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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1920)
31 101 tit THIRTY-SIXTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 19, 1920. No. 20 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Morlo Wilcox return ed to Cozad this morning after a day's visit with relatives In town. A littlo music In your homo will mako your homo a greater pleasure and comfort to you. Lot Dixon show the Columbia and Edison to you. Mrs. Zick left today, for hor homo In Independence, Mo., after a visit' with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Do Witt, of the Shoo Market There's Elephants, Saw Dust Rngs--'N Everything In "Jinx" amusing story of circus life with Mabel Normand. Crystal, Saturday, and Monday. Try our 30c Coffee. Grocery. McMlchacl's 20-4 Mac Westfall, who purchased the forty aero farm just south of the South Platto bridge, Is remodeling the liouso and installing a heating plant. Mac will grow alfalfa and hogs. Llbby cut glass now patterns just arrived. If it is Libby you know It is good. Dixon, the joweler. Ellis Howard, who lived in Medi cine precinct and a son-in-law of Geo. M. Young, died Tuesday of pneumonia following nn attack of tho flu. He leaves a wife and a child about a year old. Burial took place at Wellfleet yesterday. Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians, seo them for Service tf Tho Best Holsory Values for the entire family axo to bo had at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Most remark able values in boys and girls stockings aro being sold at 33c 39(5 47c and fine silk Lisle at 59c. Lay, in a supply now. They are going higher. Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday MABEL NORMAND IN 66 JINX Jinx is first cousin to Mickey and has the same amus ing combination of rough and ready manners and genuine goodness of heart. Monday Special "CUPID'S DAY OFF," With Ben 'furpin, Charles Lynn and Alice Lake. H Keith Theatre-Friday "FLAMES OF THE FLESH" WITH GLADYS BROCKWELL Something rather different from the familiar type of "Vampire" stories. Story of a Pure-minded Puritan girl who shock Paris. Sunshine Comedy 'HEIt NAUGHTY WINK." r "The Twilight Baby" With VIRGINIA RAPPE. A Henry Lehrman Production A distinctive Comedy Creation. Unlike anything you ever saw before and of higher class. Crystal Tuesday and Wednesday NEWS WEEKLY EACH NIGHT. Acts Quick as Thought Great safety is assured by th responsiveness ol Silent Stearns. It accelerates faster, so little force is required to steer it; its range on high is from 1 to 60 milee; it overtakes and pastes another car quicker; (few hills compel it to drep back frem high gear, and shifting, when necessary, is easy, effortless and silent. You'll know when you sit at the wheel. J. S. DAVIS AUfO CO. SHOW ROOM 209 EAST IIXTH. T. T. Marcott, of Brady, who has been visiting in San Diego, will leave for home Sunday. In speaking of the California cllmato ho says "not warm enough to sweat, not cold enough to chill, not dry enough for dust and not wet enough for mud. I prefer old Ne braska whoro wo sometimes get tho four seasons within twenty-four hours." Depcndon Union Suits for women and children. Tho weight you will like for early spring and summer wear. A qunllty line in every respect. Tho kind suro to-please you Is sold by The Leader Mer. Co. The sale of thoroughbred hogs at tho state farm Wednesday afternoon was attended by buyers from Qgalalla, Staplcton, Brady, Maxwell, Hershcy and other points. Forty animals were sold at an average price of $87 each. A Columbia or Edison on the pay ment plan In your home. Seo Dixon about it. The Royal Neighbors celebrated the twenty-fourth anniversary of tho lodge Wednesday evening by the rendition of a program, tho serving of a supper to members and their families and to membes of the M. W. of A. For Sale House and lot close In. Rent will net owner more than 9 per cent on investment. One half block cast of Junior High. Phono Red 834. 20-2 Prof. Firth, of tho Grand Island Baptist College will address tho Bap tist congregation Sunday morning and evening, March 1st. Have your diamond mounted In one of tho new mountings at Dixon's and you won't know it is the same stone. 99 1 TWO HUNDRED 'ATTEND TUB C. of C. LUNCHEON. The most successful luncheon given by tho Chamber of Commorco was hold Wednesday ovenlng at tho Masonic hall when 200 men and women sur rounded tho tables aud woro' Bervod with an oxcollont dinner by tho lallcs 6fltho Christian church. During tho meal music was furnished by nn or chestra nd popular songs .wore rend ered by tho singers present, which in cluded about everybody. At the oouclusion of tho dinner, President Dixon introduced tho speak ers, prefacing tHe introduction with a statement of phases of work which tho Chamber of Commerce is doing or will to during tho present year, thus giving some insight as to what members may oxpect ns a result of their contribu tions to the budget of the organization. President Dixon first ' introduced Miss Anna Kramph who Injected her customary vigor into her talk along tho lines of casting