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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1920)
NORTH PLATTE SEMT-WEEKLY TRTBUNE. N X H 3 WebsfcMans rii;rtIITTTIItIITTTTTTrTYTIITITIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIIiriTYTgIIIi;TIIi;TYTrrriTTTl CHAPTEK . When John Rtunrt Webster, mining engineer and klcker-up-of-dust on dis tant tmllH. flagged the S. I'.. L. A. A 8. L. Limited ut a Wintered hoard sta tion In Dcnth valley. California, he had definitely resolved to do certain things. To begin, he would Invade the dining enr at the first call to dinner nnd order .approximately twenty dol lars' worth of ham and eggs, which provender Ih. n all who know will certify, the pinnacle of epicurean de light to nn old Hour-dough coming out of the wilderness with a healthy hank roll and a healthier appetite. Following tin; ham and eggs, Mr. Webster planned to saturate himself from soul to vermiform appendix with nicotine, which he purposed obtaining from tohncco with nicotine In It. It was a week since he hud smoked any thing with nn odor even remotely llko tobacco, for the August temperature In Death valley Is no respecter of moist ure In any man or his tohacco. Upon arrival In Salt Lake City his spree would reully begin. Webster designed chartering n tuxleab nnd proceeding forthwith to a hotel where he would engage a sunny room with a bath, (111 the bathtub, climb blithely In and sonk for two hours at least, for It was near ly eight months since he had had n regular bat!) and he purposed making the most of his opiortunlty. Ills long drawn ablutions nt length over, he would don a silken dressing gown and nllppers, order up a barber and pro ceed to part with enough hair and whiskers to upholster un automobile, nnd upon tho completion of his ton iiorlnl adventures he would encase his person In n suit of mauve-colored silk pajamas, climb Into bed and stuy there for forty eight hours, merely wak ing long enough to take another bnth, order up periodical consignments of tinni ami eggs, nnd Incidentally, make certain that n friendly side-winder or chuckwnlla hadn't crawled under the blanket with him So much for John Stuart Webster's plans. Now for the gentleman himself. No one not even tho Pullman porter, ehrewd Judge of mankind that he was could have discerned In the chrysalis that flagged tho Limited tho butterfly of fushlon that was to be. As the eUony (Jeorge raised the vestibule plat form, opened the enr door und looked out, he had no confidence In tho lean, sun baked big man standing by the train, I'lnlnly tho fellow wns not a llrnt-class passenger but n wandering prospector, for ho was dog-dirty, a ruin of rage and hairy as n tarantula. Tho only clean thing about him wns a heavy-cullbercd automatic pistol of the army type, swinging at his hip. "Duy conch an' tourist up In front," the knight of tho whlskhrootn an nounced In disapproving tones nnd started to close down the platform. "So I perceived," John Stuart Web ster replied blandly. "I also observed that you failed to employ tho title 'sir1 when addressing u white man. 1'ut that platform back and hop out here with your little stool, you snddlo colontd son of Scnegumbla, or I'll make you a hnrtl porter to catch." "Yassoh, yussuhl" the porter sput tered, and obeyed Instantly. Mr. Web Rter handod him a disreputable-looking suitcase and stepped aboard In state, only to be Informed thut there wasn't it vacant first-class berth, on the train. "Yes, I know I'm dirty," tho Into ar rival announced cheerfully, "but still, as Bobby Burns ouco remarked, 'a man's a man for a' that' aud 1'ui not unsanitary." i "I'm very sorry," the conductor re plied perfunctorily and endeavored to pass on, but Webster secured a flrra crip on his lapel and frustrated the es cape. "You're not sorry," the ragged wnn cterer declared, "not one little bit You're only npprnhcnalvo. However, you needn't be. There Is no wild life on me, brother, I assure you." "But I tell you, the train Is full up, You'll have to roost In tho day coach or the tourist I'm verv sorry- "Nevertheless, despfte your deep grlof, something tells me you'ro spooling, so while I must, of necessity, accept your suggestion, said