo. After stay ing thoro about threo wooks I took train to Santos, tho big coffee port. Tho scenery around Rio do Janeiro is beautiful. In tho city they haVo Hum orous flno parks nnd most of the buildings nro built of brick or adobe which is a sun-dried brick, and are, plastorod over with cement or mortar and invariably they havo a tile roof and aro painted pink, yollow or gray, t Tho scenery Is refreshing with tho mountains green from tho bttso to tho summit aud tho sun shining in tho valleys. From San Paulos to Santos is about fifty miles and th'o descent of 2200 ft. from tho top level to tho valley below is made in about forty minutes with a cog railway. Santos is not much of a placo but sho exports moro coffee than any other port in tho world. From Santos we took steamer to San Fransclsco, Brazil, where I went inland several hundred miles to see some of the orange and banana plantations. You can seo tho oranges and bananas growing wild along tho railroad right of way. You can buy a bunch of bananas for about tho price you pay in North Platte for a dozon. From thero I took steamer for Rio:Grando do Sul, which is an important harbor In tho south ern part of Brazil. Swift & Co., has a largo packing plant hero whero they make jerked beef for export to Europe. It is of poor quality. From RIo I wont to Montevideo, whjch is prob ably tho most up-to-dato city in South America. Swifty& Co. also has a packing plant here but tho beef Is of the best. Next I wont to Buenos Ayres which takes about eight hours by steamer. It Is, a city of about 1,700,000 people and like all the cities of southern South America it has line buildings and flno largo parks. Life on tho streets is just like in the states only they speak Spanish hero but T havo no trouble in getting along as there arc many Americans and English here. I met a man from Sutton, Neb., who went to school at Lincoln with several people from North Platto and I also mot a man by the name of Smith who used to bo Deputy United States Marshal out there and ho' nam ed over quite a lot of old timers who used to be there before tho eighties. I seo by the- papers that most every body Is on tho water wagon in the states but it is quite the contrary down here. Everything Is plenty but tho only drunks I ever see are Amer icans. I havo been in several prpovinces nnd find it a great country. They grow about everything they grow in tho states. Somo provinces grow mostly . wheat and others alfalfa and corn without irrigation. Land can bo ; bought cheap yet compared with tho price of land In tho states. Tho clim ate is good and healthy. Tho only drawback taht I can seo is that fuel and lumber aro very expensive hero and in some places tno locusts do a great deal of djamago to growing crops. If nnyono cares to write to mo In regard to Brazil or Argentina ad dross mo care of United States Con sul. FRANK EBELE, Buenos Ayres, Brazil. Every Day is lire Day in Worth flatte REGULAR TIRES AT SPECIAL PRICES And Here Is the Reason. 4 The Firs tone' Factory has announced the discontinuance of the present non-skid iread and the adoption of the driving and the cross and the square treads. That means a re-adjustment of every, dealers stock to have it conform with the Com pany's latest move. You autoists are to receive the . benefit. The tires included in this offering are not seconds, but first grade casings; taken direct from stock. This offer holds good for a limited timejonly, sp act at once. Sri m m isz Hi SIZE PLAIN NON-SKID REDJUBE 30x3 $13.25 $2.75 30x31. $17.95 -2,90 32x3k 19.85 21.30 3.30 32x4 25.35 28.30 4.25 33x4 26.90 29.70 4.45 34x4 26.95 30.30 4.80 . 32x41, 33.65 37.60 5.65 34x4!, 35.95 41.95 5.95 Every Tire Guaranteed for 6,000 Miles. R. SERVICE STATION H TELEPHONE 820 ffi TAKEN UP On or about Sept. 22 on my premi ses in Gracoland Addition One Bay JShotlahd pony, with threo whito feet. Owner can havo same by set tling cost of feed and advertising. J. D. HOLT. from6 MARSHALL NE1LANS "DON'T EVER MARRY AJs'i .5 r ) Tin Plane nrrjvinj t ort'. Vat:?. 1'int Mnil LOCAL A3TO PERSONAL Tony Shnnroll, of drand Island, was hero yesterday on business. Minnlo Anderberg, of Oshkosh, was a city visitor last week. Misses Hlldur and Ruth Olson left Saturday for Oshkosh. A comploto lino of Gago Sailors Just arrivod at Tho Hub. . 