off Indifference and waking up to the needs of a city of 10.000 Inhabitants; that each one luis a part in providing those things which we need to make a bigger and better town. Mrs. Esther Kroger, secretary of the Kearney Chamber of. Commerce, was the principal speaker of the evening, and hor address demonstrated that she is a very, bright woman, and fully competent to handle tho duties of the position sho occupies. Mrs. Kroger told of the work which is within tho provlnco of a commercial organiza tion to do, making excellent sugges tions along that Uno, and tolling of tho assistance tho woman's club of Kear ney Is to the chamber of commerce, of that city. ' The next speaker Introduced wns Secretary Moran of tho Chamber of Commorce, who alluded to tho mem bership campaign which begins April 1st, of the clean-up campaign which starts April 19th, and of the work be ing performed by the roa maintaining outfit. Tho meeting closed with a short talk by Ira L. Bare. The object of entertaining tho ladles of the members was to get them more earnestly interested in civic work, and to assist tho Chamber of Commerce In carrying out some of its plans. The ladles seemed to tako considerable in terest in tho talks made and it is prob able, that thoy stand ready to do all they can toward making North Platto a hotter and bigger town. no:: Engagement Extraordinary. Aurora Mardlganian, in the. greatest picture ever 'shown in this or any other theatre. Tlio only film evor screened In America nt $10 per seat. "Auction of Souls," 8 reels, 5000 peop le, 83 principals. Depicting the trail of the Terrible Turk In ravished Armenia. Aurora Mardlganian is tho sole survivor of half a million Armen ian girls. The film shows truthfully and without exaggeration what she and hor campanions stood through the two years in Turkish Harems in tho hands of Turkish soldiers and roving. bands of Kurds before she escaped to America. TJvery incident vouched for by the British Investigator, Lord Bryce, and the American Ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morganthau. En dorsed by Cardinal Gibbons and other notod Prelates and by the Governors of five states. A picture you will never forgot. It makes every American woman's blood boll. At the Sun Theatre, only two days, commencing Tuesday. If posslblo at tend our matinee to relieve night con gestion. Prices, matinee 35c plus war, tax, evening 50c plus war Uix. Adult tickets only. ::o:: Petitions aro being circulated nom inating J. I. Smith for councilman from the Second ward. So far ns we know that has been the first time Mr. Smith has asked political preferment during his residence of nearly fifty years In North Platto. UNIVERSITY FLAYEKS COMIKU FOR THREE ENTERTAINMENTS. The Unlvorslty of Nebraska players will givo a sorlos of throo entertain ments In this city on tho evenings of March 20th, 30th and 31st. Tho first ovenlng tho program will bo rendored by tho Conhuskors Concert Company, tho socond evening will bo tho Uni versity Players' Road Show and tho third ovenlng tho comedy "It Pays to Advortlso" will bo presented. The Cornhusknr Concert Company A spocial featuro of University Week. The best in ontertnlnment by people specially talented In Instrumen tal music, drama and singing. A com pany exceptional In their ability with tho piano, saxuphone, violin, Intorpe tlve dances and vocal solos. This com pany 1ms had a great deal of experien ce and will afford tho people a won derful entertainment In every way. The "Road Show." An all star cast In music, mono logues and playlotts. An ontortnln mcnt of varied note, cacli complote In Itself. Tho best of talent In their re spective lines. A special featuro Is tho oncact playlett Tho Man Upstairs. :o:: "It Purs To Advertise." This is a screaming comedy, a laugh from start to finish. Produced up to the minute on tho stago. It vi1dly portrays modern schemes of "big company" advorlslng. Mr. Herbert, as tho character Peale, tho advertising gonlus, reveals up-to-dao methods of carrying on business. It Is one of tho most clover comedies of the- past three years and was an lmmonso success on Broadway. It Is a twentieth century production, especially In thnt It plays up the Ingenuity and executive ability of the woman In "business". ::o:: For Sale. S Room Modern Houso with 4 lots. 3 Room House and one lot. Also a team, wagon and harness. L. D McFarland, 1702 east 4th 20-5 Street. Emll Merschled and Tim Carson were called Into police court Wednes day on the charge of auto speeding, and Mrs. I H. Deuborry. for parking her car too long. A farmer named Anderson living south of tho city was brought to a local hospital yesterday and had threo fingers amputated as a result of hav ing had a hand caught in a corn sheller. Tho Last Long Under-Wear for boys and Girls. Tho best knit garments thatamude. The celebrated M Line. In sizes toflt ages 2 years to 16 years on sale at 85c ?1.25 J1.45 at The Leader Merc. Co. The Amorlcan Stato Bank at Aurora was taken over b' tho state banking board yesterday which voluntarily closed its doors and overdrafts of $4G,000 havo been uncovered. C. W. Wentz, the