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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1919)
THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. THI NERVOUS Tells How Lydiii E.Pinkham'o Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Philadelphia, Pa. "I was very weak, always tired, my back ached, and 1 felt sickly most of the time. I went to a doctor and he said I had nervous indi gestion, which ad ded to my weak condition kept mo worrying most of the time and ho said if I could not stop that, I could not get well. I heard eomuchabout LydiaE. Pinkham'a vcfrotablo Com- rmnd my husband wanted me to try it. took it foraweek and felt a little bet ter. I kept itup for three months, and I feel fine and can cat anything now withoutdiatresoornervousness.' Mrs. J. Worthline, 2842 North Taylor St, Philadelphia Pa. The majority of mothers nowadaya overdo, there aru so many demands upon their time and strength; the result is invariably a weakened, run-down, nervous condition with headaches, back ache, irritability and depression and eoon more serious ailments develop. It is at such periods in life that LydiaE. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound will restore a normal healthy condition, as it did to Mrs. Worthline. If people wlio are bllloua are treated ac cording to locnl symptoms they seldom ret yery much better. Whatever relief In ob tained la usually temporary. Trace bllloui. rem to Its source nnd remove the cause and the chances are that the patient will re main strong and healthy Doctors say that more than 10 non. organic diseases can be traced to an Acid 6tomnch. Biliousness Is one of them. Indl Keitlon, heartburn, belching, sour stomach, bloat and gas are other signs of acid tomach. EATONIC, the marvelous modern stomach remedy, brings quick relief from these stomach miseries which lead to a long train of ailments that make life miserable If not corrected, EATONIC literally absorbs and carries away the excess acid. Makes the stomach strong, cool and comfortable. Helps diges tion: Improves the appetite and you then get full strength from your food. Thousands ay that EATONIC Is the most effective tomach remedy in the world. It la the help YOU need. Try" It on our money-back-lf-not-satisfied guarantee. At all druggists. Only SO cents for a big box. EATONIC C FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACR) BEST BUYERSMSELLERS cattle hogsshecp STOCK YARDS-OMAHAi HAIQV CI V Vl I CD PLACED ANTWnEHB UAlOl rLI rwLLCIl ATTRACTS AND KILLS ALL FLIES. Neat, cheap. Lasts all season. Made of metal, can't spill or tlpover; trill not soil or Injure anything. Guaranteed effective. Sold by dealers, or 6 by EXFHESS, prepaid, $1.26. HAltOLO 80UISKS, 159 Do Kalb Ava., Brooklyn, N. V. No Cause. "I see a mini get u nun deal In the store over yonder .and he never com plained." "Why not?" "It was Jamaica spirits." Poor Relations. "Any poor relations In your fam ily?" "Yes. Wo are the ones." Weak From Pain Mrs. Gibbert Was in Misery, But Doan's Brought Her Splendid Health. "About 15 years ngo my kidneys were in bad condition," says Mrs. Lucy Gib bert, 15310 Columbia Ave., Harvey, 111. "There was a constant, dull, bearing down pain in the small of my back. 1 couldn t turn over in bed without such pain I could hardly Wreathe. Mornings 1 was stiff, sore and lame all over; my back was uuo a rusty hinge. "inflammation of the bladder nearly drove nie wild. The kidney secre tions passed every little while, day and night, a little at a time, and burned like fire. Great sacs of water formed un j.. UCi illy even, M ,,. , "I was in such misery nn- mUrt I would become weak and so nervous I would scream. I had nerve-racking headaches and the hack of my neck pained me. I was so dizzy I didn't dare bend over for fear of falling on ray face. My sight became blurred. I was sick all over. "Five boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of kidney trouble. Since then I have enjoyed splendid health and I owe it all to Doan's. Sworn to before me, SA11VEL DANIOK, Notary PubUc. Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S 'VSTiS FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Two Omaha Homes For Sale By Owner 9 and 10 rooms respectively. All modern; dose to schools; on paved streets. Price $4,800 and $5,500. For particulars write Victor H. Root, 270! LuYtnworth St, Ocihi, Ilei. W N. U., OMAHA. NO. 23-1919. I0THER Caused by ATTENTION TO EARTH ROADS Authority on Highway Construction Likes Concrete, but Favors More Care of Lanes. "More nttention has got to bb paid to the earth roads if the coming bond elections are to go over." This is the opinion of E. L. Stevens,, inventor and road expert. Mr. Stevens is, perhujw, one of the most unique characters in tlio road-building world. A graduata civil engineer, he felt the tremendous need for tho perfection and develop ment of the rond system of America, lie stepped out from the promising channels of the regular engineering profession and went down ulmost be low the level of ordlnury men to study road building, says llocky Mountain News. He hns made road building and maintenance his life work nnd Is now, probably, as well qualified as any man Sand-Clay Road Well Cared For. to tell the methods for the proper up building of the nation's highway sys--tem. For a number df years Mr. Stevens has been highway commissioner for the Estes Park highway. This piece of road work In Itself Is n testimony to his ideals. He Is also the Inventor, of the Stevens Improved road drag, one of the simplest and most efficient rond machines on tho American mar ket. Mr. Stevens believes In, concrete highways and prepnred boulevard but ho nlso believes that the earth road, which comprises more than 8C per cent of the country's highways, la of no less Importance. "A concrete highway Isn't going to do a farmer much good if he has got to haul his load three miles through hub-deep mud before ho gets to it," is Mr. Stevens' attitude. The farmer Is the man who Is going to pay for mostflof the country roads, and although concrete roads are need ed where the traffic is sufficiently henvy the earth roads that feed the concrete rond must be kept up. As nn Inventor of road machinery, a rond engineer, a rond supervisor and a road worker for his practicalities and the life dream of better roads ns his Idealism, Mr. Stevens Is ably qual ified to judge highway problems. UTAH TO SPEND $8,000,000 Part of Money Is to Be Spent for Im provements on Arrowhead Trail to California. Tho state of Utah hns decided to spend about $8,000,000 on roads In tho ucxt two years, with an expenditure this yenr of ubout $2,000,000. Some of the Utah millions, which nre made up of state and fqdcrnl funds, are going to be used on the development of the Arrowhead trail, which Is tributary to all parts of southern California, from San Diego and Imperial vnlley on tho south to Fresno and San Luis Obispo on tho north. $300,000,000 FOR HIGHWAYS Sum Which If Capitalized at 5 Per Cent Would Represent Invest ment of $6,000,000,000. Government road officials estlmato that road construction and mainte nance In the United States Involve an annunl outlay of over $300,000,000, n sum, which, If capitalized at 5 per cent, would reproscnt nu Investment of 50,000,000,000. There has never been n nation-wide trnffic census tq show either tho direction or volume of traffic over these highways. Roads Must Be Linked Up. If we are to keep costs down, out highways must bo linked up and there must he through trunk lines provided to which feeders can bo built. Lower Hauling Costs. Hauling costs nro lowered by good roads because the size of the lond U limited by tho worst spot In the road One of Major Activities. Itond building will shortly become one of tho major activities of our government SHE CATTLE IN E Teamwork Is Worth Much In Teaching Efficiency in Care of Rearing Animals. WISCONSIN LIKES GUERNSEY Buyers Attracted to Waukesha County From All Over Country Many Breeding Associations In Min nesota and New Hampshire. (rrepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) COMMUNITY BREEDING Community breeding simply means that the farmers In u cer tain community agree to do two things: First, to breed but one breed of cattle, sheep nnd hogs. Second, 'they agree to use nbno but purebred sires, theso sires be ing owned cither Individually or collectively. Everyono Is absolutely free to do as lie pleases just so long as he sticks to one class of stock and uses a purebred sire. These Ideas can best be carried out If the farmers are organized In a body and get together at stated periods. There is no advantage gained by keeping three or four breeds of beef cattle In the same community, except the satisfaction of personnl prefer ences, but there are many advantages to be derived from keeping one and the same breed in the same commu nity. Probnbly tho most importnnt reason why the same breed of cattle should bo kept In one community Is that It de velops community Interest. Commu nity breeding Is certnln to be a sym pathetic tie binding the people togeth er In the accomplishment of anything A Purebred Guernsey With t a High Record. they desire. Community teamwork Is :vor(h much In the Improvement of any county community. It tenches effi ciency Jn tho care and rearing of nnl innls. Brings Big Results. Community breeding Is a very slm- f)le thing, but the value which It will le 'to the community Is tremendous. There nre many Instances on record which are proof of Its advantages. Wis consin hns a large number of comnin tilty breeding associations, the strong est of these being the Waukesha Breeding association, organized in 1008 to promote the breeding nnd Im provcnient of hlgh-grnde nnd pure-bred Guernsey cattle. Although only or ganized 12 years ngo this county Is al ready known as tho "Guernsey Cnp Jtal of America," nnd buyers for enr load lots of grade or purebred cows are attracted there from all over tlio country. New nnmpshlro has many sudi breeders' associations In operation. Minnesota also has a large number. One of these at Northflcld, Minn., a 'lolsteln association. Includes 225 herds nnd upward of 4,000 Holsteln cnttli. purebred nnd grades. West Vir ginia has organized many such nssorln tlons. Bltchie county, especially, in truded wide attention for the reason thnt tlio "scrub" bull has been elim inated and the Hereford ndopted and developed as the principal breed. More than 1150 "scrub" bulls have l'n shipped out of the county during Hie past three. years, and purebreds hnvo taken their places, eliminating the "scrub" entirely. Many small herds have been started as a result of this movement. Buyers are attracted to tills county without advertising, and they are unnble to meet the demands for good breeding nnd stock cattle. More Associations Needed. "Are there not more communities In every state which would be richer for having a community breeder's- ni dation?" ask the specialists. T'ue there aro many purebred sires lu'-d, but the need of more Inspiration in stilled Into the beef-cattle buslnc is apparent, such Inspiration ns Is get ten from organization and co-opernti"n, from getting together shoulder to shoulder, nnd from rubbing of elbows. The United States department of ig rlculture or extension department of your state college of agriculture will be glnd to hear of any such organiza tions nlready perfected or to assM In tho organization of others. Is tl.-ro good reason why communities thn it;h out the South should not be noted for Shorthorn, Hereford nnd Abenlin Angus cuttle? Before the South 'an ever make n big stride as a beef- ittlo center It must hnve community be ed Ing. The first step In this direction Is to eliminate too "scrub" sire. COMMUNITY FARMERS OVERLOOK VALUE OF PEANUTS Great Difficulty Exists in Procur ing Pure Seed. Few Years of Prcper Selection Will Qlvo Grower Strain of Seed That Cannot Bo Had From Any Other Source. ( Prepared by tlio United Blntcs Depart ment of Agriculture) Scarcely a day passes that Inquiries nre not rucelved relative to the peanut Industry In the South. It Is strange, indeed, that the southern farmers have so long dvorlookod the real valuo of the peanut as n part of their crop ping system and that the present high market prices, of peanuts were nee essnry to uwakou the farmers to their opportunity. Nothing hns been found that will excel thu true Spanish vn rlety for general cultivation on south ern farms. Great difficulty exists, however, In procuring pure seed. Tho only way that tho farmers of the South can be sure of a high-producing strain of puro Spanish Is by growing a seed patch front speclnlly selected seed., Thlrty-slx pounds of clean Spanish peanuts In the shell will plant an acre, and a one-ncre seed putch, If properly handled, will produce enough seed to plant about 550 acres the next year. With this fact before them, it should he a comparatively easy matter for the peanut growers to get on the right basis, so far as the seed supply la concerned. The seed used, for plant ing the seed acre should first bo carefully selected In the pod, then shelled by hand, and the shelled peas again carefully gone over, and nil that are "off" color or Inferior either In size or shape should be discarded. A few years of proper selection will give the farmer n strain of seed pea nuts for his condltlops thnt cannot be had from any other source. By this method, together' with proper cul tural practices nnd crop rotation, the yield per acre can ho greatly In creased. About tho only method whereby the farmer can hope to make a profit Is by cutting down production costs through Increased yields pet acre. The future of tho peanut In dustry In the South Is almost with out limitations, nnd tho farmers whe get Into the business on the right basis aro going to obtain the highest profits. ON CONTROL OF COTTON WILT Demonstrations Have Resulted In Planting Larger Acreage of Re I slstant Variety. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Demonstrations conducted by the United States department of agricul ture on tho control of cotton wilt, which have been In progress for sev eral years, resulted Inst year In tho planting of n larger acreage, of wllt-re-slstnnt cotton than over before with Cotton Plant Destroyed by Wilt an actual saving greatly in excess of that of "any previous year. Tho great possibilities of this work nre shown by reports from two cotton planters in South Carolina who slato that their saving last year through growing wilt resistant cotton was approximately $115,000. FOR SUCCESS WITH PULLETS Careful, Conscientious Work Is Real Factor In Most Eyery Case Don't Take Chances. (Prepared by tho United States Depart- ment of Agriculture.) For your early luylng pullets next fnll don't take any chances. Always remember that tho future to a large extent Is the direct outcome of yes terday and today. One often hears tho term "good luck" or "bad luck" In connection with hatchings or brood Ings, when us a matter of fact, luck, good or bud, would bo more properly termed good or bad management. If ono Is "unlucky" enough to forget to fill the lamp or closo tho door against cuts or rats, ,0110 inny bo unlucky enough to meet with losses. Unfortu nately, luck docs play a part onco In awhile, both for good or bad. Careful, conscientious work Is tho real factor for success In most every case, how ever. MS - 52 "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tab lots were sold by n Brooklyn manufac turer which later proved to be com posed mainly of Talcum I'owdcr. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" the true, genuine, American made nnd American owned Tablets aro marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then Insist upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" and nlwnys buy them In the original Bayer package which contains proper directions nnd dosage. Aspirin is tho trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mononcetlcacldestcr of Saltcylicncld. Courtesy Always Pays. When you mlnglo courtesy with business principles you take out In surance on success. Ross Wlnnns was only acting the pnrt of n gentle man toward two foreigners whom ho was showing through his shops in Bal timore. It Inter developed that they had been sent to Amcrlcn by tho czar to select a man to Introduce the mnn ufneturo of locomotives Into Itusstn. While there wore ninny Inrger and better equipped shops thnn his ho was tho man chosen nnd within n fow years his annunl Income had reached the 5100,000 mark. Good manners have a way of getting where brusquencss nnd forco hnve difficulty. The grace and charm of Josephine did moro to anko France safe thnn tho sword of Napoleon. The courtesy of well-bred manners carries men to for- tuno and power not possible under any other circumstances. A Bit Slow. "Do you know thnt my daughter Is an extravagant young woman, sir?" "I hnve cr surmised that she Is," replied tho suitor, hesitatingly. "By George, sir I If you'vo been running around with my daughter for a twelvemonth nnd haven't got nny further than n moro surmise, you lack the persplcnclty I would like for my son-in-law to possess." Birmingham Age-Herald. Big Game Country. "I understand you cftrae from n great gatno country7" said tho Indy on the committee to welcome tho griz zled wnrrlors of the western plnlns. "Indeed, yes, ma'am," was tho cow boy's reply. "What Is the biggest game you have In Wyoming?" "Poker," mn'nml" Yonkers States man. ImDortontto Mothers Exnmlne carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. that faraouB old rcmedv for Infants and children, and see that It Bonrfl rhn Signature otj6ffijtt. In Uso for Over 0 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstorio Her Outing. "And then," said the enthusiastic girl from Kansas, "wo went to a cabaret, nnd Johnny bought mo a what Is It a Bud and Jerry?" "I nm sure," replied her city hos tess, "that you mean a Ham and Bud." Buffalo Express. . Perfectly Willing. "What sort of a fellow Is ho?" "Well, If you