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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1919)
FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS SIX PER CENT. We have first mortgage loons for sale in amounts from $500.00 to $10,000.00 secured by realtesfate Woftth from two to three times the amount of the loan. . - These mortgages are exempt from state, county and city taxes, and the collection of the interest is taken careof without expense to the holders. If you have smaller amounts than . $500.00 to invest, call and learn our new plan for such investments. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co., North Platte, Nebraska. 3- DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL See Dixon obout your' diamond. His stock is most complete. Harlan Spear, of Keystone, visited friends in town Friday. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Office over Wilcox Department Store. Meryl Roach, of May wood, visited frinds in town Saturday. John S. Simms, M. D., McDonald Bank Building, phone 83. tf Miss Anna Voss has resigned her position as cashier at The Leader. Wanted Liberty bonds at market price. Louis Lipshltz. W. H. Anderson, of Gothenburg, transacted business in town Friday. Mrs. C. E. Souser wenjt to Clarks, Nob,, Friday for a short visit with her son. H.Dixon & Son, Eyesight Specialists. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Cauffman left Sunday for a two weeks' stay at Estes ' Park. Farmers, see our special policy for farmers' automobile and truck insur Nance. Clabaugh. C18 Dewey. 39-4 Mrs. L. C. McGraw' has resigned her -position at the Wilcox Department Store. r For Sale A John Deore two-row cultivator. Inquire of Claus Ander son, phono 788F3. Leo Spoenenman, of Brulo, looked after business matters in town Sat urday. If you arc required to furnish bond, seo us. We will go ' on your bond. Dlener & Co., phone lied 572. The eight sisters of the local pa rochial school spent yesterday at .Elm Creek. For Sale Fresh cow. Inquire of Mrs. Partridge. Phono 791F11 or 791F5. 43"2 mirb ninnche Woods, of Sutharland, spent Saturday in town visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. E F. Seeberger ' leu Saturday afternoon on an auto trip to Omaha. W J Tilcy went to Lexington yes- terday to transact business ror a uay; or two. Mrs. Geo. Mudd, of Hershey. spent c.,i rTi olmnnlnor nn Visit- OULUlUtlJ llt I""" jw1-4-.--c ing Irlends. Tho Harrington Mer your Hay and Grain, prices. before you sell. Co. will buy Obtain our tf Miss Floronco Gough has accepted a position as bookkeeper at tho Pass "Greenhouses. M:s. Barbara Meyer and Mrs. Mc Cord, of Paxton, visited friends in town Friday. Tho balance of our bath towels are now going at sacrificing prices. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Larson, of Greon River. Wyo., spent tho week end with friends In town. Thinking of a silk sweater for the coming hot weather? See them at BLOCK'S. Julius Pizor left last night for Omaha where ho will transact luminous for several days. ' Everett Dennis, of Torrington, Wyo.. spont FrldRy in town as the guest of Russell Langford. riinip.'i, black, brown mid prey cnmi.. Beauties, every ono of tliom. All sizes mid widths at E. T. Tramp & Sons' shoo store. 11.2 S. M. SOUDER T. F. HEALEY Liberty Land Company Office Over Rexall Drug Store. Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots in all parts of North Platte. Look for the Dig l sun. Miss Nina Rasmusson and brother left yesterday for Kenosaw where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Clarence Spiccr'has resigned her position as cashier atthe Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. Chas. Calhoun returned yester day from Gibbon where she spent the week end with relatives. Miss Hannah Young has resumed her duties In Dr. Lucas' olffco after a vacation of several weeks. Mrs. Martha Graham left yesterday for Colorado where she will visit visit friends for several weeks. Miss Laura Murray leaves this week for Chicago, where she will spend the greater part of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bybce went up the branch Saturday whore Mr. By beo will inspect telegraph wires. Misr. Bessie .Graham will leav? Fri day for West Virginia where she will spend the summr with relatives. Misses Clara and Frances DeRolf will leave Thursday for Pennsylvania for an extended visit with relatives. An early order for a Dodge or Chandler car will obtain for you a quicker delivery. J. V. Romigh, dealer. Mrs. John Spencer and two chil dren, of Gothenburg, have been visit ing friends in town for several days. Miss M. Sleman, Bieam baths and Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle men. Phone 897. Erodbeck bide 85tf Mrs. Chas. Dixon entertained at a morning bridge party yesterday com plimentary to Mrs. Conlln, of Omaha. J. Crow, auditor of tho Union Pacific dining room service, was in town Sat urday looking after company business. Tho Knights of Columbus degree tca.n went duwn to Hastings Saturday and put on the work for a class Sun day. The best waists for women that's made in America to sell for $1.00, $1.50 'and $2.50 are on sale by The Leader Mercantile Co. Miss Myrtle Beeler left yesterday for Fremont and Omaha where she will spend her vacation with school girl friends. Bed Crown or While Rose Gns 23 Cents per gallon at the Ford Garage. Jlcndy-Og-ier Auto Co, Lust Fourth' Street. 