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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1918)
THE 3EMI-WBEKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. M'ADOO PLANS TO BOOST PROFIT TAX Secretary Urges $300,000,000 Increase Before House Body. LADY AMPTHILL 4,000,00QYA! MR& 8AYNB Jersey Suits for Present Wear WILL WIN WAR! Gen. March Explains Plan to Send 3,000,000 More to Franco by Next June. KITCHIN PREDICTS HARMONY VICTORY ON WEST FRONT fvSBBBsHHslltJdrCS -Eighty Per Cent Levy Recommended by Secretary and Aids "Port Tax" on Coffee, Tea and Bananas Forecast. ' Washington, Aug; 10. Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo laid beforo the fiouse ways and means committee on (Wednesday his plan for nn excess profits tax with an alternative war profits levy to bo Included In the new k-cvenuo bill. ' The plnn proposes tho retention of jexlstlng rates In tho present excess profits tax with a maximum of 80 per bent affecting about 00 per cent of all Jtho business corporations coming un ilcr this schedule. ' Secretary McAdoo estimated that She treasury plan would produce from ,.300,000,000 to $480,000,000 more than under tho plnn tentatively agreed to by tho committee recently. ' The secretary was accompanied by Assistant Secretaries Lcillngwell and Love, Internul Revenue Commissioner Roper and other treasury experts. 1 At tho conclusion of the conference Secretary McAdoo and Chairman trcitchln of tho house ways and raeuns 'committee joined In tho prediction that jthcy would get together on a plan and Secretary McAdoo added that "you can see that Mr. Kit chin and I novo o bayonets for each other." Dasplto this agreement and tho In creased revenue claimed for the treas ury plan, which Secretary McAdoo suid would take enro of exceptional (cases, It was stated that tho bill will fall short to the extent of between 8500,000,000 and 51.000.000,000 of the 88,000,000,000 sought. I A port tax on ten, coffee, cocoa su gar, bananas and other tropical fruits jcomlng through tho ports may. have to bo resorted to, It was snld, or some other new tnx feature considered. ! Tho first break In the committee oc- furred when Representative Ralncy of Ulnols, after making a stand for in crease of tho taxes on estates in ex cess of $1,000,000 nnd being voted down, announced that he would carry on the fight on the floor of tho house. (THREE FLYERS LOSE LIVES Paptaln of Royal Flying Corps Killed at Cincinnati Lieut. J. W. John son and Cadet Dead. ' Cincinnati, Aug. 10. What promised to be a gala day for a number of kmerlcan aviators from tho aviation field at Dayton, headed by Maj. Claude Rhlnehnrdt, who hnd flown from Mlneoln, nnd British plnnes led by Drlg. Qen. Charles F. Lee, coming from Indianapolis, ended in gloom when Cnpt. James Fltz Morris of tho Brit ish royal flying corps was killed. '. Rantoul, 111., Aug. 10. Lieut. J. W. pohnson of Trnfford, Ala., n cadet nt Chanuto aviation Held, was killed and a cadet flyer, whose namo was with held by officers, was Injured when their machine fell 1.000 feet near Gil ford. I Fort Worth, Tor, Aug. 10. Cadet jvVllliam R. Turnstnll, son of John R. frurnstnll of Brookfleld, Mass., was piled when his airplane collided with mother machine several thousand feet in the air. JEW CALL TO THE COLORS ThIrty-FIvo States Asked to Send i 12,000 Men to Camps for Limited ' Military Service. Washington. Aug. 17. Twelve 'thou- fand white selectlvo service men for Imlted military service were called to tho colors by Provost Marshal Gen oral Crowder. They will entrain Au gust 30 nnd 31, and will bo assigned tn three camDS. as follows: Three thousand to Camp Upton, N. r.; 4,000 to Camp Dodge, la.; 5,000 ka Camn Greene. N. C. Thirty-four states were called upon to furnish men under this call. JF RENCH TRANSPORT IS SUNK DJemnah Torpedoed In Mediterranean 442 Men Missing, Says Paris Dispatch. l'arls, Aug. 15. The French trans port DJerannh of 3,710 tons has been inrnndoed In tho Mediterranean. A report of tho torpedoing has been re ceived from Berlin, wncro it ws an nounced, nnd tho report has now been confirmed here. Four hundred and forty-two men are missing. Herr Von Sengbusch Slain. Amsterdam, Aug. 17. Tho nssassl- Cation of Herr Von Sengbusch, n Ger iuu official at Wonden, Russia, was reported from Riga. Tho murderer e 'caped. This Is tho fourth assassina tion of German officials In. Russia. Mrs. Skeffington Is Exile. Tendon, Aug. 17.