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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1920)
NORTH PLATTE fcEMMVEEKTYV TRTBUNE S3 m (Copyright, 1010, by George "I ASK YOU NOT TO GO." fiynopola. Hilary Askow, a young American, tnhorlta from nn undo a hundred squaro miles of forest In Quebec. Upon taking possession, ho dis covers all sorts of queer tilings. Lamartlne, hln unclo's lawyer, tolls hlrn tho property Is comparatively worthless and trios to Induco him to poll. Lafo Council, tho mill foreman, tells him his undo has been systematically robbed. Morris, tho manager, Is associated with the Sto. Mario company, a rival con cern owned by Urousscau, tho "boss' of tho region. Mndclelno, tho beau tiful daughter of Selgnour Itosny, original owner of AhIcow's land, Is pursued by Brousseau, who has her father In his power, Tho hero decides to stay and manage his property. Ho discharges Morris and makes Conncll rnanngcr. Ho whips "Black" Pierre, foreman of a gang of Uroussoau's men cutting on his land. Ho defies Urousscau. Leblanc, his boss Jobber, Oenerts to the enemy. From Father Luclen, Askew learns tho story of Mario Du'pont, daughter of tho captain of a lumber schooner. Tho girl's mother, now dead, had been betrayed, and sho herself is looked on askanco and hau few friends. Mario knows tho namo of her mother's bctrayr, but has nover rovcalcd It to her father. Askow finds Madeleine Itosny hostllo to him. Askow and Connell visit Simeon Duval's danco hall In Hto. Mario. Hovenuo ofllcora raid It and Askow Is bl(Pl for the raid. Ho and Connell rescuo Mario tiupont. Askew saves Matfosielno Hosny when her horso runs away. Sho gives tho warning, "Look to ywr boom!" and then the mill boom breaks and Askow'a logs aro carried away to tho St. Lawrence. Who sawed tho boom? CHAPTER VIII. The Challenge. "Yes, sir, It was Morris who pulled off that little uffnlr nt Ste. Mnrle," fluid Ltife, a few days Inter. "Thnt's why ho went to sob tho revenue people when he wns In Quebec. And It's ho who spread the report that you were at the back of It." "And, Hko n fool, I plnyed Into his hands by being at Simeon's just when the raid came off," sold Hilary. "I guess that's' tho slzo of It, Mr. Askew. You know how peoplo are. There ain't no surer way of queering a roan anywhere, specially If he's a stranger, than to suspect htm of set ting tho revenue people on to tho 'blind tigers.' It queers him oven with folks that don't touch liquor. It's human nature somehow. By the way," ho added, "you heard thafSIracon's back." Hilary nodded. "And running wldo open again." "Well, I guess that hundred dollars' fine didn't hurt him much. But ho's nighty soro on you, Mr. Askew. I'd watch for mischief from that quarter." Hilary agreed. Ho did not know, however, that Lafo had learned from Tremblny, the landlord In some In comprehensible manner, since ho hnd Rot acquired an additional word of French during tho time which had lapsed kslnce Hilary's nrrlvalptlnjt Simeon not only meant mlschldt but tbs believed to bo planning It. However, the schooner hnd alrendy made ono trip to Quebec, well loaded. Hilary hnd been In negotiation with tho paper mills, and ho hoped to Im prove his chances mnterlully If tho winter wns not an early ono, and If only tho threatened strike did not ma terialize. But there had been another trouble, Incomprehensible to nilary, and Lafo, though ho understood Its origin, had not enlightened him. It concerned Baptiste. A few days lator nilary and ho met face to face. Bnptlsto stopped dead and thrust out his chin aggressively. "Well, what Is this that they arc aylng nbout tho boom?" ho demanded. "I have heard nothing, Bnptlsto," aald Hilary. "You don speak tho truth. You think I saw tho boom througlubccause Brousseau pay me, eh? All right 1 I am n man. I don' have to work for you." "I have no nccusatlon to mako against you, Bnptlsto." "You don' want to accuse. But you think, eh? P'raps you tell mo now I dldtl't saw tho boom through, eh?" "I 'don't know whether you did or not," said Hilary, becoming exasper ated. "If I hnd renson to bellevo you did, you'd know It." "You think I stnn' for talk 'like that?" shouted Baptiste. "I get hotter "You Think I Stand for Talk Like j That?" Shouted Baptiste. money from Monsieur Brousseau than ,1 get from you. All right. I leave Saturday." "Vntl tan rrn vlfrltt- tn Hu. fiflltw. nnil I get your money till Saturday," said 'Hilary. "I'll bo