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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
A GLORY DESTROYED BY TIME I FEISM. HAS CAUSTIC TONGUE Of the Once Mighty Clt1s of Dubylon and Nineveh Hardly a Vee tlgc Remains. Arabian Potentate's Comments on Eu ropcan Men and Measures Inter esting In the Extreme. Vhen tho ancient kingdom of the I The oriental tnci nti.l pe rmitinl rjinrm Asjln. " Ml Trough off .cy an,. , of Km.r Kiml ,11,1 nmeb i friends negligence 300 years after the Trojnn , for the Arabian o.uo In I r . No war, many petty states arose out or , ono ev-r " " " ,"" Its ruins, two of which ruined then.- nngry nu.o.l lhe emir wn very I tJ solves to a high degree of power. Tho ! ami "'"...v orl ijiv ...I, l .,r W cr klncs of Medln subdued the mountnin latnl of Persia, find established rela tions of amity with hordes that wandered on tho eastern aide of the Caspian sen; they conquered nlso a portion of tho empire which had cen tered In Nineveh. At tho mime timo tho Icing of Babel, or Unbylon, flour ished with still grenter mngilllleenco and power. , In Unbylon, nnclent sent of learning and science, Nnbopolnssnr, after n long period of anarchy and division, orocted a most powerful monarchy, vthoae scoptre NobuohudneKanr, his son, OTtpndod , from Iho Caucasus mountains, where he defeated tiro Iborlnns, to tho sandy deserts of Lybln. Ho burnt .Torusfllom; defeated Ainmon, Monb and Kdom ; conquered Tyro, tho richest city of the Phoenicians; Inld wnsto Egypt, and fonned his empire on new boundaries. He ndorned Unby lon, tho city of his residence, with tho noblest works of architecture, but of this city tho ruins arc scarcely dis cernible. It Is still more dllllcult to trace tho vestiges of Nineveh, which Ho a three days' Journey from It, and whose ruins have sunk In the mr.rshy EOll. rntiirl to nrilllMllllillnl'S it) ran, un ' one occasion n frrfpuiidont ashed I him to give his opinion of 'modern I statesmen as n resUli or his nequnln i tnnee with them at the peace confer ' once. He replied, "They are llko mod ern pnliillngs They nhould bo hung ' Hi n gallery mid be viewed from h dis tance." Anolhor ilme at a meeting of the council of ten, M. Plchoi: referred ' to the claims of l'ninee Hi Syria, j which he snld were hum! on the Cm ' sudes. limlr Folmil turnfd toward him and Inquired uflldljr. "I tun not a great student of history, but would you kind ly tell nif which one of iif won the Crusades.' .Mr. whnl Hmlr Kolsal thoughi of tho Brit Ish government. He fii etlftl. "It reminds me of u cumvnd In the des ert. You see nn Impreswhe string of dromndarlus In ihe dlfiitue trekking single lllo nerofcs the fblfltng muds. When you llrst overtake them, you ob serve thai the last camel is tied to the tall of the next Hi line. When you reach the head of the column, you Ilnd that a little donkey Is leading the whole string." Asia Magazine. Italfouronte trlwl to tlntl out -::o:: Tho Roxall handles tho goods. 14tf The Lincoln County Agricultural Society invites all School Children and all Teachers, to he guests .at the Fair Wednesday, September 22d They will the given Free Admission the Grounds and the Grand Stand to LOCAL AfllPISItSOJNAL Minn Taylor Aprons for lndlos and chlldron nl Wilcox Dopartmont Storo. Coy B. Statog left Wednesday for Lincoln whore ho will attend tho Uni versity. Kenneth Whelan loft Wednesday for Indiana whore ho will enter tho Notro Damo Collogo. Miss Margaret Frodrlokson left Tuosday for Fromont whoro sho will attend Fromont College. Another shipment of tho nowest things in mlllinory hi just boon opened at "Wilcox Dcpartmont Store Missos Sarah and Clarlsso Rnchoss- otn jo ibju otu mo 'joauoci jo 'X( week to visit tholr sister Mrs. II. J. Hlrschfoldt Ed Barraclaugh loft yostorday for Manchostor, Now York, whoro ho is a dologato to tho National Machinists Convontion. Tor Snlc 1 now Allon car, 1920. Boon run 1D35 miles. Can get reason able. Inqulro Lloyd B. Ilazen. Thone G08W. 71 2 Judge Woodhurst issued a marriago llconso yostorday to 'Henry R. Bradley, oxpross mossongor on tho branch and Miss Anna L. KowalskI of this city. Jack Norrls, of Choyonno, who has boon visiting friends in tho city for a fow days left "Wednesday for Lin coin whoro ho will attend tho Univer sity. Albrccht