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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1919)
i 1 NEW YORKERS ADMIRING THE DREADNAUGHT MISSISSIPPI AMERICAN FLAG AND AMERICAN SOLDIERS IN BRUSSELS Hiw V Y'jr,.(.r.-' rv yiz'tiz n ar r. tlon at ":t I t J s cs drtI:.- gt M.ssis&.pp' as she lie s at tnctior the Hudtou t-.vafu-r tin w-it naval n ..i.v LIBERTY, AS SHE GREETS RETURNING SOLDIERS TL.s is the firM n.clure to come to this country of tne urrhnl ut the Belgian capital. Ilrussels. of King Albert ONE OF OUR GREATEST BATTLESHIPS AT ANCHOR AMde fiowt thHr own mothers, there Is another mother to American soldier that stands Kllently In New- York ay, WMtHtltig mix waiting for her wm who are returning by the thousands daily. TIiIk remarkable photograph tftowK the Ktatue of Liberty on liedloe'a Island as an seen It. The tents and buildings constituting Fort Wood tre plainly i RESCUE OF AIRMEN FROM THE SEA RESCUED MEN OF THE OPHIR During the big naval parade at New York one of the vessels that aroused the most admiration was the trickily driven dreadnaught New Mexico, which Is here shown at anchor In the Hudson. elec- HERO OF CHATEAU THIERRY GEORGE WASHINGTON AT HOME AGAIN Om of the British airplanes taking part In the surrender of the German floet came to grief and fell Into the sea. The aviators were rescued by a destroyer, and the photograph shows the plane being hauled aboard (lie rescue tlil p. ODD SLEEPING QUARTERS FOR YANKS .... This photograph shows the crew "i the transport Ophlr, that went down In the harbor of Gibraltar, lined up on the deck of the Japanese steamer that brought them back to this coun try. Ah the Japanese are very fowl of rice and It constitutes most of tin lr menu, thee sailors had to be content with rice, and more rice, every day. Immediately upon reaching port th-y all made a rush for a restaurant, and It Is said that not one of them r ''rwl rice. Yitttttn Nelppr Union:! William Stevenson of Miles City. Mont., top sergeant, sharpshooter in the first line trenches, Marine Com- j pany D, Fourth regiment, wounded three times, gassed twice in the battle t of Chateau Thierry, awarded the Croix de Guerre and decorated by General Atkinson In Bordeaux for bravery In capturing 27 machine grin newts at Chateau Thierry with four other marines. The George Washington on her return trip from tnklng the president and tils party to Trance as she is being towed into her dock. The Washington brought oer the Christinas mail from the boys abroad, together with 5.000 soldiers. KING OF ITALY AT A Y. M. C. A. POST Though London Is overcrowded now more than at any time during Its history, Aiuorlcan Jackies are being well taken caro of by the American Hcd C'rosfc, Tbt photograph allows whcr$ 700 of our tars are accomuioduted each night In the maiintncent halls of tho Law Courts building. Thero With That French. Hh bleu you know we all apmk French here. We can any "Dls done, Jacques," and "Alors," and oro-r "oofs" and whisper to mudame to klip us some -mum or "cognac" when uo senior oluccr Is round to hop us. It if no uncommon thing for a doukli hoy to Intersperse his coiiversatioQ with "nVst-ce-pas?" as, for Install'..; "I guess we sleep with the sii. .p tonight, n'est-co-pus 1" "Mais oul. Avoc los little mouttoiis." "Well, they don't smell any worso than some of you guys at that, u'est-ce-pas?" "Say, who the hell's got my French mask? I laid It on my pack not ten minutes ago, n'ost'Ce-pas 1" ; We're thero with that French stuff, A common form of grootlng from ilic ribald roughnecks to tho oarnost lln. gulst among us Is "Aha, I see you sponk French I" You see, they have ! to admit It. Saturday Evening Post Different Talk for Dogs. I'rof. It. It- Heynolds. head of thr modern language dejiartment In an academy l Sn Itafael, Cal.. lias tw. eollle digs. father and son. Marco, th lder, resismds to his master onl when addressed In English. Itozzarls. the win. understands end obeys com tnands given In French and Spanish, but stands motionless when his sire Is addressed. "There Is nothing wonderful nbout It," Reynolds says. "It was as easy to toach the young dog a Latin tongtie ns It was to Instruct his father In KngHsh. Marco occasionally betrays i signs of Jealousy when I hold protract-, ed conversation In a foreign language with his son, hut a word In English ' smooths things out and brings a wag of the dog's tall. "It muy have been unfair to en dow tho son with accomplishments de nied tho father, but It Is u rule of life, and I think Marco understands us well ns do thousands of other dot ing fathers." King Victor Emmanuel of Italy and Capt. Frederic Muugher Inspecting the Y. M. C. A. post In the Casadel Soldato at Fuoimi. The king expressed his appreciation of the work done by the V. M. f. A. whirl, (irgiuiliutlon watt new to Italy