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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1919)
THE 3EMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. t Wtiktm t THIN PEOPLE fwOL By RANDALL PARRISH A The Namur of Rotterdam Ship of Mystery. 8ynopols GeotTry Carlyle, master of sailing ships at twenty-sir, Is sentenced to 20 years' servitude In the American col onics for participation in the Monmouth rebellion in England. Among the passengers on board the ship on which ho is sent ncross nro Roger Fairfax, wealthy Maryland planter; his niece, Dorothy Fairfax, and Lieu tenant Sanchez, u Spaniard, who becamo acquainted with the Fair faxes In London, Carlyle meets Dorothy, who Informs him her uncle has bought his services. Sanchez shows himself an enemy of Carlyle. CHAPTER IV Continued. In the Intensity of my feelings I must have unconsciously spoken wus ueing greeted on all sides with aloud, for a shaggy head suddenly nenrty handshakes nnd words of wel popped out from the berth beneath conlo where I lny, and Haley's interested voice asked solicitously: "Dy, thar; whut's up, mate?' Ye was muttcrln' 'way thar f.n' uot dls turbtn' mo none, till ye got tcr tnlkln 'oout sum teller called Sanchez. Then I sorter got n bit interested. I know'd thct cuss onct," nnd he spat, as though to thus better express his feelings "Tho d d ornary pirate." I laughed, my whole mental mood changed by this remark. 'Do you refer to 'Black Sanchez?' Ive heard of him; were you ever In . Wus II" ho laughed grimly. "I nod eight months of It, mate, and a greater demon never Balled. Tho things I saw done yo'd never bcllevo no human bcin' could do. If ever thar wus two people In ono skin, sir, it's thet Black Sanchez. When he's playln' off fer good ho's as soft nn' sweet gccms to bo all right. What do you entirely banish from mind Haley's de an a dandy In Piccadilly, nn' when marn of the vessel?" ascription of that buccaneer bearing n be 8 rcnl he B like n devil In hell." "Wero yoa a prisoner or did you ail under him?" "Both, fer the matter o' thet. Ho give mo tho choice tcr servo er walk the plank. I wus eighteen, an' bed fcn o' mother nt Deal." -I see; but later got away?" 'Ay, I did they chuckling over tLo recollection. "But I lied tcr wait eight months fer tho luck." "I hnd a shipmate once," I observed, Interested in his story, "who claimed to have seen tho fellow: ho described him as being a very largo man, with intensely black, hawkllko eyes and a heavy black beard almost hiding his face." "Mnybo ho looked like thnt when ho eaw him, but ho ain't no bigger mnn than I am; ho won't weigh as much by fifteen pound. Fact is ho mighty seldom looks tho same, for tliet's part o' his game. I've Been him in nil sorts o' disguises. It's only Ids eyes ho can't hide, nn' thar's been times When I thought they wus tho ugliest eyes ever I saw. Ho'a sure nn ornnry dovil, nn' when ho gits rand, I'd rather bo afront of n tiger. Besides flghtln's his trade, nn' no wcnkltn' nln't goin' tcr control tho sort o' chaps ho's got tcr handle. Most of 'cm would murder him In a minuto If they dared. Oh, ho's bad oil right, but ycr wouldn't exactly think so, Just tcr look nt him." "What, then, does ho really look Uko?" "Oh, a sorter Bwnshbucklln' Spanish don tho kind whut likes tor dress up an' piny tho dandy, no's got a pink an' whtto complexion, tho Cnstillan kind, yer know, an' wears a lUtlo mus tache, waxed up nt tho ends. I henrd ho wus about forty-flvo; I reckon ho must be thot but ho didn't look older than thirty." , Haley dropped off to sleep, but my mind continued to wander until it con- Jured up onco again this West Indian pirate. His nunio and tho story of his exploits had been fnmlllnr to mo over Blnco I first went to sen. While Snly ono among mnny operating in those haunted waters his resourceful - ness, daring and cruelty had won him tho anchored vessel, an infamous reputation, a nnmo of No evidence of life appeared on horror. In those days, when tho curso board, although everything looked of piracy mndo tho sen n terror, no shlpshapo nlow and aloft, and a rnthcr ordinary man could over hnvo buc- extensive wash flapped in tho wind cocded In attaining Buch Bupremncy forward, bespeaking a generous crew. In crime. A moment Inter my eyes mado out tho Black Snnchez and Hnloy pictured nnmo painted across tho stern Nn him as a dandlfl&d, ordinary appear- mur of Rotterdam, tag Individual, with rrhlto and red Fairfax leaned far out across the complexion, a Bmall muBtnche and rail as wo swept in closer, but tho Hashing dark eyes a mero Spanish Spanlurd exhibited no particular In- gallant, without special distinction, "Why, thnt description, strangely enough, fitted almost exnetly this