- -Mrs. F. Sheehy Skeffington, who was released on Au gust 12 from Uolloway prison, where hn WHS detained after her deportation from Ireland, was refused a permit to .fccturn .to Ireland Lady Ampthlll, C. B. E., C. I., lady- In-waiting to Queen Mnry, Is n member of the council and executive commit tee of the British Red Crosj society nnd head of the Joint women's V. A. D. department. Sho Is one of tho bus iest women In Englnnd and l actively engaged In war work. GAS RAID ON COAST HUN DIVER DROPS POISON OIL OFF NORTH CAROLINA. Six Lighthouse Men at Charleston, 8. C.Are Overcomo by tho Fumes. Washington, Aug. 14. Using poi son gas, a German submarine at tacked Smith Island, off tho North Carolina coast Saturday. Six men wero overcome. Tho official announcement said tho navy department received a dlspntch from Charleston, S. C, that tho attack with gns about five o'clock Saturday afternoon temporarily "put out of busi ness tho coast guard station nnd llght- houso personnel." Tho report goes on: "About 40 minutes after tho attack jthreo largo oil spots, each over nn ucre in extent, wero observed passing. "This oil, from which the gas waB no doubt generated, must have been released from it submarine- In tho vi cinity of the entrance to the channel with tho hope thnt It would come In with tho tide, but tho tldo- fortunntely set along tho Island. "Report was made to Colonel Chase, coast artillery corps, Fort Caswell, N. C by Captain Wlllnrd of tho Smith lslnnd coast guard after tho effects of tho gas wero noted. Six men wero gassed. No deaths. "Tho gas had the effect of mustard gas and wns effective about 30 or 40 minutes. "Tho Incident was reported by Col onel Chase to tho naval district com mander. Smith's lslnnd Is off tho mouth of tho Capo Fear river, nenr tho entrance of tho channel to Wilming ton, N. C." Tho German submarine operating off tho Virginia coast was attacked by an American destroyer, which used 17 depth bombs In nn effort to get tho raider. Tho submarine did not re appear and oil wns noticed on the sur faco of the sea. WILL TAX OCCUPATIONS S10 Congress Body for Special Levy, Ex cepting War Work and Preachers. Washington, Aug. 15. Special taxes of $10 a year on occupations or pro fessions, except tho war industry trades, farmers, tenchers and minis ters of tho gospel, written into the $8,000,000,000 war revenue bill by tho house ways and. menns commit tee. A similar tax was placed upon any business with receipts of $2,000 a year or more, with a levy of $25 u year on wholesale houses with receipts of $200,000 or more. In addition to the ordinary duty of 10 per cent on nil jewelry sold nt wholesale, the committee put on a 10 per cent tnx on retuU sales of jewelry composed wholly or In part of platl num. BEULAH BINF0RD WAR NURSE "Qlrl in Case" In Famous Beatty Mur der Trial on- Way to France. Now York, Aug; 14. Beulob, Bln fonr, tho "Girl In the Case" In the fa mous Bentty inunjer trial In Virginia seven years ago, la oni her wuy to Franco us a Red Cross; nurso. When Beulnh was eighteen years, old her sweetheart, Henry Clay Beatty, Jr., of Richmond, wns convicted and executed for tho murder of his wlfo on the Mid lothian turnpike la Virginia, In 1011 Policewomen for New York. Now York, Aug. 17. Outfitted with "billies," revolvers and handcuffs, New York's first uniformed policewomen, sir In number, went on duty Thursday. They will pay special attention to the welfare of girls. Third Meatless Week for Austria. Berne, Aug. 17. Tho third meatless week has been ordered In Austria, ac