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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1919)
THE SEMNWEEKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. 1 -Klrst of the surrendered German V bouts to urrlvo In Now York, tin photograph showing out' of Its two largo gmiH. 2 Itallroiul station at Omsk, scat of tin antlholHliovH; government In Siberia, 3- Gladys and Irene Melntyrc, Salvation Army girls who won citations for lmiVery nt Cnntlgny and have returned to America; with them Is their father, Col. V. A. Mtintyro, also of the Salvation Army. AERIAL POLICE FORCE IN CALIFORNIA Em The city of Venice, Cal., has established an aerial police force. Otto Meycrhoffer, a well-known aviator, being the first air policeman appointed. He la shown here, In leather coat, standing by his machine. ALLIED FOOD FOR GERMAN CIVILIANS i fast hand grenade loader ENGINEERS WHO FOUGHT AT CAM BRA! COME HOME massssmmm msgssssmamsiim TIlO Slllltll Tl'I'I.SII nrrlvllli' nf Itiilirl."tni itltl. ..itm, ,f tt,.. .1... irl.....i i , . . ... , , , , , " iiiv iMi-ii vi nit; iuwjiiu uiiKuieers, wno gaincu giory at Dam- bral by dropping their picks nnd shovels and helplug drive back the Huns. At the left Is Lieut. Col. H W Hudson In charge of the detachment, and at the right, Capt. C. P. Hubbard. ' SILVER SERVICE PRESENTED TO THE ARKANSAS JAPANESE FENCING COSTUME A liiitlsh ship discharging food at ltottordum Into German boats for the German civilian population. The Industrial centers where strikes are preva lent will got no relief until order Is restored. NOVEL AMERICAN SUBMARINE blrs. Annie Olenda was the maker of a world's record in a new line of work, that of loading hand grenades. She loaded 10.G00 In n day while employed nt the Gotham Ammunition plant at Hast Providence, It. I. A most unumml view of the new 1'nltod States "0"-boat with Its sub merging appararusjdiove water. Several submarines of this type are now at anchor with the rest ol the Atlantic tleet In tho North river ut New York. Dm "O'Miout openitiid on this side of the water during the war, unci performed rredi'i J.. Up and Out. Life in Argentina will never again bo quite the same. Tho Latin-Ainerl can Idea of woman as a secluded and ornamental feature of human life has at last been unsettled. Tho women of Argentina, at least some of them, have decided that women should voto and hold public otllce,. and that it Is quite unworthy of the present state of civilization. for anybody to think other wise. No more languid wnvlng of fans in parlors, but up and out and Into tho arena of political life. Some thing of the sort was to have been expected even with nil Argentlnn tradition against It. Clreumstnnces having included South America In tho world neighborhood, the women of tho Argentlno family wore bound to. bo affected by tho habits and opinions of their new neighbors. 1 Tho battleship Arkansas was presented by various .notables from Arkansas with a 70-pleco silver set valued' at $10,000. This photograph shows, left to right, Neelcy Burn nnd Eulu Splvey with the D. A. It. and the Arkansas Traveler's trophy cups. NEW USE FOUND FOR POISON GAS ,. 'lr'oto by' " ' ;&,vticrn newipatxr Union. 1 Costumes used by tho Japanese nnny to teach the soldiers the art of fencing and bnyonetlng. These cos tunics permit them to use ns much force as they would In nctunl ccuulmt. The photograph was taken In Siberia. Spoofing Pop. "Say. pop." began llttlo Willie, edg ing toward the door as If to get a good lead off first base. "There's some thing I can't understand." "Xante It, my boy," said pop, "nnd your childish mind shall be ilooded with tho light of knowledge." "Well, It's this. I've been watching grandpa sliding all over this room In his rocking chair. He goes back and forth nnd don't keep still a minute, lie Just goes rock, rock, rock. How can people say 'llrui as a rock,' when a rock wiggles around all over tho room, an' " And Just then Willie had to exerclso tho primal law of self-preservation. Indianapolis Star, Poison gas is now being put to a good use In England. Tho gas Is In-, Jected Into rat holes by means of n rubber tube. Most of tho rats aro killed underground, but any which come out are dazed nnd easily struck down. DISABLED SOLDIERS MAKING TOYS Class In toy making at work in the reconstruction hospital for disabled t soldiers at Colonla, N. J. ' j