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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1918)
Movth I'HIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, 'NEB.,: AUGUST 27, I 8. s-i No. 65 TWENTY LINCOLN COUNl'l BOYS JIEGISTEKEJ1 SATURDAY. Twenty Lincoln county boys who had ronchcd tho ago of twonty-ono sinco Juno 5th of this year registered boforo tho registration board In tho federal building last Saturday. Tho number registering Is somewhat smallor than was antici pated. Thoso who registered wore; Chatmcey B. Dikoman, Horshoy. Samuol E. Howes, North Platte Sidney II. Zimmerman, No. Platto Harvey L. Tilllon, North Platto Howard McConnell, Horahey John II. Bonestool, Wallace Ray McCLutc, Phllllpsburg, Kan. John Jones, North Platto , Floyd W. Daniel, North Platto William Stearns, North Platto Ollie Zelger, Wallace John E. Martin, Brady Lorn co J. Ilauch, Horshey Elmer D. Strander, Wallaco William A. Hay, Arnold Julius Cornell, North Platto Loren Hossen, Curtis Edgar, B. Overby, Dickens, Harvey Calhoun, North Platto Harry W. Jones, North Platto :;o:: Ballard Seriously Injured. In a card to Dr. Brock received yesterday P. E. Bullard now living in Missouri, writes that on August 10th he suffered a compound fracture of the right thigh, tho broken bones protruding through tho flesh. Ho did not state how the accident occurred. His son Lieut. Arthur Bullard" has sailed for overseas duty and his othei s"on Lieut. Mllledgo Bullard will soon cross over. Tho going of tho boys and the severo accident which has befall en him, togothor with his advancing age rni'.ier discourage Mr. Bullard. : :o: : The Red Cross chapter has been directed to interview church societies and see if arrangements can be made to feed the national army men as they ipass through. Several of the societies havo agreed to furnish such meals, for which tho government will pay seventy-five cents per plate. Pauline Frederick IN "Her Final RenkoniMg" A Paramount Trade Mark means the best CRYSTAL THEATRE Thursday and Friday August 29-30 wo FL M 117!.di f n " me mm mmoiii a tounirv - nTTM " t mri ttw wmiinm uni iwiiiwi wi 1 1 mn'wwwii3wmmmmmi A Picture taken from Edward Everett Hale's Classic. Crystal Theatre Tonight and Wednesday Knife Dull? If you want a keen edge on your knife or a pair of shears bring it to our store the week of SEPT. 2 TO 7 and it will be sharpened FREE OF CHARGE on a LUTHER GRINDER Also a complete Line of Hand, Foot and Power Machines, will be dem onstrated by a Factory Representative who will give a Special Intro ductory Offer All of Week Beginning iry: IMPLEMENT HUNS CONTINUE TO HETHEAT BEFORE THE ALLIED ADVANCE. . iUu,K uvuuUU i".;8econd class niach nlst n the navy !1l?Crnrna hV0 vSVn a. b'g rc,Ur-9 been summoned to ropor at Den mont along tho Veslo river, whore 'v,. aoi..,., ...,t.. 4 A .,.l.,., .1 mi. I has been expected over slnco Gener al Mhngln's Tonth French army drove tho derninns back north and northwest of Soissons. Mangin's advance placed tho German Veslo line In a mighty serious position. Yesterday's advicos said tho Ger mand wore 'putting up a stiff fight against xo French In tho Corcy-lo Chateau sector and It may bo this is being done to give tho crown prince's forces time to got away from tho Vo3la and back of the Alsnq. Field Marshal Foch yesterday added another ten miles to tho over widening fighting front in tho west. Tho allied generalissimo Monday brought the loft lng 'of Sir Julian (Byng's Tliltrd 1 British army1 into action against tho enemy In tho Scarpo sector, oast of Arras, whoro thes Gorman lines have been pierced to a depth of two miles. This makes tho fourth time that Marshal Foch has soon fit to widen tho scope of operations slnco ho set the mammoth offonslvo under way. Liko its predecessors, the new stroko comes at a time when tho main drive has slowd UP against packed masses of enemy reserves , and artillery hurried up from other fronts. Suzanno and Cappy, towns north and south of tho Sommo respectively, wore captured yesterday by Field Marshal Haig's forces. Tho British i'.ho took Avesnes-les-Bapaume, a suburb of the town of Bapoumo. British troops also reached tho western outskirts of Thilloy, south of Ba'patune. An unconfirmed