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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
THE semi-Weekly tribune, north PLATTF? MPRRASKA CHRONOLOGY OF MAIN EVENTS OF WAR FOR LIBERTY Battles That Have Marked the Greatest, Struggle In the World's History. DEMOCRACY'S TRIUMPH COMPLETE AND FINAL Four Years of Bitter Warfare Before the Defeat of Autocratic Attempts to Rulo the World Could Be Assured Progress of the Titanic Contest Practically as It Went On From Day to Day. From Juno 28, 1014, when the nssas Inntlon of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, nnd his wife, nt Sarajevo. Bosnia, gaVe Emperor William of Oor mnny Ids excuse for beginning war which ho believed would result In hln Raining practical control of the world through military domination, the innln ovents of tlio struggle ure told In the following chronicle: 1914 Juno 28 Archduko Ferdinand and wife assassinated In Sarajevo, Bosnia. July 28 Austria-Hungary declares war on Serhla. Aug. 1 Germany declares war on Russia and general mobilization is un der way in Franco and Austria-Hun-ary. Aug. 2 German troops enter France at Clrcy; Rttsslnn troops enter Ger many at Schwlddcn ; German nrmy en ters Luxemburg over protest and Ger many asks Belgium for free passago of her troops, Aug. fl Drltlsli fleet; Bel gium appeals to Great Britain for dip lomatic aid nnd German ambassador quits Paris. Aug. 4 Frnnco declares war on Ger many; Germany declares war on Bel Slum; Great Britain sends Belgium neutrality ultimatum to Germany; British nrmy nnd state of war between Great Britain and Ger many is declared. President Wilson Issues neutrality proclamation. Aug. 5 Germans begin lighting on Belgian frontier; Gerinnny nsks for Itnly'o help. Aug. 0 Austrln dcclnrca war on Rus sia. Aug. 7 Gcrmnns defeated by French at Altklrch. Aug. , 8 Germans capture Ltcgc. Portugal announces It will support Great Britain; British land troops Id France. Aug. 10 Franco declares war on Austrla-nungary. Aug. 12 Great Britain declares war on Austria-Hungary; Montenegro de clares war on Germnny. Aug. 15 Jnpnn sends ultimatum to Germnny to withdraw from Japanese and Ohlncso waters nnd evacuate Kino chow; Russin offers autonomy to Po land, Aug. 20 German army enters Brus sels. Aug. 23 Jnpnn declares war on Ger many; Russia victorious in battles In East Prussia. Aug. 28 Japanese warships bom bard Tslngtao. Aug.' 25 Jnpan nnd Austria break off diplomatic rclntlons. Aug. 28 English win nnvnl bnttlo oyer German licet nenr Helgoland. Aug. 20 Germans defent Russians at AlleiiHteln; occupy Amiens; ad vance to Ln Fere, 05 miles from Pnrls. Sept 1 Germnns cross Manic; bombs dropped on Paris ; Turkish army; Zeppelins drop bombs on Antwerp. Sept. 2 Government of Frnnce transferred to Bordenur; Russians enp turo Lemberg. Sept. 4 Germans cross the Mnmo. Sept. 8 England, Frnnco nnd Rus sin sign pact to make no separate peace. Sept. 0 French win battle of Manie ; British cruiser Pathfinder aunk In North Ben by a Gorman sub marine. Sept. 7. Germans' retreat from the Murno. Sept. 14 Bnttlo of Alstio stnrts; German retreat halted. Sept. 10 First battle of Solssous fought. Sept, 20 Russians capture Ja rolsnu nnd begin siege of Pnr.emysl. Oct. 0-10 Germans capture Ant werp. Oct. 12 German tnko Ghent. Oct. 20 Fighting along Yser river begins. Oct. 20 Turkey begins war on Rus sia. Nov. 7 Tslngtao fulls before Jap anese troops. Nov. 0 German cruiser Etuden de stroyed Dec. 11 Gcrmnn ndvnnco on War saw checked. Dec 14 Belgrade recaptured by Serbians.. Dec. 10 Gcrmnn cruisers bombard Scarborough, Unrtlcpool and Whitby. e English coast, killing 50 or more persons; Austrian said to tinvo lost upward of 100,000 men In Serblun do feat Dec. 25 Italy occupies Avlona, Alba Ha. 