thero in a few mln- utcs." I He paid Baptiste, who took tha mouey with a. menacing muttering that .3 U. Dornn Co.) Hilary affected not to hear. But after Baptiste had gone ho felt the Incident keenly. Ho vnlued the little man, and ho know he had wronged him by re fusing to nlllrm his faith In him. Bap tlste's defection" wns not very much, but It showed that the wind of adver sity was still blowing strongly. Baptiste secured a Job with Brous seau on tho following day and shook the dust of St. Boniface from his heels. Leaving Lafo nt the mill, Hilary made his headquarters In one of the new camps, about flvo miles up the river. At ilvo o'clock on the Saturday night he was surprised to sec his hnnds trooping homeward along the road. Many of Hhem did go home over Sunday, and some every night; but this was an exodus. Hilary cnlled his gang foreman, who enme up sul lenly. "What's tho meaning of this?" he nsked. "Wo strike. We wnnt two dollnr n day." "Why don't the men coine to mo?" "I don't know. Wo strike, that's nil. You sco Lcblnnc." "So you've chosen thls'tlme to strike, havo you?" cried Hilary furiously. "All right 1 Get out I I'll bring men over from tho south shore." Ho went back to his shack nnd snt down, resting his head on his hands. It wns clear that Brousseau had post poned his Original plan till now to crip ple him beyond hope. And Lcblnnc, who did not work for him, wns In charge of tho affair I Ho was thor oughly disheartened over this new de velopment. However, if the strike did not ox- tend to tho mill ho could still get his shipment through. Presently he henrd tho sound of wheels, nnd, going outside, suw Lnfe driving rapidly along the road. He stopped tho horse, jumped out of tho buggy, nnd enmo up with a woeful ex pression on his fnce. "I met your meu going home, so I guess you know," ho snld. "They've struck." . "Tho mill hands, too?" Lafo nodded. "It's that fellow Lo- blauc. He's telling them they can get two dollars and their grub. Mnc- Pherson tried to hold the mill hands, but ho couldn't. You'll have to glvo what they're asking." "Suppose I pay the mill hnnds two dollars, will they stay In?" nsked HH-" nry. Lafo shook his head. "I offered it 'cm," ho said. "I took the responsi bility of that. Maybe I was wrong but nnywny, It won't go. They say It's to ho two dollars all round, mill hands nnd lumbermen." "I'll not bo beaten by Brousseau," said Hilary furiously. Lafo scratched his jaw. "It nppenrs to mo that you'ro going In Just the way ho wants you to," ho answered. "Make It two dollars till wo get this shipment through tho mill." Hilary shook his head. "Not n cent," ho nnswercd. "I'm not going to hnvo Broussenu dictate tho price of my labor." "Thnt's all right, I suppose, so far as you're concerned," snld Lnfo Indig nantly, "but what about mo? I guess I've got tho right to have some word In tho matter, with that eight thousand of Clarice my wife Invested. Seems to mo you'ro putting up your front on my money ns well as yours," he blurted out. "I'll wrlto you n check for It," "Oh, shucks 1" sold Lafo; and, turn nlng upon his heel abruptly, bo went bnck to tho buggy without nnother word. Ho entered It, whisked tho reins, and drove slowly away. But when lio had gono n hundred paces ho turned tho horse nnd camo back. "You'd better know tho worst," he said. "Louis Duval's In St. Boniface, nnd ho's going to open up tonight, Now I'm through with it all of It." Ho whipped tho horso and drovo away furiously, leaving Hilary alone In tho deserted camp. nilary sat thero for a long time. It began to grow dark, but, absorbed In his bitter reflections, he took no note of anything. Everything sank Into In slgnltlcanco hesldo the fact that Louis Duval, In open defiance of him and his warning, wns selling liquor upon tho St. Boniface property. It wns u delib erate and direct challengo; nnd he must accept It or bo for ever discredit cd among his men. Moro : He must ac cept It or abandon his plans and re turn home. "I'll stop that, anyhow," he mut tered, and, rising, took a revolver from Ills suitcase, loaded tho six chambers, and thrust It Into his coat pocket. Then ho clapped on his lint nnd went out. It was still light, nnd bo calculated to reach St. Boniface soon nftcr Duval opened. But he had not gone a dozen paces when he henrd the sound of a trotting horse, nnd presently, from among tho trees, he perceived Made leine Itosny upon tho chestnut which had bolted with