cording to reliable- advices, received hero on Wednesday from Vlennu. A small ration of meat may bo served only on Sunday. Chief of Staff Asserts Defeat of Foe In France Is Up to the American Army Bill Delayed Until Next Week. Washington, Aug. 17. Plans for be ginning consideration In tho senate next Monday of the new man power bill extending the draft ages wero blocked on Thursday by the failure of u quorum to appear when Chairman Chumberlaln submitted the report of ( the senate military committee. . In reporting tho bill Chairman Chamberlain disclosed to the senate i that General March had told tho mili tary committee It was up to tho United States to put enough men In France to win on tho west front, and he ex pressed tho belief that 4,000,000 Amer icans under one commander could go through tho German lines wherover they pleased. Tho report also revealed that tho now American war program cans lor SO divisions, or something moro than 3,000,000 mon, Iro Franco by June 30 next, with 18 moro divisions In train ing nt home nt thnt time. All tho men called for active service under the pro posed new draft ages;, eighteen' to forty-five, General March told the commit tee,, would bo In Franco by next Juno, according to the program. Secretary Baker Informed the com mittee, tho report said, that the presi dent's policy called for concentration of Amerlcun' forces oro the western front, Including Italy, and that "tho theory of tho lighting In' the future- Is thnt we must force the Issue- and! win on tho western front." Immedlnto extension of tho draft nges was declared' by tho army repre sentatives to be Imperative' In order that the- United States mar throw Its full Btrcngth Into- the struggle and win. If the draft nges are- fixed! at from' eighteen to- forty-five;. General! Murch said, the system of volunteer enlist ment In tho United Stntes: army auto matically disappears; The draft program and plans of the wnr department are- of such" a charac ter thnt tho rapid movement of troops to Franco 1 continuing" Secretary Ba ker said', and! by reason' of tho- very grent assistance- glvem by the British government Ini plnclng; so mucin ship ping nt the disposul of tho American' government tho- department hopes to contlnuo tho accelerated! movemeutf overseas. There now arc approximately 2,000, 000 American soldiers In- this country nnd overseas,. Mr;. Baker added'.. Tho reservoir In the United States Is' such that oven- with tho exhausting, for a tlmo of the ellglbles, lm class'. 1' tho movement of men overseas. wouldJ not be Interrupted'.. Fourteen. Nntlonnl' army divisions: al ready are In Franco; tho secretary said, nnd theso hnvo- bcem Included! lm the new Held army organization' recently nnnounced by General Pershing;. There also nre 12 National1 Guard' divisions, Including the Rnlnbow organization, overseas, together with flvo' regular army divisions. "The policy of the wnr department Is to put tho maximum number of men In Franco- with the idea, of shortening the wnr." Tho senate ndjournrd' until1 Mon day, and tho plan now Is to begin con sidcrntion or tho bill next Thursday, If possible.. U. S. TROOPS IN! SIBERIA Regiment of Regulars, Fromi Manila Arrives at Vladivostok and Will Aid Czecho-Slavs. Washington, Aug.. 17. American troops began to disembark at Vlaui vostok on Thursduy and will Immedi ately join tho International force to aid the Czecho-Slovak army on Its campaign In Siberia. The Americans nre the Twenty-seventh regular infuutry regiment from Manila and will be followed by an other regiment from the Philippines nnd nddltlonal troops from, tho United States. Col. Henry D. Styer Is lm command' of the regiment. Tho' entire American-, forco will bo under Major Genoral Gruves;. who. has been commanding a regular army di vision at Camp Kearney, CaL. London, Aug. 17;: Tho nllled! Arch angel expeditionary force has. reached Pabereshskala,, 100' miles southi of Archongol, on tho railroad' toward1 Vol. ogdn, It Is announced hero. Huns Have