1915. Jan. 1 British battleship Formida ble sunk. Jnn 8 Itnumnnla mobilises 750.000 iik-ii ' lighting In tbo Argonnc. Jan. 11 Germnns cross the Rawkn, 30 miles from Wnrsaw. Jnn. 24 British win navul battle In North sen. Jnn. 20 Russian nrmy Invndes Hun gary ; German efforts to cross Alsne re pulsed. Feb. 1 British repel strong Gonnnn attack near La Biisscc. Feb. 2 Turks are defeated ln at tack on Suez canal. Feb. 4 Russlnns enpturo Tnrnow In Gallcla. Feb. 8 Turks along Suo7, cnnnl In full r treat; Turkish land dofenses at the Dardanelles shelled by British tor pedo boats. Fob. 11 Germans evneunte Lodz. Feb. 12 Germans drive Russians from positions In (Cast Prussia, taking 20.000 prisoners. Feb. 14 Russians report capture of formications at Smolnlk. Feb. If Germans capture Plock and Blelsk In Poland; French capture two miles of German trenches In Cham pagne district. Feb. 17 Germans report they hnvo taken 50.000 Russian prisoners In Ma 7.urlnn lake district. Feb. 18 German blockade of English and French coasts put Into effect. Feb. 10-20 British anil French fleets bombard Dardanelles forts. Feb. 21 American steamer Evelyn sunk by mine In North sea. Feb. 22 German wns olllce announ ces enpturo of 100.000 Russian prison ers In engagements In Mazurlnn lake region; American steamer Carl I) sunk by mlno In North sea. Feb. 28 Dardanelles entrance forts capitulate to English nnd French. March 4 Lundlug of allied troops on both sides of Dardanelles straits re ported; Gentian U-4 sunk by French destroyers. March 10 Battle of Neuve Chapello begins. March 14 Gcrmnn cruiser Dresden sunk In Pad 11c by English March 18 British battleships Irre sistible ami Ocean nnd French bnttlo ship Bouvct sunk In Dardanelles strnlt. March 22 Fort of Przemysl sur renders to Russians. March 23 Allies land troops on Gul II poll peninsula. March 25 Russians victorious over Austrlans In Carpathians. April 8 German auxiliary cruiser, Prlns Eltel Frlcdrlch, InternciJ at New port News, Vn. April 10 Italy has 1,200,000 men mobilized under arms,; Austrlans re port complete defeat of Russians in Carpathian campaign. April 211 German forco way ncross Ypres cnnnl anil take 1,(500 prisoners. April 25 Allies stop German drlvo on Ypres lino In Belgium. April 21) British report regaining of two-thirds of lost ground In Ypres bnt tlo. May 7 Liner Lusltnnln torpedoed nnd sunk by Gcrmnn submarine off tbo const of Ireland with the loss of moro than 1,000 lives, 102 Americans. May I) French advance two and one-hnlf miles against Gcrmnn forces north of Arms, taking 2,000 prisoners. May 23 Italy declares war on Aus tria. June 3 Gennans rccapturo Przem ysl with Austrian help. Juno 18 British suffer defent north of La Bassee Canal. June 28 Italians enter Austrlnn ter ritory south of Rlvn on western shore of Lnite Oarda. July 51 Tolmlno falls Into Italian hands. July 0 British mnko gnlns north of Ypres and French retako trenches In the Vosgos. , July 13 Germans defeated In the Argnnno. July 20 Warsaw evacuated; Lub lin captured by Austrlans. Aug. 4. Germans occupy Warsnw. Aug. 14 Austrlans and Germnns concentrate 400,000 soldiers on Ser bian frontier. Aug. 21 Italy declares wnr on Tur key. Sept. 1 Ambassador Bernstorff an nounces Germans will slid; no moro liners without warning. Sept. 4 German submarine torpe does liner Hesperian. Sept. 0 Germans mnke air raid on London, killing 20 persons nnd wounding 100 others; United Stntcs asks Austria to recall Ambassador Dumhn. Sept. 20 Germnns begin drive on Serbia to open routo to Turkoy. Sept. 22 Russlnn nrmy, retrentlng from Vllnn, escapes encircling move ment. Sept. 25-30 Battto of Ghnmpngne, resulting In grent ndvnnco for allied armies nnd cnuslng Kaiser Wllhelm to ntsh to the west front; German countcr-nttneks