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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1920)
fl o rth M.'. MX- SHfabte. , . c , -m ' "TT , zzz: zzz. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 16, 1920. No.l9 LIP.UK AND ItlTNMl MLB fok county coannssioxo. Two filings for county, commission er for District No. 1, tho North Platto district wcro mado Friday when John It. Rlt.nor and Charlos Llcrk flffd' as' candidates and both as republicans. Tlioso acquainted with these two men and both are well known, will agree with us that either ono would mako a good and capable commissioner. Mr. Ritnor has long beort a resldontof tho county, coming hero from Pennsylvania In tho early days. During his resi dence In North Platto ho has filled n number of vocations, each acceptable. For several years past ho has been engaged In building the smaller bridges and cemont culverts for tho county and doing rip-rapping work along tho river. This work hua nat urally taken him over a good part of tho county and ho is well acquainted with conditions of roads, bridges and other county affairs, a knowledge that would bo a service to him as a county commissioner. Charlos Llerk Is one of tho best known men in tho county, for as a morchant In North Platte for a number of years ho mot both town and county residents. He has been a resident of tho city all his life, born and educated in North PlattOj As a business man he is considered ono of our best, and no man In town has a better standing aa a straightforward and capablo buslnesH man. His popularity Insures him a big vote in tho primary election next month. ::o:: A largo attendanco is oxpected at tho Chamber of Commorco family luncheon to bo hed at the Masonic hall tomorrow evening. Following an excellent meal to bo served by tho la dies of tho Christian church, Mrs. Esther Kroogor, secretary of the Kearney, commercial club will deliver an address. Short talks will -also bo mado by several mombers. Plates will bo seventy-five cents each. Watch for tho Petticoat window at Tho Stylo Shop. MRUitHHil ARE YOU HONEST? See June Elvidge - IN- "The WdmaW of Lies . p at Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday. Special Friday ALL FOR THE'DOUGHBAG. The Nash Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor. Every Nash Model, open or closed has this Powerful, Economical and Quiet Motor. Distinguished by rare beauty of design and finish in Body. ONE CHASSIS 6 BODY STYLES. J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. BENJAMIN B, HAMPTON and ELTINGE F. ZANE GREY'S - MOST POWERFUL PICTURE A ZANE GREY PICTURE, Inc., PRODUCTION - Directed by T. HAYES HUNTER With this All-Star Cast: E. K. LINCOLN, Margwy Wilson, Eileen Percy, Russell Simpson, Walter Long, W. Lawton Butt. Edward Coxen, Arthur Morrison. Frank Lanning Frank Brownloe, William Bainbridgo At The Son, Three Days, Commencing Tuesday. Matinees Each Day. CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN WILL START APltIL 10th. "A Clean Up and Paint Up" campaign will bo launched Monday, April 19th, and at tho closo It Is hoped that North Platto will bo "tho spotless town." Tho plan to havo this campaign origin ated with Socrotary Moran, of tho Chambor of Commorce, who witnessed sovoral such campaigns in Iowa with wonderful results In tho lino of Im provement and cleanliness. In ordor to create Interest in tho movement, Secretary Moran called a meeting at, his office to which ho Invited Mayor Stroltz, MrR. Frater, president of the.Kapp renounces Ids right to form a Twentieth Century Club, and a number cabinet, but a new cabinet of experts of other citizens .with tho result that will bo formed. News of tho agroe chalrmen of committees on tho various mont was nnnouilcod in a spccinl edl phases of tho work wore appointed and tion of the Deutsche Allgcmoine Zol these chairmen In turn will select the tung In Berlin at 11 o'clock in the mombers of their committees. ! morning. In this work it is honed to enlist the co-oporation of every property ownor agreomont was reached "botweon Bor ln tho city to tho end that ovory lot lin and Dresden.'' (It has boon an occupled or vacant, may bo cleaned of nounced that Minister' of Defense i all rubbish and every alley made to Nosko Is at Dresden, while President look as clean as a main street. To rurtner the work the assistance of the, Boy Scouts and tho Camp Flro Girls will bo Invoked and tho, start of tho campaign will bo signalizod by a bi parado on tho opening day. ! Tho slogan of tho campaign is"North Platte, tlio Spotless Town", which means a cleanor, a more sanitary, a more healthful and a moro beautiful city, in which to live. And whllo commending this clean-up movement, let Tho Trlbuno suggest that a separate commlttoo bo appointed for tho purposo of Inducing moro people to grow flowers, for nothing adds moro to tho appearance of prem ises than flowers , tho old fashioned flowers that our mothers grew and loved so well. ::o:: The New Fashioned Hosiery which conforms to tho shape of the foot per fectly and which Is without seams, which insures comfort to tho wearers. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho Mothodist aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at tho church par lors with Mesdames-Langford, Watts, Busklrk, Gilbert and Barrott as the entertaining committee. Visitors nro wolcomo. Ladies don't forget your donations for our Easter sale March 31st. Articles for same can bo left with Mrs. Hartman, 310 west Sixth street, or brought to the church on the above date. The"' Stylo Shop Petticoats I Listen: This ;ip'.wjiat-. they havo, heavy, jorsoys taffetas, latins," fielding- V'sllkjtfPussy Willow Taffetas, Heatherbloom and Sateens ranging in price from $1.75 to $19.00. F. A. Deats, of California, is the guest of his daughter Mrs. Ray Humphrey. New shipments of silk petticoats at Tho Style Shop. For Sale. 1007 W. 3rd St. 5 room house, mod ern except heat. Garage 12x24. Price $2800. Call at 1003 W. 3d St. or phono Red 50G,for terms. 19-0 "Desert CMSIS IN GERMANY NOW SEEMS ffO HAVE PASSED A Berlin dispatch received yostorday ovening stated that an agreomont had been reached bctweon,Cliancollor,Kapp of tho now government and Gustav Nosko, minister of dofenso in tho J-bort government, nnd that tho government crisis In Oormany liaa ended. A now government for Oormany will bo constltutod under tho agreo mont between tho old govommont nnd tho now, a Havas agoncy announce ment states. Under the agreement Chancellor Tho announcement Bald thai the Ebert was last roportcd at Stuttgart with other members of his cabinet.) Elections to the Rolchstag will bo held within two months according to; tho terms of tho agrcemont reached, Under the terms of tho agreement a now president will bo olected by tho .rpoople and not by. tho Rolchstag Meanwhllo, President Ebort is to ro taln power. Economic councils will bo constitu ted, according to tho agrcomcnt, Into a second chambor to bo called tho la bor chamber. 1 ::o:: A Gift to the City Library. Sioux Lookout Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, has pur chased at tho expense of over sixty dollars a full Bet of lineage books, forty-olght In number, to bo placed In tho city library for tho benefit of any who may bo Interested In historical or genealogical research. Each volume contains the genealogies of a thousand members -of tho National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, with name nnd servlco of the ancestors who help to establish American inde pendence. The indox cpnslsts of tho list of members, and tho "Roll of Hon or" or- name of the ancestor, arranged alphabotlcally. The name of the mem ber, her national number, placo of birth, name of narents. nfi-nnrnnf .throuch tho sovoral coneratlnnB to tin Re;$utlojiary. tances,tor, . together- With his plrtln death and marriage dntcs, placeof birth and servlco are recorded. " ShOij!a; anyone desiro tho address o1 a member, for, inquiry or for further investigation, tho samo may bo ob tained by sending self-addressed let- tor to tho registrar-general, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C. Anetter will-bo forwarded to the ad dress of any member, if requested of the registrar-general. As subsequent volumes are pub lished they, will bo added to this col lection. Any donations of genealogies or bi ographical histories which may bo added to this Historical and Gonea logical Research Department, will be much appreciated by tho Chapter. MRS. CHAS. F. SPENCER, Chairman of State Historical and Go nealoglcal Research Committee. : :o: : May Open Seed House ' Two gentlemen were in town a day or two ago Investigating conditions in regard to establishing a wholesale seed house in which tho seeds handled would bo confined largely to such as could bo grown in Lincoln county If tho business is established con tracts will be mado with farmers for growing tho seeds and tho firm will clean, pack and -find a market for them. It is understood theso men were well satisfied with conditions and 'that the seed house will be 'etab- ::o::- Tlio Episcopal Guild will meet in tho church basement at three o'clock Thursday afternoon. Clinton & Son, Eye-Sight Specia lists, tf Will Baskins is in town today while enrouto from Omaha to his homo in Stapleton. Ask to see tho Silk Lingerie to bo on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday nt E. T. Tramp & Sons. Keith Novlllo has been In Denver for a day or two looking after business connected with tho coal mines In which ho is interested. To whom are you going to sell your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mor cnntlle Co. will effor tho highest prices. 