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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1918)
gcntKfflcclvlu Srilnmc 1 1! A I. HAKE, Editor unit I'libllihor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Yciir by Mull, In iidTimce. Ono Your by Carrier, In iiiIviiiilt, $2.00 Entered at tha Nortli Plutte, Nbrsika Potofflc as Second Class .Matter. Ti;i:snAv. iiixf.mhkk 10, i r i s . WORK fiOIXU rOKWMtl) AT Siri'HKKLAMI 1'OTASH FLAM1. Mr. Wallace 13. Portar, Managing Trustee of the Republic Choinlosl Works, wbh in town Hunday and lft almost Immediately for Denver with Chlof Engineer McCaluuui to oxrcutu contractu which havo been pending; for Hcvural weekH on tho furnlBhki; of boilora and other equipment for the plant. Tito company now plana to spend considerable moro than $500,000 an Its Initial Investment in ilo plant west of Sutherland and to holp Mr. Por tor carry tho responsibility tho Stock Holdora havo olectcd.a Board of Trus tooe, tho porsonnoi of which makes tho futuro of this concern an assured huccohh. Mr. M. B. Cottroll of Chica go, a dlroctor of tho Droxol Stato Bonk of that city and president of tho Stato Saving Hank of Logan, Iowa. Ih Treasurer; Mr. W. II. Thompson; of Grand Island Is Counsel; W. H.J Guild. Assistant Gonoral Manager of. tho Union Pacific Hallway, and Ed. K. I Wlso. vice-prosldeiit of Wllko-Mitchcll Co., Omaha, and president of tho Ko tnll Grocors Assn. of Nebraska aro TratstooH. Last wook Engineer McCalman inado a trip to tho lakos out north and loft Engineer (leorgo M. Itnnnoy up thoro with a surveying party to locate tho various small iiumplng plants on tho lakes and tho small iilpe lines from same to tho main linos. Throo routes havo boon survoyod as tho location of this main plpo lino which will carry without any pump ing 1,000,000 gallon por day of potash brino from the lakos to the plant. Choleo of thoso three routes will prob ably bo made aoon so work can bo started constructing tho road which must bn built nroparatory to distribu ting tho plpo this wlntor. Carloads of pipe, oomont am lumber havo boon on tho wav for moro than two wcoka and tho foundation tronchos aro dug for tlio walls of the Potash wnrohoiiHo ready for concre ting ns soon n,s thoso materials arrive. A temporary offloo building and a bunk houso nnd oiling houso for the men havo boon built nnd Mr, O'Con nor nnd two (laugher Installod In tho Inttor ready to satisfy any man on tho ontlng nd of tho mo. Englneor Mr.Calmnn avs ho fill IV oxnects to keep of. work Hwht through the w'ntor regardless of tho weather conditions In ordc to p. tbn plant In onnrntlon pnrlv In the snrnT nrovldln'r of course ho can fol tbn men' to help him. -Sutherland Cmirlor, COUNTY NEWS. (From Horshoy Tlinoa ) Carl Lunkwltz lost Ida Ovorland car and gurago Monday morning by lira of an unknown origin. The car was insured. Fred Moore, llftoen yoar.old son of Al Moore, of tho Nichols vicinity, was pitched 1'rojh a fractious liorso Thanksgiving Day and uufforod a broken ami. ' A llvo year old son of Mr, Henry Huhnol in California and whllo riding a AdaniB was kicked in tho head Satur day and Buttered a wound that requir ed throo Htllchaa to close. Ilo'ls gott lug along nicely altho It was a cloao call. John Edinlnston returned homo the first of tho wook, tho first of our Hor shuy boys to Ihi mustered out. John returned from Ciuntp Plk, Ark., whoro he recontly graduated from tho army Hchool. Mrs. F, O. Johnson recolvod a tele gram Friday from ICowauee, III., an pouncing tho doath of a brother from tho "llii." Tho llrst of tho wook Mr. Jolnuon received word of the death of a nephew at York, this state, from tho Biuno dlsonso. If McAdoo's men will throw off a littlo more coul In Horshoy. It will not compllcato tunttora so much- Hy throwing off a littlo moro thoro will ho onough to go around, ho thoro will, not bo so much friction, 1otveon those; who aro getting It and those for whom It Is Intended. (From Brady Vindicator Word was received horo last wook bv tho family that Holgo F. Blander, of Brady, Nebraska, had boon killed on tho battle Hold of Franco, Novem ber 4. 