Furs aro moro boautlful than over this fall. Wo have our full lino In stock now and would bo pleas cd to show them to you. Our reason for solectjng this lino is that they nro tho most dependable. Wilcox Depart mont Storo. ::o: Boy and a Sermon. The way of a boy wjth a sermon Is thus: 'Compose himself with a deep sigh; listens attentively for three minutes, In unimpeachable form. Cautiously reaches hymn book from rack; drops it: recovers it; reads hymns for five minutes. Explores trousers pocket and examines with deep Interest one magnet, two nails, three pencil stubs and several bits of unclassified junk. Drops something and hunts under sent until discovered. Sighs Heavily j in spects all the stained glnss window and the overhead architecture and dec orations'. Puts nolo of left foot against back of pew In" front, at level of knee, nnd Is highly surprised when root drops noisily, ltepeats same exercise with right foot with the same result. Sits still and gratefully sucks pepper mint offered by merciful aunt. Sighs heavily. Experiments to see wlint will happen If he presses on his Adam's apple wlille head Is extended forwnrd; strange choking sound ensues, Imme diately suppressed by domestic author ities. Life. BEFORE WHITE MAN'S COMING Eight Groups of Indians Divided the Land Which We Now Know as North America. Tho North American Indians were divided Into seven or eight great groups, according to their various languages. The Algonqulns made up the largest family, comprising the eastern tribes of Canada and the United States south of Hudson bay, east of the Mississippi river and south to Vlrglnln and Tennessee. Including the OJIbwns, Ottnwas, Crocs, Algon qulns and Blackfebt. The Iroquois or Five Nations or Cooper's stirring talcs Inhabited the east central states, including New York. West of them lived the Dakotas or Sioux, from Canada to Arkansas and from the Mississippi to the Itocky mountains. Tho Muskokls or Appalachians occu pied tho southeastern states as far west ns tho Mississippi; while tins Shoshonls were nt home in tho region from Texas to Montana and from California to Idaho. The Athabascas, tho Tuning, nnd the Pueblos occupied Alnska and Cnnada. Oregon nnd New Mexico respectively. LIBERTY LAND COMPANY. S. M. SOUDEIt, Phono 124G T. V. I IE ALE Y, Phono 735. Sells Heal Estato and Insurance Some Real Bargains in homos and farms: No. 329 9 room modern house, good corner lot with shade trees, $G500.00. No. 330 5 room, modem except heat. Close In, good corner lot with fino trees. $5300.00. No. 331 9 room house, thrco lots. A fine location $0000.00. No. 332 3 room house on North side, $1400.00. No. 333 4 room house. Modlorn ex cept heat- Close In. Shade trees. Good lawn. $2700.00. No. 334 12 room house. Close in. A lino location. Lawn. Good trees. $7200.00. Must bo sold at once. No. 335 12 room houso. Modern in all respects. A good buy will pay good dividends. $12000.00. No. 336 7 room house, fine location. Good lawn and fino shado trees, mod ern oxcopt heat. $4000.00. No. 337 G room houso. A good buy at $4000.00. 33h G room houso. Well located and worth tho n.onoy. $3000.00. No. 339 8 room, modern in every detail and Just built. A real home. $10000.00. Soo Us for terms. Wo can help you own your own homo. Strange Hotel. What is probably the queerest hotel and restaurant In the world Is that recently erected at Atlantic City, N. J. It takes tho form of n monster elephant. Seen from a distance tho rcsomblnnco of tho structure to a llvo elephant Is remarkable. As you ap proach it Us hugo size becomes appar ent, but you quickly observe that It Is only n thing of wood and Iron, but most cleverly contrived. It bonsts of many beds, and a dining pnvlllon on tho animal's back capable of accom modating two hundred people. Ono renches this novel restaurant by means of n stnlrcaso which runs up through the' nnlmnrs legs and body. Here and thcro windows give tho nec essary light. Needless to say tho elephant hotel is cnuslng qulto an at- IrnpMnn nml tta mvnni- litila fnln Onp of tha Free Attractions at the Lincoln County reap n'good harvest as a result of Ffcir and Races, September 21 at to 24th inclusive. his Ingenuity. HORSES ON PASTURE Horses on pasture follow ing the working season should be given careful