her on the day of the dynamite blast. Sho put her horse to tho gallop as she ncarcd him, nnd reined up so sud denly that she nlniost threw the beast back upon his haunches. Hilary saw that she had a new and powerful hit, which gave her perfect control. Her pluck wns splendid in this riding of the snme animal along the same road. , Ho raised his hat and waited. Sho leaned over the horse's shoulder, and ho snw that her face was expressive of great concern. "You aro not to go to St Boniface tonight," she snld. "Mny I ask why?" "It Is my wish, monsieur nnd my warning nlso." The memory of their past meetings rushed through Hilary's mind, alrendy unbalanced by the events of the after noon, and ho became conscious of a great rush of anger that seemed to sweep through him like some lmpcr sonnl force and hold him against bis will. "Do you think, Mademoiselle Rosny, that you arc entitled to express your wishes and your warnings to me, In tho light of our acquaintance?" be de manded. "You nro pleased to be Insolent to me again,"' she answered In a low voice. "It does not matter, if you go to St. Boniface you go at your peril." "Mademoiselle " "I ask you not to go. I Implore you, then." "By what right?" cried Hilary nngrl ly. "Hnvo you worked for me or against me, Mademoiselle Itosny, since I came here, expecting to find onljn welcome among my neighbors? nave you shown any renson why I should heed your udvice, or put fnlth Jn your disinterestedness?" She was not looking nt him. "No," sho nnswercd, very quietly. "But you must not go. Monsieur Askew, I have come hero to beg It of you. I " "You have come hero to get me not to attend to my interests," cried Hil ary, losing all his self-control. "Aro you not actively allied with my worst enemy, who seeks to ruin mo nnd drive mo out of St. Boniface. I lost nearly a winter's cut of lumber when my boom was treacherously destroyed. You knew, Mndemolscllo Itosny, and yet you ask mo to heed advice from one who is not my friend." Sho started as If he ban lashed her across tho face. Sho tried to answer him, but could only stammer Inco herently; nnd her eyes, which hnd blazed with wrath as ho spoke of tho boom, were filled with tears which sho checked valiantly. "You think I came hero tonight," sho began, nnd paused, her voice chok ing. "You think I came ljerc tpYyou to engage In some plot of Monsieur Broussenu's? It Is Insufferable I &Tou nro not so Importnnt nn enemyj ns that." She put out her hands swiftly. swiftly, e," Isho ly. ?Io d. r Ah, do not go to St. Boniface, pleaded. Hilary looked at her stubbornly, would not let himself bo moved "I have come to you, nnd you have humiliated me," sho whispered. "Go, thenl" she cried suddenly Jerking tie reins. "Go, Monsieur Askew I Go Jo St. Bonlfncol" I Sho spurred her horso and galloped wildly away, while nilary watched, rfe saw her pass out of sight; he waited till tho Inst reverberations of the tly lng hoofs hnd censed. lie was ashamed ; and yet ho wns sustained b.v n crlm mer determination thnn any that hoy nau over Known, no wouiu not let himself bellovo In her." His wrath, which made him doubt every one, which had suffered him to let Lafo do part, kindled him to fighting hent. Ho meant to tight, and ho grew hot ter as ho tramped steadily along tho river roud, reeling off tho miles be hind him, a lonely figure, his heart? rancorous against tho Injustice motet) out to him; bitter against Lnfe, hitter against Madeleine, hut furious In hl$ resolution to show St. Bonlfncc whn manner of man he wns. i At lust tho lights of the settlement began to twinkle through tho trees. Ho walked a llttlo faster, lingering thq revolver In his cont pocket. But when; ho reached tho gate above tho dam ho stopped for a while and considered. ! Ills Instinct was for physical assault, such violence as alono could appease. his rage, lie listened to the distant hubbub about Duval's shanty; and then ho did tho wisest, or clso tho most foolish thing that he could havo done. Ho broke his revolver, took out tho cnrtrldgcs. nnd throw them nwny. Ho put tho weapon back In his pocket, opened tho gate, and went on. And this was wise, because Canadian law docs not readily exonerate tho man who kills; yet foolish, had he known that three men nt lenst In St. Bonlfuce expected him nnd were prepared for his coming. He strode past the dam and ap proached tho outlying houses of tho .settlement, feeling nn Implncable re solve harden him