acceptunce will bo but temporary. In nbout two hours, young fellow, you'ro going to make tho alarm lng discovery that you have jbuts In your bolfry." And with n whiskery grin which, under the clrcumstnnces, was charming In its absolute freedom from malice, Mr. Webster departed for tbo day coach Two hours later tho conductor found him In the aforementioned day coach. engaged In a mild game of poker with a mule-sklnucr, u Chinaman, nn aged prospector, and a half-breed Indian, and waited until Mr. Webster, on a bob-tailed flush, bluffed the Chinaman out of n dollar-und-n-hnlf pot. "Aro you Mr. John S. Webster?" "Your assumption that I urn that person Is so eminently correct that It would bo a waste of tlmo for mo to dispute It," Webster replied quizzical ' ly.' "However. Just to provo that you're not the only clairvoyant on this train, I'm going to tell you something nbout yourself. In your pocket you have a telegram; It Is from Chicago, ' .whero your pay-check originates; It Is h(irt, sweet and comprehensive, con tniiilnjj an order which you aro going to obey. It reads somewhat as fol- By PETER B. KYNE Author of "Cappy Riclu," "The Vnllcy of tho "My friend, John S. Webster, wires me from Illank thut he boarded train nt Blank and was refused first-class accommodation because he looked like a hobo. Give him the best you hnve In stock, If you hnve to throw somebody off tho train to accommodate him. Signed, 'Sweeney.' "Do I hit the tnrget?" The conductor nodded. "You win, Mr. Webster." he admitted. 'Occasionally I lose, old timer. Well?" "No offense, Mr. Webster, no offense. I can let you have n stateroom " "Thitts trading talk. I'll take It" Tho condurtor gave him his receipt nnd led him buck to the stnteroom In tho observation car. At tho door Web ster handed him a five-dollar bill. "For you, son." he said gently, "Just to take, tho sting out of what I'm nbout to tell you. Mow that I possess your receipt and know that ten men and a boy can not take It away from me, I'm going to tell you who Sweeney Is." "Who Is he?" the conductor queried. Alrendy ho suspected ho hud been out generaled. Sweeney," said Mr. Webster, "Is tho chief clerk In one of Chicago's most pretentious hotels and a young man who can find all the tangles of a sit uation without working It out In loga rithms. I wired him the details of my predicament ; he heard the Macedonian cry and kicked In. Neut, Is It not?" The conductor grinned. "I hute to take your money," he declnred. "Don't. Just nt present I'm very flush. Yes, sir. I'm as prosperous us a yearling burro up to his ears In alfalfa nnd the only use I have ever found for money Is to make other people happy with It. thereby getting some enjoy ment out of It myself. When I'm broke I'll make some more." And Mr. Webster retired to his hard- won snnctunry, whero he removed as much alknll and perspiration as he could, carded his loug hulr nnd whisk' .or9( fnncurC( tlnKer nu wUh a Jack-knife, changed his shirt, provided five minutes of Industry for George, with his whlskbroom and brush, nnd set himself patiently to await the first call to dinner. Presently a plnk-Jowlcd, well curried, flashily dressed big mnn, of about Webster's age, passed In the cor ridor, going toward the head of the train. An Instnnt Inter u womun's r voice suld very distinctly: "I do not know you, sir; I do not wish to know you, nnd It Is lonthsome of you to persist In uddresslng me. If you do not stop your annoying atten tions, I shall cull the conductor." "Ah I Benuty In distress," John 8tuart Webster soliloquized. "I look 60 much like an Angora goat I might as well butt In." He stepped to the door of his stnteroom. A girl stood In tho vestibule, confronting the mun who had Just pussed Webster's door.