New Sea Chief. Amsterdam, Aug. 17, Vice Admlrul Behncke hns been appointed' stnto sec retary to. tho German admiralty, says tLo Weser Zcltung of Bremen.. He was formerly vice chief of tho naval geuerul staff. Ten Planes" Down; Decorated; Paris, Aug. 17; Lieut. David Pur nam of tho Lafayetto escadrllle, who Is olllclolly credited! with bringing down ten German machines, was dec orated with tho French military medal. Mrs. Ilayna la chief woman' inspec tor, food production' department of England'. Tho United Kingdom' Is lino died qulto capably by her. Women' arc playing a- great part lm tho- mnnngo--mcnt of tho- government's business!. WANTS peace: offers GERMANY WILL not refuse: proposals:. "REASONABLE1 Admiral Von' Hlntze;. Foreign Secre tary; Authority for- Statement;. According! to1 Dispatch-.. London;, Aug;. Iff; Germany wllll noB refuse- any reasonable- peace proposals. nccordlng- to Admiral! voni Hlntze;. Gcr man' foreign' secrctnry;, saldt nt Rcu ter dispatch' fromi Amsterdam!. The- dispatch' quoted! tlio G'ermaro foreign' secretary ns1 saying:: "There- enm Uo' no question' of tlioi refusal! By Germnnyy of reasonable peaco proposals.!' Discussing the- recent speeclii of Pre-ml'er- Lloyd! George;, tlioi G'ermnni fbt efgni secretary was' further quoted! ast saying: flint "had! tho- allies' seribttsi peace Intentions! tliey couldl liae ap proached! Germany through' authorized! persons;''- Ever' since Germany.' begant to' suffen' heavy defeats' oni tlioi western front! It lias' beem reported! fromi Umoi tb time- that tlio central! powers' wero planning; ai "penco- drive.'" Tho- reports' wore strengthened! by, advices' from' Cbpenhngem telling' of iu great council! whl'chi Isi to lio held! ntl Germain great headquarters.1. Tho- two' kaisers' and! many; minis' tors' nndl dlproinnts-nro'taklhgipartf, nil cording; to tile Cbpenllngom dlspntcliesi, It wasi recently reported! thnt Ad mlrall voni Illntzo- had! left Bbnlltn toi confer wltlli tho- kaiser;. BACKS, THE CZECHOSLOVAKS! British' Government-. Formally- Recog? nlzes New Nation Huns Advance) oni Pet'rogradJ. London,. Aug;. 1C. The Brltlsln gov ernment hns. Issued! ai declaration-,, for mally recognising- the Szcclio-Slovnksi as am allied! nation- and! the threo-Gze-I'ho-Slovak armies, as' am allied! forca regularly waging, warfure agalhstt tho. central1 powers.. It Is. reported! fromi Moscow- by. woy of Berllm that tho entente diplomatic representatives have handed! a collect ive note to Wnr Minister Trotzky de manding within three days nncxplnnn tloni of Premier Lenlno's. thrent that Russia' wouldi declare war "ngulnstf Anglo-Frcnclu lmpo; Tallsim'" the Cen tral! Newsi states. Copenhagen, Aug;. 15';. German) troopsi are advunclng oni Petrogrnd', says a; dispatch to the Polltlkcn.. Tho Germans, evidently plain to occupy, tho city.. Washington,. Aug. 15. Blttcrnessi among' the peasants' of the- Ukralno against the Gcrmunsi ls steadily In creasing, nccordlng to ndvlcos; ronch lug, the state department fromi am eyo wltnessi to what 1st going; oni lm tho Russian province.. U. S. ENVOY QUITS; MOSCOW Consult General! Poole Asksi Bolshevikll for Safe' Conduct: to) America.. Washington,, Aug;. 10: Consul' Gen? erul' Poolo- nt Moscow hasi turned ovon 1'Ihi duties to tho Swedish) cqnsulute there,, destroyed! hls code book: and; nskedl for safe conduct for hlmselfi and! tho other members) of tho olllco to return to tho United! States.. Ludendorf Callsi for- Help.. Gonevn, Aug. 10. Twenty divisions of troops wore demanded' of Germnny.'s allies by Genernli LudeudorfC during the retreat fromi tho Marne,, according! to. tho Demount:. Austrln-Uungry re fused! but later sent two divisions.. 