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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1919)
Mis Jfce TIIIRTY-FIFTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.. JANUARY 17, 1919. No. 2 th c " M orth NOT MUCH CHANGE IN THE INFLUENZA CONDITION. "Tho flu condition is about holding its own," said- City Physician Retinoid yesterday afternoon. "Whllo " four or flvo additional houses havo boen quarantined during tho pnst two ,or tlireo days, an equal number have Jmjoii released from quarantine so tho number under quaratino today Is just lio samo as Monday." Tho general o'plnlon of medical men and othcr8 seem to be that tho flu will not run Us course for somo ,tlme; somo boliovo that It will exist for at least another year. ::o:: Negro Porters Carry llooze. George Williams, a colored man, was fined $100 and costs at Kearnoy Auto Turns Turtle. A Ford car driven t)y Georgo Mc- Ginloy's son and with whom a son of Moso McFarland was riding, turned turtle at Fourth and Maple streets yestorday noon. Tho car skidded as it turned tho comer and overturned. Tho boys wero pulled out from under tho car without! ;oithor "sustaining a scratch. One wheel was broken nnd tho windshield smashed. : :o: : Spanish Instead of German. Tho local High School Is carrying a class in Beginning Spanish for these students who want a Modern language in the place of German. Miss Lyford is teaching tho class and good progross is being made. Elthor Span ish or French is being quite generally offered instead of Gorman in tho larg er High Schools. Tho courso being CONDITIONS UNSATISFACTORY 5 DEMOBILIZATION HALTIJD. London, January 1G. Tho Contr News doclaros that as a result of tho Tuesday for soiling booze. At tho hearing Williams broke down and ad-1 carried now emphasizes tho grammar mittcd that he had been receiving and vocabularies and will bo followed boozo shipments regularly through by courses in speaking and writing the language. : :o:: colored portors on Union Pacific trains, and stated that had ho not been arrested ho was to havo gone to Lex ington Wednesday to receive another consignment. This information was wired Sheriff Benton at Lexington and when train No. 20 stopped tho sheriff approached a porter who had opened a tloor on tho off sldo of tho train and stated that ho represented Williams nnd wanted tho booze- Ho handed the portor tho money, and received a largo package. "Is this all you got?" asked tho sheriff. "No Sah, I'so got moro in tho car," but as tho train then started tho sheriff grabbed tho porter and lugged him off to Jail. That much of tho wiskey that has come into North Platte from Cheyenne in tho 'past ha8 been carried by the train porters seems to be a pretty well established fact. ::o: : At BLOCK'S you can buy Merodo underwear America's best .undergar ments for women at a discount of twenty por cent. allied- discussions i Parl9 the whole Mr- ntl T" rPJy. or Don- " 1 - an itldltn.l llinli unit fill DnnninV aspect of demobilization has unrtor-i"" - L gouo a sudden and vital change, this l" w being shown in tho drastic conditions i Mr- and Mrs. C. J. Bowon will ontor- demanded of Germany for n renews! tain t a dlnnor this evening In honor of tho armistice. 'at their thirty-fifth wedding annlvor- "On authority of an unimpeachable sary. character," says tho Central Nows, "it can bo stated that a situation exist3 In Europo under which war may brook out again at nny moment- "Tho allied war council has arrived at n decision -which means that tho British people have mistaken tho ap pearance of peaco for reality. This de cision means that tho now British ministry mus't revise the wholo schomo of army demobilization. Tho decision is that Great Britlan, in proportion to its military strength, must maintain an army of occupation Nebraska Ratifies, The Nebraska state legislature, at 10:32 a. m. yesterday completed rati fication of tho federal prohibition amendment when tho senate voted to concur In a house amendment to a sonato Joint resolution providing for ratification- Tho joint resolution, ad opted by the sonato last Tuesday, was passed. Nebraska was tho thirty sixth state to ratify, which made tho. nccssary total for a boozeless nation Following Nebraska's ratification yes terday came that of Wyoming and Missouri, making a total of thirty- eight states. With financial backing cf ono billion dollars it is announced that the distillers have already plan ned contests In twenty-two states. ::o:: BLOCK Is selling all cloth and plush coats at exactly one-half the former 'price- At Block's one-half means ono-half you can carry away a $50.00 coat for $25.00, or an $80.00 coat for $40.00. I KEITH THEATRE Monday & Tuesday "TILL I COME BACK TO YOU" with Bry- ant Washburn. A great and sincere picture that has come out of the Great Conflict. Soul stirring incidents with thrills of war and victory. CECIL B. DeMILLE'S