- Web ster bowed. "Mndnme. or mademoiselle, as the case may be." he said, "unlike this other male biped, my sole purpose in presuming to nddress you Ik to suggest that there Is not the slightest necessity for taking this matter up with the con ductor. I am here and verv much at your service." The girl turned nnd John Stuart Webster's heart flopped twice In rapid succession, like a trout newly grassed. Sho was as lovely as a roynl flush. Her starry glance began at his miner's boots, traveled up his old soiled, whip cord trousers, over his light blue chain- bray shirt und found the mnn behind the whiskers. She favored him with a quick, curious scrutiny nnd a grave, sweet smile. "Thank you so much, sir," she answered, and passed down tho corridor Jo tho observation cur. "Well, old-timer," Webster greeted the fellow who had been annoying her, "how about you? What do you think wo ought to do about this llttla af fair?" "The senslblo thing would be to do nothing. You might start something you couldn't finish." "Thnt's a dure," Webster declared brightly, "und wnsn't It tho Inimortnl Huckleberry Finn who remarked that anybody thut'd take a dare would suck eggs und steal sheep?" Ho wus silent a few seconds, appraising his man. "I suppose you commenced operations by moving Into her section and usklug If sho would like to hnve the window open and enjoy tho fresh air. She re buffed you, hut being a persistent devil, you followed her Into the ob servntlon car, and In all probability you ogled her at luncheon und ruined her appetite. And Just now, when you met her In this vestibule, you doubt less Jostled her. begged her pardon and without wultlug to be Introduced asked her to hnve dinner with you this evening." "Well?" the fellow echoed belliger ently. "It's nil bud form. You shouldn' try to make a mush on a lady. I don' know who she Is, of course, hut she's not common nnd for the sake of tho, mother that bore me I always respect and protect a good woman and whnlo h out of those thnt do not." no reached Inside his stateroom and pressed tho bell. Tho porter arrived on tho run. "George," raid Mr. Webster. "In few minutes we're due at Smlthvllle, If my memory verve me aright, we Man GianU," Etc' Coprrlcht br Pir n. Krn: stop tlvo mluutus for wuter und or ders." "Yassnh." "Remain right here nnd let me off as soon ns the train comes to u stop." When tho train slid to a grinding halt nnd tho porter opened the car door, Webster pointed. "Out I" he snld. "ThlB Is no nice plnco to pull off a scrap." "See here, neighbor, I don't want to bnve nny trouble with you " "I know It. AH the same, you'ro go log to have It or come with me to Unit young lady and beg her pardon." "All right. I'll apologize," and ho started forward as If to pass Webster In the vestibule, on his way to the ob servation car, whither the subject of his annoying attention had gone. Two steps brought hi in within striking dis tance of his enemy, and before Web ster could dodge, n sizzling right- handed blow landed on his Jaw nnd set him back on his haunches In the ves tibule. It was almost a knockout almost, but not quite. As Webster's body struck the floor the big automatic came out of the holster; swinging In wenk circle, It covered the other. "That wns a daisy." Webster mum bled. "If you move before my head clears, I'll put four bullets Into you be fore you reach the corridor." He waited about a minute, then with the gun he pointed to tho car door and tho masher stepped out. Webster hand ed the porter his gun and followed; two minutes later he returned, drag ging his assailant by the collar. Up the steps he Jerked the big buttered hulk and tossed It In the corner of the vestibule. Just as the girl came through the car, making for the diner up nhead. Again she favored him with that calm, grave, yet vitally Interested gaze. nodded nppreclatlvely, made as If to pass on, changed her mind, und suld "You Are Very Courtly Gentleman." very gravely: "You are a very court ly gentleman, sir." He bowed. There wns nothing else to do. nothing that he could say under the circumstances. To use his chivalry us a wedge to open nn acquaintance never occurred to Win but his whisk ers did occur to him. Hastily he backed Into his stateroom and closed tho door, presently he rose and surveyed himself crltlcully In tho small mirror over the wuMistand. "No, Johnny," he murmured, "we can't go Into tho diner now. We're too blamed dlsreputuble. We were bud enough beforo thnt big swine hung tho shanty on our right eye, but whutever our physical and personul feelings, far be It from u to parndo our Iridescent orb In public. Beside?, ono look nt that queen Is enough