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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1920)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ' Ill II III1' m jfct Contents Pluid toohnfl i i ii iTSIiii i jl JVLCOHOL-3 TEH CENT. 11 itjntlthcSto ChccrfuIncssandRcstJ nclUicrOlam,Morptonor3 1 SStf"' Exact Copy of Wrapper. i " i 'i' ii i" i'i1 1 jm 'w i' "ii Very Likely. "1 heard of n new comet tlint lost Its tall." "Prohnbly It got Into n fight with the dog star." "Cold In the Head" en acute nttack of Nasal Catarrh. Those BUbJfct to frequent "coldB In the Sead" will nnd that the uso of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the system, cleanso the Illood and render them less llablo to colds. Repeated at tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is token Internally nnd acts through the Olodd on the Mucous Sur' ces of the Sys tern, thus reducing the Inflammation aud restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. HAD HIGH AMBITION FOR SON Father Wouldn't Be Satisfied Until He Saw Him In a Really Proud Position. An instructor In the military nend emy u( West l'olnt was once assigned to conduct about the place the visiting parents of n certain cadet. After a tour of the post, the proud and happy parents joined the crowd ussembled to witness evening pnrade, n moot Imposing spectacle. The march past .iroused the father of the cadet to a high pitch of enthusiasm. "There!" he exclaimed to his spouse, "Isn't that tine? Hut," he added, re flectively, "I shall not he happy till my hoy attains the proud position that lends 'em all." And he pointed In rapt admiration to ihe drum-major. Not to Be Outdone. Frances, Janet aud Eleanor were ills cussing the respective merits of the babies In their households, and Frances had led off with: "My baby brother Is only four months old and he tins two teeth al ready." "My little sister," announced Janet, ln only live months old nnd she has three." "That's nothing," Mild Kleanor. "My little brother hasn't any teeth et. but when he does have seine they are go ing to he gold ones I" M " " " " " " " " 'I " " " " ii iSSfi !L- 4 ' i,t viy? iPli "JcIM 11 tL".;u'H'AIZ u..l-f'. Oil I lap? Si 1 III JUT I 8 3$S$f! rftC-SimUcSijnalor Tfie Increasing Demand POSTUM Cereal shows the favor this -table drink is constantly gaining because of its ricn taste and economy. Boil Postum Cereal -full -twenty minutes and you Tiave a "flavor similar to the highest grade xnereo tu hurt in Postum. It is pure and wholesome ! ' Made by Postum Cereal Co, Inc.. Bottle Creek. K'.ch. I i li HiTVITK Ki.kLT. tvJ,j TXt 71 For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castorla Always Bears the Signature .ft if of In Use For Over Thirty Years THr crnTAUH COMPANY NtWTOnKCtTT 'i 'i CATS DISRUPTED THE ZOO Released to Clean Up Despised Rats, They Terrorized Lions, Leopards and Tiners Alike. An army of cats, .timed loose In Iho zoo at Highland park, Pittsburgh. Pa., to clean out the rats, has shown the fallacy of tunny tales of ferocity told of wild denizens of the Jungle. Knts hnd become so numerous at the big zoo that It was found necessary to take some means of ridding the build ing of the pests, and the head keeper decided on cats just the plain alley breed. An advertisement brought them In 'droves, and they were turned loose In the cages, cellars, supply rooms and lofts. No' sooner had the cages been Invad ed than pandemonium broke loose. Lions, tigers, panthers, pumas and leopnrds failed to recognize n distant relationship, and ninny of them went clear frnntlc with fear. Other ani mals Including the elephants, were not so timorous, hut hippo and rhino were only a few seconds In making up their minds that discretion wus the belter purt of valor. Sordid Churls. "I am poor," the youth declared, "but If you could lie content with the true and eternal devotion of a faithful und tender heart " "Oil. Pd he contented, all right," the fair maiden responded, not unkindly; "but I really doubt If the landlord nnd the butcher and milkman, and the coal dealer would be." Patching It Up. Yeast Yoii say lie and his wife hnd some trouble? Crlmsonbeak Oh yes. They had a great scrap. "Where Is he now?" s "In the house." "Can't they patch matters up, do you suppose?" "Well, lie's at work on one of his eyes now.' A good bargain Is n pick purs. " " " " " " I' " 'I H I' II H or coffee, but ice tREALj 1 " " ' "' " 'i " " " inrN f . Ill WADTUINUlUTNh olDELIGmo Large National Reading Class of 13,000 WASHINGTON. The home edu cational division of the depart ment of the Interior has undertaken the task of supplying Uncle Sam's scattered family circle with proper reading courses. Tills work was started about six years ngo under the direction of the bureau of education, and today the big natlonnl reading clnss numbers l.'l.tXK). Not only Is tins circulating library In formation distributed in United States territory, hut readers are studying one or more of the twenty-two courses in fax away India. China. Philippine Islands. Porto Hlco. France and Caiin du. Particularly Is the reading course for hoys of great value, for any boy may before he Is twenty years old. even without the udvantage of schools, be "Times Change; We CHAMP CI.AUK, when n small hoy. worked for a farmer down In Kentucky who laid a disposition like a rattlesnake. The man used to beat Champ on slight provocation, and as the latter did not stand six-feet-two