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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1918)
r THC RPMI W r TK LV TRIUUNF. NORTH PLATTf, NEBRASKA. Announcement: To help meet the needs of the government, Wrigley's has discontinued the use of tin foil as a wrapping Hereafter all three WRIGLEY flavors will be sealed in air-tight, pink-end packages. So look for WRIGLEY5 in the pink sealed wrapper and take your choice of fla vor. Three lands to suit all tastes. Be SURE you get The Flavor Fame. Little Dick came nomo with quite an nlr of Importance the first evonhiB of tils existence In the new town to which his parents hud moved. "The hoys In this town must have heard all about me before we came here." he boasted. "But, Dick," said his mother, "there's do one In this town that knew us." "That don't make any difference," the hoy persisted. " 'Cause when I came down the street this morning a whole bunch of boys yelled, 'Hello, Sorrel-top T Just the way they used to do at home.'" Harper's. Important to flothom Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It BlgnTture'off6" In Use for Over HO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Why They Are Cheerful. Those aviators all seem to be cheer ful fellows." "Why shouldn't they he? Don't they I1 huve a chance to see the clouds' liver linings?" Before the outhreak of the war there wero 82,000 German waiters In London, nnd 12.000 In Tnrls. Stop Losing Calves You can Stamp Abortion Out of YOUR HERD nnd Keep It Gilt 11 the use of Dl. DAVID ROBERTO "Anti-Abortion" Small Kxpenso Enslly Applied. Sure Results. Used cuccescfully for JU years. Consult Dn. DAVID KOPKRTa about all anlinul nlluirtitN. In foruiotlou tree. Send for T Rll eopy of "The Cattle Specially" wllli full Infor mation on Ahornon in l.ow. DR. DAVID ROBERTS VETEHINAHY CO.. 100 GrtnJ Ave.. Waukfha. Wise. Nebraska Directory THE PAXTON MOTEL Omaha, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Booms from tl.OO up single, 76 cents v:p dunbie. CAFE PIUQIiS KEASONAIJLE Omaha Auto Tinners Expert Radiator Repairers n . n - . i'' . A L . W.L v M- J PromPl attention to VVt' out of town shipments. Turkeys, Geese, Capons, Ducks, Rabbits, Etc. Vanted Wo pa; highest c&hIi price. No cL-mmUslon. PERRY Si CO., 413 S. 11th Street. Omaha, Neb. Hrferencei Merchant' National ll irlr Umabu or aur Xxprt to BEST BUYERS"5ELLfcRS cattic hocsheep STOCK YARDS-OMAHAi n forlE SEALED TIGITT KEPT RIGHT WRIGLEY'S Lasts! Pa's Predicament. Jimmle Say, pa, I thought you told me a person has only live senses. Pa So I did, son; what of It? Jimmle Why, teucher told us that some people have six. l'a Of course, but one of 'em Is the war tax. Lives 200 Years! For more thnn 200 year. Haarlem Oil, the famous national remedy of Holland, has been recognized an an infallible relief from all forms of kidney and bladder dis orders. Its very ape is proof that it must have unusual merit. If you are troubled with pains or aclics in the back, feel tired in the morn inn, headaches, indiaontioii. insomnia, nainfiil , or too frequent palace of urine, irritation i or stone in the bladder,' you will almost certainly find relief in GOM) MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule. This is the good old remedy thct bus stood the test for hundreds of years, prepared in the proper quantity nnd convenient form to take. It is impoitcd direct from Holland lab oratories, nnd you can get it at any drug store. It is a standard, old-time home remedy nnd needs no introduction. Knch capsule contains one. dose of five drops nnd is pleasant nnd easy to take. They will quickly relieve thoo stiffened ioints. that backache, rheumatism, him- I bngo, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brick dut," etc. Your money promptly refund ed if they do not relieve ou. Hut be sure to get the genuino OOLD MEDAL brand. In hoses, three sizes. Adv. ark. "Don't you know I tol' yo' not to po xwlmuiln' wld no white trash ehlllun, i'h?" sternly asked Samho .Tohnslnn. "Hut be wn'n't white before he went In." replied Sambo's small sun. Hoys' Life. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL, API'UCATIONS, ns they cannot roach the sent of the dlEenne. Catarrh la a local disease, greatly inltu enceJ by constitutional condition. HALL'S I'ATAItrtH MEDICINE will cure pntnrrh. I It Is taken Intel nally nncl nets throiigli ".r.e moon on tne AiurotiM mtrjares or th System. HALL'S L'ATAliKII MKDICI.ME 's computed of some of the best tonics known, combined with Homo of the best blond purifiers. The norf.