to do us for tho re mainder of our natural life, and n sec ond look, minus a proper Introduction, would only drive us Into a suicide's grave." He sighed, rung for the porter und told him' to send a waiter for his order, slnco he would fain breuk his fast In the privacy of his stateroom. And when the waiter came for the order, such was Mr. Webster's mental perturbutlon thut hum nnd eggs were furthest from his thoughts. Ue or dered a steuk with French fried po tatoes. John Stuart Webster pnssed a rest less night Sleep came to him In hour ly Installments, from which ho would rouso to usk himself whether It wns worth while to continue to co throuch tho motions of living, or alight nt the next station, seek n lonely und unfre quented spot nnd there surrender outrageous fortune It wns altogether dnmnnble. In u cnreloss moment. Fnto had accorded hlra a glimpse of tho only woman he had ever met and d sired to meet ugnln for Webster wi essentially a man's man, und bis pro fession nnd environment hud militated against his opportunities for meeting extraordinary women; und extraordi nary women were the only kind thnt could nope to challenge his serious at- entlon. Fnte had accorded him a slgnnl opportunity for knlghty combat In tho service of this extraordinary woman, and In the absence of a fonnnl Intro duction, whnt man could desire n finer opportunity for getting acquainted I If only their meeting hud but been de layed two weeks, ten days, n week I Once free of his ugly cocoon of rags and whiskers, the butterfly Webster would not hnve hesitated one brief In stnnt to Inform himself of thnt young lady's nddress, following his summary disposal of her tormentor. But In nil thing?) there Is a limit, and John Stuart Webster's right eye constituted a deadline beyond which, as a gentleman, ho dared not venture; so with n henvy henrt hts bowed to the Inevltnble. Brilliant and mysteri ous ns a meteorite she had flashed once ncross his horizon und wns gone. In the privacy of his stnteroom Web ster had ham nnd eggs for breakfast Ho was lighting his second cigar when tho porter knocked and entered wltb an envelope. "Lndy In the ohservntlon-cor usked me to deliver this to you, sub," he an nounced Importantly. It wns a note, freshly written on tho train stationery. Webster read: "The distressed lndy desires to thank the gentleman In stateroom A for his chivalry of yesterday. Sho Is profoundly sorry that In her servlco the gentleman In stnteroom A was so unfortunate as to ncqulro a red eye with blue trimmings." , John Stuart Webster swore his mightiest outh, "By the twelve apos tles, Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, .Tude and Simon, nnd not omitting .Twins Iscurlot, the scaly scoundrel who betrayed his Lord nnd Muster!" Ho searched through an old wallet until he discovered n fairly cleun professional card, across the bot tom of which he wrote, "Thank you. J. S. W." und sent It to the no-longer-distressed lndy. "Tho most slgnnl ndventure of my life Is now over." he soliloquized and turned to his clgnr. "For tho sake of my self-respect. I had to let her know I'm not a hobo I And now to the tnsk of framing up a srheme for future ucqualntnnce. I must lenrn her name und destination : so ns a preliminary I'll Interview the train condurtor." He did and under the nmelloratlng Influence of a five-dollar bill the con ductor bent a respectful ear to tho Websterlnn message. "In Cnr Seven," he began, "there Is a young lndy. I do not know what sec tion she occupies neither do I know her nnme and destination. I only know whnt she looks like." The conductor nodded. "And you want to usccrtaln her name and des tination'',; I do." "All right f have the unused por tion of her transportation to return to her before we' hit Salt Lake; her name Is on the ticket nnd the ticket Indicates her destination. I'll make a mental note of both ns soon ns I've Identified her ticket." A few hours Inter the conductor cumo to Webster s stnteroom nnd handed him a curd upon which was written: "Dolores Ruey. From Los Angeles, vln Sun Pedro, Los Angeles & Snlt Lake, to Salt Lake City. Denver fc Rio Grande to Denver, Burlington to St Louis, Illinois Central to New Orleans. Stop-over