repulsed. Oct. B Russia and Bulgaria sover diplomatic relations; Russlnn, French, British. Italian nnd Serbian diplomat ic representatives ask for passports In Sofia. Oct. 10 General Mackenscu's forces take Belgrade. Oct. 12 Edith Cavell executed by Germans. Oct. 1!t Bulgaria declares wnr on Sorbin. Oct. IB Great Britain declares wnr on Bulgnrln. Oct. 10 Franco declares wnr ou'Bul garta. Oct. 10 Russia and Itnly declare wnr on Bulgaria. Oct. 27 Germans Join Bulgarians In northeastern Serbia nnd opeu wny to Constantinople. Oct. 30 Germnns defeated nt Mltnu. Nov. 0 Italian liner Anconn torpe doed. Dec. 1 British retreat from near Bagdad, Dec. 4 Ford "penco pnrty" sails for Europe. Dec. 8-0 Allies defeated fn Muco donlu. Dec. 1CV Sir John Douglas Hnlg sue- ccods Sir John French ns chief of English armies on west front. 1916 Jan. 8 British troops at Kut-el-Amara surrounded. Jan. 0 British evneunto Galllpoll peninsula. Jan. 13 Austrlans capturo Cotlnje, capital of Montenegro. Jan. 23 Scutari, capltnl of Albania, captured by Austrlans. Feb. 22 Crown prince's nrmy begins attack on Verdun. March 8 Germnny declares war on Portugal. March IT Austrln-IIungary declares war on Portugal. March 24 Steamer Sussex torpedoed and sunk. April 18 President Wilson sends note to Gennnny. April 10 Presldont Wilson spenks to congress, explnlnlng diplomatic situa tion. April 24 Insurrection in Dublin. April 20 British troops at Kut-el-Amara surrender to Turks. April 30 Irish revolution sup pressed. May 3 Irish lenders of Insurrection executed. May 4 Germany makes promise to change methods of submarine warfnre. May 13 Austrlans begin great offen sive against Italians ln Trentlno. May 31 Great naval battle off Dan ish coast. June 0 Lord Kitchener lost with cruiser Hampshire. June 11 Russlnns enpture Dubno. Juno 20 Sir Roger Casement sen tenced to ho hanged for treason. July 1 British and French begin grent offensive on tho Somme. July O David Lloyd Georgo appoint ed secretory of war. July 0 German merchant submnrlno Deutschlnnd nrrlvea at Baltimore. July 2.'? General Kuropatkln's nnny wins battle near Riga. July 27 English tnke DelviHo wood ; Scrblnn forces begin attack on Bui gars In Mnccdonla. Aug. 2 French tuko Fleury. Aug. 3 Sir Roger Casement execut ed for trenson. Aug. 4 French rccapturo Thlnu mont for fourth time; British repulse Turkish attack on Suez canal. Aug. 7 Italians on Ison7.o front enp ture Monto Snbotlno nnd Monto San Mlchole. Aug. 8 Turks force Russian evacu ation of Illtlls and Mush. Aug. 0 Italians cross Isonzo river and occupy Austrlnn city of Goorlt7.. Aug. 10 Austrlans evneunte Stnnls lau ; allies take Dolran, near Snlonlkl, from Bulgarians. Aug. 10 German submarines sink British light cruisers Nottingham and Falmouth. Aug. 24 French occupy Maurepns, north of tho Sommc; Russians recap ture Mush lu Annenla. Aug. 27 Itnly declares war on Ger many; Roumanin enters war on side of allies. Aug. 20. Field Marshal von Illnden burg made chief of staff of German armies, succeeding Gen. von Fnlken liayn. Aug. 30 Russlun armies seize all five pusses ln Carpathians Into Hun gary. Sept. 3 Allies renew offensive north of Sommc; Bulgarian nnd German troops Invnde Dohrudja, ln Roumanin. Sept. 7 Germans and Bulgarians capture Roumanian fortress of Tutra kan; Roumanians take Orsova, Bul garian city. Sept. 10 Gcrmnn-Bulgarlan nrmy captures Roumanian fortress of Slll trln. Sept. 14 British for first time use "tanks." Sept. IB Italians begin new offen sive on Carso. Oct. 2 Roumanian urmy of Inva sion In Bulgaria defeutcd by Germans and Bulgarians under Von Mackensen. Oct. 4 German submarines sink French cruiser Gallia and Cunard liner Franconla. Oct. 8 German submarines sink six merchant steamships off Nantucket, Mass. Oct. 11 Greek seacoost forts dis mantled nnd turned over to allies on demand of England ami Franco. Oct. 23. Gormnn-Bulgar armies cap turo Constnnzn, Roumaula. 