ns he heard tho, shouts and the tumult that came from Baptlsto's old house, no turned Into the little street on which It stood and saw It In front of him, with tho higher bulk of the mill beyond. Tho shades of Baptlsto's cabin were drawn, nnd the lamplight from within threw the shadows of tho lumbermen upon them In grotesque attitudes. Hil ary could sen through the open door thnt the plnce was packed to suffoca tion. Thero was no room to danco; but there was to be no dnnce that night. A group of men, chattering upon the porch, censed their conversation as nil ary ascended tho three steps, and nudged ono another. Ono of them broke into loud, drunken laughter. Hil ary hardly heard them. He strode Into the saloon nnd stood within the door way. CHAPTER IX. The Trap. The first man whom he saw was Louis Duval, uncorking a bottle of gin. Their eyes met ncross tho heads of the lumbermen before Hilary's pres ence was known. Ho stood still for a moment, taking In the scene. He was faintly conscious that the door at the far end of the room hnd closed, but this perception mnde no Impression on him. no felt, alono though he wns, that ho was ab solute master of the situation. Ho strode up to Louis, pushing the lumbermen who were In his wny aside, seized tho b.ottlo from his hand, and "I Have Come to You, and You Have Humiliated Me," She Whispered. "Go, Thenl" dashed It to the floor. His movement and tho ensuing action were so swift that It was only after their comple tion thnt all the company awakened to his presence. no turned townrd tho plank tnble which had been nulled across a recess for a bar counter. On this were a number of bottles, nil of brandy or gin Illicitly distilled nnd smuggled up the river. On the floor were two hogs heads. A quantity of glasses newly bought, nnd still contnlnlng fragments of tho straw In which they had been packed, stood on a packing case near by. Hilary swept his arm along the plank, knocking off tho bottles, which crashed to tho floor, strewing It with broken. glass. A score of streams be gan to lilter between tho edges of the boards, uniting In tho depressions. The stench of the spirits rose Into the air. Ho kicked the hogsheads over, and they added their contents to tho pool. With nnother sweep ho struck down tho glnsses. Then the lumbermen rushed nt him, cursing, infuriated. Tho foremost hesitated as they camo with in reach of his arm, however, remem bering Pierre's discomtlture. Tho mo mentary delay was fatal to them. Hil ary struck out with all his force, fell ing them, or sending them staggering backward ugninst thoso behind, nnd clearing n passage in, a twinkling to ward Louis, with whom alono he had business nt that moment. Louis was a coward, unlike his brother and Pierre, perhaps pardon ably, on account of his physical weak ness. As Hilary grasped him by tho shoulders tho liquor seller, who mnde up in adroitness for what he lacked In strength, twisted like nn eel, dived under the nrms of thoso about him, and rushed toward tho rear entrance, shouting something as ho ran. What It wis Hilary did not know. Ho perceived dimly that tho mob fell ba'ck, except for a few who, unablo to restrain themselves, surged nbout him llko a pack of wolves, snarling, and trying to thrust at hlra with tho knives which thoy had drawn from their lMthor belt sheaths. Hilary, fighting By VICTOR ROUSSEAU Illustrations by Irwin My era like n madman, sent them smashing to the floor, cleared his wny again, and made for Louis, who was Just open ing the buck door. Ho grasped at him, but Louis was Just n second too quick. IIo dnrtcd through, nnd tho door, thrown bnck violently, struck nilary upon tho forehead. The next lnstnnt Hllnry passed through tho doorway In pursuit. The shanty which Bnptlsto hnd once occupied had formerly been a part of a large structure used b.v the mill for storing machinery. At the back, and contiguous with It, hnd been tho old mill stables. The door connecting tho two places' had been nnilcd up, but Duval had opened it thnt morning In the course of his preparations for .Hil ary's advent. As Hllnry entered the stnblo the door closed behind him, nnd he henrd tho bolt shot. The yells of tho lumber men grow faint. It wns only then Hil ary realized that ho had run into a trap. The stable contained Louis, who line posted himself within tho stnll imme dlntely opposite the entrance, nnr grinned nt Hilary; defiantly. Between the two stood Slineort