1918. seven days boforo tho nrm lstlco was signed. Thanksgiving night, November 28, 1918. nonr tho midnight hour. Cather ine Bmlly, the littlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Yartor died of hoart trouble at tholr homo In Brady. Tho babv was born May 17, 1918, bolng six months and oluvou days old. Dr. Vnndlvor lion Ihkmi a busy man and on tho Junin for tho past sovon wooks. nnd bosidoa his regular prac tice, hns attended over two hundred cases of Influenza, niul up to tho first day of Pecombor' had lost only ono caso. We doubt if any other doctor In thp -wholo state can ulxovr hucIi a rec ord. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Havo the gifts that you give this voar wrappod and BoaliNl at DIXON'S Jowolory Rtoro, it incuiw quality. Will Schott, who had boon visiting the homo folks whllo rocovorlng from illness, returned to Omaha yesterday. For Xmas Suggestion seo HAItltY DIXON'S WlndowH. Tliey'ro full of them. Mr. and MrB. J. L. Murphy loft yostordny for IlllopollH, 111., whoro thay will visit rolatiyou for a week or two. A Columbia iu your homo this Xmas -will moan huppliuvui nnd plonsuro to your family lor years to come. Wonderful Sating on all womons and misses suits, coats, furs and drossos. Seo our ADD olsowhoro in this nowspapor. THU LEADER MBit. UO. Uitllod Vur Work Campaign. District No. Quota HiilMcrUxxl i $0093.90 4119. 101 223.00 j, 200.00 78.00' 631.00 ' 1003.60 010. 00 j 496.00, 326.00 I 333.00 388.00 ! 162.60 288.60 ! 206.00 City No. Platte.. $685,4. 00 R. II. TCmployea 2 187.60 3 301.60 4 187.60 6 600.00 6 987.80 7 612,00 8 406.00 107.60. 10 Ml. 0 11 MS. 60 12 11760 13 , MS. 00 m m.M 16 286.00 16 07.60 04.00 213.00 180.00 i 201.00 163.00 46.00 ! 81.00 56.00 j 71.00 284.60 253.00 48.00 97.60 I 147.00 17 218.00 18 SMB. 00 ltt 196.00 20 21 147.00 106.00 138.00 22 28 210.00 21 246.00 26 160.00 26 196.00 27 232.00 28 210.00 29 97.60 30 136.00 31 310.00 32 106.00 33 ' 816.00 84 375.00 35 300.00 413.50 138.00 436.60 392.60 333.00 116.00 815.67 307.50 293.50 142.60 105.00 137.00 180.20 261.00 93.00 57.00 86.00 91.50 77.50 90.50 112.50 250.00 52.00 6G6.50 103.00 30.00 99.60 99.00 253.00 25.00 83.25 30.00 186.60 52.50 227.00 107.00 32.00 123.00 25.00 90.00 71.50 310.-00 100.00 100.00 90.00 48.00 120.00 92.00 122.00 297.00 146.00 120.00 30.00 144.00 65.00 255.00 22.00 97.00 143.00 76.00 209.25 113.50 125.00 88.00 364.00 90.00 5.00 286.60 40.05 122.50 30 37 38 39 40 187.60 712.50 307.50 142.50 142.50 41 105.00 42 112.50 43 135.00 44 180.00 45 240.00 40 112.50 47 127160 48 210.00 49 90.00 50 106.00 51 150.00 52 112.50 53 275.00 54 120.00 55 900.00 50 135.00 57 82.00 58 127.50 59 142.50 00 225.00 01 02 03 75.00 82.00 75.00 G5 375.00 00 90.00 07 225.00 08 135.00 09 GO. 00 70 180.00 71 120.00 72 105.00 73 90.00 74 300.00 75 .' 150.00 70 150:00 77 , 90.00 78 97.50 79 127.50 80 120.00 81 135.00 82 285.00 83 195.00 84 . 135.00 85 ,. IOIT.00 8G 135.00 87 97 .CO 88 300.00 90 127.50 91 105.00 92 07.50 93 ;. 07.60 94 142.50 95 112.50 9(5 142.60 97 105.00 98 375.00 99 135.00 100 120.00 101 270.00 102 112.50 103 135.00 101 07.50 105 112.60 100 180.00 107 82.60 108 (10.00 109 150.00 UO 135.00 HI 97.50 112 135.00 113 90.00 111 105.00 116 105.00 116 105.00 U7 217.50 US 195.00 119 82.50 120 90.00 122 232.50 205.72 62.00 137.50 66.00 73.00 138.00 90.00 115.00 37.00 95.00 205.00 105.00 87.00 86.60 170.00 105.45 59.00 75.00 465.00 65.00 40.00 58.35 78.00 35.00 123 105.00 121 127.60 125 75,00 126 GO. 00 127 !,.,. 376.00 82.50 128 129 76.00 1.10 105.00 131 75.00 1!2 75.00 133 60.00 o: : For Sale. Aoro with nlco huniralow homo, full baaomont, furnaco boat, oloctric lights mini, suou ami citlcken ioiihp. Pnr quicic isalo will Uicludo cow. nonv chickens and Incubator. Prlco $2700 1903 Bast 4th at. Call Bvonlngs. 94-2 to: : When your dlgostlon Is noor. whon your bowols aro costlvo, when your breath Is bad, whon your stomach s sick or disordorod, and you fool lan guid and low-splrltod. Pricklv Ash uiuors ,is tlio romedv von noivi t cleanses tho vital organs, purifies tho bowols, nnd Imparts a flno fooling of HiruuKin. vigor nnd choorfulne.