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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1920)
V f LOCAL AND PEJISONAL -, rr - '...Paker loft ypstpnlay tor Danyer, WnptOiw Vthti' rotArHed frorti -Sfeif Utillo Sunday.-' Fred Wolrjfemid left today ?6r Mr homo In Omalm. Fnttik LAlfay wenl to Omalm Sun day cfn bualrlofls. Tom Oroen loft Sundny on a busl nosfc trip to Omaha, , Mr. J. Prodorlol loft yostordnv fon-M two weoks visit In Bouldor. j"Cliarle Townseml lft Saturday tar a mouth's visit In Missouri, Harry Sntnueleon aid family left $eterday for Eaton Park. Oeorglnn Burim, of Denver. U visit IriK hor aunt Mre Harry Dixon. OladyK Plpor, who lihn been a Kuet at tho dough home, left today. To whom" are you golug to sell you When In North Platto stop at tho Hay and drain? Tho Harrington Mer. Now Hotol Palace and Cafo. You will , ranlilo Co. will offer the highest bo treated well. G8tf prices, v G4t( - Mr. and -Mr Mods Smith" frxpoat to loavo this jvcolc for Minneapolis. I' Maurlco-Williams and Harry Plr spont tho woolf bud In Grand Inland. fv. Morrill, Dentist, office ovor , V t' ox Department Storo. ' Flo Stamp roturnod from Omhha 1 Slinday where ifha.had leen vlnltin. . Mrs. .J.,Sommors, of Maxwofl, spon; . k'..ii tuo city victim? ttjyndu. . Hoy wants work on farm. ' Phone G19W. 54-2 A fresh supply of Fleishman's Ycut always on hand. Rush Morcantllb Co. ! lrBia"C!arraciougli lflft for a two ' wiakjt'-vncnticnrjn DanVflr Saturday. i FlahiliniasiYcast a tfresh supply ! constantly on hand at Hush Mercantile C' A - , Chariot Reynolds lqftr' Sunday for Otniha v.hiVe lie wTlltihsjict busi ness. . ' ' V Mr. 0. W. Sprigg came yesterday , from KaHBH.', City to visit at th Nolan I homo. ! I Dr. L. J. KiUUSE, Demist. 31c Donald Hank Dullding. Rooms 2 fc .1. 'Plionp 1)7.. . 12tf Everett Adams .left Saturday, for Omaha and Chicago to visit for- n1 week. C. E. MoLane and Ii Selby, both for Long Mencli, Cal., opbratlng n grocery jtore. lr. Homird YoMt.flientist, Tutu'iiui Knlldiiig. Thone307. 771 1 Louis Trexler and Elmer Pease left ; yesterday t&r Omaha and will drive back a car. Johfi "Sile returned to Pax ton Sat: urday rtttor visiting hls'dnughtor Mrs. J V. Ferguson. ' K. MoorohdUBO .cnrlTb '"yjfctorday Salfiln ' Co Vljalt., pf son' Keith onouse. . sli' MorcanitloyCfe. lias r-a fresh iuuily"of Flalshnnn's'enst oonstnnt A. K. from Moorohfluse. Rusli' MorcantiioFCfe. hasr a fresh si iy ir.. H. C. Uroctu Dentist. X-Ray ')mnoslH Reynolds lilde. Phone' 14S Ono,dollcR broom fdr 56c fit damblo with Springer's four storos, Friday and Saturday only. Max VonGoetz and family expect to leave for a trip to .Estos ttPrk tho first of August. m3 f H if a uJ2 u IT F (TV U "srv Arm brought a landslide of business Saturday. From the minute we opened our doors until closing time this Greater Women's Store was crowded, yes jammed with hundreds of economical buyers, who have availed themselves o.f the chance to supply their present and future needs of up-to-the-minute wearabl es, at a clear saving of from 20 to 60c on the dollar.;.;; Those ol you who were unable to get here Saturday, may come today, tomorrow or anyway during thisale, to get your share of the many bargains while they last, They wont last long at these prices. v ' f1- m IS a? All Coats and Suits at Half Price Whatever Coats and Suits tfiere are (eft, you have your unrestricted choice of any coat or suit in the Storo at ' Half Price One Lot of Evening Dresses. Values up to $30.00. Willie they last. SILK DRESSES Gaberdine Wash Skirts Lot 1. Silk Dresses of Taffeta, Georgette j Lot 1. Splendid Gabardine Tub Skirts, and Satin. Values up to $30.00. 