-ct combination of the lneredlentB In HALL'S CATARKII derfnl results In catarrhal con'lltlona. DniKRlsts 75c. IV stlmonlalg froe F. J. Chney Co., I'rnps Toledo, O. Moncy-Mlnded. "Well, I've got a commission." "Good ! How much per cent?" Bos ton Transcript. Have a Clear 8kln. Make Cutlcura Soap your every-dny I toilet soap und assist It now and then by touches of Cutleura Ointment to soften, soothe and heal. For fro samples address "Cutlcura. Dept. X, Boston." At drtiKKlsts and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv. The cotton states are South Carolina, Georgia. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana. Oklahoma and Texas. Vn.BM Granulated Eyelids, M QJlaM E'el inflamed by expo. lure to ann, uusi an rtinu Eyes?; uickly relieved by Murine jeReraedy. NoSmartimr. lust Eye Comfort. At Your Drugristi or by mail 60c per Bottle. For nook el the Eye free write m: Murlno fcyo Remedy Co., Clilcooo. 2 STRONG AND VIGOROUS CALF Demand for Desirable Young Stock Justifies Expense In Rearing Dairy Youngsters. (Prepared by the United States Deport ment of (Agriculture.) The herd of the next few years Is composed of the calves of today, and It Is therefore very Important that tliej lie stro:iK anil vlKorous. If tho cowt have heen properly cared for before calving, tho calves are j?enerally strong when born. Afterward tho vigor ol the calves depends upon the cure they receive. The three essentials for successful calf raising are (Jeatillness, care and regularity. Failure to follow any one of theso results In sick or unthrlftj calves. If well eared for, each should gain at least a pound n day. -In fact wldit In one of the best guides ol proper care; no gain indicates thai rjoinothtng Is wrong. Most calves at present are raised l hand; that Is, they are allowed tc nurse only a few times and are ther fed from palls. The common plan Cleanliness, Care and Regularity Art the A, B and C of Profitable Calf Raising. to allow the calves to nurse once and thus obtalii the llrst, or colostrum milk, after which they are fed from palls. If the calves are weaned early they nre more easily taught to drink and tho cows forget them sooner. Weaning is a critical time, but if the calves are handled properly at that time there will usually lie no trouble That Is the time to pay particular at tetitlon to cleanliness, care and regu larity. All palls must be scrupulously clean, and the pens kept clean and plenty of bedding supplied. Damp quarters or dirty palls will surely cause tilckness. Once stunted by sickness the chives make slow growth and require more feed for the same gains In weight. Young calves require fresh, clean and warm milk not In large quanti ties but always u little less than tho appetite demands. At first, four to llvo pounds of milk is sulllclent for one feed when given twice daily. When fed In this way the feeds should be as nearly as possible 12 hours apart. If It ,can be arranged, tho calves should be fed three times a day for the llrst week and tho quantity at u feed thus correspondingly reduced. ltoguhirity must uot. be forgotten, for It Is essential in calf raising. Regular feeding and a uniform quantity pre vent much trouble. Never try to guess at tho quantity of milk; weigh It! Don't estimate the temperature of tho milk; use u thermometer I The finger Is not sensitive enough to gauge tho temperature of tho milk when It is be tween 70 degrees and 00 degrees F. Tho first is too cold, the latter Is right. Tho quality of milk Is Increased gradually so that at two weeks of ao the calves are getting dally 14 to 10 pounds apiece. At that age, if tho calves aro vigorous, skim milk may bo substituted for whole milk. Make tho change gradually, substituting a pound at a time. Usually the change takes a week or ten days, depending on lite condition of tho calves. At the sunns age. offer them a lltlo clean dry grain, such as bran; bright, clean hay al-o should be placed conveniently. If sMin milk is plentiful, feed up to 20 pounds a day to each calf and continue for several months. When It Is scarce, calves may usually bo weaned at about six weeks and put on dry feed. The care during the llrst few weeks Is very Important If healthy calves are to bo raised. Clcianllness, care ami regularity (n feeding return good profits In strong, vigorous calves. INCREASE MiLK PRODUCTION Much Depends on Selection, Breeding and Management Eliminate Unprofitable Cows. (Prcpurod by the United States Dopart ment of Aurlculturo.) How to obtain large production most economically Is the great problem of every dairyman. Economical produc tion depends primarily on selection, breeding, and feeding, euro nnd man agement. It requires that all unproill nblo cows be eliminated, that tho re mainder be bred to first-class bulls, and that each cow In the herd he fed a properly balanced ration according to production. It also requires the in-v";--'ut feeding, care and