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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1920)
I, v TIIlkTY-SIXTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 28, 1920. 75 FOOT BALL DAYS. MERE THE SEASON OPENS THIS WEEK WITH GAME HEHE. Tho North Platto High School foot ball team la again boforo tho people o the city asking for their attention during tho next few weeks. With Keith Ncvlllo as head coach, tho team Is making u good showing and prospects are bright for tho state championship. Nino of last year's players aro out again this year and enough new material is on hand to give confidence to the student body that everything will come out well. Adams (Capt.), Locke, Hoga, Over man, McTnrtand, Hlnman, Walters, Yost and Simon aro the old players while Horn, Shaner, Bunnell, Corn well and a bunch of now follows will l.e ready to take tho places away from tho old men if thoy don't make good. Tho schedulo comprises nino games, four at homo and five away. T' homo aro Alliance, Oct. 1st, Gothen burg Nov. 5th, Curtis Nov. ID and Grand Island Nov. 25. Away from home tho boys play Lincoln, Lexing ton, Cozad, Kearney and Scottsbluff. Season tickets for the homo games aro two dollars each for Adults and $1.50 each for High School. A special ticket for children will bo sold at soventy-flve cents. Those tickets aro sale by tho High School pupils and at ! some of tho Drug Stores. Tho schedulo is a good one, tho coach and team are up to the high standard of N. P. H. S. Now tho question of finance is to bo worked out and tho people are asked to sup 1 ort the football by purchasing liber ally of the season tickets, thus plac ing tho sport on its feet financially. t Owing to a misunderstanding about our Jease we are obliged to vacate our present' location in the. Keith Theatre Building and will have to niove into a smaller room until we can get' a suitable location. Our misfortune is your opportunity for we are obliged to reduce our stock. Commencing Wednesday, Sept. 30th we will make prices that will sell all we care to in a very shoil time. ANNUAL MEETING OF LUTHERAN CHURCH HELD LAST EVENING. 1 Tho annlial congregational meeting of tho Lutheran Church at North Plntto was hold last evening in tho church. Tho ladles served a dinner to the mombors and families at sovon o'clock. About one hundred woro present. Roports from tho different departments of tho church woro road and plans mado for the coming year. Ono roport showed tho largost num ber of accessions sinco dedication of tho church, thnt has beon recorded in Its history. Thero woro fifty-seven new members. Another report showed that over $10,000 has been collected for tho current expenses and benevo loncos of tho church during tho year and this does not count any of tho funds raised for the church building. Tho reports all emphasized tho good work bolng done by Rev. C. P. Koch, the pastor, and the ontlro member ship. With tho close of tho best year In Its history tho First Lutheran Church of North Plafto turns its face toward tho new year with a united front and nn excellent outlook. LINCOLN COUNTY SALVATION ARMY ADVISORY BOARD MEETS. At a meotlng of tho Advisory Board for Lincoln County of tho Salvation Army Geo. M. Cary was elected Sec retary. Tho Board is to conduct tho annual financial campaign which will bo hold Oct. 18th 24. William N. Rob son, Pi old Representative for this dis trict was at tho meotlng and present ed tho financial program for tho com ing year. CARD OF THANKS. Wo extend our sincere thanks to the U. P. North Platto Yard Employees for the many beautiful floral offer ings. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Drake and family. ::o:; -i Dr. Howard Tfost, Dentist. Twinom RuIIdlntr. Phono 307. 