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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1920)
ft thai Mil4 chlii THIRTY-SIXTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NED., JULY 23, 1920. No. 56 ... . . -p- tmboirc On It I Chautauqua Dates Are Announced. KINK A Kit AY OF TALUNT. Six Pays of Knterlalniiient Promised by (lie Committee. U AH PKi'AimiHXT GUAM'S ItOAl). ! following is a clipping from tho , I!oe which Aill bo of Interest to those I living In tho custom part of tho County1: i Washington, July 21j (Special j Telegram.) Secretary Baker la,to this aftornoon signed an order grant- ing permission to the board of county commissioners of Lincoln county for a Gfi-foot rlght-olj-way acroBs tho PANGKH SIGNS TO UK PLACED IX THE SOUTH Tho Directors of tho Chamber of Commerce at tho regular meeting Tuosday, authorised tho appointment of a Commltteo to procurer sultr.blo signs warning pooplo against tho dan gerous places in tho bed of the South Platto river near tho bridge and order ed tho signs to be placed as tho com mittee thought boat after making a H J. Moran and I I'nrl MnPltiirann nillltnrv rOHervntioil . H, TM.ta n,tln , til nil . "rVW tllU Si0" The dates for the 1920 Chaiibuqua us n result of a" personal Interest ' Irr8lly W-',ch wore ,,nood 0,1 thtf5 at North Platto are August 1C-21 ln- shown In tho matter by Judge Klnkald elusive. Tho list t talent as an-' who reviewed tho case, which had its nounced Is one of the best that Las( boglnnlng In 1307, but for some unac been presented to us for many years., countable reason was permitted to The opening program will be given u0 dormant until the county clerk of by the Lindsay-Frost Company, who Lincoln County cnlled on the Sixth give nn entire afternoon of sketches,' district congressmen to help boost trios, solos and readings. The Bame it along. company gives a prelude in tho even-, The Lincoln county commissioners ing with Ned Woodman, cartoonist, as want to construct a road across tho tho main attraction. ' reservation to be erected and maln- Tho Spanish Girl's Orchestra, which tallied at the cost of the county. For was hore on a winter Lyceum Course nial application was made to the War several years ago, will give the pro- Department In 1907 for this onact gram on the aftornoon of tho second mont, but nothing came of tho up day. They have tho Spanish costumes plication until today. All the l;.nd and songs and give a novel entertain- in the original Fort McPherson resor ment. Mrs. A. C. Zohner follows the vatlon (approximately 19,500 acres,) Spanish Girls prelude in the evening excepting the small area reserved for with a lecture on "Forces that Help a national cemetery, was transferred pr Hinder tho Progress of a Nation." to the Department of the Interior by On the third day wo have the Cheney the War Department In 1887, and tho Concert Company in a full afternoon War Department, therefore, hnd no program and prelude in tho evening.' 'ntorest In any land except that con They play tho. beautiful White House tained within the excepted area. But Golden Organ Chimes besides a num- ns the roadway contemplated is to ber of other Instruments. pass through tho reservation bald by The next day Is band day. Jaroslav the War Department It was necessary Cimdra, the noted trombone player and to got a formal order from tho sec hts Czccho-Slovak Band will give two rotary of war to build the road under full programs. This is the great day the direction of tho Lincoln county committee. CHA.MIIKU OF COMLEltCK STANDS PACK OF HALL TKA.H. The Directors of tho Chamber of Commerce, at a mooting last Tuosday evonlng. voted $400 to tho Base Ball Club to covor extraordinary oxpensos for tho month of July and authorized tho oxpendlturo of $G00 for tho month of August If it Is needed. Tho ball olub was assured tho support of tho Directors in carrying on a Baso Hall Tournament horo but It was thought no funds would bo needed beyond the Income from tho tournament. COXCKHT PKOnitAH by THE CHAHHEH OF COMMERCE BAND at Court Houso Park Friday evoiilntr, July 2:ird. KAltli STAMP, Director. Sidney Base Ball .Team Coming. m1',;t AXOTHKlt POOSTKU TRIP IS PROPOSE!. TWO ItETFItX GA.1IES. Siiniln and .Monday ltlir Pi for Tho Fans. r March THE NASH . H, L. BOOTH FAMOUS MEN WET - - 1 Padcrowskl Overture POET and PEASANT -w r Suppo Four Part Suite ATLANTIS ...i-,.- Safranek Spanish Serenade LA vPALOMA .