64tf WARNER present LOCAL AND I'EKSONAL Tho Btork donosltod a girl baby at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ginn Sunday morning. Mrs. C. P. Spencer loft yesterday for Hastings to attend tlo stato con vention of tho D. A. R. For Sale Residonco on wtost Second Btroot. 1 Phono Rod 1128. 17tf Loren Sturgns, who had boon trans acting buslnoss in Omaha for a few days, returned homo this morning. Tho Phila Ounas club will be en tertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. E. X. Osier, 220 south Locust street. Tho'Entro. Nous club will bo enter tained ' tomorrow- afternoon by Mrs. W. J. Owens, 216 cast Twelfth street. O. H. Thoolecko returned this morning from Omaha whore ho had been transacting business for a day or two 4 Dr. Howard Yost, Dentist. Twlncm Building. lfhono3U7. . 77tf Mrs.'.M. L. Nclr, who had boon vis iting hor daughter Mrs. Earl Stamp for a month roturncd tllls morning to hot- homo in Council Bluffs. Mrs. Haines, who makes hor homo with hor daughter Mrs. A. "V. Mc- Keown, suffered a paralytic stroke Sunday afternoon and Is roportcd to bo In a critical condition. Piatt White who had boon spending tho winter in Omaha, roturncd homo tho latter part of last week and an nounces that ho will spend tho spring and summer in North Platto. "Wallpaper and paint at tho Roxall. JohnU-. Nelson roturned this morn ing from Sterling whoro ho had beon spending a couple of days on busi ness connected with tho department store in which he is lnterostod. Harry Gutherles stuck his head Into tho office door yesterday forenoon and with an elongated smilo said, "a 12 pound boy arrived at our bouso this morning; son and mother doing nlcoly.". D. Morrill, Dentist, offico over Wilco Department Store. Sheriff Salisbury roturned Saturday night torn Omaha, having In chargo Matt Butler who will face a chargo of defrauding C O? Welngand. Butler .. ... .. , .,, . 1 . 1 n 1 roiier garage. - A trajn of dead " head passenger equipment passed west this morning. Eastern people who have been winter ing In California are now returning and additional equipment to transport them is needed nt coast points. All kinds of nursery stock for sale. R. McFarland, Box 62G, North Platto, Neb. 14tf Mrs. C. Franklin Koch and Mrs, York Hinmari went to Hastings this morning to attend the stato conven tion of tho D. A. R. which convenes this evening and continues through Wednesday and Thursday. W. R. Powell resigned his position with C. S. Clinton Saturday and is' now selling lighting plants for tho Western Electric Co. Ho roports tho sale yesterday of a ?2,000 plant to Mrs. George Roberts of Maxwell. For Salo Registered Hereford Bulls. H. P. Hansen, North Platto, Nob. - lGtf Tho barometric reading at tho weather bureau Sunday night reached a lower point than at any time sinco Observer Shilling took chargo and this pressaged a dangorous and destructive storm. Fortunately tho strongest wind was far above us. R. E. Holland, of Lincoln, county agent leader, who was stationed hero two years ago, and P. II . Stuart spo- ciaiibt in crops ana boiib, spont yos torday In town In conference with Supt. Snyder, of the state farm. DRESSMAKING. 1714 east Fourtl street. Phono Red IjOSI. 14-S A tplogrnni received this morning by w. V. Hoagland from his father stated tho Judgo nnd Mrs. Hoagland had Ii'ft Florida for homo and that thoy had reached Troy, Alabama. Mrs. Hoagland is Btanding tho homeward trip nicely. Judgo and Mrs. Hoagland are traveling in a Ford sedan. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148 Air. H. O. Woincand. who was called to Fremont the eft.!'' part of last week by .tho illness of her son Clai'de, returned homo Sunday Claude was threatened with pneu monia, but wna out of danger when Mrs. Welngand left. Wo pay cash for butter nnd eggs. McGovorn & Stack, phono 80. Free ifllvory. 8tf The Baptist church of this city has r ended a call to Rev. Slienk, of f on City, Iowa, to become Its pnu V . Rov. Shank was hero ten days ui. , held Horvicoa and made a survoy o. 'liv field. The congregation was w. ' planned with hl pulpit work. ' .4t34x41 eating, rim, tube and bl '.i and red tire covor. Reward of $2 tor return to the Overland Qa rn; ' 17 ' ' Baptist Missionary Society will Thur.UHy afternoon of tins wcvl ficur ren i' !. . t the elm roh. Election of of will be held. Alt member ar ;ted to be present. 1 'lease lobk uj iwr.s to question" "i February 1 -ri us., Hoste-iM's Mi Mut-on . 