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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1920)
' Mavm TIIIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBi, SEPTEMDEU 14, 1920. u. 71 AERIAL MAIL ARRIVES FII13T KEGULAK IIAYILAXI) I'LANK AKIUVES ON THE, OCEAN TO OCEAN FLIGHT. of the machino (is it moved forward to tako its flight. The pictures woro 'uron for tho North Platto Aircraft Co. Tho landing Hold is a scono of groat actlvitly as tho work on tho big han gar .is in progress. Its construction is in tho hands of Contractor dlydo McMicliael and McMichael Bros., who io assisted by eight or ten carpen ter. Tho hangar will bo 80x100 feet, i lie supports resting on concroto piors. Tho outside covering will bo stucco. It will require a month to construct Tho first areoplano carrying mail tho building. from Now York to San Francisco Confidential information just ro reached tho official V. S. landing field leased by the Office of Information of In this city at 3:G0 Thursday after- tho Post Office Department at "vVasli- jioon. As Pilot Murray stopped from the big Haviland plane, ho was given the glad hand by Postmstcr Sturgls, Manager Richards of tho North Platto Aircraft Co., J. B. Sebastian, chairman of tho organisation committee of tho 'North Platto Air Terminal Co., and by a representative of Tho Tribune. Owing to heavy cross currents of air, Pilot Murray mado rather slow time in the flight from Omaha to this city, the trip sotfsumlng two hours and forty minutes, a speed in excesa'of a hundred miles an hour. To escape ' theso cross curronts as much as pos sible, ho was obliged to fly low, his average height being about 2,000 feet Tho piano carried 'several thousand letters for Pacific coast points. Pilot Murray expected to spend the night in Cheyenne, but did not know whether he would continue the trip to Frisco or be relieved by a pilot. Ho said that tho mail ho carried should reach Frisco Friday evening. COUNTY FAIR boon given to details in this net nud . jfto costumlngtis said to bo worthy of' . .uoiicc. I A MTT6T? MI?ftrTCt Aothor froo act is tho Ilughoa and j ilJUUdJCJUEul lD?Lorado Company in tholr comedy I stunts. Thoir first act ia n bnc mii.cli- ins farco followed by a contortion and LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS COXTJUCTS HAVE KEEN SIGNED birlosquo boxing act. They are said 0LS COUNTY 1IKANCII IS OK- s.t-1 jiloaso both olJ and youm; and valise to much merriment that tho act , f& novejr finished without a tlcmanp for j f more. With tho comedy is a scries of ' fartistic and graceful exhibitions or the WITH A NUMHEK OF FltEK ATTRACTIONS. GANI.E1) WITH MltS. C. F. SPENCElt AS CHA1H3IAN. Tho Lincoln County League of Wo- . ... JtMrt of linYlnir mill cvmnnstica which mo uiucors anu uirociora or tuo - - ; . mcn voters was organized at a mass n uounty mr anu itaces, uavor; .. .. c - meeting of women hold at tho Fronk- cted with a number, of attrac.) tl J f " n Auditorium last Thursday ntter- to furnish frco amuscmont fofeh0 dnI1 0JrtllwUim ot "y,s noon. Miss Alice Curtis stnto nrCn. .. f m.- ii- oi oK fSoronlano stuntB at tho Lincoln Coun- n? . 83 A"C. CUrU8' stato orga It is qur plan, to rovlv.o tho old-timo dobatlfig KoalOtj' under the "nnmo of tho "Public Forum" and mnko ovory school house In Lincoln County, a ecu tor for tho discussion of things that constitute good citizenship. ' Every woman ovor twoittyouo. yoafn of ago Ib ologlble to membership tho officers will not bo satisfied, until a thorough canvnss of tho County lias boon mado and they wish to enroll every woman voter In Lincoln County. COACH NEVILLi!WANTS ATHLETES. contracted Jons Irigfcm tolls of tho schomo to bo tried .tho patron8 or tho Falr Sopt, 21 to 25. fnoroplan out after September 8th. Tho general schemo is about as follows: There is1 only ono mail train leaving New York ovory day which has direct connoc-1 tionB through to the coast. It Is cal ledNumber 35. This train leaves Now York at 8:40 in tho evening. The bulk of New York's tremendous mall 19 deposited in the mail boxes after four o'clock in tho afternoon. It Is clear that this mall amounting to carloads cannot be collected from the boxes, dollvored to the post office, sortod and dolivereM to tho train ln'tlmo for No. 35. So No. 35 leaves ,it bomnu. Tho mall is ready shortly aftor mid night and before morning tho metal monoplanes will bo off with' the bal ance left by tho train and with only ono stop It will- catch No. 35 at Chic ago and deliver 1C.O00 lettors from each plane. It will then wait in