-Ju Yradior (By Ho(iues,t) Selection .MAIHTANA I... .jWnllaco Whltz EVA ,tosas March UNIVERSAL FREEDOM Blankonburg of the Chautauqua In tho music line. On the afternoon of tho fifth day tho Lyric Male Quartet will give a concert. These boys arc full of good music, humorous songs and readings. In the commissioners. Another Poostor Trip. The Committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce Directors to Trovlllo-Good. Miss Sadie Trovlllo, of thisjclty and Air. Walter J. Good, of Charleston, la., were united In marriage last Saturday at tho Frank Hntch homo west of tho city by Judge Wm. H, C. Woodhurst. PICNIC IX THE HILLS. The Epworth League had a picnic j at Dodgo Hill in tho canyons south , of tho Experimental Station buildings, Thursday evonlng. A largo crowd The groom is a real estate man oft drove out at 6:30 and aftor supper, Charleston who has visited in tho city they played games until dark. ( numerous times and has a host of! ::o:: j friends here. The bride is tho daughter of Mr. and The North Platte Base Hall fund will get to witness two ronl Will games Sunday and Monday, July 2GUi and 2Gth, when tho fast Sidney Club will play on the local diamond. Thoso two toams met at Sidney ton days ago, Sidney winning tho first gamo 4 to 3 and North Plntto the second gamo 2 to 1. Sidney has nn all salaried town and it is supposed to bo tho fastest team In tho state, some of Its ph.y ers coming from tho American League. Sidney raised $10,000 Tor tho ball club this year and tho monthly pay roll Is $3,300. North Piatte hns hired Munger, tho pitcher who worked ngaliiBt Sidney tho gamo thoy won, and ho says ho la coming down horo and will give thorn tho small end of tho score. Tho games will bo called at 3 o'clock. Let's all go and onjoy tho two games of Baso Ball and help heat tho Sldnoyltcs. This aftornoon a gamo Is scheduled with Julosburg at 3:30. Fans aro ex pecting a win but thoro will- bo a good class of ball throughout. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Preaching 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Young people's mooting 7:00 p. m. Reception of mombors 11:00 a. m. ::o:: Mrs. A. P. Kelly will loavo tomor row for Ohio to visit rolatlvos for a mlttoo composed of Mossors. rawford, Kolly, Portor and Kerr was appointed by tho Directors of tho Chamber of Cominorco at tho meeting hold Tuesday, to make plans for another boostor trip and ropoit to tho Directors at a later mooting. This committee will meet In tho near futuro and go over tho whole situation bo fore making a report. ::o: METHODIST CHURCH NOTES. Sunday Services: Morning subject, "Tho Shepherd Christ" by Prof. J. J. Van Noss of Mallnltou Seminary, Ala bama. Evonlng sorvlco 800 p. m. auhjoct, "Tnklng Chances." Epworth Loaguo 7:00 p. u. Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. ;:o:: OUR GLASSES rollovo muscular and nerve strain by directing light into tho oyes in tho mnnnor In which they aro adapted to recolvo It. With tho Btraln rollovod, nature restores tho oyos to health and stronght so thoy can do tho normal amount of work with comfort. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Sunday is "Men and Boys Day." All Former State Sunoillntondcnt W. AlfO Ml.n.tnn Tn.-ltln .1 ,. 0 1 1, I . . . . ...... ....... . ...... i I men ami uoya who ui not auuim ouiur K. Fowler, of Lincoln, Is In the city today on business. Tho congregation and Sunday Rolmnl of tlie Preslivtorlan Church come on Saturday when Dr. Paul W. Qur Booster trp weal wai, such a-j ing under tho leading instructors of Rp on The FulfllUnK of tho Lw-. win hold lt8 nnnunl ptcnlc in the "Following a City Park on Tuesday ovonlng of noxt week. i ... . ... i ...... i . i. 1 1 . . i . .... nnnuiiior ntinthfii- nnoster Trln has! "'"a1 iu"--u yuiiuK iuuiuh in mo en.-, moie schools in the city aro invited evening Gregory Mason will lecture. ' following statement to tho! Sll lms taught voico culturo In tho to attend. School opens at 9:4D. ! mf. 1 -If nT lm lin.1 urtlt . l 41. L UM 4 J. .1 ine gniuu (iiiunu ut buB,ne8S men o the city: u i t,o paBu iu yeuia iuir huiuj- -j the morning the pastor will t uuuo Lt; i mil "toi. uu ( t y iv uii iiu iitiititii Ivey. business specialist and commun-, ,n eycp. wfty and th(J lmpref,. i New York City. She frequently sang fl ,n Ul0 evonlng on AT THE SUN THEATRE. TODAY "The Willow Tree" STARRING VIOEA DANA ALSO "MUTT& JEEF" COMEDY i Vision." ity expert wul gi,vc his lecture on ..,, .0f ,i o..n, nf i public entertainments here "Heart of a Nation" in tho afternoon ' as tQ influonco and was recently offered an unusually and in the evening tho Wales Chau- ug o cons,(lcr the samo kln(1 of a trlp good musical engagement in thet.oasL' jjoanacsaKaHE tauqua Players will give tne popular tQ Kearncy an(1 north to staple-1 81,0 ns nm"' friends In the city, an three-act comedy "Rejuvenation." tou aml ro(urn Tne pe0plo on the of whom offer hearty congratulations Detailed information about each J nmnMi osnno.Iallv are on. an(1 wish both Mr. and Mrs. Good a doring why we have shown so much , "ppy future. program will bo avallablo later. A fine girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude B. Slbblts. 