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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1919)
t Movtik TIIIRTY-FIFTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, E... JANUARY 21, 1919. No. 3 New Auto Tiro Shop. P. B. Stovonson, formorly of Ster- SOLDIEIIS WELCOME AKCH WILL HE liEMCATEI) THIS EVENING. Tho homo coming welcomo nrch orcctod undor tho aurplcos of tho Lin coln county chapter of tho Red Cross, was orecteu yesterday and will bo formally dedicated tit eight o'clock , Regular mooting of tho G. I. A. Prl- thls evening. ; day afternoon at 2:30. Installation of Tho ceremonies connected with tho officers. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Jacob "Webber went to Chicago yr torday to bring homo lits aged father. Soo us for Service. It pays. ItEX ALL DRUG STORE. TRAMP lHtOTHEltS WILL lllV DIEiNEll SHOE STOOlf. dedication will bo as follows: Band, drum corps, Red Cross, Sam my Girls, Ijornior niombors of Uio Homo Guards, high school cadets, re turned soldiers and sailors and cltl Eons generally will assemblo at tho court houso square and headed by the G. A. R. with J, E. Evans as color bearor will inarch north on Dowoy to tho arch. Tho program will dpon with music by tho band and drum corps, Tho Twentieth Century Club will moot this afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Chas. Edwards. Adam Christ, who had been homo on a furlough, roturned yesterday to Camp Dodge. Ho expectg to bo dis charged in tho near future. Tho Women's Homo Missionary socloty of the Methodist ch,urch will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. and Intorspersod with selections by a ' A. McMlchaol, 209 south Vine street iiuartotto. Short addresses will bo de livered by Rev. Franklin Koch and J. T. Koofe. I Sergt Al. G. Snodoker, who had bocn In service at Camp Molgs, Wash- Intrtnn. T). fl minnt tills mnrnlnir In Tho arch has been erected at the , tQwn wWIo onnmto homo Uo w,n re. turn tho latter part of tho week and accept employment with Tho Tribune north end of Dewey street and we bo llovo tho public will agree with us that C. O Hupfer, who designed it, Is entitled to credit for its attractive- Ezra Dowhower returned homo Sat- I noss, especially when electrically , ruay rrom a uirco monuis aurvo lighted. Whllo tho arch contains the 1" France. Tho unit to which ho be namcs of 871 Lincoln county boys who ! lonGcl had been ordered to the front, entered tho service, it ip probable j Uut three days before they reached that tho list is not altogether com- j tllc nelt tn armistice was signed, ploto, and those who find omissions Senator Hoagland, who had been will confer a favor by reporting them homo on a visit, returned to Lincoln to Mr. Hupfer and tho omitted names last night. Tho Senator will prob will bo added. i ably introduco a bill prescriblngva It is hoped that the dedication of greater penalty for bootlegging in the tho arch will bo considered of such Importance as to attract the atten dance of a largo number of our people. ::o:: Only 9 days loft of THE STORE- Wido January Clearanco Salo of Tho LEADER MERCANTILE CO. Its a real salo on every item in The Big Store. Every body seems to bo attend-; ing the Big Money Saving Event ,n tal faHen Evorybody made happy who attend; THE STORE WIDE SALEat THE LEADER MER. CO. Bargains greater way of InVprisonmont for six or more months. . Soo us for Service. It pays. REX- ALL DRUG STORE. Ten patients aro now receiving treatment at tho detention hospital, sovoral'of whom aro in such condition as to need constant nursing. At no tlmo since Christmaa has tho number Tho Dlenor shoo stock Is being In voiced this week preparatory to pur chaso by Horbort and Arthur Tramp, who will tako possession as booh as tho Inventory la completed. This move follows an Ineffectual nttompt of E. T. Tramp & Sons to secure larger quar ters and to include with their dry goods nnd ready-to-wear garmcnts a full lino of shoos. This failuro result ed in a proposition to purchaso tho Dionor stock. Tho Messrs. Tramp aro ontorprising young business men, and In tho pur chaso of tho Dienor storo tlioy tako over a business that haa long been established and which has a splendid patronage : :o: : ' Successful Hog Snle. Frank Strollborg and F. O. Johnson held a successful salo of registered Duroc Jersey brood sows at tho North Side llvory barn yesterday nftornooiv Stxty-ono head were offered, all of