77tf EI Iwi f irTt In STATE FARM BUILDS SILO INFORMATION AS TO THE COST OF BUILDING SATISFACTORY PIT SILO. A now silo has Just been built at tho State Experimental Substation, which is interesting as It presents tho oxact figures for tho cost and tho methods used in filling It. Tho silo Is thirty by twelve feet. A concrete collar was put down to tho depth of threo feet, tho remainder of tho dls tanco being plastered. It required threo men ono day to dig tho collar and pour tho cement. Plvo men and hone horse worked threo and ono-half days to complete tho digging oftho silo. Tho total cost of tho silo was $175. Tho rated capacity Is 5S& tons. The actual tonnage, put Into tho silo was 43 tons which Incited three feet- , of filling It. This would make threo dollars the cost per tQ.n to build tho l silo. Pigs were used for a short tlmo to pack tho silage, ono man to drivo the i pigs and one man to handlo tho shoot ! as tho sllago came down. While the pigs proved a success at packing, thoy soon got tired and went on a strike so tho mnn had to finish the job. ::o:: " LINCOLN COUNTY ARGICUL- TURAL SOCIETY NOTICE Anyone having bills ngajinst tho Lincoln County Agricultural Socloty will please file them with tho Secre tary at his office at once. GEORGE M. Carey, Sec. ::o;: Bags, Reads, Pearls, Cameos, La vallbirs, Jewelry 25 reduction at AUSTIN'S. SAL .FOR ILLUSTRATION $175.00 Phonograph will go at $147.00 $125.00 Phonograph will go at $450.00 Come In and vvt vi m W. H. 3LVLONEY RETURNS FROM TRIP THROUGH THE EAST. AV R. Malonoy roturncd Friday from nn oxtondod trip ' through tho onst. Ho joined tho special train of Embalmors at Chicago and was ono of tho party of about 275 who journoyed from" Chicago through tho chelf points of lntorost In tho cast to Sprlngfiold, Mass., whoro jtho National Convention "was lrtsld. Ho spent somo tlmo In Now York, representing tho Nebraska Embalmors at tho Funeral Directors Council. Mr. Moloney jls confident that conditions aro gradually moving toward tho normal. Every whoro ho found buslnoss men confident that ns soon ng tho election is over, business will be as good as usual and In Bomo lines thoro will bo an Improvement. "Tho financlnl situation is improving and showing moro strength," said Mr. Malonoy, "and with tho big crops and price reductions in somo lines wo can expect reasonably good business conditions over the wholo country this fall." CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. , An oxnmtimtion Is to bo given Oct. 1 nt the North Platto Federal Bulld j lug for tho position of laborer In tho . custodian scrvlco at a salary of $CG0 I a year with $240 bonus. Particulars I may bo learned from tho local secre tary, Mrs. Gleason, at tho Post Office. I ::o:: NOTICE. Selling Milk from Untested Cows. Thoro aro a number of people in this vicinity that aro soiling milk from cows which havo not been tested for tuberculosis. Thirty days will bo given to comply with tho law. P. C. STODDART, Stato Inspector. ;:o:: Eva Black left Saturday for hor homo In Sutherland after transacting business In this city for some time. Dqn't fall to read "the WALKER ,MUSIC CO, Advertisement. pi - io will go at Lo i Them Over "Jt o 1 E yfci III 1 11 1 GOVERNOR COX SPEAKS HERE DE.MOCItATIC CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT VISITS IN NORTH PLATTF.. A good sized crowd hoard Governor Cox speak from tho roar of his train yostorday " morning at nine o'clock. Tho train was on tlmo and tho Gover nor appeared as tho crowd gathorod about tho rear car. After somo com .pllmontay remarks about tho stato, the Governor gave a few minutes to a discussion of tho League of Nations. Ho said tho mothers of this nation wero asked to send their boys to tho war thnt war might ho abolished and nil war ended. "If thero Is to bo any disarmament, It must be by Interna tional ngrcomont of tlfo groat nations. Amorlcn through hor president agreed to tho Lcaguo of Natlous but a politi cal fight was started by a Senatorial oligarchy and this senatorial oli garchy has nominated ono of Its own members for tho Presidency and Is at tempting to keep tho United States out of tho Loaguo which lias already beon joined by forty-one nations. It has not proposed any plan which calls for universal disarmament and yet Is fighting tho only plnn which has beon proposed." Governor Cox said ho came west to let tho people know what ho thought nbout tho policy of this nation and he wanted to find out what thoy thought. Ho said this was tho most Important tlmo In tho history of tho nation for tho past fifty years and a time f,br tho highest patriotism. His speech was closed with a compllmont for tho ipeople who had como out so early In tho morning to hear him and after saying jsood-byo to the audience ho entered into u conversation with somo of those ncnu him. inquiring about thi' crops raised here, their condition and othor matters of local Interest un til the trnin pulled out. WII.I. OPEN SOCIAL SEASON AT ELKS' CLl'U. Tho Hnllowoll orchestra will open - tho