404 So. Willow, Wednosday. Everyone con corned is getting, along fine. Miss Dorothy Cumming3 entertained sixteen of her friends at a party in "honor of Katherine Ann Brandt, of Kansas City. Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was spent In playiug games and light refreshments were served. Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. CHARLES RAY IN "Red Hot Dollars" attention to the river towns when thoy to the north are our good friends and customers. The Committee would like to know the sentiment uf tho busi ness mon toward this proposition. The Secretary of tho Chambor of Com merce would like to hear from every business man. Call him up. Trade ex tension is what wo aro all aftor and the Commltteo thinfts that tho moro wo go after it tho moro business wo will get. Call him up." LOCAL AND PEKSONAL LOCAL XXI) I'KKSOXAL Marion Lawllor, of Paxton, spent yesterday In the city. Good Quality Sort Collars for Tcn, 25c each nt Wilcox Department Store. Miss Laura Murray returned Wed nesday from a visit at Gothenburg. Munsin?; Underwear for the whole family at Wilcox Department Store. Mary Roberts, of Lowellen, who has been visiting her brother J. P. Roborts left yesterday. Mr. J. P. Riberts, who has been visiting In town loft yesterday for her "So Darn Downright Human!" Thats' Charles Ray. So great an artist that ho I'orsets ho' acting. Just lives thoso wonderful boyish roles that "get" you, warm you, lift you, tug at your heart. Whether he's glad, sad or fighting mad, you're with him because hq's so darn down-right human. Be with him agMu in "RED HOT DOLLARS' Dixon & Son grind their own lenses Mabel Johnson, of Fort Dodgo, who homo in Schuyler. has been visiting her sister Mrs. F. E. Raymond Murray, of Topoka, Kan . Payne left Wednesday. Mary Sullivan and Mrs. J. J. Sulli van, of Omaha, visited in the city Tuosday enroute to Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Newton and son Donald and Kenneth Whelan will leave Sunday for a trip to Colorado. Tho Rexall handles the coods. 14tf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dixon and Miss Alma Waltemath returned homo Wed nesday from a trip to Estes Park. Holmcr Ham, who recently under went a slight operation at tho General Hospital, is ablo to be out again Q UITY Norlh Platte's Equity Association Store 1001 North Locust Street. We offer you the best in the following lines; Groceries,' Fresh and Cured Meats Agency for Geneva Paints', Oils and Greases. Manufacturer to Consumer Prices FREE DELIVERY IN CITY PHONE 196 . SATURDAY "Bullet Proof " STARRING HARRY CORRIGK ALSO ' "Lizzie's Luck" STARRING GALE HEmRY MONDAY "The Love Call" starring BILLIE RHODES ALSO "ELNEO THE FEARLESS'" ( is visiting his aunt, Miss Laura Mur ray, this week. .Djvc Silk Underwear, the kind that i is made right at ""Wilcox Dopartmont Store. Tho mombors of tho Christian Church entertained tho new members on Tuosday ovonlng in tho Church basement. Games and a brief pro gram wero followed by refreshments. Miss Ferno Smith entertained a number of young folks nt a theatre party Wednesday after which a three course luncheon was sorved at tho Willis Todd, of Omaha, transacted"! Union Pacific dining room, in honor of her oloventn birthday. Tho dancing party held at tho coun try club last evening for mombors only proved to bo an cnjoyablo even ing for all who attondod. Tho music was furnished by tho Jolly Joy Jazz ors and refreshments woro served. business with tho North Platto Light & Power Co., Wednesday. - Sam Souder and Geo. N. Gibbs will leave tho first of tho month for Cana da whero thoy will spend two weeks transacting business. Christian Scionce service Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening, meetings every week at 8:00. A cordial Invi tation is extended to all to attend f O. T nm V 1. (1 (1 I these serTicea. uuuuiut oc uuuu uu.u i Ing. room 25. KEITH THEATRE Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday. IRENE CASTLE IN "AW AMATEUR WIFE" The romantic tale of the "ugly duckling." The charm of fashion and lovely gowns. Some of the inner angles of what is called society A great picture Two Part COMEDY Broken lines o this Season's Best Seller The Two Eyelet Tie. $6.95 and $5.95 a pair. "The Gift Supreme' Two Part Comedy "Monkey Business" Every woman likes beautiful shoes often times the very shoes she wishes are priced beyond her purse. Not so during this splendid sale. These are exclusive shoes of the finest quality, lowered many dollars in price. For Saturday only we aro offering our Two Eyelet Ties at a price you cannot afford to miss. These beautiful models come in black and brown kid with High Louis Heels. "i SATURDAY ONLY. SHOE MARKET AVES YOU ONEY ON SHOES.