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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1919)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 1 Some of the athletes picked to represent the American army In the Interallied meet tit Joinvllle-le-Pont, nenr Paris, photographed as they Were nhout to sail from New York. 2- -African chasseurs In the square at Beyrouth when the Trench occupied Syria. 11 draco. Lorotta Williams of Tall Mall, Tenn., who was married to Sergt, Alvln York, known as the "greatest liero of tho war." REMINDERS OF OUR DEAD IN PERSHING SQUARE jj r-sccond street nnd Lexington avenue, New of the supreme sacrifice made by over How of "graves" built by Mrs. Laura Prlsk In 1'ershlng square at Fort: York city. These graves will servo ns a reminder to the throngs who pass 00.000 American soldiers. FLEXIBLE AIR CAMELS FOR MARINE SALVAGE ' SWPPMG mKSifSm. MKjUBl'i&MMiM Lieut. Russell Gordon has just Invented what Is known as a flexible air camel for marine salvage. The camel Is Pljflrlj ..-SIPWj' S&SSfl "st 1111 alr vesscl which Is packed up In a small space, and numbers of them are Inserted In the hold of a submerged jfcWpjm? .'.t I s,lIp A,r 13 t,lcn Pm"Pei1 ,nto them from above and, as water displacement takes place, gradually raises tho vessel to WEDDEDT MRS" J0HN AST0R BOOKS FOR THE WOUNDED SOLDIERS A view of the harbor of Hamburg, Germany, with numerous Idle vessels lying at anchor.' f I This year, for the llrst time since the war started, tho famous annual Lolpsle fnlr was hold. The photograph shows the throngs viewing the exhibits In Peter street. BIG CONCRETE DRY DOCK AT BALBOA Mrs. William G. McAdoo, daughter of President Wilson nnd wife of the former secretary of tho treasury, pin nlng a medal for Liberty loan worn on Mrs. A. Mitchell Palmer, wife f tho attorney general. The presentation occurred Just a fow hours before the bomb explosion which almost wrecked tho Palmer home. The American Library association Is collecting books for the wounded boys in the military hospitals erf the country. In New York this pyramid was built to boom the work, 100,000 books being required for it. RETURN OF THE YANKEE WINDJAMMER Lord Hlbblesdale, the most pictur esque peer In Kngland, who, according to an advertisement appearing under "Murrlages" in u London newspaper, has married Mrs. Avu Willing Astor. mother of Vincent Astor and divorced wife of Col. John .Tnctb Astor, who was lost In the Titanic disaster. Why Organize Health Clubs, Tho fact that 33 per cont of candi dates wero rejected by army physical ! examinations because of underweight 's being used by promoters of the im- i llonal health campaign, which Is being boosted In Iowa. Home demonstra tion iiKeiiio uru cu-ojieniiing with teachers, food clubs, and paront-teai h er associations. It Is planned to or ganize health clubs, to prepare menu ana semi out 'literature relating tu Real Tough. An olllcor Just returned from France Is telling this story: "Where," he nsked of a negro sol dier of one of the New York draft regiments, "did you eomo from?" "From Js iawk, sur, from do San Ju-nn Hill district." "Snn Juan hill, eh! That's rather a tough section of the city, Isn't it?" "Tough I Man, dat district's ko toug'i such subjects ns food, exorcise and ,nt l0 cnnnry ,,lr(,S S'ng bnSS"' health. js'ow York Evening Post. A l.ioo-ton sea-going steamer undergoing rcpnltp In tho concrete dry 'flntf: at Lnlhoa, Uio Pacific entrance to the Puuama canal. This Is tho largest drj ji l. in tho world. Unnecessary. "Oh, my I" yawned else wife as hubby pleaded with her to arise nd prepare his breakfast. You nover let mo have my beauty sleep." "Hut you don't need a buauty sleep, dear," answered hubby. And It came to pass that wlfoy Both In the Alphabet. "Maw?" "Well, Junior" "Paw don't know much about mu sic, does ho?" x i& -v ) ; ' jr . I MX'..-.- ;; In l'Jll Mayor .Lime Itolph, nIm besides ad iilnlsierlng the affairs of San "Not very much,, but why do you ! Francisco, was head of several active shipping corporations, bought the hull of n8k?" , the once splendid sailing ship Celtic Monarch as she lay covered with rust and "At tho show this afternoon a mnn I barnacles In the hnrt'cr of Valparaiso, For sevoral years sho was used as a quickly arose and thero havo been no told paw tho lndy on tho stage was coal brrge. Then she was al painted and refitted, and tho other day she set more lato breakfasts In that household, alnglng high G, and paw said It sound- sail wPh n cargo of barley for Europe the (inly full-rigged skysall-yard ship oven unto tins any. Judge. eii nice H. Youngatown Telcgrna. in commission In the world today.