74 Czechi Troops; Executed;. London, Aug.. 10: Turmoil! lm Bo hernia, has. resulted! In, tho execution ofi 74' Czechi soldiers! nndl wholesale' ar rests lm many, raids,, nowspapcrai ofi Munich: say;, according; to. ant Exchaug Telegraphi dispatch fronu Zurich.. Jersey cloth has Its adherents all the year round for suits nnd for frocks, but If seems somehow to belong to summer time perhaps becauso It is mado up without lining. It hns tho most clinging quality In tho world, which nccounts for Its making tho most graceful suits and drosses. It Is a fabric with peculiarities of Its own that Inspire to new effort tho endless Ingenuity of designers, who recognlzo Its possibilities for softening angular figures and for helping out those thnt aro too round. Everything depends ,upon tho designer In Jersey suits. Usually tho Jersey suit Is n smart but Informal affair with a flavor of sport styles, but occaslonnlly it is fin ished up with collar and cuffs In a rich, dlgnlflcd fnbrlc that robs It of Its (casual air and places It In tho class of jdressy suits. An cxnmplo of this kind appears In tho picture whero n suit of plain wool Jersey In bright color Is elaborated with n wide band of cross stitch embroidery In brown nnd turned back collar nnd cuffs rovenllng n brown sntln facing. It Is embellished New Blouse of Does anyone know of n better ma terial for any sort of blouso than plain or figured French voile of flitu quality? If so let her earn tho everlasting grati tude of womanhood by naming her dis covery. Fine voile la as delicately beautiful as sheer silk fabrics and ns sturdy and enduring as strong linens. It Is therefore used for fine, hund-made dressy blouses with much decorative handwork In them, nnd for the simp lest of pretty models for ordinary wear. It Is a hardy aristocrat among fabrics ndnptnble to any sort of wear and fitting In with every background. In tho picture one of tho new print ed voiles Is used for tho cleverest and plainest of blouses. It belongs In tho company ever growing in numbers of tho "slip-over" style. In this par ticular model tho round neck Is high er than Is usual and tho fullness of the blouse Is gathered over small clastic cords sot into casings or tucks in tho material. As a finish, bands of rib bon nro set between tho cords and havo the appeuranco of serving to gatlior up tho material, nt first glance. But this is only artistic camouflage which examination reveals. Except for theso ribbon bands and little Hut bows at tho with a girdle of heavy silk cord finish ed with tassels. A suit of this kind Is useful for pres ent wenr, In tho scuson between Bum mer nnd winter, and for tourists who' plan to sojourn In tho South when tho coldest weather arrives In northern latitudes. Tho chnnccs nro that Jersey cloth In silk and in wool has come to. stay. Wcnves having tho Bnmo char acteristics are stylo points thnt can not bo overlooked in tho displays of frocks and suits for fall. Beaded Bags. Beaded bags aro having, perhaps, r longer life of popularity than would have been tho enso If bends had not advanced so grcntly In prlco ns to mnke beaded bags a real luxury. At all events, they linvo never becomo commonplace enough to innko them unpopular with women who wish tho unusunl. So they nro still shown In tho shops, In now designs nnd of now, workmnnship. Oval bags aro especial ly good Just now. Printed Voile neck aud alcoves there Is nothing furth er to U'tt iiimut this design. It Is a simple story attractive lu the degreo that tho mnterlal Is pretty and alto gether complete and satisfying. Ribbon for blouses of this kind may ho either of silk or velvet, but velvet Is tho most effective. When tho blouso must be washed tho ribbon must bo taken off, or it should bo hnnd-stltched to the blouso In tho first pluce, Tho model would not bo so effoctlvo In a plnln vollo but It cannot bo Improved upon for tho mnny lovely printed pat terns that may bo found In almost any dry goods Htore. English Women Make Record. Following tho example of tho rlvett ers, two young London women at VIck ers' works worked eleven and a hulf hours at night and established n record lu wuvo grooving tho recess for tho copper driving bnnd In 18-poundcr shells. One of them averaged 02.0 shells an hour. Tho highest uverago previously obtained was 04.8.