report states that Montaubnn and tho outskirts of Lon gueval also wore reached by tho British troops yesterday also captured the town of St. Lcgor, British troops sweeping forward cast and southeast of Arras have captured a strip of tho famous HIntlenburg line the much touted wall of resist ance, beyond which tho Germans boasted they would never bo driven. The troops are fuVl of enthusiasm as thev Ipress forward . "We'll bag the whole damned lino and bag Hlndcnburg, too, before the drive is over," clwckled ono British Tommy yesterday morning as he went out "with hl company to tho attack. . Prisoners takon in the Albert sector decjaro they were told to hold tho lino at 8V.1 costs Tii Eighty-third German division vi ir'ven thi same instructions at Th'p"il. They could not 6ber"ln-tho'r-ir& rVfiirWimr British attacks. :o:-, In naming the canrWns that, would p.-wear on the November ballot,' tho name of Mir.a Mylnnde', candidate for count v superintendent, was uninten tionally omitted, Tho candidates for this office will be Miss Gantt and I Miss Mj'landor. 1 We have a special bargain on dress ginghams, 30 cents per yard. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Household Grinder A Child can Work It COMPANY SspL 2d Sews about the hoys two are in service. "" "J '"""(. ".Jack" Monrco recolved a card Sat urday stating that his son Robert had arrived snfoly overseas. Robert en listed in Brooklyn, N. Y. word that her brother Major W. E. MIIIb has boon promoted to Llout. Colonel. Col. Mills has been oversea!) for a number of months and has fig ured m a number or engagements. I'hus. Rlnckor was transferred la8t wook from Fort Logan to Camp Mclg, near Washington, D. C, whoro ho Is attending a school of Instruction for employees of tho quarter master's department. Writing from Norfolk, Va., under date of August 20th, Lieut. Burton Lambert says ho has made ono trip ovor3oas and will start on a second in a fow days.. He i8 an officer on ono of tho transports. It Is now pretty well established that both Homer Pidonour and Join! Rldenour, of Wallaco, died of wounds rocoived in action in France, altho up to a wook ago tho paronts had re ceived jio official notlco ot their (ientlis Mrs. Fred Perritt has received Wyllo Walker docs not poso as a professional gardener but evidently ho knows something about growing tomatoes. Ho has ou exhibition two which he grow in his garden, ono of wl ich weighs two pounds, tho ether one and ono-half pounds. Mrs. H, A. Donaldson received a letter 'jesterday from a nurso in a hospital in France written July 18th stating that hor brother George Mc Govorn, a North Platto bov wbb con fined In the 1 ospital by reason of a wound in the thigh. Georgo waB un able to write and the nurse had writ ton for him, Ho enlisted at Sheridan, Wyo., in tho light artillery. Harris Stuart, who wont from this city to Camp Cody with Company E, and several months ago was transfer red to Gettysburg, Pa., as member of-i a tank company, has entered an of ficers' training camp at tho latter place. There are ovor ten thousand men In tho Gettysburg camp and Har ris was 0110 of 260 solected for the of ficers' school. Ho writes that ho will make a mighty effort to "make good" and successfully pass tho examina tion. Writing ifider data of August 5th, Fred Dick, with .tho 31st Engineers, jUJJxa)cray!Satur(lay lt,ralncrt luutii a iuut ami yeBiuruuy mo unlives were all out with shot guns, fishing tackle and nets catching frogs. In this port weseo many uniforms and races '--Pritish tars, Chinese and Jap sail ors. French Morrocans, German pris oners and negroes. Wo have a com pany of black boyR frcm Alabama in our camp and about all you can hear morning, noon and night is the rattle of the bones as thoy shoot dice and the piaver that tho bones turn up right. Tho report is that tho boys on tlso :ront re sav'ng 'Heaven, Hell or Hobokcif by Christmas.' I hope it proves to bo Hoboken, Roy Lannin who was In class 2-D has notified tho local board that ho will WalVCf- all rights for deferred classi fication and will lie ready to leave in the September call for Camp Grant. His brother Georgo Lannin was in clhss 3-D and two weoks ago asked to be placed in class ono. Ho loft last evening' with