management t taht'3 and young stock. d mas F FALL OUT A small bottle of "Danderino" keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful. Girls! Try this! Doubles beauty of your hair in a few moments. Within ten minutes after nn nppll cation of Danderlne you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, lino and downy at first yes but really new hair growing nil over tho scalp. A little Danderino Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Dan derlne nnd carefully draw It through your hair, tnklng one small strand nt a time. The elTcct is nmazing your hnlr will bo light, fluffy and wavy, nnd havo an appearance of abundance; an In comparable lustre, softness and luxu riance. v Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne for n few cents at any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you urely can havo beautiful hair nnd lots of It If you will Just try a Ilttlo Dau derine. Adv. Cause for Sadness. The Thrift Stamp Why so Jealous7 The Rubber Stamp I'll never grow Into n War Stamp. EAT A TABLET! DYSPEPSIA GONE PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN INSTANTLY RELIEVES SOUR, GASSY OR ACID STOMACHS. When meals hit back and your stom ach is sour, acid, gassy, or you feel full and bloated. When you have heavy lumps of pain or headache from Indi gestion. LI ore Is Instant relief 1 Just its soon ns you eat a tablet or two of Pope's Dlapi.pslii all the dys pepsia, Indigestion and stomach dis tress ends. These pleasant, htrinless tablets of Papc's Dlapepsln never fall to make upset stomachs feel fine at once, and they cost very little nt drug stores. Adv. Statistics sLmiw a marked decrease of pauperism In Ireland. ASTHMA INSTANTLY RELIEVED WITH OR HONEY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUGGIST VAN ARNAM DRESS PLEATING At BUTTON CO. 336-7 Paxton DIocU, Oiitha, N.'o. Ac-ordiuii, knife, Hide, Hpnrc, box, Huiitmrnt and combination pli-r,f Inir linnxtlU'liliiL', iilcot vuVlnir lluklnf?,rucl)l!K,covtrl!iK button, iiU lylc aud mztt.1. Price List free. BilBnMnnMmnHMiiBHiMnui MAKES 1 .a Yoas Are Dyisig By Acid When you have Heartburn, Gas, Bloat, and that Full Feeling after eating. TAKE ONE KFOR Rids you of the Excess Acid and Overlond and you will fairly feel the GAS driven out of your body THE BLOAT GOES WITH IT. IT GIVES YOU REAL STOMACH COMFORT Bold by dnuttrlHta pfnernlly-It your drti?irlnt can't mippljr yon n Mir box of Untonlo for Wo, semi uh this k1t with ymir nnmn nm aildn-NH nnd we will send It to you you can send uh the Wo after you pet It. Addri- i l.atoiilo llemcdy Co., 10IH B, Wabash Ave,, ChlcfcRO, 111. LOOK AT CHILD'S iONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH HURRY, MOTHERl REMOVE POL SONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. GIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIQS AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED. Look at tho tongue, mother I If coated, It Is a sure sign that your lit tle one's stomach, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu rally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, soro throat, dlarrluua, full of cold, give a tcaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all tho foul, constipated waste, undigested food nnd sour bile gently moves out of tho ilttlo bowels without griping, nnd you have u well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxatlvo;" they love Its delicious taste, aud It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for n bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages nnd for grown-ups plainly on tho bottle. Bewaro of counterfeits sold here. To be suro you get the genuino, ask to see that it Is made by tho "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." Rcfuso any other kind with contempt. Adv. "After.the-War" Dressing. Discussion of the "after-t he-war pe riod" Is becoming more general, some believing that It Is too early to predict which effect victory will havo on women nnd their motlo of living. Ono contender predicts that the most elab orate things will be made and women should wear them ns an expression of victory. Banquets aud receptions In honor of foreign visitors and our re turning men will demand such clothes, and It Is really up to the women to heal their heartaches as best they can and lift tho spirit of the country. The lOngllsh women havo been doing this for some time; they havo avoided mourning and arc creating as gay a note as possible In London. Women's Wear. Tooth Brushes. Tho generation of American moth ers that havo trained their boys to care for their teeth as (he people of no other country do would glow with pride If they could trek up In tho wake of our army In action ami see tho whole rear area dotted