Chicago until a later train from Now York arrives and after loading this Pilot Murray's stbp here was thirty mait ti,0 pianes will speed on to minutes duratlou, during which time . Cheyenne where It overtakes No 35 the plane was supplied with fifty gal- an,i delivers its load which has been ions ot gasoline, nine gallons of lu- advanced 24 hours. However it will bricatlng oil, and tho radiator v ator tako a load of mall from No. 35 at replenished. The pilot made a very Cheyenne and speed on to San Fran successful and graceful gotaway, and clsco where it arrives 42 hours ahead started out at a terrific speed. of the train. Four men are permanently station- ( By this schedule, the planes will ed at tho landing field with Mr. At- leavo Omaha at 8:45 every morning kinson as field superintendent. Two and reach North Platto at 11:11.-After' of his assistants are Chas. Sluder and taklngon gas. and .oUUlKaston ciydo 'Williams. Thro"b;.orfouf ad- on IcrtjheyeTmo wheVo It'ill Tirrlvo ditional machinists' helpers are want-' at 2:09 In tho afternoon,,-The west. ed. A film man was on the ground and bound schedule calls for" pjanes . to took Dlctures of tho plane landing, leave Cheyenne every day au S'.oi in the pilot arid Postmaster Sturgls, the tho morning; reach North Platto at plane as It stood, and a long sweep 11:01 and Omniia at ac nigm. 4X-. t- i t i-s -.11 t-..-. ...111 I. A Theso aro all recommended to thoFair t . uuro uuvu ... u r.s high class and will positively bohoro- Ho Ifl astonishing tho patrons on hand overy day jl61 othor fn,rs tll,s fnl1 b h,s fcnts The North Platte Chamber of Com.yf daring and Lincoln County Fair mc-rco Band leads tho list. This is anatrons w111 havo a clmnco to Judg0 Uome concern but no better band hasor thomsolves. ever played at tho fair. Tho band Is oje nTY FJIOPEHTY composed of 28 men all of whom nrop jg SBL1.1NG. members of tho Musicians Union and-. aro rated as first class musicians.! The If. & S. Agency has just sold They have recontly been uniformed ftho resldonco prppor.ty at 415 So, by tho North Platto Chamber of Com- SLocust to G. H. Gormerly and that at mere and have Just closed a series of I C18 Lincoln Ave. to James Grovor. summer concerts in tho Court HousoPThoy also sold a lot in tho Resident Park. Theso concerts attracted wlaoJPark Addition to F. O. Flynn attention and drew onomous crowds during the summer months. This band t V,ui . n Jr tH- Scrlbnor and Carl Gouchor, of In addition to tho Chamber of Com- . cf i ruinuuu, mm a. ai. ouuuut, x. o. jh nizor, was prosout and explained tho objects ot tho leaguo and how it was j conducted. Tho local organization is' affiliated with tho Stato and National organizations, Its purposo is to help wouion to study tho public questions which confront tho voters nnd e'nablo thorn to voto intelligently upon thoso questions. Thoro aro no duos nor foes as tho Leaguo is supported by voluntary contributions. The League is rfbii-paftisau. It will not attompt to Influonco any wo .man to voto tho Republican, Democra tic or any othor political party ticket but It will attempt to glvo its mombors J a sano and balanced idea of political nnrco Band tho management has se cured Hart's Girl Band, consisting of 24 young ladles and Mrs. O. V. Hart, tho director. This is a professional band, playing all tho old and now cpuraa as well as the popular airs so familiar to tho public. Thoir music is snappy and up-to-tho minute. They havo a "triple-tongued" cornet soloist, a saxophone quartet and a vocal solo ist. Tl Marriott Troupe, consisting ot five people, two ladles n'nd throo men will glvo free shows overy day. They av lugglers and sensationalists, giving a thrilling performance on an aero JUG HUNT PLANNED. A hunting party consisting of A. , questions and thon leavo it to tho in (uvmuni woman to docldp her party affiliations. No ono will "deliver tho Heon, Will "Rltnor nnd A. B. Hoagland will leavo Wednesday for tho i-anch woman voto." Miss Anna Kramph was temporary owned by County Clork Chas. Daly of chairman and Mrs. L. R. Graves was McPhorson County. They will open temporary Secretary. Tho following tho duck season Thursday with a big , woro chosen as permanent offlcoro for hunt. I tho first year: Mrs. C. F. Snencor. North Platto, President; Mrs. A J. Mothorsnld, Wallace, Mrs. Frank Cok- SUNSET yXttSY TOMORROW. Tim TMfMi Annitnl Pnvtv nf Mm Sun. i m , in i in Mm nii I01"- Sutherland nnd Mrs. Norman Ed ,sot tClub will bo hold at tho Episcopal wan,8i Brn(ly vico-Presldontsj Mrs iChurch basoment, Thursday Sept 1G alonn