fel- low on board, this other Sanchez. Tlio suspicion which had crept into my mind wob bo ubaurd, bo unspcak- ably silly nnd impossible thnt I laughed nt myself and dismissed the rrnzy thought. Chuckling over It finally fell uslccp. CHAPTER V. Tho Namur of Rotterdam. The brig, With ull sails set and fn ored by u fltrong wind, drew rapidly CopyrlQtit, by A. C. McClurg & Co. In townrd the point of landing. The Brent majority of the prisoners re mained on dock, chained together and helpless, yet surrounded by armed KunrdH, while the few who hod already heen purchased by passengers hum bly followed their new masters ashore the moment the gnngplnnk touched the soil of Virginia. There wore nve of us altogether thus fuvorcd, but I was the only ono owing allegiance to Roger Fairfax". The rude landing wharf along which we lny was already densely crowded. Altogether It was a bustling scene, full of change and color, the air nolay with shouting voices, the line of whurves filled with a number of vessels, either newly ar rived or preparing to depart. It was with no small difficulty we succeeded In forcing our way through this Jos tling throng until we attained to an open spaco ashore. I followed closely behind the three composing our party, Roger Fairfax and Sanchez, with the laughing girl between them for pro tnrtlnn. Falrfar was evidently well knovvn to a number nresent. for ho We boarded the Fairfax sloop. The baggage was transferred. I worked with the Fntrfnx servants nnd it cut mv nrliln to tho mi Ink. Out In the bnv j wn8 cnt to tho wi,ccI. Not nnother sail appeared across tnnt surface of waters, not even a flsh- Crmans boat, the only other vessel v8Di0 niong our course being a dim outino close in against that fur-away iietuinnd toward which I had been In- structcd to steer. I stared nt this ob- JcCt at nrst )CHevlng it a wreck, but flnnliy distinguishing tho bare masts of a medium-sized bark, evidently rld- ,B nt nud,or only tt few hundred ynrds off shore. Tno Spaniard presently pointed out to Fairfax tho position of tho bark, surciy n strange plnco in which to npi,nr. t,fititennnt." snlrt Fnlrfar. nnrk rlinrpd and vcrv heavily snarred. mi. Snnnlnnl twisted his mustache i)Ut erhihlted little interest, although I hIs tt-0 waa ur)on the craft "rwMp.nv Dutch I slmnld khv " he nnsWorcd slowly. "Tho beggars seem qulto nt homo there, with all their washing out. Not a usual anchorage?" N. nnr nnrfipninriv Rnf anp Travers, ,nco ,8 , , tho bend "I Had Eight Months of It, Mate." We'll put up with him tonight D n mo, Snnchez, I bcllevo I'll hall tho fellow and find out what ho is doing In there." Snnchez nodded, cnrclcssly striking flint and Btcol in an effort to relight a cheroot. Wo enmo about slowly. Tho dls- tanco to bo covered was not great, and In less than ten minutes wo wero 1 drawing In townrd tho high stern or terest In tho proceeuings. a nunureu feet dlstnnt I held tho dancing sloop to mero steerage-way, while Fulrfax hailed. A red-fneed man with n black beard thrust hlshead up abovo tho after rail and nnswered, using Kngllsh, yet with a ralut accent wnicii wnB not I Dutch. "Wo ran down to see If you wero In nny trouble. This Is n strnngo plnco to anchor. What tiro you Dutch?" Tho fellow waved his hands in gesture Indicating disgust. "Dnt's eet. v('ro ov Rotterdam you sec zc nnmo ov ze sheep. But ve not sail frutn thar dls time no. Ve cum hero from zc Barbndoes," he explained brokenly, "wlz cune sugar an' hides. Vo vait hero for our agent" "But why anchor in n place like this? Why not go on up to the wharves?" ' "Vye not? For zlr I no trust my crew ashore. Zay Vest Indy niggers, an' vud run nvny ven ze chanco cum. I know vat zay do." In spite of my efforts the two ves sels were drifting rapidly apart. Dor othy appeared at the door of the cnblu and stood there gazing In sur prise nt the bark, while the moment he caught eight of her Sanchez went hnstlly forward, removing his hat with so peculiar a flourish us he approached as to cause me to notice the gesture. Fairfax waved his hand to me to resume our course. Shortly after he crossed the deck to the wheel. There he stood watching the bark for some time. "What do you make of her, Car lyle?" he asked finally. "I believe that fellow lied." "So do I, sir," I answered promptly. "Whatever else he may be, he's no peaceful Dutch trader. That fellow got his accent from south Europe. If lie was loaded with cane sugar and hides for market he wouldn't be near ly bo high out of water. That bark wos In bnllast or I miss my guess. Be sides if he was a trader where was his crew? I tell you the men on board that hooker had orders to keep down." "I believe you are right," ho admit ted frankly. "There Is something wrong