vice-president of the bank who had an overdraft of ?20,000, has disappeared. :o: : Tlrt Finger Nail's History. The rapidity of the growth of the nails is Indicative of tho health. Tho growth of the nulls on the right hand Is In most people more rnpld than of those on tho left hand. Another curi ous point Is that the rate of growth of tho nail depends directly on the length of the finger; thus the nails on the two middle fingers of nn grow more rap Idly than those or. the first and third fingers respectively, and these In turn are more speedy In the growth thnn those on the little finger. AT THE m THEATRE. TODAY "The Triflers" STARRING' Edith Roberts ALSO 2 reel Western. MAT INN EE 2:30 P. M. SATURDAY "A Little Brother of the Rich" STARRING Frank Mayo and Kathryn Adams. ALSO Billy West Cemedy. 3f ATI NEE 1:15 I M. MONDAY "The Darkest Hour" 1Y1TII Harry Morey ALSO Bound and Sagged. LOCAL AND PEHflONAL Mrs. Chnrlos Eckolberry loft yostor day for a visit with relatives' in Ohio. Plckard china, Dixon, tho Joweler. David Butlor tho widely known mat inee Idol Is to bo featured with Edith Roberts In "Tho Trlllcrs" tho Comedy Drama at tho SUN tonight. Does ono roalizo.' his aspirations nurtured In tho "Kingdom of Dreams". See Anita Sownrt's answer at the Keith, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. andMrs. Chas. Burke, of Oma ha, spont yesterday and this forenoon in town while enrouto home from a six weeks' visit In California. Arrival of Beautiful Gorgette and Crepe De Chono Silk Waists at unbeat able prices. Seo them In Waist De partment of The Lender Merc. Co. Mrs. Shnrploy Thompson, of Hor shoy, spent yesterday with friends In town. Mrs. Thompson will leave the oarly part of next week for a two months' visit in Philadelphia. Mrs. John Cook, of Horton, Knns., Is tho guest of hor slstor Mrs. D. W. Macombcr.Thls Is tho first time In thirteen years that tho two sisters havo met. Mrs. Cook wns at ono time a resident of Lincoln county. The Gothonburg Times Bays: Law ronco Potorson removes this week to his fathor, P. R. Potorson's farm, 480 acreB located ton miles south of North Platto. His brother Vornfojt E. Pot erson has a place in tho samo vicinity to which ho removed two weeks ago. Tho Last Long Undor-Wear for boys aud Girls. Tho best knit garments that's made. Tho celebrated M Lino. In sizes to fit ages 2 yonrs to 1G yoars on snlo at 95c $1.25 $1.45 at The Loador Merc. Co. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Mrs. Wm. J. Hendy wont to Kear ney Thursday to attend a mooting of tho executive board of the P. E. O. sisterhood. Mrs. Hendy, has recently been appointed state treasurer to fill out tho term left vacant by the resig nation of Mrs. F. W. Rlncker. Keith Theatre Saturday "Where Bonds Are Loosed" WITH S i and Arthur Behrens- From the novel of the famoiiB English authorvE. h? " Grant Watson. A Romance with more than a punch a kick. , , "Far away from the bonds of civilization would the wild animal in you break loose?" COMEDY "HUH NAUGHTY WINK." Good Good will is a valuable asset when based on the foundation of service actually rendered. Dodge Brothers and Chandler cars are the choice of North Platte buyers who know that automobile satisfaction Ib assured by a combination of a good car and a dealer who considers the customer's satisfaction first. Wo welcome each customor, new or old indeed every visitor to our store as an opportunity to build good will. ' Dodge Brothers Chandler-Motor Cars l V. ROMIGH, Gth and Locust. Phone '844, Bosh magneto on all Chandler Cars. Dtxons grind lenses service. . v Harry Stevens returned this morn ing from a business trip to Orond Island. ' Wanted to buy A good gontlo driv ing horso. Inqulro at this office '2t Tho High School Band "will parado tho business streets nt four o'clock this afternoon. Attorney M. E. Crosby wont to -Ogulalla this morning lo cpond tho day on legal business. Wlioy Wnlkor loft this morning tor Lowollen whoro ho will transact busi ness for a day of two. Joseph Medlll Patterson wrote A Littlo Brothor of the Rich nnd Prank Mayo and Knthyrn Arams aro the Stnrs. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. ' Joo Fitzgorald, of Kcarnoy, was lh town Wcdnosday enrouto to Stock villo to attend the session of tho dis trict court. v' Ron tho rnniiLrlfnhlnlv nnnonllntr dramatic work of Benny Aloxandor tho child marvel of the screen nt the Sun tonight. Tho Roxall handles tho goods. 14tf Lnto yostordny afternoon "Wm. J. TUoy made a filing as a dcmoonatiS cnndldato fo county commissonor from tho First district. .t a' You'll bo sorry if you don't lot tlib "Jinx"' get you at tho Crystnl, Saturday . or Monday night. Mabel Normand starring. Hor Family Trco was a Crab-applo and her uncostors novor trod tho May llowor In A Littlo Brothor of tho Rich at tho SUN Saturday. For Sale 1 lots with now 5 room Bungalow, All modern with own water system nnd oloctrla pump, nt 1714 East 4th. Phono Red 1081. 20-4" A navy rocruiting olticor will bo hero for four daya beginning March 25th to recoiva enlistments. Ho will bo stationed In tho fodoral building. Wnli papor and paint at tho Roxall: Will