Duval, n gro tesque grin upon his scholnrllke fea tures. Tho mnn who hnd bolted the door wns Lcblnnc, and Black Pierre stood hesldo him. The four, executing a flanking move ment simultaneously, ndvanced and took up their position between Hilary and the door. Nobody spoke, but Simeon Duval took off his' spectacles quite methodically, folded them In their case, and placed It back In his pocket. Standing with his back close enough to tho wnll of one of the horse boxes to bo nble to prevent an attack from behind, nilary- watched the four contemptuously. They hnd got htm there to light nnd there ,wns nothing ho wnnted more, even ngnlnst the lot of them, ne hnlf regretted having drawn his cnrtrldgcs, but he wns con scious of no sense of fenr whntever. He kept his right hnnd lightly against the pocket In which the revolver lay; It might be useful for intlmldntlon, or even for self-defense. "Well, we got you, Mcestnlr Askew," sneered Simeon. "Now you listen here. We're peuccful men nn' we hate trou ble. We don't wnnt to hurt you If you go away from St. Boniface. Go back where you come from. Else we kill you tonight. What you say? 'You are alone here, no police, nnd every one hnto you. If we kill you every one swear you try to kill Black Pierre, an' my brudder, an' mo. Now what you say?" "I haven't come here to say, but to glvo your brother n thrashing," an swered Hilary scornfully. "Tho thrash ing that I promised him thnt night nt Sto. Mnrle." "You spy on mo In Ste. Mnrle nn' bring revenue ofllcers. It cost me a hundred dollar, you damn police spy. You go now, oh? What you say?" Hilary wheeled upon Leblnnc nnd Pierre. "And these men whnt are they doing here? You wnnt three men to help you kill mo. eh, Simeon?" He did not wnnt to pnrley, but In spite of his engerncss his judgment told him thnt he wns In a. perilous situation.- He must tnunt them till, they lost their heads; that would give him an advantage. "You, Leblanc, wnnt your lenso ngnln, I suppose, you thief," ho said. "You, Pierre, didn't got enough of a hiding 'that day I caught you cutting down my trees. There's nnother com ing to you in n minute or two. Simeon, If I'd been you I'd have picked some men who could help mo fight If I wns afraid, Instead " IIo got no further, for nt that mo ment, taking tho initiative, he sprang, Ills lists dnshed full Into Simeon's face, right and left, nlmost together. Simeon toppled backward; his head struck the edge of the stall behind him, and he dropped moaning to the floor and lay there. Passing him, Hilary leaped for Louis, but the agile little mnn eluded him nnd dnrted down the middle of tho stable. Before ho could quite recover himself Leblune nnd Pierre sprang from behind. As Hilary swung side wise he snw the knife in Pierre's hnnd. Ho thrust his nrm up, and the blow, diverted, glanced, the knife ripping his sleevo open. Leblnnc, also with a knife, wns springing from tho other side. Hilary sized up the situation with judgment for which he could nover nftcrward account. Dashing his lists upward, he caught Pierre under the chin, forcing his hend hack; at the sifmo time he grasped the wrist which held tho knife and swung so as to In terpose tho outlaw's body between himself and Leblanc's blow. As Le blanc struck ngnln Hilary turned, shel tering himself behind Pierre, ono hand under his chin, tho other holding back tho wrist, so that Leblanc's short, stab bing strokes always fell short, being aimed around Pierre's body. Backing into the stnll adjacent to tho ono in which Simeon hnd fallen, Hllnry In this manner continued to ward off Leblanc's attack. Tho stall was narrow, nnd tho jobber wns un ablo to get past Pierre, struggling In Hilary's grasp, In order to strike a blow from tho sldo or rear. So long ns Hilary could retain his hold on' Pierre and keep him In this position ho wns comparatively safe. But ho had no moro thnn nbout fifteen seconds In which to think out his next move. It wns nil n question of muscular en durance. Ho could not hope to retnln his clutch on Pierre's throat with ono hand for many seconds, ngnlnst tho force behind the outlaw's shoulders, and his strong, thick-set body. Sud denly he mnde up his mind. Ho re lensed Pierre, flinging him backward with all his might. Pierre fell against Leblanc, sending him staggering; tho two clawed at each other and fell to tho floor. As Hllnry released Plerro ho caught sight of Louis' face peering across Pierre's shoulder. The