nor weigh 1UQ pounds there was noth ing for htm to do hut take the beat ings and hide his time. As lie saw himself developing Into sturdy young manhood. Champ watched his muscles waxing strong with much gleeful satisfaction. He purposed to hunt up that farmer who had abused him nnd deal lilin out n little retributive Justice. His idea was to give him a thrashing that would not .only even up all scores to date, but that would linger long In the man's memory as one of the noteworthy events of his life. It was ten years before Champ Clark determined that conditions were right for going back to'that farm and creating n red-letter day for his for mer employer. And these ten years hadn't softened his feelings toward the man who had trounced him when he was a small youngster. Champ bad a good memory. Well, anyway. Champ knocked off from Ids schoolteaching Job one eve ning and set out on a day's Journey to lind the man he had been waiting "Own Your Own Half WIIK.N HepresenatlM' Albert John sou of Washington entered 'on gress lie brought with him a dress suit all bis own. What of It? Well, stop, look listen ! Years ago Representative Johnson was a police reporter on a Washing ton 10. C.) morning newspaper, lie decided to buy a elaw-liaiiinier suit. Johnson had a room-mate, Smith, who also had spike-tail ambitions. He forthwith had an Inspiration. He pro posed that they go llfty-llfty on cost and wear. Johnson agreed. Johnson had made tin; acquaintance of Mrs. Stewart, wife of the senator from Nevada. She had a big. formal reception anil asked Johnson's city ed itor to scud him to write it up. Thus It befell that Johnson got a chance to try out tile co-operntlvc "Legal Right to Remain in Ignorance" Till: legal right to remain in ig norance Is annually granted to thousands of children in states where child labor and education laws are backward, is the Inforniation furnished by tin- children's bureau of the depart ment of Ithor. According to an account of the ad ministration of the federal child labor law soon to lie published by the bu reau, only 7S.'t children out of UM'ibd to whom working certificates were Is sued, or less than l per cent, had at tended or completed the eighth grade, though completion of the eighth grade Is generally regarded as necessary to secure even the rudiments of an edu cation, the bulletin says. Only one of these live slates has a compulsory law for children up to six teen, even when unemployed, and that law penults many exemptions. In a recent study of school altend ancc In Cleveland It was found that UTifiO children were so Irregular In ilielr attendance at school as to In nrfere wit Ii their studies, and thnt the reasons for staying out of school were In ninny cases trivial fn addition to lax school attendance laws, three of the live states permit children sixteen years old and young er to go to work even If they cannot mid or write or never have been to come familiar with a large part of the best literature of the world. The course usually requires three years. Uach member must notify the Washington bureau when the hook Is begun and when It Is tlnished, Includ ing a summary of episodes and char acters and the reader's Impressions. It must not he understood that the bureau of education furnishes the hooks to be read; It simply furnishes courses of reading and encourages the co-operation of the state superintend ent of public Instruction as well as the directors of the extension division of state universities. Nine states are n trendy nctlvely co-operating In tills work and Include Indiana, Iown, Ken tucky. North Carolina, Arizona, Wis consin nnd North and South Dakota. This reading circle embodies liter ature, history, biography, tlctlon, home making, vocational subjects such as shipbuilding. Iron nnd steel, merchant marine aud machine shop work. I,t Is only necessary to send mime null, address, age and n brief state- .-. " the home education division of the department of education in order to lie e'niMlleil without pa on the Na tional Heading Circle Register. Change With Them" those ten years to meet again. As ho neared the old farmhouse the recol lections of the beatlngn he hnd en dured there came back as If they had occurred within a week Instead of a decade. It had been a long watt, hut. at last, hlr. time had come. He k.iocked at the door, and even then clenched his lists, ready to begin the exercises. Hut there was a hitch In the pro cram. Ten yt-nrs had dealt harshly with Champ Clark's former employer. His wife and children had died, and he lay III. lie was all alone when Champ entered the house, and there were signs of poverty and distress about the place. "I came here to beat you up." re marked the future speaker of the house; "been waiting to do that for ten years, but I guess I won't." -After-Six Clothes" dress suit. Besides the evening suit, Johnson also won- a new and costly pair of patent leather shoes. He was In an optimistic mood when he bought them and believed that he could be comfortable in a slightly smaller sized shoe than nature hud In mind for lilin when his feet were designed. A sad-eyed butler let him Into the Stewart mansion. Mrs. Stewart canio forward with much cordiality to greet him. He stepped toward her. but his shoes were not the antiskid kind und they did not assimilate wit if the lloor. The Hour started to rear up and strike the defenseless Johnson and he clutched at a support which chanced to