which wero sold, tho larger animals bringing as high as 250.00 each. Buyors wore present from Iloldrege, CITY AlfD COUNTY NEWS. Curtain Scrims nt half prico ad long as thoy last, E. T. TRAMP & SONS. A real clean up salo on Cotton a now smpmoni oi spring urossw ,lnKi mo.. has Coasted tlic Rltnor Just arrived. E- T. TRAMP & SONS i)Uu,ung at 107 west Gth street and Bats, bats soiling at 5 cents, 25 cents, I. A. Gilbert mid family 'voro oall- has oponod up an auto tiro repair and 30 contsuind 88 conts for tho larger ed to Cozad yesterday by tho death of retreading shop; also will carry a fbats. Do not fnil to soo them. E. T. Mrs. GllborfB brothor, who died from large stock of now tires, both fabrics TRAMP & SONS. and cords, and tubes. Mr. Stovonaon has had sovon years cxporlonco In ropnlrliig tiros, also has ono of tho most modoru equipments- ::o:: an attack of tho flu. Tliolina, soventeon months old daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Eddy, living at G03 wost Eighth stroot dlod Sunday .Tho funeral will bo hold at tho rosldenco tills afternoon at 2:30, Rov. Hull to conduct tho sorvlco. Wo still continue our salo on Cotton , tains. Tho North Platto Top &. Cus- n.i Wo mako curtains comploto for -any : mako of car; also slip covers, hood covors, radiator covors and storm cur- Bats and Curtain scrims. Do not disregard this opportunity. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mls8 Wynn Sullivan, of Brday, will tench In tha Washington building, having boon elected to succeed Miss Callan, who resigned and loft town. Mlss Besslo Smith has accepted a posi tion in tho Jefferson school, lncroasod att,cn(fanco .making an. addftlonul teacher nocossary. Cocoa Butter Cold Cream appllod dally fully protects tho faco from ex posure to winter winds. Special this Minden and other points outsido tho wook nt 38c. Regular GOc. REXALL STORE. and moro of them every day as the sale draws to a close. low six. Mother Kroh's Baby Coiugh Syrup. Contains no harmful drugs. REXALL DRUG STORE. A Precisely the kind of a car you 'would expect Dodge Brothers to build. Practical, substantial, of goodggap pearance and ample capacity for .90 percent of your loads. Attention, Farmers. Here is the car that will do more oi your hauling and also take the place of your passenger car, on an economical basis. The gasoline consumption is unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high. J. V. ROMIGH, DEALER. 6th and Locust Phone 844 county. Tho animals offered by Messrs. 1 Strollborg and Johnson wero conced ed to bo by far the best draft of brood sows horotororo offered for salo in North Platte. : :o: : Williams Furnishes Cash Bond. O. S. W'llllams, tho colored portor on train No. 20 who was arrested at Lexington last week, iflned $200 for bootlegging, which he paid and was then turned over to tho federal authorities on tho charge of carrying liquor from a wot Btato to a dry state was arraigned heforo U. S. Commis sioner Woodhurst Saturday and 'plac ed undor $1,000 bonds for his appear ance in tho federal court. Ho sur prised tho judge and tho marshal by producing the ono thousand dollars and putting It up as surety. Ho was rolcased from custody and loft for his homp In Omaha' Thursday and Friday ovonlng8 of this week tha local lodge of Odd Fol lows will havo as their guest, A. P. Hanson, grand pariarch of tho En campment branch of tho ordor. Thoro will bo degroo work both Thursday and Friday evenings followed by a banquet Friday ovenlng at tho closo of tho degrco work. All local and visiting brothors nrs requested to bo prosont. : :o: : For Sale A fine quarter section well inprov ed, six miles southwest of Suther land. Priced right nnd terms. Thirty acres o wheat goes with placo. Pos session will bo given March 1st, 1919 W. V. GATES, 117 So. Willow St., North Platto. ,- ::o:: After ZeInlshun,, Monoy. E- L. Garrison, who had boon visit ing relatives In the south part of tho county, loft this morning for Oregon. Loren Hastings returned this morn ing from a .brief visit in Omaha. Lot us savo you monoy on your dolly wanta, our enttro stock of dry goods on salo. Now Is tho opportunity to savo money. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. It is probablo that tho Canteen will bo authorized to send out with wound ed soldlors passing through an escort of two or moro members- Thoso es corts would' rondor to wounded sol diers such nsslstanco as necessary whljo enrouto from, th'l8 o.tty to Choycnno. Tho plan has been tried out In tho cast nnd is said to. work very successfully. If you aro going to havo your Auto Top recovered boo tho North Platto Top and Qushion Company at Sixth and LociiBt streets. Tho local tolophono oxchango has orders for about ono hundred now phones which, owing to government restrictions on now work, cannot bo Installed. Tho equipment at tho now Palaco hotol also calls for eighty room phonos and tho McCabo Hotel needs flftoon or moro room phones. All this work is hold off until tho fed oral restrictions aro romoved- Your favorito Magazlno at tho REX ALL STORE. :q::- t Membors of tho Travol and Study, Club wero tho . guests of Mrs. M. E. Crosby last evening- J. G. Beelor left this morning for Lincoln whoro ho will transact legal business for a day or two. Tako tho sido curtains for your car to Tho North Platto Top & Cushion Company, Sixth and Locust Streets. Its tho best chance over offered to mon and boys to buy best suits, Over coats or macklnaw coats at a saving of 20 to 50 per cent on any garment you select at tho LEADER MER. CO. A miscellaneous shower wa8 given Saturday night for Mrs. William Hoy selrf who boljoro !her marriage was Miss Alice McCurg. Splendid refresh ments woro served by tho hostess to tho seventeen who wero 'presont All kinds of games and dancing wero in dulged in by tho guests. J jjTrnllcd by his vclfo" nncUtl children, "Jtfrngitri? from Rtoutcorrifiel(I hnnds to bow-legged toddlers, nn old' dnrky made his wny from office to ofllcc In the fodornl building nt Ashevllle, N. C. seeking his "zt'inpshun." Finally reaching tho city exemption board, he said: "Boss. I done come for -my zompshun money." Tho clerk did not understand him. "You menu your pension money, don't you?" quer ied the clerk. Tho old mnn shook his head. "No, sir. boss; I menu do $2,000 do gubinent 'lows mnrrled folks.' Further Inquiry disclosed tltnt tho old man hud hennl some one say tho government allowed tho head of a fam ily !?2,000 exemption under tho Income tax law. and he understood this to menu that tho government would pay h!m !?2,p0O, He accepted tho news that there was no! hiim' coming to him phllosoph Icnlly. ".Tost like nttor tuther wnh," ho re marked. "Dey say den us riarklc.i swine ler to git a mnio apiece nnu i we ain't neblier got none .... To-Night BARBARA CASTLET0N and IRV ING CUMMINGS in ' THE HEART OF A GIRL.' You'll Did you ever see n big political convention in full blast? see one going full tilt when you see this remark able picture. The climax of this production oc curs in a political convention and this scene is one of the most massive ever shown, and' LYONS nnrl MrtRAN in tlioir latoot r-nmpiv "Mnul Wnntpd" nt th it J " " SUN i.t t.t a :.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t :.: u Norma Tnlmage in 'THE SECRET OF THE STORM COUNTRY" An intense story hinging oh the feud between squatter and land owner. (CRYSTAL THEATRE TO-NIGHT & TOMORROW MABLE NORMAND -AND- HERBERT RAWLINSON -IN- I 'Back to the Woods' An adventure in an elevator that led to a romance in the mountains. KEITH THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday I IN "WOMEN'S WEAPONS" How a vampire lost out against a regular cook. She matched her nt cooking and housework right in front of the misled hus band. Talk about a victoiy, the wedding ring certainly came out on top. Crystal Theatre Wednesday and Thursday NEW -Ford C ars The public cannot bo efficiently served by a tele phone company whose incomo is insufficient to pay' its employees good wages, provide properly for tho maintenance of its property, replace obsolete or worn-out equipment and pay its investors a reason able return on their money such as they would ex pect to earn if it were invested in other business in volving equal risk. 4T . 4 1 Are comimg thru but not sufficient to fill all orders. We are allowed a small portion of each week's output. Your early signed order will help an early purchase. See us al once. PRICES AT NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Ford Touring - - $665.60 Ford Roadster - - 559.96 Ford Coupelet - - 713.78 Ford Sedan - - - 841.97 Ford one Ton Truck, 1- $611.25 Fordson Tractor, - - $936.00 Oliver Plow, two bottom, $150.00 Farm Machinery Prices on application. Hendy-Ogier Auto Company, Ford Authorized Sales and Service. East Fourth Stret. J. L. SOUDER, Sales Manager