'Sale I guaranteed not to shrink. Regular values Price $7.75 Voils and Gingham Dresses at 25 Per Cent Off Entire Stock of New Summer Voile' and. Gingham Dresses at a Discount of 25 Per Cent Off Petticoats Petticoats One lot of Black Silk Petticoats and also Silk Flounce Petticoats, regular values, to Ejj; $5.00. Sale Price ' $2.98 Silk Jersey, Taffeta, and Satin Petticoats. m& Values to $8.75. Sale Price Entire Stock of Silk Underwear such as night gowns, teddy bears, camisoles, vests, bloomers, union Biiits etc., at 20 Per Cent Off Regular Price Children's Gingham Dresses, values up to $3.00. Sale Price $1.48 Our Entire Stock of Children's Gingham and Voile Dresses at 20 Per Cent Off -f $17.50 Lot 2. Beautiful Silk Dresses of Taffeta, Georgette, Foulard and Tricolette. Values , to $45.00. Sale Price $24.95 :" ' Lot 3. High Grade Frocks, up to the minute in style, made of the Season's newest ma- terials. No two alike and formerly sold up ' to $05.00. Clean Sweep Price ' $37.75 Our Very Highest Priced dresses and gowns at i One third off regular price House Dresses and Kimo.nas, well made, full size. Tho kind we've been selling up to $4.50. Sale Price now $2.48 Our highest grade porch and house dresses at 20 Per Cent Qff Aprons up to $2.50 values. Now $1.48 Aprons. The kind you havo always bought here and paid ?3.00. Now on Sale at- $1.98 Fibre Silk HostJ Onyx Brand. All colors, values to $2.00, Sale price 98c $1.00 Union Suits, all sizes. Clean Sweep Price 59c up to $5.00. Sale Price $2.98 Lot 2. Clever Models of new Gabardine wash skirts, values to $8-75. Sale Tijice $4.98 Our highest grade Wash' Skirts at a reduc tion of 20 Per Cent Off Regular Price . Wool and Silk Skirts at sacrificed prices. One lot of Silk Poplin and all wool French serge skirts, regular values up to $10.00. Sala Price $7.48 $9.98 $5.98 Skirts of bautiful Wool Plaids, Plain Serges and Fancy Silk materials. Values .ip to $17.50. Sale Price ' $9.98 Our highest grade silk skirts. Priced up to $37.50 aro now going at 1-3 Off Regular Price One lot of ONYX Lisle Hose in Black and White only. Regular 75c sellers. Clean Sweep Price 48c One ot of Muslin Corset Covers and Drawers values up to $1.00. Clean Sweep Price 59c This Sale Will Continue Throughout the Month of July. In ' ffi Silk Waists at Actual Cost and E Less Sfi Lot 1 New Tricolette, Georgette and ?P Silk Crepe Waists in all the wanted shades, rt3 values to $8.50. Sale Price 31 $4.98 ifi ffi Lot 2 Dainty Tricolette and Georgette Ui Waists. Regular values to $12.75. Sale Sfi .Price JLC Y Lot 3 Beautiful Blouses embrodiered or rO Beaded, long or short sleeves. Values up to $17.50. Sale Price Our highest grade Blouses up, to' $37.50 are ffi now filing at a straight discount of fi 25 per cent off regular price tfi Lfi Entire Stock of White Voile Waists at ' S 20 per cent off regular price, ffi Si Smocks and Bathing Suits at EJl 20 per cent off regular price. 95 . ifi One Lot of Back Lace Corsets. Values tn Sfi 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Bl $3.00. Sale Price $1.48 Nainsook Teddy Bears and Night Gowns. Values to $2-00. Sale Price 98c All Leather Bags 25 per cent off We have cut the very life out of prices. There fore every purchase must be FINAL and for Cash Only. I2SS9 LADIES' OUTFITTING STORE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 31 Mail orders filled same aj day order received and W sent anywhere post - E ; charges prepaid. jf v V' if.- ml J IP !&313l!Jl3131313TO