-. . i-rico ji.2l por bottle. Gummoro Pont Drug Co., Special Agonts. Hospital Phono Illack 6S3 Houso Phono Black 633 W. T. IMUTCHAUl). Grmlimto Veterinarian Eight years a Govornmont Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court Houso. DOCTOR D. T. QUIOLKT Pructtoo Limltod to Surgery nnd Itudlum Thernj 728 City National Bank Building. Omaka, Ncbntski SKItfiT. (HAS. MAHTIM FALLS .1,000 FEKT FK03I FLANK. In a letter dated November 9th to bin father, Sergt. Cha. Martini, of tills city, in the aviation service In France, says In part: Two new conveyances hava been introduced to me since I last wrote. First Ford Ambulance and sooond Misery Waon. One, as you know Is lined to pick up dead peoplo: but I haven't proved to be quite as dead ss I looked just a week ago this a. m. I am waiting for .No. 2 now; that Is the Misery Wagon. It is the little white cart the head nurse pushes around the Hospital wards and d reas on wounds. I had bon going iip In the air quite frequently until October 31st. I made my last trlp at nine o'clock In the morning. Wo wore some three thous and tet up when something Tvent wrong. Wlint br.oke I do not know; but when I woke up I was in the .Roy al Victoria Infirmary at Nowoastle. I can't recall a thing about the erash; but perhaps by the time I am able to tell the story completely, We will bo closor to home. I am fooling pretty good at the r.resent tfmo and hope to be back v.lth my Squadron by Xmas. Dad, I am; a lucky person and I can't understand why I am not dead. You know a fpl Iow hits pretty hard when ho falls throo thousand feet. Sam Fox Die. Sam Fox. a morchant of Os?alalla. nnd nt ono tlmo a resident of North Platto. died In a Denver hospital last week of tubercular bronchitis. Ho had been in falling health for roiiip tlmo. In tho spring or 1912 ho nrrlvod In North Platto and accented employ ment with Julius Pizer. Ho remained hero until tho fall or the same year whon ho oxprosed tho deslro to eo into business for himself. In this ho was encouraged by Mr. Plzer and ho began his business career In Ogolnl la. Ho was thirty-throe years of ncv : :o: : Miss M Jllomnn. steam baths and Swodlsh Mnssngo. Indies nnd upn' -Tipn Phone 897. Erodbeck bldg. 85tf .Must Not Hoard Foods. With tho roleaso of tho sugar re strictions, dealers and housewives are no longer hold to tho four pounds per month regulation. Howovor. dealers aro limited to buying their require ments for 60 days whllo householders can not buy moro thnn a 60 day Biip ply. Tho hoarding law provents laying up of supplies. Tho rules regarding hoarding and profiteering will bo enforced,' oven moro strlngontly than heretofore says Food Admiistrntor Wnttlos. Anyone caught with a greater wlpply than they nre entitled to will havo to pay tho ponalty and thoro will bo no leniency shown. : ;o: : For Snlo. Duroc Jorsoy Boars, a few good ones loft. Sired by Illustrator" Giant 250409. If you want a good hoar seo h'tn at my place. Pedigrees furnished with each ono. GITS LINDQCIST. Routo 1. North Platto. Nobr. ei ''nis" gift to YOU be a HOOVER! The days aro not long ouough, it seoms, for you to attend to your multiplied duties. You must adopt moro short-cuts. Most tlrosomo, tlmo-con sinning and disagreeable is tho weekly ' cleaning day. Lot it bo largely roplaced by a few moments dally uso of a HOOVER. Then dirt will nover nccu mulato 4n your rugs and enr pots. llousecleaniiig will ho much simplified. Though THE HOOVER glldos so lightly that a three i year-old can uso It, It beats out lmbeddod grit, sweeps up stubbornost-cllnglng llttor of all kinds and dustlossly with draws tho 'dirt thus dislodg ed. Only TUB HOOVER beats owoeps, suction cleans. Onl Tho Hoover cloans THORO LY. Whon ho gives you a HOOVER ho gives yovi tho BEST. North Platte Light & Power Co Nolleo of Petition. Estato No. 1G05 of Hans I). Jergon son, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraskn, To all por 80H8 Interested in said Estato tako no tlco that a potltlon has boon filed for tho administration of the ostnto of tho decoasod and tho appolntmont of Edna Jorgonson ns administratrix of said estato, which has been sot Tor hearing herein on January 3rd, 1919, at 10 o'clook a. m. Dated Docomher Cth, 1918. WAI. H. C. WOODHURST D10-3vk8 County Judog. Choosliig; i i ji i mm Whether it's gloics, slippers, ho story, shfrls, neclnu'nr or Munlcrs, this stor c offers you values of u type Unit successful men choose for Uionisehes. Wilcox Department Store GOSH ALL FISH HOOKS. AS THE FELLOW SAYS" We have more salt and more kinds of salt than all the dealers of North Platte put together. Better call and get your supply. Our sales of CARNATION FLOUR is con stantly increasing. Leypoldt & Pesmington PHONE 206. Lamb R22S Rep airing, Cleaning and Pressing. GERLE'S TAILOR SHOP We Toko Orders lor the Standard Custom Garment Co., of Chicago. Will Make Garments in Our Shop if Desired. 