74 2 B. M. Lambert will loave In a few days for Portland, Orogon. Wo havo a comploto lino of hats at tho Hub Millinery Dopartmont, 71 2 Mrs. John Cox left for hor homo In Sutherland Monday aftor shopping. Now shipment of KNOX HATS has rrivod at THE STYLE SHOP. MIbros Mildrod and Ruby Mupca i ft Saturday for their homo In Suth- rland. Hev. Mackintosh left Monday for I'.ejlo Fourche, So. Dak., to spotid -ovoral days. o r. o. o. r. noticj:. Claris Initiation Thursday evening. VII moiulrt'i's aro miiiesU'd lo Jio pros eul. ' J. (iUY SW1 Secy. North Platto Tribune, Enclosed pleaso find a copy of a communication which I recolved from tho National Educational Association. Please givo it somo publicity if pos sible. Thanking your for tho same, I am, Yours very truly, AILEEN G. COCHRAN, Co. Supt. Tho teacher shortago remains a menace to tho public schools accord ing to preliminary reports mado pub lio today by tho National Educational Association. Replies to questionnaires sent out by tho Association havo como from all sections of tho United States. These reports show that in places whero teachers' salaries havo been in creased ono hundred per cent or moro tho situation is nearly always satis factory. But such places aro com paratively fow, and in localities whoro salaries havo been Increased fifty per cont or less tho teacher shortago Is commonly greater than a year ago. Rural communities aro hardest lilt. Signed reports from superintendents of many counties indicate that a third of their rural schools cannot opon for want of teachors. Tens of thousands of schools will bo in charge of teachors who havo had no professional prep aration and whoso academic training barely oxcecds that "of tho children thoy teach. Relief from this serious situation, which imperils tho stability of Amer ican rural life, will bo sought from I ho next session of Congross. Renow ed offorls will be mado to obtain tho Ipasasgo of tho Smith-Towner Dill, which croatos a department of educa tion with a secretary in tho Presi dent's cabinet and provides federal aid of $100,000,000 for education. I OA 1U 0F THANKS. I Wo wish to extend to our kind 1 neighbors and friends our heartfelt gratltludo and thanks for their mnny acts of sympathy and klndnoss dur- Ing tho birth nnd death of our darling baby girl. Wo also thank thoso who j Hont tho boautlful flowers. i FolIXnnd Verna Bokosklo. ''lO'l ' Peter Olson loft Saturday for Osh Ipsh nftor transacting business In thU city for gomo timo. Mr. and Mr. 13. H. Partridge and grandson loft Monday for Tillunook, Ore., nflor viiltln Mr. J, W. Roon-crnnlz. LOCAL AND PJ2KSONAL Mrs. Joo Baker wont to Omaha Sun day to visit rolativcs for soveral days. No leather like Cordova. Dixon, the Jowplor. L. C. Jones returned Sunday from AYolcott, Wyo., whero ho had been ilBhlng. Clair McGovcrn left yesterday for his homo In Denver aftor visiting nt Govern. Now shipment of KNOX HATS has arrived at THE STYLE SHOP. Miss Rena Dolph returned to Sar bon yestorday after visltjng hor paronts oyer the week end. Mr. and MrB. VernoiV Mann and son loft yestorday for Avon, Colo., -wliojfi thoy will visit Mrs. Mann's parents?'. Diamonds at reasonablo prices. Dixon, tho Jowolor. Miss Marjory Brooks is expected today from California to visit at thq homo of her brother, J. B. Brooks. If you want a good looking hat at a reasonable prlco wo havo them at Tho Hub Store. V-i 2 DYMOND'S PUBLIC SALE! 1 will sell n( Public Auction, 2 miles south, and 1 mile west of Hcrshoy, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920 Commencing nt 10 A.M. with (hu following described property : 17 HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES. Ono team of Geldings, 9 yrs. old, wt. 2900; ono team of Mules, 8 yrs. old, wU 2300; ono team of Mules, 7 and 8 yrs. old, wt. 2200; ono team of Mules, 7 and 5 yrs. old, wt.2200; ono Mulo, 7 yrs. old wt.1200; ono Mulo 4 ys. old wt 900; Two 2 yr. old Mules, wt. 900 each; ono yearling colt, ono team of Geldings, 0 yrs. old, wL 2880; ono team of Gelding, C and 9 yrs. old, wt.2500". ono saddle Mare, good cow horso; one saddlo Horse, smooth mouth, cood cow horse. 8 GOOD MILCH COWS Somo giving milk anil somo coining fresh soon; ono registered Short Horn Dull, -2 yrs. old Papora furnished; flvo head of Calves. 14 HEAD OF HOGS Consisting of ten shoata weighing 80 lbs each; two hogs weighing 200 lbs each; ono brood sow; also ono roglstored Chestor Whito Boar on which papers will bo furnished. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. Consisting of John Dooro gang lister, John Deero sluglo row Ustoi threo P. and O. two-rows, ono P. nnd O. two-row cultivator; ono 9-ft. P. and O. Disc; ono 8-ft, John Dooro Disc nearly now; ono 14-Inch walking plow: ono walking cultivator; ono G-lnch John Dooro breaking plow; ono 3 inch tiro wagon; two 3-inch Wobor wagong with boxes; ono wagon and two racks; ono narrow tire wagon with boxjvtwo truck wagons; thio spring wagon; ono broaklng cart; 8-ft galvanized tank ono C-ft woodon tank; one 9x18 cook shack; one lOxlfi chicken house: two sots of doublo harnoss; 80 to 100 old bridge plank; hog pons; posts; lumber; grlndstono; ono oconomy King soparator; 1 3-4 H. P. gasollno ongino and pumping outfit; wnshing machine: sovoral dozen chickens; and many othor articles entirely too numerous to mention Free Lunch at the Noon Hour TERMS--S111118 of ?25.00 and under cash. On sums over that amount 0 months llmo will bo given purchaser on good bankable paper drawing 10 per cent Interest from tho sale dnto. No property to be removed until settled for. FRANK DYMOND Hank of lilucoln ( oinily ,( lurk. Col. 1. 1). DrownHcld, A net. 8