1 r r' and PERSHING'S CAXDIDACV -'Oil PRKSIDKNT IS LAUNCHED John J. Pershing's candidacy for tho republican presidential nomination was ,t formally launched at Lincoln yesterday when a voters' petition, signed by nearly 5,000 Nobraskana ask ing that his named bo placed on tho primary ballots April 20 was filed with tho secretary pf stato and Accepted as legally sufficient. Signatures' attached to Uio petitions roprosontod practlcaly ovory county in tho stato and lncludod hundreds of ox-service men and a largo number of women who will vote for tho first tlmo in Nebraska nt tho coming election. Only 100 sinners from each of tho six congressional districts are needed to Mccompnny tho nominating petition according to tho 1917 primary law In ' -.ebrnska. ::o:: T'-fMtlinil Vrntil Ifncntlnl ". . .. .':. ...... Platto river brldgo where he sought bholtor. McDermott evaded the vis Uanoo of tho nurse whllo ho wtw In a flighty condition, rind knocking the glass out of a door loading to a roar tairway crawled through. Ilia os capo was at onco detected and Sborlff Salisbury notified who nt onco began a soarcu. Soon thereafter a phono call was received from tho Wcstfall farm stating that a thinly clod man wns quartered in their houso which is being remodeled nnd is only In n seml-comploted condition. Tho sher iff drovo out and brought McDermott to Jail for tompornrry safo keeping. : :o: : You can convince yourself that clothes aro cheaper than last year by going into The Style Shop nnd being shown . Tho Homo Missionary Socioty of tho 1f 1 lit 4 T .1 ... Methodist church will meet Frldny aftornoon with Mrs. M. J. Forbes, 912 west Fifth street. Most up to dato wall paper pattorus at the Roxall. 14tf Mrs. John Bratt went to Omaha Sat urday to visit her dnughters Mrs. Baldwin .and Mrs. Goodman, tho lat- fervgdliig to that cite a cojiple of v.-ooka ago for a. visit. 1 E. T. McDormott. whose homo 1m In "H'Hl 01 ine toi owing; nousouoia tbe south pnit of the county, mado hlK0118' ,fa.rm?4t0", an,d 'mploni'mta. cscapo early Sunday morning from a complete outfit of haying machinery, tho General Hospital whoro ho was JBon, buggies, carts, work harness, taking treatment for trouble following , bunr lanw, carpenter and black an attack of llu, and arrayed only hi , smith tools, Including forgo, anvil and his night clothes vnlked to tho Mack 1 vlso, baled hay, Bomo grain, somo Wnatf.iii farm inKt ainiMi nf Mm nntii wood, a heavy black work team, wt. Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. ROBERT HICHENS' famous story ' ! "The Garden of Allah With the famous star, Miss Helen Wore. , , A romance in rare Oriental setting, coloring and picturesque. ADULTS 30c. For those who wish New and ultra Styles we present these SMART LOW CUTS Expressing Fashion's pronounced preference in chic, modish footwear for women, THE "TUSCAN" TIE . a beautiful creation in two eyelet tie conies in brown or black and the French or Baby Louis Heel. is always good, and your wardrobe is not complete without these dressy comfortable low cuts. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. iHOE 'AVES YOU BEET GltOWUKS ACCEPT PROPOSITION OF FACTORIES. Last week both tho American nnd tho Great Western sugar companies submitted a proposition of $11.60 por ton for beets, nnd a sliding scalo bonus based on sugar prices and out-, put of factories. This proposition was doomed satisfactory by, tho ro contly formed' Keith and Lincoln County Association and Its mombors woro advised to mako contracts. Field Agent Bryan, of tho American Co. nnd Fiold Agont Cody, o)f tho Great Western Co. nro now writing, contracts for tho 1920 crop, with In structions to securo approximately tho same numbor of acres as woro so- curod nst year. For Sale. Having sold our real estate, wo aro placing on sale our personal property, i preparatory to leaving tho city This , a .... j pSOOlba., a registered trotting stal- iiun, iugmiuruu lUHUUHBUU .ItlUK, ugu - 7 y,rs., a pacing gelding, record 2:35, a good young milk cow, a lot of gar- rton to?ls- a hlvo, of beoa and somo qytra hlvca nnd oxtra boo supplies, two Incubators nnd broodors and a flock of puro bred Barred Rock chlckons . Also ono now automobllo, 1920 mod el Hudson Super-six spocdstor, five cord tiros and fully equipped. Theso goods can bo Boon nt 1305 No. Locust St. Blankenburg Bros. No. Platto Nobr Phono Red 861 . 19-3 ;:o:: -Does your Boy nood School waists? Buy tho Boy Bluo Brand at the Loader IMorc. Co. A brass band has been organized at Suthorand and tho boys havo started in practicing. Tho pcoplo of Sutherland nan wnll afford to honnt tho hand alonrr 'aa bantj Ia an aBact lo any town. If you can't find Tho Stylo Shop call ' jus up on tho phono and we'll send a 111.11 auor you, Mr. and Mrs. Qua Norton wore call ed to Clinton, Iowa, yesterday to at tend the funornl of a rolatlvo who died j Sunday. Buy a taffeta dress for strcot wear. CHILDREN ISc. IVflARKET ON SHOES. low .It'll, Ml' b r A1 ' rid