there. I'll tell Travers and hnvo him send a runner overland to glvo warning below." CHAPTER VI. Tho Mysterious Sail. Where I leaned alono against tho rail my eyes followed tho Spaniard In doubt nnd questioning, nor could I slmllnr name. Yet, In spite of my ua conscious desire to connect these two together, I found it simply impossible to nssoclnte this rather soft-spoken, of- fcmlnato dandy with thnt bloody vil- luln- N wns already quite dusk when wo flnnliy drew In beside Travers' wharf and made fast. Our approach had been noted and Travers. himself -a white-haired, white-bearded man, yet still hearty and vigorous, attired in white duck wus on the end of the dock to greet us, together with nu mcrous servants of every shndo of color, who immediately busied them selves toting luggage up tho steep path leading townrd the house, stand ing conspicuous nmld a grove of trees on the summit of tho bank. The oth ers followed, four fellows lugging with difficulty nn iron-bound chest, tho two older men engaged in earnest conver sation, thus leaving Sanchez apparent ly well satisfied with the opportunity alone to nsslst the girl. Except to render tho sloop com pletely secure for tho night, there re mained little work for us to perform on board. Tho four of us passed the early evening undisturbed smoking and talking together. So the time passed quickly, and it must hnvo been nenrly midnight before wo brought out blan kets from tho forecastle and lay down in any spot wo chose on deck. It was a fair, calm night, but moon less, with but little wind stirring, and a slight hnzo in tho nlr, obscuring tho vision. Tho others must hnve fallen asleep immediately. At last, despair ing of slumber, nnd perchance urged by somo premonition of danger, I aroso to my feet and moved Bllently aft. My stnrtlcd eyes caught a gllmpso 0f a speck of white emerging from tho black shadows) the spectral glimmer 0 a Bnuill snn, Tho Btraugo craft swept past, so far out that those on board no doubt believed themselves beyond sight from tho shore, bending apparently for a point of land, which i vaguely remembered ns Jutting out i to tho northward. Alone In the darkness, Carlylo battles against tremendous odds. Ho gains the upper hand, vic tory seems assured, and then but read about It for yourself In the next Installment of this un usual story. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Qncj for Discipline. .j understand there's n tendency to tirop yo, aye, sir,' In tho navy." "That would never do." "Of course not. It's ono of tho traditions of tho service. If that sort of thing wero encouraged It wouldn't bo long boforo n no' would bo saying 'Yep' to nn admiral." Blrmlughnm Ago-IIerald. u6e for Broken Glass. Thero is n uso even for broken glass. Somo of it 1b ground Into Una n powderllko pnrtlcies and used for vn rlous purposes. Somo Is melted and mado into now glass objects. NEW PURE-BRED CALF CLUBS Distinction of Having Largest Organi zation In United States Claimed by Wisconsin. (Prepared by tho United States Dcparti mcnt of Agriculture.) Wisconsin claims tho distinction ol having tho largest boys nnd girls' cnltj club In tho United Stntes. The WInnci huso County Calf club, organized b; the county agent, already has U members. It is being bncked by tho bnnks, thq county superintendent of schools, thd rnuntv ncent. the secretaries of tha breeders' associations, tho ofllclnls ol! the County Fair association and thq Ptnte leaders of young people's clubs. Any boy or girl can become a member of the club by owning nnd caring for n, pure-bred or hlgh-grndo heifer calf or a pure-bred bull calf. Tho banks nro furnishing credit to any of the Junlore A Good Pet for a Calf Club Member. who need funds with which to pur- clinso their calves. The new calf club project is being promoted In conjunction with the pure bred sire campnlgn. The 100 cnlvea now being fed by the boys and girls were secured from 'Winnebago county breeders. DEMAND FOR DAIRY PRODUCE Bureau of Markets Will Furnish Plans for Stimulating Greater Consumption. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The bureau of markets of tho de partment of agriculture announces thnt it la prepared to furnish local organi zations complete plans for campaigns to stimulate the consumption of dairy products in cities. A campaign at Se dalln, Mo., was conducted in February through the co-operntlon of the chnm ber of commerce, the women's division of the council of national defense, tho state college of agriculture and other local organizations. Last year cam palgns conducted by the department to encournge the use of dnlry products were held in Boston, Detroit, Des Moines, Minneapolis nnd St Paul. At Des Moines nftcr a week's campaign the demnnd for milk became greater than dealers wero able to meet. At another city a denier who was market ing about 850 pounds of cottage cheeso each week Increased his sales to 850 u day, nnd In other cases much skimmed milk that had been going to waste- was converted into cottago cheeso and found a ready market. INDIGESTION CAUSES SCOURS Calf Affected Ha3 Been Overfed, Been Given Milk That Waa Sour, or Palls Wero Dirty. When tho calf gets scours It is an Indication thnt something 1b wrong with tlio feeding. It has either been overfed, been given milk thnt Is sour or cold, been fed sweet milk one meal and Hour tho next, or the pulls or troughs are dirty. Indigestion Is tho cause of scours, so in treating tho troublo tho first thing to do Is to cor rect tho conditions thut brought on Indigestion. Then give n dose of cas tor oil In milk and follow with tho formalin treatment This .consists In giving ono tnblespoonful of formalin solution, mnde by adding one-half ounce of formalin to 15 ounces of water, In ench pint of milk fed. Only half tho usual amount of milk should bo given nt a feed for a few days, when tho amount can be Increased to normal ngaln. Thero nro other rem- i edlcs but this has been highly rec- I ommended. TEST COW FOR TUBERCULOSIS Law Makes It Commpulsory In Dis trict of Columbia Bio Decrease of Disease Noted. (Trepnred by tho Unltod Statea Depart ment of Agriculture.) In tho District of Columbia it is com- pulsory to test dairy cattle for tubercu losls. The law was passed in 1000. During tho year which followed 1,701 eattlo In tho District wero tested, nnd 10 per cent wero found to hnvo tubor culosls. In 1018, 1.200 cattle wero tested and loss than 1 per cent wns found to have tho disease. Since 1014 not mora thnn 2 por cent of tho dairy eattlo In tho District hnvo boon found to be diS' eased. This lllustrntos what systematic effort will do In tho tuberculosis Agar. PURPOSE OF A SMALL FLOCK It Is Primarily for Eggs and Thereforo Fowls Should Be Fed With This End In View. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Tho actual purpose of keeping a small flock of fowls Is primarily for egg production. Consequently they should be fed with this end in view, Practically every housewife has it qunntlty of table scraps, vegetable peelings nnd "leftovers" that can bd utilized by feeding to hens. Supple? mentary to such feed, however, a grain nnd dry mnsh should bo provided In order to produce the best results. BJ Purebred Fowls of General-Purpos Type Are Best Adapted for Backi Yard Flocks. Bupplylng the fowls with nil avallabU table scrups it will usually cost frott 50 to 75 cents n year per fowl foi grain nnd other feeds. A good eg$ laying ration should consist of thf following: Three pnrts corn meal nn4 one purt beef scrap mixed togethei nnd fed In a dry-mnsh hopper to whlcl the fowls will have access at all times, In nddltion to this a scratcli ration consisting of equal parts cracked cort and oats should be fed twice daily When no table scraps are available i will take about one quart of scratct grain Cally for twelve to fourteet fowls. However, this can be reduce when tnble scraps .are fed and n cer tain amount of natural green feed Buch us grass, Is avnllnble. In providing the fowls with a suit, able house it should be remembered that the essentlnls of such a building are fresh air, dryness, sunlight nmj sufficient space so that the fowls will not be crowded. Usually each fowl should be allowed four square feet oi floor space. If available, scrap lun ber from dry-goods boxes, etc., can bt utilized to construct such a house. Thq cost will bo considerably less time when lumber is purchased. If sufft clent lumber Is not available for tht entire house a rough framework well covered with ordinary roofing or tni naner will answer the immedint needs. When the heavier fowls (Plymouth Rocks, Wynndottes, Rhode Tslnm Reds, etc.) are kept all females should be disposed of nt the end of their see ond year, Inasmuch as In most caset they will cease to be profitable nt the end of that time.. The lighter breeds (Leghorns, etc.), however, can bo prof itably kept as long ns three yenrs. Bj disposing of the hens In this way a part of the flock must be renewed enct year. Consequently, considering thai the percentage of cockerels and pullets is usunlly about the same, and thnt n certain percentage will die before reaching mnturity, it is customary to hatch more chicks each year thnn there are hens In the flock. Overfeeding kills more chicks thnn underfeeding. Little nnd often is n good feeding rulo for newly hatched chicks. Eggs for incubntor hatching should bo fresh, tho fresher tho better. This is tho time of year when poul try quarters need to be mode