218 East 6th Street Over Keen's Gun Shop DR. TWINEN HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent pati ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110 Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 2S3 1008 West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb... Otlicc phone 241. Uoa. phone 2)7 L . C . DROST, Osteopcithlc Physician. North Platte, - - Nehrasuu. Knlglita o( Columbus Building. GEO. 1J. DENT, 1'liHjIcIan nnd Surgeon. .Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Ofllco: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Resldonco 115 NOTICE! Why not urlto jour llro mid cyciono Insurance vllh a rollablo company who invest (heir premiums In Liberty Bonds mid fdvo our county tho credit. See us for farm and nutomobilo rales NEBRASKA REAL ESTATE CO. Notice of Petition. Estato No. 1G02 of Alma B. Sims, deceased . In tho County Court of Lincoln Ccunty. Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska: To all per sons interested In said catato, tako notico that a petition has boon filed for tho appointment of Georgo J. Tay lor, of Wolllleot, Nobraska, as admdn titrator of said ostato, which has boon sot for hoarlng heroin on Do cotnbor 27. 191S. at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated Decombor 2. 1918. WM. II. C. WOODHURST. D2-3v County Judgo. Notico to Creditors. Estato No. 15S9 of Florence Love, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho SUito of Nobraska. s.s. Cred itors of said ostato will tako notico that tho tlmo limited for presenta tion nnd llllng of claims against Bald ostato Is April 3, 1919, and for settle ment of said ostnto U Deconiber 2d, 1919. that I will sit at tho county court room In auld county on Janu ary 3d, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on April 3d. 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. to rocolve. examine, hoar, allow or adjust all claims 'and objoctlons duly (lied. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, D3-4v County Judgo. For Men? Here Ik n section of this store of special Interest (o (hose who wish to please .Mr. .Man. .Men like practical things for Christ innssomething (hat will c.1ie day lifter day sen lee something thai really tills ti needs. Building; North Locust Street Office Phono 310 Res. Black 37G Bit. SHAFFER, Osteopathic riijslciini Bel ton Bldg. North Platto, Neb Referonce:- Farmers Stato Bank K. I. SHAPPELL, Sutherland, Neb. AUCTIONEER Sutherland, N'ebr. I alway tako stock buyors with me and always soil for tho high dollar. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for th scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Tent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Red5eld,M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Best Price Paid for HOGS AT THE Hog Market Office at the Old Stock Ynrds We also buy cattle. ED. TODENHOFT, X North Platte. Nebraska. DEHHYBERIIY & FORBES, Licensed Embamors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Buy phono 11 Night phono Black CSS Estrny Notico. Takon up on tho Hanson ranch, sov on nillos northwest of North Platto, on or about August 1st. 1918, ono cow and calf, cow branded -with J bar un dor J and figure ono under bar; calf about flvo months old and not brand ed. Ownor call, provo property, pay charges and tako animal away. II. P. HANSEN. D2-Cw North Platto, Neb. Phone 308 ALUJSBT A. LANE, Do nt 1st Rooms 1 and 2 Helton Building North Platte, Nebraska. , W. E.FLYNN ATTOKXEY-AT.LAW (I fi'lce over McDonald Bank. Office Phone 1 !.'!