1917 Jan. 1 Submarine sinks British transport Ivcmla. Jan. 0 Russian premier, Trepoff, re signs. Golltzlu succeeds him. Jan. 31 Germany announces unre stricted submarine warfare. Feb. 3 President Wilson reviews submarine controversy before con gress; United States severs diplomatic relations with Genuany; American steamer Housatoulc sunk without warning. Feb. 7 Senate Indorses president's act of breaking off diplomatic rela tions. Feb. 12 United Stntcs refuses Ger man request to discuss matters of dif ference unless Germany withdraws un restricted submarine warfare order. Feb. 14 Von Bernstorff sails for Germany. Feb. 25 British under General Maude enpture Kut-cl-Amnrn; subma rine sinks liner Lacouln without warn ing; many lost, Including two' Ameri cans. Feb. 20 President Wilson asks con gress for authority to arm American morchnntshlps. Feb. 28 Secretary Lansing makes public Zimmcrmann note to Mexico, proposing Mcxtcun-Jupanese-German alliance. March 0 President Wilson calls ex tra session of congress for April 10. March 11 British under General Maude capture Bagdad; revolution starts In Petrograd. March IB Ozur Nicholas of Russin abdicates. March 17 French nnd British cap ture Bapaumc. Marcli 18 New French ministry formed by Alexnnder Rlbot. Mnrch 21 Russian forcos cross Persian border Into Turkish territory; American oil steamer llenldtou torpe doed without warning. March 22 United Stntcs recognizes new government of Russin. Mnrch 27 General Murray's British expedition Into the Holy Land defeats Turkish army near Gazn. April 2 President Wilson asks con gress to declare that acts of Germany constitute a state of war; submarine mks American steamer Aztec without warning. April 4 United States sonnte'pnsscs resolution declaring a state of war ex ists with Germany. April 0 House pusses war resolution and President Wilson signs Joint reso lution of congress. April 8 Austria- declares sevcrnnco of dlplomutlc relations with United State!. April 0 British defeat Germans nt VImy Ridge nnd take 0,000 prisoners; United States seizes 14 Austrian In terned ships. Oct. 24 French win ba'ck Douau tnont, Thlnumont field work. Hottdro mont quarries, and Chlllettc wood near Verdun, ln smash of two miles. Nov. 1 Italians, In now offensive on the Carso plateau, capture 0,000 Aus trlnns. Nov. 2 Germnns evneunte Fort Vnux at Verdun. Nov. 5 Germnns and Austrlans pro claim new kingdom of Poland of ter ritory captured from Russia. Nov. 0 Submarllnc sinks British passenger steamer Arahln. Nov. 7 Cardinal Mercler protests against German deportation of Bel gians; submnrlnc sinks American stenmor Columbian. Nov. 8 Russian nrmy Invades Transylvanln, Hungary. Nov. 0 Austro-German armies de feat Russians. In Volhynln nnd tnke 4,000 prisoners. Nov. 13 British lnunch new offen sive in Somme region on both sides of Ancre. Nov. 1-1 British enpture fortified vil lage of Bonncourt. nenr the Ancre. Nov. 10 Serblnn. French nnd Rus sian troops recapture Monastlr; Ger mans cross Transylvanln Alps nnd en ter western Roumanin. Nov. 21 British hospital ship Brit annic sunk by mine In Aegean sen. Nov. 23 Roumanian nrmy retreats 00 miles' from Bucharest. Nov. 24 Germnn-Bulgnrlnn armies take Orsova and Turnu-Severln from Itoumanlnns. Nov. 25 Greek provisional govern ment declares war on Germany nnd Bulgnrln. Nov. 28 Roumanian government abandons Bucharest and moves capltnl to Jassy. Dec. B Premier nerbcrt Asqulth of England resigns. Dec. 7 David Lloyd Georgo accepts British premiership. Dec. 8 Gen. von Mackensen cap tures big Roumanian army In Prohovo valley. Dec. 12 Chancellor von Bethmnnn