nt Denver." John Stunrt Webster studied the namo after the conductor withdrew. "Thnt's a Spanish nnme," he solilo quized, "but for all thnt, she's not a parakeet All things considered, I guess I'll take a chance and Investi gate. CHAPTER II. Webster's dreams of bliss had, with very slight variations, come true ns per schedule. In Salt Lake City ho abandoned the beefstenk on his dam aged eye for two huslnessllke leeches, which quickly reduced the nocturno effect around his orb, enabling him, tho third day, to saunter forth among hts fellowmen. By the end of the week he wns n being reincarnated, and so he packed a huge new wardrobe trunk with his latest purchases and Journeyed on to Denver. Coincident with his arrival there, we again take up the thread of our story. One hour nfter his trunk arrived the gentleman from Deuth Valley might have been observed standing before a cheval glass looking long nnd earnestly at tho reflection of his mid-die-aged person, the while he marked tho lit of his new raiment John Stunrt Webster was all dressed up for the first time In three long, labor-ridden yenrs, nnd wns tremendously glad of It He lighted u clgur and stepped forth into Seventeenth street along which he strolled until ho came to a certain building Into the elevator of which he entered nnd wns whisked to the twelfth floor, where he alighted and found himself before a wide portal which boro In gold letters the words: "Engineers' Club." The Engineers' club was the closest approach to a home that John Stunrt Webster hud known for twenty yenrs, nnd save for the slight Job of kal somlntng which Fnther Time had dono on the edges of the close-cropped Web sterlnn mustache, tbo returned prodl gat might have stepped out of the club but yesterday. Ho would not have taken the short end of a modest bet that even a fresh log had been plnced on tho Are or that tho domlno-plnyers over against the wall had won or lost a drink or two and then resumed play Ing although perchance there were n fow more gray hairs In tho thickly thatched head of old Neddy Jerome, sitting In his favorite seat by the window nnd turning the cards In hi eternal game of solitaire. In hllwfnl Ignorance that John Stuart Webster stood within the portals of home and awnltcd the fatted calf. Webster struck tbo upholstery of nn adjacent chair. a terrific blow wfth his stick the effect of which was to causo everybody In the room to stnrt nnd to conceal Mr. Webster momentarily In n cloud of dust, tho whllo In a bel lowing bnrltono he snng: "His father wa a hard-rock miner; He comei from my home town" "Jack Webster I Tho devil's own kin I" shouted Neddy Jerome. .He swept the cards Into n heap and wud dled ncross tho room to meet this latest nssnllant of the peace and dig nity of tbo Engineers' club. "You old, worthless, ornery, no-good son of a lizard I I've never been so glad to see u man that didn't owe mo money. I've been combing the whole civilized world for you, for a month, at leust Where the devil hnve you been?" John Stunrt Webster beamed hap pily upon his friend. "Well, Neddy, you old stocking-knitter," he replied quizzically, "since that Is the case, I'm not surprised nt your failure to find me. You've known tne long enough to hnve remembered to confine your search to the uncivilized reaches." "Well, you're here, at nny rate and I'm happy. Now you settle down." "Hardly, Neddy. "I'm young yet, you know only forty. Still n real llvo man nnd not quite ready to degenernto Into a cuKl-pluylng. eat-drlnk-nnd-be-merry, dle-oMnunltlon, slnk-to-obllvlon nnd go-to-h flreplnco spirit I" And he prodded Jerome In the short ribs with n tentative thumb that caused the old mnn to wince. He permitted his friend to drag him downstnlrs to the deserted lounge, where Jerome paused In the middle of the room und renewed Ms query: "Where hnve you been, I ask?" "Out In Deuth vnlley, Cnlifornlu, try ing to pry loose a fortune." "Did you pry It?" John Stuurt Webster arched his eye brows In mock reproach. "And you can sec my now suit, Neddy, my six-teen-dollar, mnde-to-order shoos nnd my horny hoofs encased In silken hoso nnd ask that question? Freshly shnved nnd Ironed and nlmost afraid to sit down and get