45-2 Mrs. J. A. Cruscn and Miss Dorothy Hinman returned Saturday from Ak ron, Ohio, where they had been visit ing Mrs. E. L. Ford. u8S piorcnco Stamp left yesterday for San Francisco and other points in California for a six weeks' visit with - Miss Dulcie Frater, of the army student nurses corps, who has been "U"IC " J wuut,, iV turned Sunday to Camp Dodge Mrs. Harriet Conlln and daughter came up from Omaha Friday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon They will return to Omaha today. James Lldell went to Omaha Friday to meet his sister, Miss Marjorlo, who had been attending school at Nauvoo, 111. They returned homo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Selby returned Friday from California where they had resided for tho past year, and will again mako North Platte their home. Christian Scionco service Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings every week at 8:00. A cordial Invi tation is extended to all to attend thoso services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Miss Lillian Eaton, who for the past year has been employed In the alter ation department at The Leador, has resigned and left Satudray for her home at Avon, Colorado. : :o: : To A. 0. U. ', Mombcrs. I will be absent from tho city until June 25th. Members will please pay their assessments at Newton's store V. VON GOICTZ, 43-4 Financier Speaking of villians why don't they pick on girls no one olso wants Instead of always making trouble for folks who don't want them around? You'll see the answer In "The Jungle Trail" Kteith theatre Wednesday and Thursday. Roy Bunnell, who was with tho Cist Enginecors In service overseas, re turned homo last week and has re sumed his position as engineer. Roy was in France Just a few days short of twelve months, and before tho ar mistice was signed every day was a busy one for his unit. Complete assortment of infants' wear, short dresses, long dresses, short coats and long coats, capes, wool Jackets, sweaters, bonnets, shoes, carringo robes, bibs, etc., main floor. BLOCK'S. Government aviation officers have written the Lexington Chamber of Commerce to look up a landing place for slv Do Haviland airplanes which will fly from tho aviation field at Houston, Texas, to New York city. The time of tho arrival of the planes has not yet been stated. From two to four feet of water in basements in city buildings last week was not a rarity and to get rid of the water It was necessary to uso power pumps. . These pumps with a capacity of 1Q0 gallons a minute seon lowered the water, but It refused to stay low ered and dally uso of the pumps was necessary. For Sale A Majestic Range. In quire at 709 west Third street. 43-2. Tho speed limit in tho village of Sutherland is twelve miles an hour and over crossings six miles. The mar shal serves notice that thoso exceed ing this speed will bo arrested. North Platte people who are accustomedMo driving at a twenty-five mile gait 'on North Platto streets will do well 'to observe the speed regulations at Sutherland. Mrs. R. D. Holmes, Miss Ida Swan- son, Hans Sack and Oscar Swanson went to North Platte Friday morning, and In the afternoon drove home new cars for Swanson & Bergor. Mrs, Georgo James came from North Platto Thursday to arrange for tho shipping to that city of the family's household goods. They will reside tit North Platte for a few months. Gothenburg Independent. Misses Helen and Jessie Baker re- rcturned-jtfcterdny from Denvc - here they spent tho week end with rela tivs. If you are planning an auto trip call and see our complete lino of Iihakl garments, JuBt tho thing for auto wear and touring. Khaki suits, dr sses, and separate skirts at lowe3t r rices possible at BLOCK'S. By tho afternoon of Juno Sift ap proximately 305,000 railroad employes of the Central-Western ronlon of which tho Union Pacific Is one. will have signed a pledge to go seven days, if possible, without an accident. The week beginning Juno 22d will hf- "no accident week," and during that week an attempt will bo made to go through tno week without an accident on tho 52,000 miles of railroad in the OntraV Western Region. Wahoo, Neb., a town of about 2500 inhabitants will spend three hundred thousand dollars for paving thih year, while Madison, another Nfuruska town of similar size has let tli- con tract for nineteen blocks of y ivlng, Other towns which will do a bl, lot of paving this year aro Kearney, Crand Islnnd and Clay Center. It -earns rather difficult for tho pooplo of N'ortn Platte to catch the paving spirit, nithoui:h our peoplo- arc Juk )- ab:o llnanclallysto have tho work )io as tiro the peoplo of the towns mentioned To the outsider it looks as tuough somebody had tied a can on Morth Platte's progress along the paving line. Certain North Platte r. I dents threaten to sue the Surburban irrlga tlou ditch district claiming 'i mages ror causing uiq flood water n the western part of the city last ek. It we are correctly Informed, t 3ub urban ditch decreased, ratli r than increased, the flood water, Uv it car ried off a full head which o'ii?rwiM would have entered the cl The (Suburban ditch ha snot so ' ir this season been in operation- '''at is. water has not yet been tun t In at the head gate and therefor- at the time of the recent heavy ran was a dry ditch and In proper shape to carry off a big portion of the v.