nollweg announces ln relchstng that Germany will propose peace; new cnl Inet In Frnnco under Arlstlde Brlnnd ns premier, nnd Gen. Robert Georges Nlvelle given chief of commnnd of French army. Dec. lfi French nt Verdun win two miles of front nnd capture 11,000. Dec. 10 Lloyd George declines Gcr mnn pence proposals. Dec. 23 Baron Burlnn succeeded ns minister of foreign affairs In Austria by Count Czernln. Dec. 20 Germnny proposes to Presi dent Wilson "nn Immediate meeting of delegates of tho belligerents." Dec. 27 Russians defeated lu five day battle In enstcrn Wallachln, Rou manin. April 20 Turkey severs diplomatic relations with the U. S. April 28 Congress passes selective service act for raising of nrmy of 500, 000; Gnutemala severs diplomatic re lations with Gennnny. May 7 War department orders rais ing of nine volunteer regiments of en gineers to go to Frnnce. Mny 1-1 Esplonnge net becomes law by passing senate. May 18 President Wilson Rlgns se lective service act. Also directs ex peditionary force of regulars under General Pershing to go to France. Mny 10 Congress passes war appro priation bill of $3,000,000,000. June 6 Nenrly 10.000,000 men In U. S. register for military service. June 12 King Constnutlne of Greece abdicates. June 13 General Pershing and statt arrive In Paris. June IB First Liberty loon closes with large oversubscription. Juno 20 First contingent American troops under General Slbert nrrlves In Franco. Juno 20 Greece severs dlplonintlc relations with Teutonic allies. July 0 President Wilson drafts state mllltln Into federal service. Also places food nnd fuel under federal con trol. July 13 War department order drafts 678,000 men Into military ser vice. July 14 Aircraft appropriation bill of 5040,000.000 passes house ; Chancel lor von Bethmann-Hollweg's resigna tion forced by German political crisis. July 18 United States government orders censorship of telegrams and cablegrams crossing frontiers. July 10 New German Chancellor Mlchaells declares Germany will not war for conquest; radicals and Catho lic party ask peace without forced nc qulsltlons of territory. July 22 Slum dcclnrcs war on Ger many. July 23 Premier Kerensky given un limited powers In Russia. July 28 United States wnr Indus tries board created to supervise ex penditures. Aug. 25 Italian Second nrmy brenks through Austrian line on Isonzo front. Aug. 28 x-csldent Wilson rejects Pope Benedict's peace plea, S"pt. 10 General Kornlloff demands control of Russian government. Sept. 11 Russian deputies vote to support Kerensky. Kornlloff's gener als ordered arrested. Sept. 10 Russia proclaims now re public by order of Premier Kerensky. Sept. 20 General Ualg advance mile through German lines nt Ypres. Sept. 21 Gen. Tnsker U. Bliss nnmed chief of staff U. S. nrmy. Oct. 10 Germnns occupy Islnnds oi Runo and Adro In the Gulf of Riga. Oct. 25 French under General Re tain ndvnnco nnd tnko 12,000 prison ers on Alsne front. Oct. 27 Formnl nnnouncement mnde thnt Amerlcnn troops In Frnnce had fired their first shots In the wnr. Oct. 20 Itnllnn Isonzo front col lapses and Austro-German army renehes outposts of Udlne. Nov. 1 Secretary Lnnslng mnkes public the Luxburg "spurlos versenkt" note. Nov. 0 Permnnent Interallied mili tary commission crented. Nov. 24 Navy department an nounces enpture of first Germnn sub mnrlne by Amerlcnn destroyer. Nov. 28 Bolshevlkl get nbsolute control of Russlnn assembly In Russian elections. Dec. G Submarine sinks the Jacob Jones, first regular warship of Amer ican navy destroyed'. Doc. 7 Congress declares war on Austrla-nungnry. Dec. 8 Jerusalem surrenders to Gen. Allcnby's forces. 