nnd ho hnve Jind din ner together and you Insist upon pay ing' the check, he won't oven glvo you an argument." The Reason. "I call this my war garden." "Why so now?" "Because I feel It has only n fight ing chance." Tho greatest objection to summer mornings Is that they get up early. Why shouldn't soldiers sleep on their kniipsneks? Ham of PleitW GffeiYouHeaMt ,y zL W. mS9 "CALLUS CORNS ' LIFT RIGHT OFF Apply a few drops of "Freezone" No painl Don't suffer! A tiny bottle 01 Freezone 'costs but a few cents nt uny drug store. Apply a few drops on th corns, calluses und "hnrd skin" on bot tom of feet, then lift them off. When Freezone removes corns from tho toes or calluses from tho bottom of feet, the skin beneath Is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or Irritated. At Least He Was There. When he was minister of the In terior In the Snrrlen cnblne't, M. Clem- encenu prescribed for tho function aries of his department precise office hours which were to bo rigorously observed. Ono dny, early In the nf ternoon, he called his bureau chief, Mr. Winter, and said: "Let us tako n turn In tho burcnus." Obviously his command had had lit- tlo effect. Office nftcr office was found ompty. At Inst, In n nook un der tho roof, they came upon n poor devil of a clerk who, overcome by the heat, had fallen asleep at his desk. Mr. Winter sprang forward to shake and rouse him, but Mr. Clcmcnccnu checked him: "Saprlstll But, no I Don't wnken him, or he, too, may run nwnyl" PHYSICALLY FIT AT ANY AGE It isn't ago, It's careless living that bats men "down and out." Keep your Intcrnnl organs in good condition nnd you will always bo physically fit. The kidneys aro tho moot over worked organs In tho human body. When they break down under the traln and the deadly uric acid ac cumulates nnd crystallizes look outt These sharp crystals tear nnd scratch the delicate urinary channels causing excruciating pain and set up irrita tions whleh may causo premature de generation nnd often do turn into dtndly Bright's Disease. Ono of tho first warnings of slug gish kidney action is pain or stiffness In tho small of tho back, loss of appe tite, indigestion or rheumatism. Do not wait until tho danger ia upon you. At tho first indication of troublo go after tho cnuso at once. Get a trial box of GOLD MEDAL Ilaarlem Oil Capsules, imported direct from the laboratories in Holland. They will give almost immediate relief. If for any cause they should not, your money will be refunded. But bo euro to got GOLD MEDAL. Nono other Is genuine. Ia sealed boxes, three sizes. Adv. The Elephants. Little Bobby was taken to seo tho welcomo homo parade. Ills previous experience with parades had been llinlted to those of Ittngling Bros. After wntchlng the passing lines of soldiers for about half an hour, he turned to his mother and nsked, "When will the elephants get hero?" lndlminpolls News. Fought the Midnights. Johnny came homo from Sundny school quite thrilled by the lesson. "It wns all about the Midnights," he snld. "The what?" asked his father. "The aildnights," repeated tho hoy. "Teacher told us how Gideon fought tho Midnights nnd knocked the day lights out of 'em In no time." Cutlcurn Soap for tho Complexion. Nothing better than Cutlcurn Soap dally and Ointment now nnd then as needed to make tho complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft nnd white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcurn Talcum and you have the Cutlcurn Toilet Trio. -Adv. No, Not Always. "A woman ia as young ns she looks." but not always as young as sho thinks she looks. Boston Transcript ft Wal iwkviMvwiauaiui cv iUO wuwu ineoamc response WHty of production tUI rests upon her. wuue uiua prices lor urnin, came nna sueep arm sttrn to remain. nHr nr l.inrl fmith K.Unr it Land capable off yleldlng20 to 45 bush els of whoat to tho acre can be had on oasy terms at from $15 to $30 por acre sood crazing land at much less. Many farms paid for from a single year crop. Railing cattle, sheep and nogs brings equalsuccesa. The Government encourages farming and stock raising. Railway and Land Companlea offer unusUal Inducements to Home Seek lfarB muy ijo atocked by loans at moderate interest. Western Canada offers low taxation. Rood markets and thlp. ping; free schools, churches and healthful climate. 1 f0,.f.,!,,fnlf" " f ttAuti nllwsy ntm. location of land. 0h tratad UUratnn. ate., applr to Sapt. ct laaSt., Ottawa, Can., or T. EEHHETT, twm 4, Bn BulUlar. GUAM, K.k. Canadian Government Arent I