-n-r that camo down from tho section west. The claim that wator had been timed in nt tho headgate and that this flow to gether with tho flood water mused the ditch to overflow is incorrect. If the ditch overflowed it was becaugo it could not take care of tho flood water. Earlier Morning Trains t'nder tho now tlm.c card which goes Into effect next Sunday No. 19 w'U no longer bo tun- in two sections from Omaha to North Platto but will bo run as two separato trains. No. 13 will ar rive at 7; 45 in the morning and No. 19 an hour later. The branch trnln will leave nt 7:65. This chango will give North Platte enrllor mail sorvlee from tho oast. i;o:i JnlcslMirg Wallops North l'lntlc Six membors of tho North Platte ball team wore strickon with 'rlght itis in tho game at Julesburc Sunday afternoon and as a rosult Julesburg was wlnnor by a score of nine to nothing. It was the' first game North Platto had played this season and tills with the big attendance made them "bushy" to such an extent that a number of Inexcusable and costly errors wero made. Julesburg has a good team, two or three ox-Wnstorn Leaguers being among their playors. Julesburg will piny a return name In this city noxt Sunday aftornoon. Llerk-Saiulnl Co. Soils Out. The Lierk-Sandall Co.. ono of North Platte's leading grocery firms, has sold its stock to H. C. Anderson, tho purchaser taking possession yesterday morning. Mr. Anderson comes from Callaway, where ho has resided since childhood., and where his father has long been engaged in business. Mr. Anderson Is n grocer of exnerienco and well qualified ' to mannge the heavily patronized business he has ac quired and to keep tho stock up to the standard maintained by his pred ecessors. He impresses ono with his evidence of energy and geniality and win provo n welcome acquisition to to North PUUe s business circles. Both tho retiring men who have so successfully conducted tho business In the pat will take a roH before canting nrcuml for ether avocutlon 5::o:: It Is Now Peony Time To lovers of flowers o trip out to tho tate farm is wortli whilo.Tor this is neony time in wentcrn Nebraska and Supt. Snyder has a large garden of thorn. These flowers are particularly largo, and the whito and pink blooms aro remarkably perfect. Peonies aro a flower that more North Platte peoplo "hould grow. Given nn eastern ex- ncsure they aro easily grown and cer tainly no plant Is more showy. In driving around town Tho Tribune man, ' ho Is somewhat of a "nut" on the subject, cannot help but notice the growth of flower gardening during the past Ave. or six years. Today there ire fifty beds or porch boxes to whore there was ono ten years ago. And what is more beautiful than flowers, or gives the growers more pleasure? ::o:: Russell Gunn, of Kearney, visited friends in town Saturday. H. Dixon & Son, Eyesight Specialists. Father Gowan of Seattle was e guest of Wm. Adair yesterday. His Consideration. "Now, gents," with elaborate sar casm pnld tho proprietor of tho Right Place store In Petunia, addressing the prominent and Influential loafers that Infested his emporium, "I hnve placed n batch of comfortable plno boxes around on. the shady side, of tho store, where yon can set and spit and whittle and cuss the government and nrguo about nothing from morning till night, and not be disturbed by customers try ing to edge nroutid you to buy some thing or talk over n little private busi ness with me without having your snouts stuck Into It" Kansas City Star. Notice of Special Election. Notice Is hereby given, that by vir tue of nn order of tho County Board, duly made and entered on tho luth day of June, 1919, and by virtue of tho Statutes of the Stato of Nebraska, in such cases, made and provided. I, A. SI Allen, County Clerk of tho County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, do hereby direct and proclaim that a special election be held, in tho sev oral polling places throughout tho County of Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska, on Tuesday, tho 22nd dny of July. 1919, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. of said day, at which said election, tho following proposition shall bo submitted to tho legal voters of said county, to-wit: Shall the County Commissioners of said county levy a special annuul tax of flvo mills on the dollar valuation of tho taxable property in said county for a term of Ave years, to-wit, tho years 1919, 1920. 