1918 Jan. 6 President Wilson delivers speech to congress giving "14 points" necessary to peace. Jnn 20 British monitors win sen fight with cruisers Goebcn nnd Bros Inn. sinking Intter. Jnn. 28 Russin nnd Roumnnln sever diplomatic rclntlons. Feb. 2 United States troops tnke over their first sector, nenr Toul. Feb. 0 United States troopship Tus cnnln sunk by submnrlnc, 120 lost. Feb. 11 President Wilson In nddress to congress gives four additional peace principles, Including self-determination of nations; bolshevlkl declare war with Germany over, hut refuse to sign penco treaty. Feb. 13 Bolo Pnshn sentenced to death In Franco for treason. Feb. 2.r Germans tnke Reval. Rus slnn nnvnl base, and Pskov; Chancel lor von Hertllng agrees "In principle" with President Wilson's peace princi ples. In nddress to relchstng. March 1 Americans repulse Ger man attack on Tonl sector. Mnrch 2 Trenty of pence with Ger mnny signed by bolshevlkl nt Brest Lltovsk. Mnrch 4 Germnny nnd Roumnnln sign nrmlstlce on Germnn terms. Mnrch 13 Germnn troops occupy Odessa. Mnrch 14 All Russlnn congress of Soviets ratifies peace treaty. March 21 Germnn spring offensive stnrts on B0-mllo front. March 22 Germnns take 10,000 Brit ish prisoners and 200 guns. Mnrch 23 Germnn drive gnlns nine miles. "Mystery gun" shells Pnrls. Mnrch 21 Germnns rench the Somme, gaining 15 miles. Amerlcnn engineers rushed to nld British. Mnrch 25 Germans tnke Bnpaume. Mnrch 27 Germans, take Albert. March 28 British countcr-nttnek and gain; French take throe towns; Germans advance townrd Amiens. Mnrch 20 "Mystery gun" kills 75 churchgoers In Pnrls on Good Frldny. April 4 Germnns start second phnso of their spring drlvo on the Somme. April 10 Germans tnko 10,000 Brit ish prisoners In Flanders. April 10 Germans enpture Messlnes rldge, nenr Ypres; Bolo Pnshn exe cuted. April 23 British and French navies "bottle up" Zcobruj,'gc April 20 Germnns enpturo Mount Kemmel, taking 0,500 prisoners. Mny r Austria starts drlvo on Italy.' May 10 British navy bottles up Os tend. May 24 British ship Moldavia, carrying Amerlcnn troops ;torpodoed; 50 lost. Mny 27 Germnns begin third phnse of drlvo on west front; gain five miles. Mnj 2S Germans tnke 15,000 pris oners In drive. Mny 20 Germnns tnke Solssons nnd menace Reims.' American troops cap ture Crntlgny. May 30 Germans roach the Marno, 5.5 miles from Paris. May 31 Germans take 45,000 prison ers lu drlvo. , June 1 Germans advnnco nine miles: ore 40 miles from Paris. June 3 Five German submarines attack U. S. coast and sink 11 ships. June 5 U. S. marines fight on tho Marno near Chntenu Thierry. Juno 0 Germnns start tuurth phase of their drlvo by advancing to ward Noyon. Juno 10 Germnns gnln two miles. U. S. marines enpturo south end of Bel lenu wood. June 12 French nnd Americans start countor-nttnek. June 15 Austrlnns begin nnnther dilvt on Itnly nnd tnko 10,000 prison ers. Juno 17 Italians check Austrlans on Plave river. Juno 10 Austrlans cross the Pinve. Juno 22 Italians defent Austrlans on tho Plave. ' June 23 Austrlnns begin grent re trcnt ncross the Plave. July 18 General Foch launches al lied oflonslvc, with French, American, British, Italian nnd Belgian troops. July 21 Americans nnd French enp turo Chateau Thierry. July 30 German crown prince flees from tho Mnrne nnd withdraws nrmy. Au?. 2 Solssons reenptured by Foch.. Aug. -1 Americans tuko Flsmes. Aug. B American troops landed' nt Archnngol. Aufe. 7 Amerlcnns cross the Vesle.. Aug. If Bnpaume reenptured. Aui:. 