Scott, North Platte, SccrctorV- THnner will bo served at 12:30. Treasurer. ' "Wo havo a vory Important election Tho Alumni Team is to pla tho High School Vot ball team In tho near fuluro and 1: ncods the host playern to bo found out sldo of tho high school. Anyono who will play with this team sco Paul Nolan at tho Roxall Drug Storo and nrrnngo with him. TRAVEL ANi)STUDY CLUH;' Tho Travel and Study Club, mot last Monday with Mrs. A. R. Cummlngs. Tho progrnm consisted o"f short talks on tho vncatlon trips taken by differ ent mombors of tho Club. Out of town guests woro Mrs. Jonos ot Rono, Nov., and Mrs. Kcsslor of Kansas City. . AUCTION FARM SALE. E. A, Olson is planning an auction salo of farms for Friday and Saturday which is attracting a groat deal of at tention. Mr. Olson Is experienced In this lino and hl8 farms are real val uo& A full description nppears clsW whoro In this papor. o J 1,1 - G COUNTRY CLUR GOLF T0URNA- MENT. amu huaui. ;a wcok from Tuesday," saId Mr8 Tho Diplomas for tho Class of 1920 , Sponcor . today, when discussing tho are at tho-. offico of tho City Suporin- work ot tho Leaguo. "At that time wo plane." which Is mounted on a nedosthjj tpndont and will bo given outsat any j women will, bp given Uiorlvllogpaof l fVo'tiilgn".' Tlio'aeropiaho Is whirlodTtTniO Thoofflco Is opon. Thes dlpifimaB yotlrign tho addptloffothoroiiSsoa a the rate of sixty revolutions x mln ute ami a torpedo is shot from the wings bearing a young lady. Tho sen sation Is thrilling and is followed by other thrills. Particular attention has wcro hold up on account of lack of paper at tho diploma houso nnd havo only recently boon signed by tho faculty and members of the Board of Education. amendments to the Constitution of Nebraska. I' boliovfc tho women of Lincoln County will prove thoniBolvos worthy of tho ballot by it-carofut un derstanding of tho questions involved. Tho Tombstono Tournament at1 tho Country Club Sunday In which ovor fifty players took part was a' success Irom ovory standpoint. Dr. Dent won first placo among tho men and Mrs. Otto Thoolocko and Ml&B Altco Otten tied for first placo among tho ladloa. Tho prize in each case was six golt balls. Harry Dixon won tho consot a((on prIzolt6'r tfiS 'mcn arid"MrsV J. B. RCdflold for tho women. This was a rubber too. Tho contcs't btartcd at 9 A. M. and closed at 5 P. M; with , thi reading of tho opltaphs of the un successful players. imilrm o 'Satisfaction i CTOJFER, sturdiness anddependability. have been qualities of Buick Valve-in-Head Motor Cars from the time that the name Buick first became linked with the .automobile industry. Today, in equal meas ure as in the past, the Buick Motor Com pany is dedicated to a continuance of the policy that has caused the Buick car to occupy the position it holds in the public mind. To all that the name Buick has meant in twenty years of automo bile history, the new Nineteen Twenty One Buick brings that grace of movement, that re finement of every line and feature, that sheer beauty of design which inspire a pride of owner ship in a fine motor car. The new Buick line com prises seven models, one for everypossible de mand. Each has the famed Buick Valve -in -Head Motor, as rugged and powerful as ever, yet refined into a mechan ism of unusual quletne&S. The improved radiator, hood and cowl lines give a finished touch of trim ness tothebody, yet with out any sacrifice of Buick individuality. i A more resilient spring suspension gives these new Buick models a rid ing comfort as delightful as their exterior appear ance is pleasing. Each of the seven models has its own value particu larly adapted to a distinct class o! service. All pos sess those InnercnrBuiclt dualities that assure tho owner the uninterrupted usd tt nlfi Investment. ) cANNOUNCING Tire New Nineteen Twenty One Buick Series 1 Three'Passcnuer Five Passenger Four l'assonjc Five l'asiwnuc" Four I'asfcneer Seven I'assencct Seven l'assenecr Open Open Coupe Scdrti Coupe Oprn Sedan Mo,del Twenty Model Twenty Model Turemy Model Twenty Model Twenty Model Twenty Model Twenty One One One Une One One One Forty Four Forty Five Forty Six Forty Seven Forty Eieht Forty Nine Fifty Ati u fir Dilivtr? Dalit, Catalog and Prictt, r write the Buici AUur Ctmpany, Flint, Midi. LOGAN BUICK AUTO ,CO, 717-19 North Locust St.' DISTRIBUTORS. Hi j NORTH PLATTE BUICK CO. 802 North Locuat St. -. RETAILERS. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. -a 8. 7. :.m:r:;.; WHF.N BETiFBR AUTOMOBILES AKE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM -