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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1919)
AN EASY WAY TO PAY FOR YOUK Victory Bond. If' you signed up for a $100 VICTORY BOND and intend to pay for it by installments here is a plan for making payments and scarcely miss the money. Open an account with this bank l ', Deposit enough to cover 1st installment, $10, due May. 10th. " Then $1.50 a week for 9 weeks for 2d installment, ,$10, due July 15th. Then $5 a week for 4 weeks for third installment, $20, dife August 12th. Then $5 a week for 4 weeks for 4th installment, $20, due September 9th. ' " ' Then $5 a week for 4 weeks for 5th installment. $20, due October 7th. Then $4 a week for- 5 weeks for 6thinstallment, $20, due November 11th. If deposits are made in this manner you will on November 11th have a balance to your credit of $3.50 more than enough to take care of the accrued inter est on deferred payments. And yojur bond is all paid for. Try it. Piatte Valley State -Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Deposit? Guardmised Under LicLu7g of this State DR. 0. H. CRES&ER, ' Graduate Dentist Olllce over the McDonald Stnte Bunk. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mr. anil Mrs C. M. Hayden, of Wai. lace, visited friends in town Wednes day. Have you planted your early cab bage yet? It Is time to do so now. The North Platte Floral Co., phone 1023. Dixon's optical department Is equipped with the very latest Instru ments and therefore they offer the 'Very best of eye service for your eyes. Dr. Geo. B. Dent this week presented Mrs. Dent with an Oldsmobilo Coupe, a very handsome car which she will receive much pleasure In driving. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott, who have ben visiting relatives in Maxwell for some time past, arrived Wednesday for a two weeks' visit at the P. R. Elliott homo. f Mrs." L. W. Schwedhelm, of Omaha and Mrs. J. H. Krause, of West Point, are ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tramp, having arlved Wednesday 'evening. T-Tnvn vnll endn iUn Vmv flintwllnl straight line model and the special! Dodge 4-passenger Speedster at the Romlgh garage this week? All players who have base ball suits belonging to former teams are re quested to return them at once to Per ry Carson. Earl B. Smith, of Dodge City, Kin., has been visiting friends in town this week. He Is just home from Overseas service, and brought back with him a revolver which ho took from a German soldier. Mr. Johnson, one of tho owners of the Keith ranch near Maxwell, was In town Wednesday, Mr. Johnson la shipping In 1500 head of cattle from Wyoming and driving them down from here to the ranch. Special addresses on the great war, from actual experinces, are bging de livered by tho rector, (late chaplain U. S. army) at the Episcopal church every Sunday vening in May at 7:30 o'clock. You are invited. Mica TJIHnn TT!ntrm tt'lln llna htwiM employed in tho alteration department of The Leader for a year past, has re-' signed and will leave next week for. Denver to remain Indellnitely, for the benefit of her health. I , A series of lecllires preparatory to ! confirmation will be given at tho Eplcopal church on Friday evenings at j S p. m. Any one desirous of confjrmit- i tion or in need of more instruction ' nbout the church Is kindly asked to at tend these lectures. George Talbot litis roslgned ns mail currier oil' the Trycm route nnd Jbi suc ceeded by Roy Parker. The pupils of St. Pntrlck's scgool .aro making arrangements for a mus ical cntortnlnmont the latter partf of this month. Tho High School public speaking olnss will go to Maxwell Friday ov"on. ing and give a program under "tho auspices of the Maxwell Junior class. Mrs. .Kathrino Woodhurst, who 1ms beenJIll for some time, was taken to Hastings Wednesday morning to be placed in a sanitarium at that plncc. Mrs. Woodhurst Is threatened with creeping paralysis. D I X O N spoils quality and price in diamonds. Chandler and Dodgo Brothers Cars aro good cars. That Is why they sell so fast. Better got your car ordered today if you want it for uso this spring and summer, as every warm day makes tho shortage more npparcnt. J. V. Romlgh, Dealer. Residents of Miller nnd Taylor ad ditions have petitioned the council for the formation of two sewer districts, one to embrace a territory of two blocks, the other ono block. The petition has been granted and bids lor tho construction will bo nsked in tho near future. Beads Beads Bends. See our win dow. H. Dixon, Jeweler. County Chairman Temple and Dis trict Chairman Mooney of the Victory loan, nccompanlcd by Rev. Mackintosh, went to Brady Tuesday evening and held