1921, 1922 and 1023. forf tho purpose of building a now court house In said county? The ballots used at said election shall luivo printed thereon the words: "For directum the County Coinmls sloners of Lincoln County, Nebraskn, to levy a. special tax of flvo mills on tho dollar valuation of the taxablo proporty in said county, for a term of live year's, to-wit, tho years 1919 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923 for tho pur pose of building a now court house In said County." "Againit directing the County Com missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, to levy a special tax of Ave mills oij the dollar valuation of tho taxable property In said county, for a term of Ave years to-wit, the years 1919, 1920. 1921, 1922 and 1923. for the purpose of building a new court houuu in said County." Those voting in favor of said propo sition shall mark their ballots with a oross (X) In the square opposite the paragraph beginuiug "For directing the County Commis sioners of Lincoln County to levy a special tax." etc. Those votlrtg against said proposi tion shall mark their ballots with a cross (X) in the squaite oppoHito tre paragraph beginning , "Against directing the County Com missioners of Lincoln County to levy a special tax," etc. In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed tho spat of Lincoln County, Nebraska, this 10th day of June, 1919. (SEAL) . A. S. ALLEN, , , County Clerk. DRS. suriace treatment, it does not get at the cause. In every cas'e of skin, disease the body is try ing to get rid of impurities that should have been discharged through tho kidneys or bowels in other words these organs arc not acting with normal health and vigor. In thousands of such cases treated by chiropractors the cause has been found due to spinal nerve pressure which weakened kidney action. Spinal adjustments re moving the pressure, restored the normal healthful vigor and the clearing up of the skin naturally followed. FREE Call for a free consul tation. It is the best way to know for yourself what this wonderful method can do in restoring health. DRS. STATES & STATES The P. S. C. Chiropractors. Building and Loan Building Jforlh Tlatte', ' - - Nobraska. We Strive PRICES A Trial Order Means DICK STEGEMANN DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries and Confectionery. Phono 212. 815 North Locuat 96.00 Orders Delivered KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, MAZEPPA LODGE No. 115. Meeting Nights Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each Month. K, P. Hall, 602 Dewey, Phone Black 720. Hnrry 11. York, C. C, phono Black 425, C02 Sonth i'lne. 0. E. Elder, V. C phono Jted 2J2 214 South Sycamore 1). M. Hogsctt, 1 phono Itcd 003 C21 West Fifth. C. L. Ihiskins, M. W., phono 01, Jluildlng & Loan Building. S. M. Soulier, K. 11. S., phono Ited 125, 01 South Bowoy. J. E. Sobnstlnn, M. F., phono Bctl SIS, 011 East Second. Boy Mchliitann, M. E., phono Black, fiSl, 200 South Locust. C. M. Austin, M. A phono Black 1129, 410 West Soconjl. J. W. ltowlnml, I. G phono Itcil 407, 220 Enst E. W. E. Stnrr, 0. O., phono C77, 320 West Fifth. r"ra1280' ACRE """" I AT AUCTION Tuesday, June 24 I AT '2:00 P. ML I On tho above dato at Brady, Nob., wo will sell at public auction to the highest bidder regardloss of prlco, tho following described real estate, located nine miles north of Brady: Section 35 and Section 2G, Township 14, Rango 2,7, Lincoln County, Nobraska, containing 1280 acres moro or less according to tho govornmont survoy. TERMS OP SALE 15 per cent of tho purchnso prlco Cash day of salo, 25 per cent March 1st, 1920. Owner will carry romaimlcr o pur chase prlco for a period of oither flvo or ton years to bo socurodby a flrst mortgage on tho above described land bearing intorost at tho rate of six per cent, payable annually. Good and sufficient abstract of titlo together with warranty deed dollvored to purchasor day of set tlement. . IMPROVEMENTS Good homo 1Gx22, with tolophono and rural route. Barn 10x22, room for C head of horses with granary for 200 bushelB; steel granary for 1000 busholsj. 2 chlckon houses. Cattlo shed 18x48 noarly new. New garage 12x10.. Good well anil wind mill vi 1th plenty of water. Two 8 foot stel tanks. Nlco grove ot shado trees around tho plaoo. Good feed yard fenced hog tight, feed yack for stock 84 feet long. Place all fenced and cross fenoed, will car ry 200 head of stock. About 80 acres In crop and more can be farmed. School house only one mile from place. This place has product 1 during the past two years 21 bushel of wheat per acre and 40 bushi l of corn. This is a Money Maker for Live Stock Business. Be day of sale For Further Information Address Nebraska Really Auction Co. Mark Carraher, Auctioneer. M. A, Larson, Manager Central City, Nebraska, Carl Schmid, Brady, Nebraska, Owner. SKIN DISEASES HcnHh Talk No. 0 by ' STATES THE CHIROPRACTORS The treatment of skin diseases with salves and lotions is truly a; Eczema Disappears ami In Two Years Has Not Returned "I. suffered with cczoma from child hood, sometimes on Jny legs hiul feet, but mostly on my hands. A,t timos thoy Wcra iSo soro that when tho bandages wero taken off, tho flesh would' como off with them. "When I first vis ited a chiropractor my handB wore In bandages, I took Boventcen adjust ments, nnd am on tlroly well. In two yenrB I havo novor been bothered." Ask about Caso No. 19. i. to Please RIGHT a Steady Customer. the Man who Iftiows the sure to examine it before