the quota for Cnnrp Funkton,. Harry Lannin who is in an eastern camp tried to onlist in several branches of service last fatl and also requested the local board to allow him to leave long beforo his number was called. Being unalCo to do this ho enlisted for special training at tho sti'te university and was recontly transferred. Anothor brother who 1b in claBf, 4-A is making arrangements to enter tho service. :o: Work Classified as Non-EsseiiUnl, Washington, Aug. 22 Industries do- clarod to bo non-essential in the DIB trlct of Columbia which may bo given similar designation aT.sowhero In the country, have boon announced by the community bureau of tho United States Employment Sorvico, under tho dlroction of tho department of labor Tho fojowlng industries were classi fied an non-essential to war work. Automobilo industries accessories. DrlvorH of pleasure cars, cleaning, repairing and delivery of same. Sight seeing cars. AutomobiT.o trucks ongagad in work other than fuel or government work. Teaming . bthor than dolivory of products for war work. Bath an,d barber shop attendants. Bowling alloys and blllard and pool rooms . Bottlers nnd bottle siippCles. Candy manufacturers, cigars and to Imcco. CleanorB and dyers. Clubs. Confectioners and dellcatesson es tablishment. Builders and contractor not 011 gagod in erection of Htruotureis for war work. Dancing academic-. Morcantilo store. Florists. ' Fruit Htand. , Junk doners. Livery and Balea gabloa. Pawnbrokers . Peanut venders and oatabljuamanU. Shoe shining shop. ') ' Window cleaners. Soft drink establishments. Soda fountain supplies. " ::o:; A new supply of aprons and house dreHses, nM the best patterns. E. T. TP. A MP SONS. STKNurjR lAYS;l.1,3S0 " FOR THE PA YAK RANCH. The J. W. Payno ronch of 540 nqrc eight or ton, miles southeast ,ot tawn. was sold a few days ago to Al bert A. Sponger, who resides In the eiiBt pnrt of tho stato for $43,1,20 or a HttLe in excess of soventy-flvo dollnrs an lu ro. Tho ranch Is regarded ns ono of tho best farm and stock propo sitions in tho county. All tho tract lioa in tho bottom and 1h first class hay nnd farm land. On tho tract are I.DUM' lUliy IIUIUO ui uvua UU IIIU I1UI lil or river ond. Mr Stonger recontly purchased the firnior Smyth land west "of tho experimental farm. This land ho will, (.l.r.t.1 f ...... - n.a.nn t ......... . . . I. . . wq are informed, place on tho mar- ket- lie will tako possession' of tho Payne ranch the first of next March. Mr, and Mrs. Allison Wilcox, who havo been living on the ranch, wlK probably movo to town. TJie sale ot tho ranch was mado by O. H. Thoolccko. - ::o:: , lterepilou Lnrtrcly Allemlcd. The recoptlon tendorcd tho twenty two boys who left on train No. 4 last night for Camp Funston was largely nttonded. Tho band, tho drum coit-s and tho Home Guards woro out, tho parking surrounding tho court houso squaro waa crowded with autoa and tno lawn surrounding tho grand stand in tho city. was packed. Selections woro rondorodl ..Styles distinctively oxcliwlvb. Mod by tho band, W. V. Hoagland gave a!ols that antlclpato tho fashion, patriotic address that was woll re- PrtceR most roasoniiblo. celved nnd syT.cctlons woro rondored I ::oj: . by the Lolnlnger male quartette. In I, behalf of tho Sammy Girls, J. E. I T71. i 11. . 1 1 . . . I E.V1111H iirosonwu uio ooys wiui sweat- wilothcr activo or honorary,, aro re ora and comfort kits. Hundreds hb- quootod to moot at tho MooBO ,1Rll sembled at the dopot to bid tho boys Thursday, evening at 0:30 U attend good-byo nnd good luck. 1 tl)0 funeml of t, ,ftto Colonol Pftt. : :o: Comnnnv E Leaves CodV- Reports havo reached North Pfatto mac company iu was inoiuueu in tno thirty thousand men that ontralncd at Camp Cody Saturday for an oastorn camp, thero to remain for a fow days to bo outfitted for ovorseas duty. thence to Franco for activo sorvico. ::o:: Tho Economy knitting club will, moot Frldny afternoon with Mr8E.NolBon Dry Goodn storo. It was form- Butlor Buchanan, 614 W. 2d atroot.TorlyACocatod in tho Loudon grocory Please bring all finished or unfinished worK to tno mooting. , Wanted Salesman, lady or centlo- man to tako. over the established tea route in North Blatto for tho Grand union Tea Co. Call 611 Joe Spies for particulars. AND HOS. H. I STILL STANDS SUPREME Conceded to be the most marvelous and stupendous spectacle of all time. 40,000 people--10,000 horses, a great ocean liner torpedoed and sunk by a real war submarine are some of the countless sensational incid ents. Playing a return eagagement at the Idle ONE SHOW EACH NIGHT STARTING AT 8:00 Prices: Adwits TWKifTlVnVO JIK.V CALLED " BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 3d nnd OUi. Tho' local board hafl recdived a call for twenty-two mon to bo sent to Camp Grant-, nt Rockford.'Ill., within n flvn day period between September 3d and Gth. Tho board has at this time about twonty-fivo men, exclusivo of the lf.18 registrants, who nru olig iMe, to lit called at .tho abovo ditto. However, to nrov.ldn for nn rnntlnX j gonolen (lint may nriso and at tho samu time provide for futuro calls! tho local board haa solectod tho nni.ict ot 120 men in class four whoso status aR to children and other con ditions wF.l bo investigated with a vlow of placing In clnsa ono thoso of tho rmntfor whoy reason of on list ment would not leave dopendentR up on' tho cnmanlty In which thoy rosldo. While tho board has not so, an nounced, it. Is generally undorstpod thnt ,wnoro a man has a family who can bo takon care of by rolativos, that Bitch men will sooner or later bo call ed Into service ' -:o:- MISS VILLA WH1TTAKER Second Floor, Block's Storo Announces THE FALL SHOWING OF x MILLINERY . Tho largest cotoctlon to-be found Homo Guards Attenttoii, All members of tho Homo. Guards torson, which will bo held at tho Episcopal church nt aoven o'clock that evening. :o: : Having sold out our grocery depart ment all accounts aro duo nnd must bo pald'at once. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho branch 'postofflco In the Fourth ward has beon transferred; to tho I store, which has movod to tho. south smo. Engincor Geo. Winkowltch, who has been'bff duty for a numbor'ot montliB on account of sickness, hn so far re covered that ho ox"pectB to return to work Bhortly aftor Soptembor first. The Fieal TEST is Comparison All GREAT Spectacles ? avc now been SHOWN to the World ITH TH ties 50c Children 25c Including War Tax FUNERAL OF COL. PATTERSON WILL HE THURSDAY EVENING T. C. Patterson wired rrom .Ports mouth, N. IL, yesterday that, ho and his daughter Ruth will arrivo on No 1 tomorrow with the body ot Colonel Goo. T. Pattoraon, who died at Portsmouth1 last Wednesday nftor noon. Flinornl sflrvlenn Will het1 linfil nt tho Episcopal church at seven o'clock Thursday evening. Tho sorvico will bo conducted by Rt. Rov. Geo. A. Boochor, of Hast ings, nsslsted by tho rector, Rov. Jones. Tbi evening sorvico 1b in conform- ity with n suggestion." expressed by Mr. Pattoraon to this writer .a fow weeks ago to tho effoct that during tho summer, .months funornl sorvices should bo hold in tho evening. s -tr '::o:: Ford Rondstor wanted; must bp In good condition. Will pay cash. S. It. Gochnour, 515 EaBt B stroot. 6C-4- J. E. Nolson and James Keqfo loft Sunday by auto for Colorado to vlBit for a snort tlmo. Miss Madgo Flynn loft tho fatter part of last wook for Holyoko, 'Colo., , Id acco'pt a position . Mra. John Qorhnm, of Grand Island, who had beon visiting hor daughter Mrs. W. D. Buchflnck.. returned homo Sunday. Miss M. Stoman, Btoam baths and Swodinh MasBngo. ladlos and gontltf" mora Phono 807. Brodbeck bldg 85tf Mrs. P. J. NorrlB and daughtor, Mildred returned Saturday from Om aha whoro tho formor took riibdlcal treatment for two-months. The Missionary socloty of tho Lutheran chArrch will moot FVlday nftornoon at U10 parsonago, A good program has boon prepared and all are urged to attond. The Happy Hour club' nnd families will hold a picnic at tho city park Friday t'ftornoon, Aug. 30, beginning at six o'clock. Each, family' 1b requost od to bring a cako and ovoryono brine a dlfih nr.d a epoon. Wanted- -Bright boy who wants to ' loam electrical worK. Norm iiaiip Light & Power Co. Wo aro in a ipositlon to lit you out lp tho season very latest moaolB In Suits nnd Coats. Wo never had a nicer nesortirient of Btyles. Our price aro open 'to comparison. Just como In and look at our morchaudiso and bo, convinced. E. T. TRAMP & SONS