a loan meeting, Mr. Mackintosh making tho nddress. They were as sured that efforts would be made to raise the Brady quota this week. At Gothenburg last Friday in a race between local owners a Dodgo road ster owned by Swanson Brothers and Bcrgor and driven by Oscar Swanson defeated a Hudson Speedster owned by Pree McWha and in a later race be tween the Dodge and a Bulck speed ster, tho honors were divided and a final heat will be run later. See H. Dixon & Son, eyesight spe cialists. All work 'guaranteed. General Manager Jeffors, Mrs, Jef fers, Mrs. Schatz and Miss Gertrude Grady, the latter of St. Joe, Mo., passed through in Mr. Jeffers' car yesterday morning enroute to Ogden to attend the colebrntlon marking the fiftieth anniversary of driving the golden spike which connected tho Union Pa cific and Central Pacific railroads. Diamond Rings for Graduates When n girl finishes high school tho (lino hns come when she can with pro priety wear a diamond ring. For scv ernl years she hns been wishing for one. Give it to her on Commencement Day. Clinton's show white nnd liluc-whit diamonds, of great brilliance and fine qualify, In plain nnd fancy mountings of gold and platinum. It is a splendid collection to shoosc from, nnd prices aro extra good values. C. S, CLINTON S'ipt. Wilson Tout loft- yosiordny morning for Lincoln to attend a state meeting of educators. Warren MdNnmnr, of Paxton, wbh in ovn a few days ago onroutc home from seven months service overseas. Attorney L. C. Raskins spent Tues day and Wednesday' In Arthur attend ing the session of district court. Miss Ethel May, of GolhonbUrg, spont Wednesday In tftWn shopping and visiting friends. Miss Irma Bnrrnclotigh returned to day from Maxwoll where slib had been visiting Miss Eva Baker. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B, Elliott, who had .been spending tho winter In Council .Muffs, arrived homo yesterday. Mrs. Fred Rasmusaon, of Horsfiey, Is visiting her sister, Miss Lucllla Mar tini. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Farroll Woro bus iness visitors from Wallaco on Wed nesday. Mrs. D. J. Baker, of Maxwoll, camo up Wednesday to spend n fow days with Mr. and Mrs. F. R.' Elliott. SPECIAL SALE LADIES' SPRING HATS We have divided our Spring r"ats into two lots and will offer them at the following prices. Lot 2 A small lot of good quality hats Lot 1 Beautiful models of high grade hats that have retailed at $10 and $15, your choice 098 that sold from $7 to $9, your choice 111498 COME IN WHILE THE SELECTION IS GOOD Department Store. Jeweler and OPTICIAN. ' " At the Sign of the Rig Ring. Organize Hall Association. A number of ball fans met at tho firemen's hall Tuesday evening and or ganized an association for the pur pose of placing a team In the Held. Perry Carson was selected as busi ness mnnagcr and Harold Langford captain of the team. The team will bfl composed of local players, of whom there are a number of good ones though it may be necessary to secure the services of ono additional pitcher, and this will bo done by securing a Job of some kind for the man selected. The diamond will bo laid out at the city park directly florth of the grand stand, thus utilizing tho latter for tho accommodation of tho spectators. Tho work of getting tho diamond in shape will begin at once. At the meting Tuesday evening a committee was appointed to solicit funds for the preliminary expenses. ::o:: Recognize Faithful Service. Mr and Mrs. Saml. Goozeo were hon ofc guests at a dinner party given Tuesday evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C. Patterson, and there wero also present as guests tho directors of tho Mutual Building and Loan Association and their ladles. A splendid dinner was served by the hostess, who was assisted by her daughter Miss Edith and Miss Bessie Salisbury. At tho conclusion of tho dinner, Mr. Goozeo was present, i d with a Knight Templar charm and chain by the directors In recognition of hla faithful nnd efficient service as secretary of the association for thirty two years, Director Baro making tho presentation remarks. In accepting the gift, Mr. Goozui ppoke of tho growtli of tho North Platte association, which ho sa,Id was regarded by other associations as a model, and gave to President Patter son tho credit of placing tho associa tion In the front rank. Mr. Goozee refered to his early life In North Platte, the courtesy which tho peoplo had always extended to him. and tho pleasure that had boon his during his residence In tho city which covered a period of over forty years Mr. nnd Mrs. Goozeo will leave In nbout ten days for their futuro home 1n Omaha. :o: : All Power and Pep Red Crown Gasoline endows your car with new life. It puts power and pep in the get away makes the car eat up the road on up grade or level shoves her through sand, and mud fetches her back with carburetor clean. Red Crown is all gas every drop and uni form everywhere. It gives most mileage be cause it is pure power free from sediment and non-burning matter. Look for the sign it pays. Polarine9 the universal lubricant, keeps cyl inders clean compression tight. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha Airs. Allison, of Wallace, spent Wed nesday In town with friends. Miss Winnie Schrlver. of Maxwell, visited friends in town Wednesday. 1 F. L. Temple, of Lexington, was in town Wednesday attending to business matters. C C. Rosenburg, of Loxincton. was ;in town the first of tho week looking jnftnr business matters. I Tho . Misses Elder entertained tho jlProsbvterlnn Sunday school club at their home Tiiepdnv evontne. I Tho Opalalla craduatlng class camo I down nnd had their pictures mndo at tho Brooks studio this week. Miss Mablo McVicker. of Lexing ton. wns In town tho first of tho week looking after business matters at tho McVicker millinery. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carlson nnd Ed Lout- zunhuscr nnd family, of Gothenburg, motored up Wednesday to visit friends and attend th play Pollynnna in tho evening. Remember that you can get servlco and ropair parts for Dodgo and Chund ler cars at tho Romlgh garage. Don't bo the owner of an orphan car In your homo town. J. V. Romlgh, Dealer. ::o:: Final Warning Car owners who havo failed to take out theld 1919 license have been fre quently warned to tako out tho li cense or subject themselves to lyrest and line. This is tho last warning. Arrests will promptly follow falluro to tako out a license S. C. MECOMBER, Chief of Police. ::o:: To Auto Driven). All auto drlvors aro warned against speeding within tho city limits. Tho tato law and city ordinance prohibits a speed exceeding twolvo mllos an hour. ThoBo who run their cars at an excesslvo speed may expect nn arrest and flno. S. C. MECOMBER, 33-2 Chief of Police. I Attention! Public in General! For tho next ten days I am going to make a reduction on old house wiring In order tp get better acquainted. A FEW SPECIALS . An A No. 1 Vacuum Cleaner for , $30.00 An A No. 1 Electric Flat Iron, G pounds for j 5.50 A Hot Point for , C.25 Ono of tho best on the market for - 7.00 I can furnish all theso In 32 volt to bo used on farm sized plants at a Bmall advnnce. Attention Mr. tiarage Man. ' Havo you over thought of tho nlco profit that Is passing by your door ovory day by not charging your own battorlcs? I can sell you a battery charging set on tho Installment plan $17.50 cash and $10 n month. Can you afford to lot this go by? Motors and charging sets, all sizes, on tho samo plan. Our jobbors inform us thoro Is going to bo a shortage on Fans this year, so got your order in early ; Attention Mr. Farmer and Out-of-Town Trade. V If you aro putting In a farm light plant It will pay you and pay you big to get my prices on wiring your houso or store. Also prices on Fixtures o which wo carry n very comploto lino. 1 bollovo our prices on Fixtures aro tho best in tho west, I can put a flxturo in ovcry room of a sovon-room houso for $21.55. Think of It. And these fixtures aro . not dinky affairs but nlco largo up' to tho mlnuto fixtures. Order a sot by mall. If you don't llko them after ygu get them you can send them back and I will refund ovory cont you pay. Yes wo do motor ropair work, gas engines, automobile, and In fact a geueral repair business. ..Send for a catalogue. The Electric Shop, ASK FOR PORTER 2 Blocks west First Xntlonnl Rank. Corner Sixth and Vine. Phone Red 21(!.' KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, MAZEPPA LODGE No. 115. Meeting Nights Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each Month. K, P. Hall, 602 Dewey, Phone Black J2$. Harry R. York, C. C, phono Black 125, 502 South Pine. ' 0. 12. Elder, V. C, phono Red 212 211 South Sycamore. , 1). M. Hogsett, 1, phono Red (103 (!21 West Fifth. C. L. Buskins, M. W., phono 91, Building & Loan Building. S. M. Soulier, K. R. S., phono Red 425, (101 South Dewey. J. E. Sebastian, M. F., phono Red 818, 011 East Second. Roy Mohlmunn, N. E., phono Black, (131, 209 South Locust. (J. M. Austin, M. A., phono Black 1128, 110 West Second. J. W. Rowland, I. phono Red 197, 220 East E. W. E. Starr, 0. (3., phono 577, !120 West Fifth. I ALWAYS USE COW BRAND FLOUR KORIUPUTIX EiEcgjyfatS VBESTj I gffi I NORTH PLATTE, Ktttt L COY BRANDwH .. ti.i,tscggy IT MAKES BETTER BREAD i PATRONIZE NORTH PLATTE INDUSTRIES mi- " ...... y i . ,.. ''-;- "' i J ,t