at sunrise with Yankee soldiers just out of bat tle, and every man brushing his teeth Often most of his possessions havo been Jettisoned In tho rush of the ad vance. And now abltleth theso three, tho rllle, the shovel and the toothbrush. And tho greatest of these. Old-Clothes "Clinics" the Fashion. To be .up lo date these days your community should have an old-clothes clinic, the department of agriculture suggests. Not tlm amount .you 'spend on clothes but the amount you save Is the criterion by which you are Judged In this year of war. The home demonstration agents usually hold the clinics, and old garments are brought, ripped ami made over by the women under their direction. This wool-conserving campaign In Iowa Is particu larly strong. Sun Bean for Him. Mother was having home Sunday school services. A song suitable for the kindergarten worshiper was se lected. Spying Uncle Harry driving up, the other children at once "cut serv ices," but Nancy Jane continued her wavering solo, "Sun bean, sun bean, Jesus wants me for a sun bean. 111 he a sun bean for him." Unchecked. "How did Teller get his cold?" "All the drafts lit the hank go through his cage." Hoston Kvcnlng Transcript. YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE) SPANISH INFLUtM Do Not Fear When Fightinf a German or a Germ! By Dlt. M. COOK. The cool fighter always wins and m there Is no need to become panto stricken. Avoid fear nnd crowds. Bx crclso in the fresh nlr nnd prnctlco th three C's: A Clean Mouth, a Clean Skin and Clean Bowels. To carry oft tho poisons that uccutuulato within th body and to ward off nn attack of thm Influenza bacillus, take n good liver regulator to move the bowels. Such ono Is mndo up of Mny-apple, leaves ol aloe, root of Jalap, and Is to bo had at any drug store, and called "Pleasant PurgnMvo Pellets." If a bad cold develops, go to bed, wrap up well, drink freely of hot lemonad and tako n hot mustard fool-bath. Have thu bedroom wnrm but well ven tilated. Obtain at the nearest drua store "Anurlc Tablets" to flush tha kidneys and control the palna nnd aches. Take an "Anurlc" tnbli.evory two hours, together with copious drinks of lemonade. If a truo case of Influ enza, the fond should he simple, such as broths, milk, buttermilk nnd Ice-crcum but It Is Important that food be given regularly In order to keep up putlcnt'a strength and vitality. After the acuta attack has passed, which Is generally, from three to seven days, the system should be built up by the uso of a good Iron tonic, such ns "Irontlc" tablets, to be obtained at some drug stores, or that well known blood-maker nnd herbal tonic made from roots nud barks of forest trees sold everywhere asDr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The Prof. "Tush 1" said Duhbs contemptuously, "A woman never knows what shs wants 1" "That's truo enough," said Mrs. Duhbs. "I wanted you once, but if I'd known you " The pause then ensued was so chilly that the mercury In the thermometer on the wall broke through the glass and fell to tho oor with a dull, sicken ing splash. WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS. Uvory woman takoB groat prldo In having her homo well kopt, In having tho family wash dono early in ths wook. Good bluing Is needed ovon moro than good soap. Bo auro to uia Rod Cross Ball Bluo. Adv. The Reason. "Jinks bus so much poor health." "That Is because ho eats so much rich food." Of London's Inhabitants, .150 In 1,000 aro country born. Hard Work Alone Never Kills Hard work novor killed anybody. But hard work, with lrrok'ulur Iioiiib nnd noKU'ct of rest does wenkun tho kldnoya nnd lteepn ono tired, miserable nnd half nlc)t. it your buck uches If you have hcnilncliea, dizziness and urinary disorders don't wtiltl Help tho weakened kidneys before dropsy, Krnvol or Hrlftbt's dlseimo uttneks you. Uso Dotin'H Klilnoy IMlls. Thoy have helped thousands and aro usod the world over. A Nebraska Case Neb., BayB: "1 had kidney nud blmlilor trouble nnd It caused mo a (Trent deal of misery. My whole system seemed to bo affected. My atten tion was called to Donn's Kidney Pills iind I used them. Thoy strcnKtboned anil loned up my kld noyfl, reKiiliiloil tbolr netlon nnd acted ns n klilnoy tnnlo. male Ing mo feel bolter In every way." Gat Doan' it Any Store, COc a. Bos DOAN'S "vasy FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. RflHQ and iirlQ w .SUUUJUIIUUlliJi rwmcuticuraN I Urnnltlt; 5-np, Ointmnit. Tilctin Z.St, tub. Get the Genuine and Avoid Waste Tuberculosis, Aslhma.Catarrn Bronchiuj Hnrrnrcr ttiir la hope tot jon. Hriu utsri-zom to., mu ir, lack, tout eft, h W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 48-19ia .ft. X.NA til Vl' I Mj&LrtfJv?" o n o my Crfjn Every Cake f