fall of the two men left LoUls Hilary's only Immedi ate opponent. Hilary hesitated; In splto of his threat, spoken to Simeon, he hesitated to attack a mnn much his Inferior In slzo nnd strength. But at that moment he saw Louis' right arm drawn bnck, and tho gleam of tho knife ho held. Eeforo the upward thrust camo ho stepped imck, pulled the revolver from his pocket, nnd brought the butt crashing down on Louis' head. "That's what I promised you!" ho shouted. Tho llttlo man, Instantly drenched with blood from the Jagged scalp wound, stuggorcd, lot the knife fall, screamed, and fled, stumbling from side to side, with hands upraised abovb his head, toward the door. Louis had had enough ; he hnd been meant to bo the bnlt of the trap, and now ho had been caught in It. Blinded by the blood thnt poured over his fnce, ho blundered Into ono of tho window em brasures, and his upraised hahds brought down the lamp, which fell crashing upon tho wooden floor, and fortunately went out. Still screaming, Louis found tho door nnd tried to push back the bolt. But' before ho could do so Hilary was on the spot. He pushed It back him self and, taking Louis by the shoul ders, he pushed him with all his strength into Baptlste's shanty. The room wns empty. The word hnd evidently been passed about that It would be advisable for one to mako oneself scarce In view of what was going on In the stable. But a group of men were gathered nbout the door ut the entrance, peering In; nnd tho sudden apparition of Louis, covered with blood, and Hilary behind him, proved too strong for their discretion. Thoy came running forward, yelling. Hilary could hnvo broken through them nnd gained the safety of his rooms, a short distance away. Even tho hazard In such a con -o was less than what he had faced In tho stable. But the idea never occurred to him. Ilo'was fighting mad; ho had come to St. Boniface to light, and he meant to light his quarrel out. IIo turned. He heard Leblanc nnd Pierre run ning ncross tho stable floor. All his calculations, which were subconscious, were mnde In fractional seconds that night. So, now, he calculated that the pair would reach tho door a half-second before tho men, In the shanty. They would emerge confident, Imagin ing him to be In flight. " He wnlted. Louis' blundering flight, which took him into tho midst of the lumbermen, stopped them In their attack, just as Hilary had calculated It would ; at the same moment Leblanc's head and shoulders became visible around the door, nilary, waiting for that, jabbed upward viciously with his right. Le blanc howled and Tell backward, knockipg Pierre off his balance in turn; and before they hnd recovered from the surprise Hllnry had stepped back Into tho stable and bolted the door behind him. ne snw their wonder nnd tho dawn ing fear in Leblanc's face, covered with blood, and Pierre's Infuriated scowl; but they camo on at him again, craft ily now, crouching, their knives drawn back for the stab. A revolver, even when loaded, is of llttlo use against n knife, wielded by an expert at close quarters. Tho men were attacking from opposite sides, too. They were wntchlng each movement that Hilary made. He estimated that they would spring after a very brief delay. Ho hazarded a second and, stooping, picked up a fragment of rotten harness which had fallen to tho floor beside ono of the horse-boxes. He wheeled townrd Leblnnc, who twisted his body to meet him ; nnd then, as Plerro rushed In from behind, wheeled ngaln and brought down the harness strap upon his head. A knife stab and what comes 'of it. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Proposed Research Work. A proposed British national institu tion of industrial biology would havo for Its prime object research connected with Industries dependent on mlcro-or-gunlsms or enzymes ; and thoso, setting aside brewing and distilling, Include tho making of cheese, bread and pressed yenst, lactic ncld, wine and vinegar, besides tanning, tho treat ment of sewage, and nil ngrlculture. Other alms would be to glvo special ized Instruction to teachers and tech nical workers and to provide a col lection of microscopic culture from which scientific workers and others could draw material. The Finish. Patience "Hnvo you over noticed In u circus parado that thoy always havo the calllopo wagon nt tho end ot tho parade?" Patrice "Oh, yes; that Is to let everybody know that the worst La yet to come,"