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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
The Horse of TlilrtytFlve': Study of tlifs relation between the to tal length of life nnd Hip time required to reach mnturlty Ims Voujslit out an Interesting roiTtptirlxon between men nnd horses. A liorxe nt flvo years old Is said to he, lonijmrntlvply. as old nsu man at twenty, tntl doubtless may be expected to btUiave, according to equine standards, after the manner of tho nvcrnpre college student following human standards. A ten-year-old horse resembles, so far as ago and ex perience go, a man of forty, while a horse thnt has nttalned the ripe age of thirty-five Is comparable with a man of ninety. New York Evening Post. About the Same. "My father occupied the chair of ap plied physics at Cambridge." "Dnt's nuttln': mine occupied the Beat of applied electricity nt Sing Sing." Massachusetts Tecli. Voo Doo, Easy Part. Chorus Girl What am I to do In the new revue? Stage Director Nothing! You'll have nothing to sing, nothing to say, and almost nothing to wear. Ites. J. E. SEBASTIAN, Tho Old Lino LIfo Man, I'houo 1138. Office Phono G12J I and learn how I You don't need "all cash." You don't need to squeeze. Our Budget Plan will bring Tie NEW EDISON "Tit Pknurat wlik & for your immediate use. It will accumulate the money during the months to come. Let us tell you bow. Harry Dixon Many Film Pictures Per Second. Taking motion pictures 'nt the rate of some 15,000 a wcond with n enmorn and lens, Is tho recunt achievement of a French scientist. High-speed pho tography not uew, but heretofore hns depended upon electric-spark shadows, without lenses, nnd Incklng sufnclent Illumination for dear defi nition. The mechanism of tho enmera consists of an aluminum reel, electri cally driven nt 3.000 r. p. in. and winding film nt 104 feet n second. At this rate pictures 2 Inches high nro mndo about 10,000 times a second, larger and smnller surfneos bolng ex posed nt respectively slower nnd faster speeds, says tho August Popular Me chanics Mngazlno In an article cann ing a full-pago Illustration. Tho Illumlnnnt Is n stream of high tension electric sparks with a fre quency of about 80,000 n second,, pro duced nt tho focal point of a concave reflector, nnd kept from (laming by a current of air. Nippon Honors Her Soldiers. Op. n hill nenr Port Arthur, China, there looms a grand memorial tower, and Just hack of It arc burled, in un marked trenches, tho bodies of 22,000 of tho bravest soldiers of Nippon, snys tho Detroit Frco Press. It Is n. shrine for every loyal Japanese. On tho side of another hill He buried all that Is mortal of 15,000 Russians, and there nlso a monument has been reared. Theso were the men who died during tho slego of Port Arthur, which com menced 15 yenre ago and continued for almost a year. Although Port Arthur was given back to Chlnn by tho Japa nese It remains for all practical pur poses a stronghold of Nippon, and It is today more Japanese in character than Chinese, and is likely to remain so unless Japan is forced to relin quish tho city by another war. GUN CLU11 SHOOT SUNDAY. Tho Buffalo Bill dun Club hold a shoot last Sunday nt tho Club Grounds oast of tho raco track and pulled four events: Numbor Ono 25 targets, Hostler and Anderson scored 25, Novlllo, Mc Crackonaud Smith 24, Fink 22, Wat kins and Samuolson 19, Samuolson and Iloyor 17, Crawford 1C, "Wymnn and Dickey 1C, Cohagon 12 and Soronson 9. Numbor Two 26 target. Novlllo niut. McCracken 25, Hostlor 24 Dolnnoy 23, Anderson, Smith and Cohagon 22, Fink and Boyor 21 Schaffor 20, Lomon and Crawford 16, Dickoy and McQrow 15 and Andorson 8. Number Three 25 targetB. Mc Cracken 25, Novlllo and Dolancy 24, Schaffor nnd Hostlor 23, Smith 22, Dickey 21, Boycr 17, Wymnn S and Soronson 7. Number Four 25 targets. Schnn'er and Hostlor 24, McCracken 23, Dolancy and Nevillo 22. JOHN C. DEN, Acting Secretary. ::o:: It you need an overcoat, suit, un derwear, sweater, macklnaw, flannel shirt, leather vest, raincoat, etc., como In and sco mo. You know tho high quality of tho Utah-mado goods and you know that I will do the right thing by you as I did every fall in tho past. D. A. FIIEEDMAN. Agent for tho Logon Knitting Factory of Logan, Utah. ' William Jason Knew. William Jason Tucker, four-yenr-old son of Dr. and Mrs. K. T. Tucker of Columbus, was out riding with his pnrcnts and sister Sunday night, nnd an unusually largo number of fire flies were seen nlong the country roads, nis sister, ago six, asked vhnt caused the light In the fireflies. While her mother was trying to explain, Wil liam Jnson remarked scornfully: "Why. Emily Margaret, anybody ought to know thnt. It's because they have headlights In their stomachs." Indinnnpolls News. 0Altl OF THANKS. We wish to extend to our neighbors nnd friends our dcop-folt gratitude for their many acts of kindness and tho sympathy oxtonded to us during our dear baby's sickness nnd death; for tho beautiful flowers nnd for tho kindness nnd thoughtfulnoss of Broth er Stevens. This will over be hold in grateful memory. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L McRobcrts and family Abiding Faith. "Be hns Implicit confidence In him self." "That sd?" "Yes. Even drinks the beer be says he mndo himself." i Every woman needs u necklace of j beads to give just tho touch that fash ion requires this season to tho nook ' of horflress or blouse. Wo have made I oxteiisivo preparation to meet this. i need. Wilcox Department Store. ::o:: Wanted Competent girl for genera' housework. Fifty dollars a month. Phone 243. 71 72 For Snlc A few Duroo malo pigs. Inqulro N. N. Pcttitt, 4 miles wost of Bigrell. 71-4 ENCOURAGE BIRDS TO NEST Only Through Them Can the Many In sect Pests Be Kept Within the Bounds of Safety. Of nil the ways of ridding our gar dens, parks and farms of tho Insect pests thnt destroy fruit, grain, nnd even trees, nono Is so erfectivo as tho encouragement of birds. Most birds nre naturally Insect eators, and it Is renlly nmnzlng to count tho ,number of beetles, bugs, caterpillars nnd grubs that a smnlt bird will devour In a day. , Andro Qodnrd, a French naturalist, remarks In n recent numbor of Ln Nn turo (Paris) thnt agricultural plagues Invariably follow tho disappearance of birds, and ho notes that the forests of Hungary were saved by tho plac ing of many artificial nests to attract the feathered enemies of the grubs thnt were destroying tho trees, It Is true that n few birds ent fruit nnd grain, but even theso prefer in sects, nnd It Is probnhly tfuo In ninety-nine csot, 0U( 0f n hundred thnt the bird which seoras to bo eat ing the frull 'n renlly pecking at an Insect Inside K Irving In England. It Is n plonMnif Mght. of a Sunday morning, when the bell Is ending Its sober melody nrrnts the quiet fields, to behold the pcnsntitry In their best finery, with ruddy faces, and mod est cheerfulness, thrnnxtiiK trnnqullly nlong the green lanes to church; but It Is still more pleasing to nee them i wtn ,,, In the evenings, gntherlng about their cottnge doors, and appearing tn exult In the humble comforts and embellish montH which UMr own ImmN have spreail nrntind Mn'tti. - Wnshington Irving. Lucky Woman., Mrs. Giiwnviiy The Judge's Wife la the most fortunate woutiui In the world. Mrs. Mfwon What's tho reason for all the envy? Mi's. GuSflWH.v Hor husband sen tences all I In tramps that como under his notice to bent her carpels andhelp I'ulnliu'. r II C. Brock. Doutlst. X-Ray 'Hirnttn , Koynolds Bids.. Phone 148 Wanted Fresh milk cows or must be frosh soon. 7.7, enro Tribune. I ' MlliSf .tM1? lteport of tho Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Charter No. 3490. ltosorvo DIst. No. 10. tit North Platte, ln tho Stato of Nobras ko, nttho close of business on Septem ber 8, 1920. ItESOUnCKS Loans and dis counts J921.73S.0C Overdrafts unse cured 5S7.00 IT. S. Government Hccuritlcn nirncdi Deposited to sc. cure circula tion, (U. S. bonds par val ue) $100,000.00 Pledged to so ouro postal savings depos its (par valuo) 6,000.00 Owned and un pledged 7,900 Total U. S. Gov ernment Becur- 'tlos , v 112,900.00 'iii-r jiiiiiiiM, ncciinuex etc.t Sccurltloy other i than U.S. bonds , I (not Including stocks) own ed nnd un pledged 40,727.25 Total bonds, se Hccuritles, etc.. ,other thsui U. S. 46.727.2C Stock of Feder al llosorve i lMnk (CO por I cent of sub scription).... G,100.0( value or bank ing Iiouhc, own ed unincumber ed 58.000.00 Equity In bank ing houso ... 58,000.00 Furniture and fixtures C, Lawful reserve with Federal I Hoservo Bank. 00,131.07 I Cash In vault i and net amount I due from na tional Banks. 213.97G.G5 Net nniounts due from banks and bankers, and trust compan ies In tho U. S. , (other than ln- ' eluded In Items 12, 13 or 14).. 