wrinkles In ray trousers I Smell that!" He blew a cloud of clgnr smoke Into Jerome's smiling fnce. The latter sniffed. "It smells expensive," ho replied. "Yes, and you enn bet It tastes ex pensive, too," Webster answered, banding his clgnr-cuse to his friend. Jerome bit the end of his clgur and spat derisively. "How much have you made?" he demanded bluntly. "It's none of your business-, but I'll tell you becnuse I lovo you, Neddy. I've mude one hundred thousund dollars." "Chicken-feed," Jerome retorted. "Johnny, I've been combing the min eral belt of North nnd South America for you for a month." "Why this sudden belated interest In me?" "I have a fine Job for you, John " "King's X," Webster Interrupted, and showed both hands with the fin gers crossed. "No plotting ngulnst my pence nnd comfort Neddy. Huven't I told you I'm nil dressed up for the first time In three yenrs. that I hnvo money In my pocket nnd more In bnnk? Man, I'm going to tread tho primrose path for n year heforo I get hack Into the harness again." Jerome wnved a deprecatory hand, figuratively brushing aside such feeblo and inconsequential nrgument "Are you foot-loose?" he demnndecl. "I'm not I'm bound In golden chains" "Married, eh? Great Scott, I might have guessed It So you'ro on your honeymoon, ehT"1 "No such luck, you vlchy-drinklng Iconoclast. If you had ever gotten far enough from this club during tho past fifteen years to get a breath of real fresh air, you'd understand why I want to enjoy civilization for a week or two before I go Ijack to a mine su perintendent's cabin on some bleak hill. No, slr-ee. Old Jeremiah Q. Work and I have had a falling out Dnd burn your picture, Neddy, I want some class 1 I've- been listening to a dngo shift-boss playing the nccordeon for three yenrs and he could only piny three tunes. Now I want Sousn's band. I've been bathing In tepid, dirty water In a redwood sluice-box, and now I desire a steam room and a nee dle shower and nn osteopath. I've been bossing Greasers npd ltnllans and was forced to learn their Inngunge to get results, and now I want to speak my mother tongue to my old friends. By thunder I'm going to hnvo a new deal all around." "Very well. Jnck. Don't exclbo your self. I'll give you exnetly thirty days to sicken of It nil nnd then I shall come and claim my property." "Noddy, I'll not work for you. Pm mad. I won't play." "You're It I Just tagged you." "I require o rest but unfold your proposition, Neddy. I wns born a poor, wenk vessel consumed with a curiosity thnt was ever my undoing. I can only protest thnt this Is no way to treat a friend." "Nonsense I My own brother wnnts this Job. and I have refused to give It to him. Business Is business nnd I've saved It for you." Jerome leaned forward nnd laid his finger confidentially on Webster's knee; whereat the light-hearted wan derer carefully lifted the finger, brushed nn Imaginary speck of dirt from It, and set It down ngnln. "Bo serious, you Ingrate." Jeromo pro tested. "Listen I I'vo been working for two years on a consolidation up near Tellurldo, and I've Just put It ncross. Jack, It's the biggest thing In the country. Colorado Consolidated Mines Company. Limited. English capital, Jnck. Pay 'em 0 per cent and they'll call yon blessed. There's twenty-five thousand a year In It with a houso and a good cook and nn an tomoblle nnd a chauffeur, and you can come to town whenever you please provided you don't neglect the com pany's Interests nnd I know you're not that kind of on engineer." "Do I have to put aouio money Into It Neddy?" "Not necessarily, nlthough I slioulrt advise It I can let you In on the ground floor for that hundred thou snnd of yours, guarantee you a hand some profit and In all probability u bis cleanup." "I feel myself slipping, Neddy. Nev ertheless, the tall goes with the hide I'm not In the habit of usklng tnr friends to guarantee my Investments, nnd If you sny It's right. I'll spread what I have left of the hundred thou sand when I report for duty." "It's been u tremendous Job get ting Uils consolidation over, Jack. When" "lu pity's name I Spnro mc. Tvo heard nil I want 'to henr nbout your conifounded consolldutlon. News I News! Glvo me news I I