be a massive and high-priced vaso pronounced vnwze containing a huge palm. This was surrounded by smaller palms and ferns and llouers. AH went down with Johnson. Kvery thlng was a total loss. Including his dress suit, which split with a sort of low wall. All was a blank to Johnson after that until lie found himself In t lie street. That was -o years ago, but to this day Johnson grows pale and nervous when, he thinks of it. Anyway. "Own your own luilf-after-six clothes" is Ills motto nowadays. I HAYE A LEGAL RIGHT TO REMAIN IGNORMiT Ni-lioiil. Two require only that the child applying lor work shall have gone to school for a brief period dur ing the preceding year. Among the other states in the United States '','! require the completion of a specllled grade. And 1- more and the District of Columhln require the ability to read and write. None of the the states where chil dren were granted certificates makes any provision for continuation schools In order to make up for defective edu cation in childhood. Only 18 states In the United States have laws which make sii"h a provision. ICnglnuil, under the Fisher education act. which went Into effect April 1. Is rapidly establishing continuation schools throughout the country, and will shortly compel attendance up to the age of eighteen. 1 . m Sa package 1 before the war 5 a package t during the war and a package The Flavor So Does the How About Your Catarrh? Do You Want Real Relief? Then Throw Away Your Sprays and Other Makeshift Treat mcnt. Why? Simply becauso you hnvo overlooked the cnuso of catnrrh, and all of your treatment has been misdirected. Remove the cause of the cloBBcd-up accumulations that choke up your nir passages, nnd they will naturnlly disappear for cood. But no matter how many local application! you use to tem Specific. Lawyer "ou went In the house while the prisoner was disputing with his wife whom he accuses of aggra vating him Into tiio assault. How did she strike you? Witness I think the frying pan was the first thing which' came handy. The Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep It clear, by making Cutlcura your evcry-day toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse nnd purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and per fume. No toilet table Is complete without them. 25c everywhere. Adv. Preliminary Training-. "How did yon niamige those So viets?" "liaslly enough." replied the Itns slan politician. "I encouraged them all to talk at once till everybody was In a fighting mood nnd then 1 put them Into the army." ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" gena Ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for ovoi twenty yenrs. Accept only an unbroken "Bnyer package" which contains propei directions to relieve Headache. Tooth nchc, F.urarlie. Neuralgia, ItheumatlRtn Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 112 tnblets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin Id trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mon oacetlcucldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. No Introduction. Bill "Has he any trouble In meet ing his bills?" Hd- "None at nil. Says he Is well acquainted with them" Nliihi nnd Morning, Have Strong, Healthy Eyei. If they Tire, Itch, Smart or Bum, if Sore, A... rirC Irritated, inllameu or! OUR tYfco GranuUted, use Murine often. Soolhoa, Rairashos, bale lor Infant or Adult. At all Druggists, Write for Free Eye Book. Kuhu Ej Itmtif C., Chlny NOW Lasts Price! porarily clear them away, they will promptly re-appear until their cause is removed. S. S. S. is an antidote to the mil lions of tiny Cntnijrh germs with which your blood is infested. A ' thorough course of this remedy will cleanse and purify your blood nnd remove the disease germs which cnuso Catarrh. For free medical advice write to Chief Medical Adviser, 101 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Marital Spite. "I'd like to sco my wife go to tho , polls to vote." "Are you o much opposed to suf frage?" ' "It Isn't that, hut I'd like to enjoy hearing her called down good and hard for not knowing how to fold her ballot." USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! Don't risk your material in n poor dye. Each package of "Dlnmond Dyes" contains directions so simple thnt any woman enn dlamond-dyo a new, rich, fndcless color . into old garments, draperies, cover ings, everything, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Dlnmond Dyes" fc no other kind then perfect results arc guaranteed. ' Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Color Card" 10 rich colore. Adv. Well Acquainted. Mrs. Bacon How long since your new neighbor moved In? f Mrs. Egbert Two months. "And do you know them yet?" ' I J "Oh, my, yes. They began' borrow Ing things the first week they moved Jn 1" Just So. "Can you give mo an outside room?" "I can glvo you n hammock in the alley or a cot In tho yard," said tha hotel proprietor. "1 see. All outside rooms." PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM nemoTPjDanilruQ'Stoinllilrhiiir.Dti i KMtore Color and Beautyto Grarund Faded Hair Ma nnd f l.oo at drnrrl IU. nUc-fl Chfm. Wki, l'atohorn.. W.Y HINDERCORNS louitw, rlc, ttopa all pain, emum romlort ta tfia fnt, nukrt walklnir y, Im. hr mall or at lrtfi CUl. UUcoxCteulcallVoraa,l-atctMcaa,tL..Vw J gla teeth, we return came day M DR. G. D. SHIPHERD K 701 Cty Natl Baa. Eld'., Onalu, Neb, ggj era 4