nttcntion. With the grass dry and scarce they graze close to tho ground picking up tho larvae of worms. Stock Tonic Block contains ingredients that de stroy tho worms and other beneficial ingredients that in sure vigorous health. We sell this product under a sixty-day guarantee. Your money back if it fails to please North Platte Feed Store, 702 No. Dewey. Virginia Still Holds Record. Even with tlio Inauguration of an Ohloau as prosldent next March as sured, as nearly as human events can be, Virginia will still hold tho record for native sous In Uio Whlto Uouso. Tho record then will stand : Virginia, Washington, Jefferson, Mndlson, Mon roe, William Henry Ilnrrison, Tyler, Taylor, Wilson, 8; Ohio, Grnnt, Hayes, Uartloid, Benjamin Ilarrlson, McKIn ley, Tnft, Uardlng or Cox, 7. Of Vir glnln's sons live wero of English pa tcrnni ancestry, two scotcn, ono Welsh. Of Ohio's sons threo wero of English paternal ancestry, two Scotch, ono Scotch-Irish. Wo have seen no au thorlzcd statement of tho pntcrnal an cestry of Ilnrdlng or Cox. Experiments In Road Building. In order accurately to determine tho durability of the various kinds of roadway, the government bureau has a strotch of roadway at Arlington rep resenting all the different methods of road building, and over this a heavy machine Is drawn back and forth by cable. This Is supposed to roproduco tho action of vehicles passing over It and tho results nro carefully noted and compared. Tho result of the opera tlons will bo used ns a guide to tho expenditure of nonrly $300,000,000 which will bo mndo under government auspices during the next threo years. In Favor of Yachts. "Tou prefer yacht racing to horse racing or motor ruclngY" Hay Fever and Catarrhal Deafness Successfully handled by Osteopathic Treatment Dr., W. I. SHAFFER OASIS BUILDING North Platte, Nebr. NORTH PLATTE ..Genera! Hospital.. (Incorporated) 0ue Hall Block North ol Postofticc Phone 58 A modern institution for tha tcientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray nnd diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Deut. H. D. Y. bcas, M. D. J.B. Redfield.M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Exceptional Values in Sine Ail Wool Suits at Two-Piece Suits Full Suits $43.50. Once you see these unusually fine AU Wool materials, you will surely agree with us that their equal can not be duplicated elsewhere under $50 to $60. ! on tho 1st day of October, 1921 and I on tho 1st day of April and tho 1st day of Ootobor of each and ovory year : thereafter until all of tho intorcst on snld bonds shall lmvo boon paid, nnd to levy a tax in tho year 1921 and each and overy yonr theroaftor suffic- , ! iont to pay tho Interest and the prin clpal of said bonds as they bocomo duo ! until sufficiont tax has been lovied to pay all of tho principal and Interest of said bonds, such tax both for prin cipal and intorost to be levied upon all of the taxable property in tho city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne braska." Thoso voting against tho issuing of said bonds shall mark their ballot with an "X" opposlto tho words VAdAINST issuing Fifty Thoupnnd and no-100 ($50,000.00) of the City of North Platte Water Works Im provement Bonds in denominations of Ono Thousand and no-100 ($1,000.00) each, bearing Interest at tho rato of 6 per annum, payable semi-annually, interost and principal payable at the office of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, State of Nebraska, said bonds to boar dnte of October 1, 1920 and tho interest on said bonds to bo paynblo on tho 1st day of- April, 1921 and the 1st day of October, ,1921 and on tho 1st day of April and on tho 1st day of October of each and ovory year thereafter until all of the j intorost on said bonds shall have been paid and tho levy of a tax In tho year 1921 and each nnd every year there after sufficiont to pay tho interest and principal of said bonds as they bo como due, until sufficient tax has been lovied to pay all of tho principal and interest of said bonds, such tax both for tho principal and interest to bo lovied upon nil of tho taxable property in tho city of North riatte, Lincoln County, Nebraska." Dated September 13th, 1920. O. B. ELDER, City Clerk. Burkes Tailor bhop, 6064 Dewey St. Up Stairs. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Hunting and trespassing is strictly prohibited on land owned by me. 71-4 FRANK HENEKA. ; :o: When In North Platte stop at the Vew Hotel Palace and Cafe. Von will r trt'iitfl ivell 58tf Nolico of Chattel Hortgogo Sale. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a chattel mortgage executed by IJ. E. Snydor on the 26th day of Aug ust, 1918 on one Overland Automobile No. 2158 Model 79, having four cyclin dors and being a llvo passenger car, executed to Bert A. Noble nnd by said Bert A. Noble assigned to tho under signed, I will on tho 9th day of Oct ober at 11 o'clock A. U., 1920 on Fifth Street between Pine and Dewey Streets in front of the Overland Garage in North Platto offer for sale said above described automobile. There is now duo on said note sectoring said mort gage tho sum of $216.80 and said mort gage is filed in tho office of the county clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, In the City of North Platte. Dated September 14, 1920 THEO. V. BUSKIRK S14-4w Assignee of Mortgage and note NOTICE I'Olt BIDS. Sealed Bids will bo recolved by tho North Platto City Park Board nt tho offlco of O. II. Thoolecko, 202 & E. Front Streot, North Platto, Nob., up to 12 o'clock noonSoptombor 23, 1920, for the constellation of lateral suppSy ditch from Lincoln Check on Platte Valley Irrigation Canal, 5200 feet to City dirt pit oast of Cometory, also drnlnngo latoral from said dirt pit 2400 feet to. North Platto Rlvor, also excavating snld dirt pit and construct ing ombnnkmontB thereof, all tho said work to bo in nccordanco with plans and specifications thereof on fllo and subject to inspection of prospective biddors in tho offlco of tho said O. II. Thoelocko. Bids to bo stibmlttod separately on supply lateral, dralnngo latoral and construction of pool and ombankmonts Notice of Election. Notico is horeby given to the elec tors of the City of North Platte, Ne braska, that tho mayor and city coun cil of the City of North Platte, Ne braska, have provided by ordinance for tho submission to a direct vote of tho voters of tho City of North Plntto, Nebraska, tho following proposition: An ordinance providing for tho sub mitting to tho electors of tho City of North Platto in tho County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, tho following ques tion to-wlt: "Shall tho City of North Platto in Lincoln County, State of Nobraska issuo its City of North Platto Water Works Improvement Bonds in tho sum of Fifty Thousand & no-100 ($50,000.00) Dollars for tho purpose of raising money for the Improving, extending and maintaining tho Water Works of said City nnd tho building and constructing of additional well or wells, pump houses and Installing iniiniDs and motors and extending re laying and enlarging watdr mains in said City in accordance with tho plans and snoclflcations and estimates on fllo with tho City Clork and to provldo for tho lovylng and collecting by tho proper officers a tax annually, to pay Interost and principal of said bonds as they mature." And by virtue of tho nowor in mo vested I hereby call an election on said ordinanco so submit ted to bo held in tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 19th day of October, 1920. Tho voting places of said election shall bo as follows: tho 1st ward at the A. N. Durbln Garage at tho intersection of 6th nnd Dowoy Streets; tho 2nd ward at the County Court Houso; tho 3rd ward at the Firo Station and tho 4th ward at tho North Platto Buick Gnragd. Tho polls to bo opon at 8 o'clock In tho morning and to romnin open until 8 o'clock In tho attornoon of snld day. Thoso voting in favor of tho adop tion of said ordinanco shall mark their ballot with an "X" opposlto tho words: "For IssuInK Fifty Thousand & no-100 ($50,000.00) Dollars of tho City of North Platto Water Works Improve ment Bonds in denominations of Ono Thousand & no-100 ($1,000.00) each boaring intorost at tho rato of C per annum, pnyablo semi-annually Interest nnd principal payablo at tho offlco o' tho County Tronsuror of Lincoln tho suid City Park Board reserving tho Kti.lit (r. rnlnnf nnv mill nil Mils. NORTH PLATTE CITY PARK 1 County. Stnto of Nobraska, snld bond" "I do. You can take your wife toseo BOARD, to bear date of October 1st, 1920, ami all kinds of sail borts without her In- 1 By O. II. T1IOBLKCICE, j the interost of said bonds to bo pay- sistlug on your trying to own one." S10-17 ' Chairman nblo on tho 1st day of April. 