have to beg for n drink Mose, you black; sinner, how dnre you appear beforo me without bringing a drink?" Mose. the nged colored porter of tiie Engineers' club, flnshed a row of Ivories and respectfully returned the democratic greeting. " "Letter for you, sub. Tho secre tary told me to give It to you, Mlstnh Webster." "Thunk you, Mose. Speak up, Ned dy, nnd tell me something. Ever hear anything of Billy Genry?" He was tearing the edgo of the en velope the whllo he gnzed at Jerome, who wns rubbing his fnt hands to gether after the fashion of elderly meu who are well pleased with themselves. "You have n chnnce to become one of the greatest and richest mining en gineers In the world. Jnck," he an swered, "now thnt you've cut looso from thnt young crook Genry. I don't know whnt's become of him, nnd neither does nnybody else. For that nintter, nobody cores." "I do nnd you can tnko the brief end of that bet for your Inst white chip. Don't let me hoar you or any body else sny anything against Billy Geary. That hoy goes for my money, every turn In the box. Don't make any mistakes nbout thnt oldtlmer." Webster's fnce suddenly wns seri ous; the bantering Intonation In his voice wns gone, and n new, slightly strident note had crept Into It But Jerome waved his hand soothingly. "All right old Johnny Pepper-box, hnve It your own wuy. Nevertheless, I'm n little mystified. The last I know of you two. you had testified against him In the high-grader trials nt Cripple Creek, and he had pulled out under a cloud, even niter his ac quittal." "Give a dog n bad name, nnd It will stick to him." Webster retorted. "Of course I testified ngnlnst him. As en gineer for tho Mine Owners' nssocln tlon, I hnd to. The high-grade oro was found In his assay olllce, and tho circumstantial evidence was complete, nnd I admit Billy was acquitted merely because I and others could not swear positively that the ore came from any certain mine. It wns tho same old story, Neddy. You con be morally certain that high-grade ore has been stolen from your mine, but unless you cutch the ore thief In the act how enn you prove It? I suppose) you rend the newspaper reports ond believed them, Just as everybody else does." "Well, forget It, Jack. It's all over long ngo. nnd forgotten." "It wnsn't all over so long ngo as you seem to think. I suppose yoa knew the Holmnn gang was after ward sent to the penltentlnry for those same high-grade operations? Billy Geary's acquittal didn't end ray Interest In tho case not by a Jugful I I fought the case against tle friends of the Holman crew nmong the mine owners themselves ; nnd It cost me my good Job, my prestige as a mining en gineer, nnd thirty thousand dollars of money thnt I'd slaved to get together. Of course you never knew this, Neddy, and for thut matter, neither does Geary. I wish he did. We were good friends once. I certainly was mighty fond of thnt boy." Ho drew the letter from the en velope and slowly opened It "And you never heard what became of Geary?" "Not a word. I was too busy won dering whnt was to become of me. I couldn't get a Job nnywhere In Colo rado, nnd I moved to Nevada. Made a million In Goldfleld. dropped It In the panic of 11)07, and had to start again " (To bo continued) Some university professors aro talk Ing nbout getting out a new arithmetic. However, our guess Is thnt It will bother tho boys Just as much to dis cover how long It will take one man to build a wnll 18 feet long nnd six feet high and 12 Inches thick. If eight men can build a wall three times that size In four days. Arithmetic has al ways been the castor oil of school life; they rany fool with It ns much as they will but they'll never find a way to mnko It pleasant to take. First Mirror Was Water. Rrushcs wore probably Invented much luter than the comb, but tho mirror, the one toilet article wlthmit which woman could not exist, must dnto from a very early period. Per haps a clear pool allowed curious wom an n first view of her face, though wo must say that she Is not the only ulii crenture to exist, for a certain genllo man nnmed Narcissus gnzed ut his re flection In the still wntor. and gussln-j fell so in love with his beauty thut he pined away and died.