1I.718.9S 1 Checks oni other I banks hi the name city or town as report ing hank (oth qr than Itom If.) 12.155.C9 ttedomptlon fund with IT. S. Treasurer anil duo from U. S, Treasurer . . , Not A Tack Not A Naii Billiken Shoes Arc made with out a tack or nail; of the soft est, toughest leather known, on broad, sensi ble; Improved foot form laststhe most perfect child's shoe ever madcThe one shoe a child out grows. Buy 'miHkon'! Shoes- and let the children romp and play to their heart's content without an noyance to you; in jury to the home or discomfort to them-eclves. The growing feet of children are easily irritated by stiff soles or narrow shoes. "Billiken" Shoes ore made by special ists in the largest 6hoc factory in the world; devoted exclu sively to the manufacture of Children's High Grade Shoes. The eoles on "Billiken" Shoca arc Pure Oak Flexible Leather the Boftest and most pliable leather known; being especially prepared to withstand hard service. The absence of nails, tacks, etc.; prevents the children scarring the floors and furniture. The soft Golca render the shoes noiseless. Flexible eoles make them as comfortable as a moccasin. The durable leather makes them as lasting as a man's heavy shoes. And they arc extremely stylish. Lot Us Show You "Bllllkcna". Wilcox Department Store. r m MB U.P-TO-THE-MINUTE NEEDFULS tor up-to-date autolsts, sucli as eleetrlc horns, pumps, tlrca; electric" searchlights whitoh throw broad biilllnnt streams of light far nlioad; skid chains and other how and useful iilcns. Como and see them here'. Roy V. Buskirk Garage 215 East Fifth St. 5,000.00 311,982.24 Total ?i,io3,r.oo.7o LIABILITIES stock 23.2G9.C5 8.295.0S Get Full Plow Value Behind Your Tractor No matter how good your trac tor may be, you have to depend upon the plow behind the tractor for the im portant, direct work of seed bed-making. It pays to be especially careful in choosing your tractor plow. We offer you the opportunity to get a John Deere Tractor Plow the plow that has more than 80 years of suc cessful plow-making experience behind it. If you will come in and investi gate this plow we are sure you will agree with us that it is the best tractor plow for you to buy that it will last longer than any other tractor plow and will give you better results while you are using it. Especially, we would like to have you investigate these-important features: How the genuine John Deere bottoms are Come in and investigate our particularly adapted for thorough seed bed making and longer service. Why the John Deere Quick Detachable Shares save time and labor and stay close fitting. How the simple, dependable power lift device, that raises the bottoms high and level, works without troublesome chains or sprockets. How the bottoms reach full plowing depth immediately when lowered and are locked down to this depth while plowing. How the unusual clearance assures steady work in trashy land. How the simple, strong construction through out assures maximum length of service and mini mum repair costs. How the hitch adapts it for successful use with any tractor. We can furnish this plow in two, three or four bottom size3. Remember you need the best tractor plow you can get. John Deere Tractor Plow ipltul paid in Surplus fund . . Undivided profltB Lghh current ox petiHOH, Inter est, nnd taxes paid flrculntlnir notes outstanding . . Not amounts due I to hanks, bnnk 1 cth, and truBt , companion ln tho United . States and for eign countries (othor than In cluded In Items ' 29 or 30) 50,918.70 Oertlflod checks out standing 25.00 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding .. 2,931.17 Demand iIciiohUh (other tiitin Itmik dcpoiiItM) unit Ject to ItcNervc (depoB sits payable within 30 days): Individual de posits subject to check .... Onrtlllcates of deposit due In loss than 30 days (other than for mon ey borrowed) . Tlmn deposits subject to re serve (payable aftfcr 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notlco, postal savings: Certificates of deposit (other thnn for mon ! oy borrowed) . i f'o-Btal savings ' deposits Uhnr tlmn ilfi- poslts 59,191.91 , l ulled ,S(ii(-h Drponltn (other than postal sav ings): r savings cor ilflento and Mir'ft stamp dapnMt nccount I ' tors of Credit . nd Travelers' ' "looks sold for "sh and out-slandlng $100,000.00 70,000.00 11,974.17 100,000.00 Fancy Utah Alberta Peaches To Arrive in a Few Days v BUSHEL BASKETS QUANTITY LIMITED ' Order at Once Herrod Grocery Phone 208 Rush Merc. Co. Phone 282 711,393.40 17,048.77 300,000.00 1,152.79 The Leypoldt-Pennington Co., North Platte, Neb. 5.40 2,925.00 1.17S.695.23 Total i,403,nnn.7 St of NobrnHk ". County of Lincoln bh I. P. Ij. Mooney, Cashier of tho , at" -namod bank, do solemnly swear , iV ho nbovo statement Is truo to tho bust of my knowledge and belief. i V. Ii. MOONFJY, Cashlor. p-''Mcrlbod nnd sworn to before me I this 1 1th day of Hoptcmbor, iso. n. It. GOODMAN. Notary Public Corroet Atteot: 13. f. 8i3i3iiRnoran. TIAT O. T,A,rFOnD. KEITH N13V1M,K Directors. The Laimdry Queen,, Come in and See it Operate, North Piatle Light & Power Co. --A-.yv,7l JjaMJaAUjM