safe from rats. Ducklings should bo ready for tho green duck mnrkct at from ten to fourteen weeks of age. A good, well-regulated Incubator will hntch eggs with far more certjilnty nnd do It moro cheaply than can bo dono with hens. Much of tho troublo often found In brooding chicks is duo clone to feed ing too early, or In excess during the first fow days. Scales on chicken's legs aro caused bv u mite. This mite can best bo con trolled nnd disposed of by tho uso of, henvy black crudo oil. . In tho location of the poultry house. K It Is impracticable to select n soil that Is naturally dry It should bo mado dry by thorough underdralnage. PHOSPHATE Noth,nfl Llke Plaln eitro.phosphat. to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh aw to Increase Strength, Vigor and Nerve Force. Judrrlnrr from the countless Drenaratlon . and treatments which ure .continually be- wp advertised ror tlio purpose Ol maKinej thin people llcshy, developing arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and angles by tho soft curved lines of health and beauty, there aro evidently thousands of men and women who keenly feel their excesslvo thinness. Thinness and weakness are often dus to starved nerves. Our bodies need mora phosphate than Is contained In modern roods. Physicians claim there Is nothing that will supply this deficiency so well an the organic pnosphate known among drug gists as bltro-pnosphate, which Is Inex pensive and Is sold by most all druggists under a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. By feeding tho nerves directly and by supplying tho bodv cells with tho nec essary phosphoric food elements, bltro phosphate should produce a welcome transformation In the appearance; the In crease in weight frequently being aston ishing. Increase In weight also carries with It a general improvement In tho health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly always accompany excessive thinness, should disappear, dull eyes become bright, and pale cheeks glow with tho bloom of perfect health. CAUTION: Although bltro-phosphaU Is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness and general weakness. It should not, owing to Its tendency to In crease weight, be used by anyone who does not desire to put on flesh. Every IFbman Knows that clean, snow-white clothes are a constant source of pleasure. Red Cross Ball Blue if used each week pre serves the clothes and makes them look like new. Try it and see for yourself. All good grocers X sell it; 5 cents a pack age. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS and GARAGE MEM If your motor leaks compression, fouls the spark plugs, and smokes badly, the trouble .3 usually due to loose pistons and poorly fit piston rings. We make a specialty of reborins cylinders snd, fitting new pistons and rings. We have highly skilled machinists to do this work and we abso lutely guarantee every job. We do all kinds ot machine work and starting motor and generator repair work. Call or write out of town work given prompt and intelligent attention. J. T. STEWART MOTOR CO. SERVICE STATION 21st and Leavenworth Streets, Omaha Telephone Douglas 4250 F. A. Lundgren. Supt. fEvcry Woman Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydin E. Pinkham Med. Cc for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hu extraordinary cleansing and germicidal power. V Sample rreo. sue. all drutrcuts. or pcxtpsKl by mail. The PaxtonTouV I Company. Boslon. Man. NEW SOUTH WALES INFORMATION BUREAU Sinrcr Building. 149 Ilroadwar. New York City Will be pleaaed to lend Qorernment Bulletin; or anawer an; Inquiries regarding opportu nities for farming, atoek ralalng, trnlt gruwtng mining and Inreatment In New Bomb Wales' AUSTRALIA Cuticura Soap Best for Baby Soap 25o., Ointment 2S A 60o.,TaloumI6o. Sample eaoh mailed free by "Outleora, Dept. E, Iioctoa." Both Got There. "Sammy" Coles of Luxborough, West Somerset, England, n famous pe destrian preacher, during -10 years walked 35,000 miles to keep prenchlng engagements. When war broke out Capt. John Mac Oregor, M. C D. C. M Canadian mounted rifles, who has been award ed tho Victoria cross, snowsboed over 100 miles to Join the colors. Apprehensive. "In a case like yours, the doctor must hnvo the co-ordination of the patient." "All right, doctor, but has It gono up Uko tho rest of the proscriptions?" His Style. "Did that rich fellow trnvel In cognito?" , "No; he trnveled In n Pullman." Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo sure to Sun. Unit and W' Eyes' quickly relieved by Murl3i KyeKcmtdy. NoSmartinr. lust 'Eve Comfort. At Vour Druggists or by mail COc per Bottle. For Book ol Ike Eye free write u m Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.