production with a better than usual story. LOCAL AND L'lHtSOXAL J. E. Sebastian is transacting busl nosg in Ogalalla today. Laborers Come from Goring1. Ten laborers from Gurlng arrlvod on tho branch train last night nnd will work at tho U. r. lco plant. The-ao mon wero secured through tho local Motliodlst Church Notes. A sploudld congregation camo to hear tho SJunday ovonlng sonnon on "RoosovolL" Wednesday aftomoon at threo an federal omploymont bureau. They had I improsslvo funeral acrvleo was holh boon working In tho sugar factory at , for Mrs. Said Kumogln, who hos boon Goring. : :o: :- In tho list of Royal Neighbor offi cers published Tuesday the namo of Mrs. M. IIayoa should havo read Mrs. P. E. Hayes. For Sale Piano, cook rango and other furniture. Inquiro of Mrs. Chas. Soaton, 1903 oast Fourth- Henley l'lujs In Hnrd Luck. T. F. Hoaloy, who went to Omaha boforo Christmas to visit his family, contracted tho llu soon after his ar rival thoro. Ho recovered from this nnd ono day whllo down town attempt ed to assist an oldorly and oxtromoly Btout woman across tho Icy street. In doing this generous net his foot slipped and tho woman felt upon him, rather badly injuring him and placing Fred Rltllnger, vrtio was stationed at n,m ,n a Pin mt required close Pnnm T.ncrnn Tnvnc. n.,.l rn COMlllCmOnt tO tllO HOUSO. Funston for demobilization, Is expect cd to arrlvo homo today. -: :o: : Mystery Unraveled. Tho dofect in tho Junior high school Dainty blouses of silk cropo and heating plant which has existed sinco on tho Rhino for many months. I tho Brgotto nt $4-98 at BLOCK'S. Those tho building was completed and which rapid increaso in demobilization ro- blousos sold regularly nt $7.50. tl oiled experts from Chicago and Omn- recontly announced is contiuned, thoro ' Miss Ida Carroll, who has been ,m nB wou "s lcai piumuors, was would in a few months bo no army in holding a clorkBhlp In tho Intorior do- 'Uncovered yestorday by Janitor Hnn- Franco to undortnko tho obligations partment at Wsnhtngton, D. C, for a which, by common decision of tho al- year past, Is oxpectcd homo today on lies, havo been placed upon British a visit. soldiers." : :o: : A. M. Blumo, district organizer for for tho American Federation of Labor wont to Omaha last evening on busl- noss connected with his official posi tion. You can now buy Put Them to Work, Ono of jlho. subsidiary questions which will bo settled by the armis tice commission Is the decision of the French government to uso tho prison ers of war at present hold iu Franco 25-00 scrB or silk dress you and which are being well cared for in ,mr01 at "LOOK b vast numberB, for the rebuilding of tho devastated sections of northern Horshoy, wero visitors in town last France. evening. Mrs. Thompson brought for $14.98 Hint ad- sen. Ho found that a cortain main val vo -was out of position, nnd by turn ing It into proper iposltion found tho plant worked Uko a charm. Tho Jani tor Is waiting for twonty bolow zoro wonthor to domonstrnto how easily tho building can bo heated now that ho has discovered and cured tho dofoct that baffled, tho oxports. : :o: : Senator W. V. Iloaglnnd arrived from Lincoln this morning having boon Mr. and Mrs. Shnrploy Thompson, of caU0d ,lomo t0 l0k nftr bUB,nc93 manors. For Rent Furnished houso. Six The Paris war office has announced down tho work quota of tho Rod Cross rooms. Modorn except heat. Closo In. that this 'plan 'will be put Into effect branch which tho ladies at tho work Seo Bratt, Goodman & Buckley- CRYSTAL THEATRE.. Saturday-Matinee and Evening. "THE RECKONING DAY" with BELLE BENNETT The Smiling Bill Parson's comedy, "Bill's Opportunity'' and that the German prisoners will be hold until every stone which has been torn down is replaced and every Inch of French soil has again becomo tillable The prisoners will bo piut out to labor upon tho ruins each day, and It is estimated that two hundred thou sand prisonors will bo laboring by May first. ::o:: "When," says King Albert of Bel gium, "this young man and others like him (Indicating tho Americans) have brought back tho fires to the cold hearths of my people, Joy to the hearts of tho women, and smiles to tho lips of the children; when every vcstlgo and every token of tho torriblo Hun has disappeared from my country, then and not until then, will I come ii ! back to you." This is Just one of the i thrilling Incidents that make "Till I Come Back to You." showing nt tho Keith Monday and Tuesday ono of the greatest stories of tho war. Among tho soldiers passing through ho early part of this week was Geo. Ccates, a former resident. Ho had seen overseas duty and was returning to San Francisco to be demobilized. For Sale A well established anil paying medlcino route, car and samp le outfit included. Phono 7G0F5, or nddress R. II. STECK, North Platto. 