social season at tho Elks Club on tho fifth of October by giving n con cert In the club rooms which will bo followed by a dnnco This Is for Elks and their families only. J. A. Wentzol, who was here before with tills same orchestra will come again UiIh year. ::o:: riMHUNE PRESENTS OPENING CHAPTERS OF A NEW STORY. On another page will bo foundvtho opening chapters of a now story by Peter 1). Kyno, author of Cappy Ricks. Tho title Is WEDSTER MAN'S MAN. This story hns beon issued in book form and has mot with a wldo salo In this country. It is a story of ndven luro and wo are suro our readers will look forward to tho chapters as they como week after week. It will usual ly appoar In tho Tuesday Issue. you really you will Seldom docs nnyono hour us say: "Wo aro out of it." In toilet goods wo carry practically everything that is woll known for quality and values, and woll supported by advertising. Wo havo tho goods that ure advertised In your nowspapora and magazines, tho things that you havo known and used for years. Tho bettor class of toilet goods for mont, women and children. Evorythlng, proparatlonB, itonslls, out fits equipments. LADIES Toilet soaps, faco powdors, per fumes, and toilet waters, sachot, hair tonics, hair dyes, combs, brushos, tooth cloanors and manlcuro goods. BABY Tdllet soups, baby brushes, bath goods, dusting powdors, tal cums, tollot wntors, puff boxes and puffs, baliy hnlr brushos and combs nnd sponges. RIIILEY AGAIN WINS THE AUTO RACKS AT THE 'FAIR. .' King Rhlloy again won the big races at tho Lincoln County Fair' Fri day. Ho had some competition but managed to get away with tho honors and tho first placo. In tho stock Ford 2-mllo rnco, Cecil Lako won first placo and North Plntto Aircraft Co., second. In.tjio North Platte Special first heat, Rhlloy won first, Drako second, O'Brien third; time 11:35. In tho second heat, Rhlloy won first, Morgan second nnd O'Brien third; tlmo 11:82 2-5. In tho third heat Proltauor won first, Dreed second and O'Brien third; time 12:2 2-5. It was In this heat that Noel Bullock passed Rhlloy and In recovering the lend Rhlloy and Bullock enmo together putting both out of tho running for sovoral laps. Tho judges finally de cided to nllow both to compotd'lu tho Sweepstakes and five cars started on tho twenty-five mtle drag Rhlley, Preitauor, Drako, Breed and Bullock; Only Rhlloy nnd Breed finished, Rhlloy easily kooplng tho lead. Iji tho Lin coln County Special 5-inllo raco Swansoa'B car won first with Bullock second and Davison third. In tho.10 mllo Lincoln County Special Swan son's car again yon first, with Bul lock second and Miller third. A largo crowd waB thoro to see Rhlloy boaton and loud talk was heard boforo tho racos ns to tho probablo driver who would do It but no ono appeared whq mndo htm take dust except Bullock and tho accident provonted a show down In that case. -: :o: CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to thank our many neigh bor;! and friends and lodge) for their many kindnesses shown to us during in . .i ai. - a jjinuBH uiiu uuuui uur uuuBUim and sister nnd for tho bontulful floral offu lugs. D. H. Harden nnd family Mr. and Mrs. Otto Andorson r and family. I. O. 0. V. NOTICE. CltiNs Initiation Thursday evening. All mnnbprs nre requested to ho pres oil). J. GUY SWOPE, Socy. NOTICE Do not bring mo Automobllo Tires for thoro Is no mnrkot. L. LIPSHITZ. LOCAL ATm PTWSOMt Mrs. Etta Berry, of Qulncy. Mlclu,. loft Monday after visiting the William Drayton family. V. G. Falk and .T. L. Murphy ro turncd Saturday morning from a months trip to Washington. Cnl. Geo. M. Cary loft last evening to attend tho State Association of Chara bor of Commerce Secretaries which ' :. ( convonos nt Lincoln today. North Platto Light & Power Co, will bo host to tho members of tho I Rotary Club and their wives, Weflnof ! day evening, tho 29th, at 8 p. m. Mrs. E. N. Oglor- onteraincd at a , "stag" dinner Inst evening complimen tary to Mr. Oglor wIiobo birth anniver sary occurrod yesterday. i UlLb I care for care for MEN Regular razors and safeties, safoty blades, shaving soaps, hones, strops nnd brushos, tal cum powdors, and aftor shaves, Witch Hazel and skin lotions. BATH Bath soaps, bath brushes, bath sprays, spongos, Loofahs, Bath Salts, tollot wators, vlolot am monia and witch hazol, talcums 1 . and rub downs after tho bath. Walker B msic Id, Gummere-Dent Drug Co.