28 French recross tho Somme. Sept. 1 Foch retakes Peronne. Sept. 12 Amerlcnns lnunch success ful nttnek In St. Mlhlel salient. Sept. 28 Allies win on 25Q mile line,, from North Sen to Verdun. Sept. 29 Allies cross Hlndenburjf line. Sept. 30 Bulgnrln surrenders, nfter sucessful nlllcd cnmpnlgn ln Bnlkans. Oct. 1 French take St. Quentln. Ot. 4 Austrln nsks Hollnnd to mediate with allies for peace. Oct. 5 Germans start abandonment of Llllc nnd burn Dounl. Oft. G Germnny nsks President Wilson for nrmlstlce. Oct. 7 Americans capturo hills rrouno Argonne. Oct. 8 President Wilson refuses armistice. Oct. 0 Allies enpture Cnmbrnl. Oct. 10 Allies enpture Le Cnteuu. Oct. 11 Amerlcnn transport Otrnntn torpedoed nnd sunk; BOO lost. Oct. 13 Foch's troops take Lnon nnd Ln Fere. Oct. 14 British and Belgians take Roulcrs; President Wilson demands surrniir"er by Germany. Oct. 15 British and Belgians cross Lys river, take 12,000 prisoners nnd 100 f,uns. Oct. 10 Allies enter Lille outskirts. Oct. 17 Allies enpture Lille, Bruges, .eebnigge. Ostend nnd Doual. Oct. 18 Czecho-Slovaks Issue dec laration of Independence; Czechs rebel nnd seize Prague, cnpltnl of Bohemln; French tnko Tltlelt. ' Oct. 10 President Wilson refuses Aiistr'nr. pence plen nnd says Czecho slovak state must be considered. Oct. 21 Allies cross the Olso and threaten Valenciennes. Oct. 22 Hnlg's force3 cross tho Scheldt Oct. 23 President Wilson refuses latest German pence plea. Oct. 27 German government asks President Wilson to state terms. Oct. 28 Austria begs for separate peace. Oct. 20 Austria opens direct nego tiations with Secretary Lansing. Oct. 30 Italians inflict great defeat on Austria; capturo 33,000; Austrlans evacuating Italian territory. Oct. 31 Turkey surrenders; Aus trlans utterly routed by Italians; lose 50.000; Austrian envoys, under white flag, enter Italian lines. Nov. 1 Italians pursue beaten Aus trlnns ncross Tngllnmcnto river; allied conference at Versailles fixes peace terms for Genuany. Nov. 3 Austria signs nrmlstlce nmountlng virtually to unconditional surrender. Nov. 4 Allied terms are sent to Ger many. Nov. 7 Germany's envoys enter al lied lines by arrangement. Nov. 0 Kaiser Wllhelm abdicates and crown prince renounces throne. Nov. 10 Former Kaiser Wllhelm nnd his eldest son, Friedrlch Wllhelm flee to Hollnnd to escnpe widespread revolution throughout Germany. Nov. 11 German authorities sign armistice ending hostilities preceding; arrangement of the pence terms. SAID TO FEED ON INSECTS Pitcher Plant Known to Scientists as One of the Wonders of the Vege table Kingdom. Tho pitcher plant Is one of th freaks of plant life. It grows ln swampy lnnds nnd Is well known in Cnnadn. Tho flowers, touched with beautiful, delicate tints, nre prized for decorative purposes. But tho won der of the pitcher plnnt Is Its leaves. They are green, wnter-holdlng pitch ers, benutlfully veined with red nnd purple, with considerable variation In form. During rainfalls they are filled with water. This largely evaporates, leaving the receptacle half full. Ex ternally these cups nre smooth, while Internally they are lined with fine bris tles pointing downward. There Is also n sticky, sugary sort of semi-fluid sub stance to be found around the Inner margin of the bowl or pitcher. This arrangement not only nttracts a large number of tiny Insects, but they are so eager to feed on the sugary sub stance that not n few tumble into tho wnter below nnd die there. They can not fly out. for tho lines of flight would be practically vertical, while hun dreds of little bristles confronting them prevent escape over the surface by walking out. Mnny believe thnt the plant, through Its leaves, absorbs the digestive parts of these Insects, and that they thus contribute to Its nutrition ; In other words, that the pitcher plant to this extent Is one ot tho carnivores of tho vegetable king dom. Finicky. "It's a hard matter to plcnse some of these society leaders," said tho society editor. "What's the matter now?" asked the city editor. "Mrs. Grabcoln says the wrltcup of her party lu this morning's paper wasn't punctunted to suit her." Bir mingham Age-IIeruld,