( Res. Photic 1120 L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. Jiy one best reference I'm always dated ahead Phone at my expense for dales OGALALLA, NEUKASKA Let fflcGraw ' Fix It If your Radiator leaks, or is filled with sediment and your car heats', have it fixed before winter. Before using any anti-freezing solution, be sure your radiator is tight and clean. McGRAW RADIATOR COMPANY Romigh Garage 6th and Locust Street NoJico of Suit. Tho defendants. Theodora E. Pot ter and Pottor, his wife, real nanio unknown, and the unknown heirs, dev Iseep, legatees and noraonal ronrftarm- tatlvcs of Theodore E. Potter and Potter, his wife, real namo unknown, If deceased, and all persons interested in tho Northwest Oimrtfir rNWUi nt Soctio Twelve (12), Township Fifteen ut; norm ot uange Tiiirty-threo (33). West Sixth P. M., Lincoln county, Nobraska. are hornhv nnHOml tli n f nrt tho 28th day of August 191S, the Equl- caoie jantt uompany, as plaintiff hero in, filed Its petition' in the district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, ncitfnst you and each of von. tbn ob ject and prayer of which petition are 10 quiet tno title in lilaintiff to tho following described real estato to-wit: mo iNonnwest quarter (Nw) of Section Twelve (12), Township Ffif toon (15), north of Rango Thirty-three (33), west 6th P. M., In Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska. And for general, equitable relief and costs. You and oach of you are here by renuired to answor or nl petition on or before the Cth day of January, iyiy, or tho same will bo ta ken as truo and decree and judgment rendered therein as nravml niiinHnt title to said real property in tho name of plaintiff and canceling and annul- iug any ami claims or said defendants or either of them and for costs. THE EQUITABLE LAND CO., n!95w By J. W. James, its attorney. IN Till: COUNTY M)UKT OF LIN COLN COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In tho Mntter of the Estate of John Bratt, Deceased. NOTICE. To all persons interested in said estato, Notice is hereby given that Elizabeth Bratt. Elizabeth M. Bald win, Jesslo INI. Hendy, Grace S. Good man and Nellie E. Buckloy, nee Bratt, Executrices of tho estate of John Bratt, deceased, filed a final account of tho administration of said estato and also thefr application for the dis tribution of all porsonal property of said estate and tho assignment ot the real property thereof and that tho said account and application- for tho as signment and distribiiKtion of said os tato will bo heard boforo the County Court of said County in tho Court house iu tho city of Nortli Platte, Lin coln County. Stato of Nobraska, on tho lGth day ot Decombor, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at which time anyior son interested may appear, object and contest tho same, or show cause, if any there he. why tho said final ac count should not bo allowed and ap proved and tho real and personal property of said ostate. bo distributed and assigned to tho parties ontftled thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 2Cth day of November, 1918. WM. H. C. WOODHURST. N2G-D13 County Judge Sheriff's Sale. By vlrtuo of an order of isalo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in saidj court wherein William E. Sampson Is plain tiff and Charles E. Rima, ot. al., aro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 23d day of December, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., ot tho east front door of tho court houso in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at pub lic auction to tho hlghets bidder for ensh to satisfy said decree, interest nnd costs the following described proporty to-wit: Northwest Quarter (NW'4) 'of Section Twonty-nlno (29). Township Twelvo (12), nortli of Range Thirty-two (32) in Lincoln county. NobrnBko. Doted North Platte, Platto, Neb., November .C, 1918. A. J. SALISBURY. N19-Gw shoric Notico of Final Report. Estato No. 1552, ot Max Beor, do coased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all por sons Intorostod in said Estate tako notico that tho Executor has filed a final account and roport of his ad ministration nnd a potltlon for final sottlomont and discharge as such, which havo boon sot for hearing be foro said court on December 20, 1918. nt 9 o'clock a. m., whon you may ap pear and contest tho same. Dated November 20th, 1918. WM. II. C. WOODHURST. N25-3wks. County Judgo. 1