2-5 room pronounced "beautifully done." our opportunity to savo monoy money Friday and Saturday nt tho ItBXALL STORE. For Sale A dozen hoad of pigs wolghlng 150 pounds each. Jool San berg, Routo B, North Platto. 104-2 in this country but ten months. About forty Japanese friends of Mr. Kumo gln attended tho service Tho cremnt- od remains of Mrs. Kumogln wero carried forward by Mr- Carroll in a small coppor urn placed on tho com munion tablo. Many beautiful flowora rcofotl over tho urn. Members of the choir sang. Mr. Kumogln will return to Japan In a fow months to taka tho remains of his wlfo to her uatlvo land. Tills waB her last request. Ho la an omployeo of tho U. P. An interesting Teachers' Training Clnss started Wodnosdny ovonlng at 8:1C Immediately following prnyor mooting- About twenty wero proson? and a flno enthusiasm Is being shown for this Important work." Boys and girls gymnasium classes etarted Wodncsday. Tho girls mot nt 5:30 and tho boys nt G:30.Thoso clas ses are open to boys and girls of olthor tho Sunday school or Junior Loaguo. Yostortlay nftornoon tho ladtes aid mot In tho church parlors and follow ed tholr mooting with a good church suppor sorvtng about 200. Tho Mon'H Brothorhootl mot at olght o'clock in honor of th pastor. This was tliolr first mooting of tho year. This ovonlng nt eight tho Epworth Loaguo will hold tholr regular month ly social and plan for a flno time. :;o: : BLOCK'S ontlro stock of furs 1b holng sold nt one-third off regular 'prices. Every set or picco sold Is fully guarantood by Block as woll as tho maker. Dr. Morrill, DontfiBt. Office over Wilcox I'opartmont Storo. An. S. O. S. call was sent out from tho A. C- Burton homo In tho Fourth ward to tho sheriffs office Wednesday for help. The man of the houso was n't brandishing .aiax . .and ,-a. gunv and Vr n r n linlt rn ( n't ti t-r Mitmnfct n Jn 1 1 1 r I 1 J. WARREN KERRIGAN in ONE DOLLAR BID1 if ft ft. A story of the Kentucky mountains, adapted from thefamous novel loby anayr ,.- ft The-Funniest Man oa Earth in . , PLAYMATES" BILLY WEST Sheriff Sutton divosted Burton of his ft weapons of warfaro jnd advised him to bo good. H Wool and silk sweaters aro bolng ft sold at a discount of twenty per cent JQinee at liLiUuiv a. m .4 John Baker, who went to Camp Jj TfnnHtnn In flm OnnrtorinnstnrH dn. partment and in ordor to seo overse.13 sorvico asked nnd wag transferred to J-JWMMMaWKKKMKWKWKKKKMKMWWW 2:30 The Sun, SATURDAY. J tho Field Artillery, Is now In Kyll- ft burg, Gormnny. After being over two ft ... 11 j , 0,i . .1 IX? iiioiuiis ai 1110 iront, ami louownig 1110 signing of tho annistico ho was trans- forrcd to tho Statistical Division of ft 1 1 tt .1 -. 1 n . j 1. . nn... ft 1110 iieatKiuariurs lumpiiuy 01 1110 oyin Division. AT THE SUN :o: LABOR M-) AD tilt I'HtiDICTS RRtiAD LIXKS Rtil ORK 31 AY 1ST. E X X Pantry Special Friday and Saturday. Liggette's Estate COCOA Made from the finest Cocoa bean3 by a process that re tains all the palatable and healthful properties, Regular Price This Sale 25c ' 19c Liggctt's Opeko TEA Green or Black These Teas are composed of the finest pickings the world produces. Regular Price This Sale 60c 35c Liggette's Estate COFFEE. This is a brand of the highest grade mild coffees. Usually sold in fancy packages at 45 and 50c per pound. We sell it regularly for 4uc per pound, but are offering at 29c per Lb. Do not overlook an opportunity like-this to reduce your household expenses CRYSTAL MONDAY. Wm. Desmond In another of those western plays "Duce Duncan" Washington, Jan. 10 "When tho men in the army aro demobilized," PRISCALLA DEAN in "She Hired a Husband" A story that will surprise and interest you and a two reel up to the minute comedy: "A KAISER THERE WAS." ft ft ft ft :.t ft ft ft ft :.t ft ft ft ft :.t ft ' it ft said Frank Morrison, secretary of tho ...... H American Federation of Labor, today boforo tho houso Immigration com mittee, "wo aro going to havo bread lines in ovory industrial center by May 1. After that date It Is hoped that building will pick up nnd lako somo of tho men." Survoys of Industrial conditions in many cities showing unemployment wero presented by Mr. Morrison urg ing legislation prohibiting Immigra tion for four yenrs. Labor loaders, ho said, made tho survey Tuesday at his request. It is the practice of tho Bell System to distribute in wages to its employees their full proportion of tho revenue it is allowed to collect, Any increaso in revenues it may be necessary for this company to obtain for the maintenance of good service and to provide for future development will bo shared in by our employees. Outfitter to Good Dressers. For a .Short Time Only FREE an extra pair of TROUSERS With Every "Made to Measure" Suit Selected from the SHAYNE-BRUN Line Pure Wool Fabrics This line needs no introduction to the GOOD DRESSERS of North Platte, which you will find tailored to your entire satisfaction. HARRY SAMUELSON, The Stero The Suit Man if