1921 and Notico of Election. Notico Is horeby given to tho elec tors of tho City of North Platto, Ne braska, that tho Mayor and City Coun cil of the City of North Platte, Ne braska, have provided by ordinanco for tho submission to a direct vote of tho voters of tho City of North Platto, Nobraska, tho following proposition: An ordinanco providing for tho sub mitting to tho voters of tho City of North Platto in tho County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska tho following , question: "Shall the City of North Platto in Lincoln County, State of Ne braska, issuo its North Platte Fire Houso extension bonds in tho sum of Ten Thousand & no-100 ($10,000.00) for tho purpose of raising money for tho building of an extension to the Firo Houso of tho City of North Platte nnd for equipping tho samo In accor dance with tho plans, specifications, and estimates on fllo with the City Clerk and to provldo for levying and collecting by tho proper officers a tax annually to pay tho interest and prin cipal of said bonds as thoy mature." And by virtue of tho power in mo vested I hereby call an election on said ordinanco so submitted to bo held in tho City of North Platto, Nebraska on tho 19th day of October. 1920. Tho voting places of said election shall bo as follows: Tho 1st ward at the A. N. Durbln Garage at the intersections of 5th and Dewey Streets; the 2nd ward at the County Court House; the 3rd ward at tho Firo Station and the 4th ward at tho North Platto Buick Garage. Tho polls to bo opened at 8 o'clock in tho morning and to remain open until 8 o'clock in the afternoon qf said day. Thoso voting In favor of said ordin anco shall mark their ballots with an "X" opposlto tho word "FOR" is suing Ton Thousand & no-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars of the "City of North Platto Fire House Extension Bonds," In denominations of ono thousand & no-100 ($1000.00) Dollars, each bearing interest at the rato of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually interest and principal payablo at tho offico of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County State of Nebraska, Said bonds to bear dato of October 1, 1920 and tho interest on said bonds to bo payablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 and on tho 1st day of October, 1921 and on tho 1st day of April and tho 1st day of October of each and ovory year thereafter, until all of tho intercat on said bonds shall have boon paid; to levy a tax in the year 1921 and each and ovory year thereafter sufficient to pay tho interest and prin cipal of said bonds as thoy becomp duo, until sufficient tax has been lev ied to pay all of tho principal and interest of said bonds, such tax both for principal and interest to be lovied upon all of tho taxable proporty in said City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska. Thoso voting against shall mark their ballot with an "X" in the par agraph beginning with tho word 'AGAINSnC Issuing Ten Thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars of tho "City of North Platto Firo Houso Extension Bonds" in denomination of Ono Thous and & 00-100 ($1000.00) Dollars, each, bparlng interest at tho rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, Interest and principal pnyablo at tho Offlco of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska. Said bonds to boar dato of October 1st, 1920 and tho interest on said bonds to bo payablo on tho 1st day of April. 1921 and on tho 1st day of October. 1921, and on tho 1st day of April and tho 1st day of October of each and overy year thereafter until all of the intorost on said bonds shall have been paid; to levy a tax in tho year 1921 and each and every year therenf sufficient to pay tho interost and pr cipal of said bonds as thoy become 6 until sufficiont tnx haB been levied pay all of tho principal and intoroBt said bonds, such tax both for prlnclr and interest to bo lovied upon nil i ' tho taxablo proporty in said City ' ' North Plntto, Lincoln County, Stn of Nobraska. Datod Soptembor 13th, 1920. O. E. ELDER. City Clerk