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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1918)
Jtortlt THIRT Y-FOU RTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., At GUST 20, 1918. Fht TWO PRISONERS I'LKAU GUILTY TO SEDITION C1IAHGE. Two mon whb have been conlned in tW county Jail on the charge of sedi tion nppeared before Judge Grimoa yesterday and pleading guilty wero given sentences. Frank Omnberfeldt, a bachelor liv ing in the Sutherland section pleaded guilty on six counts and recoived a sentence of six month in tho county jail. Ho is tho follow that insisted that "ho nnd tho Kaisor" couEd and would lick the Americans. Tho other man pleading guilty was J. D. Barger, a Pennsylvania miner, who had drifted west and was arrfceted in the southeast part of tho county Ho made remarks -about tho advisa bility of shooting tho fuel administra tor because ho allowed a raiso in tho price of coal without increasing tho pay of the minors. Tho Judge sent enced him to threo months in thte county Jail. ::o:: Yesterday's Casualty Report. The war department Issued two casuaf.ty list8 yesterday, ono contain ing the name? of 382, the second 376. Tho total number Killed in -action is reported nt 191, while 282 arie report ed missing. Tho list contains the names of ten Nebraskans, oight of whom were killed in action and two severely wounded. Theso 768 names are not inclined in tho total casualties re ported Up to and including 'last Sun day. : :o: : Wheat Bread for Fighters. The American army in Franco is amply supplied with bread of all wheat flour, the war department an nounced ystlor'day, and tho dally ration of IS ouncos of flour for bread is so over abundant that a reduction to 10 ounces is under consideration. Soldiers in tt-e United States con sum5 victory brtnd wljh tlv'ej pro scribed amount of substitutes for wheat flour. Not until they get to France aro they allowed afll wheat bread. -::o:: Liberty Bonds at Premium. Thei fellows who have been afraid that Liberty bonds might drop below par should noto that yesterday in the New York stock exchange tho 3&s opened at 101i a new high tfelcord. l.uter in the day they advanced to 101.CG. Crystal Theatre Baby Marie Osborne in "Captain Kiddoo" Tonight DOROTHY DAYTON IN "The Mating ofMarcella" a scathing denunciation of New York's 400 but with humorous note that will make you more than glad you came. Crystal Theatre, Thu?ryand August 22-23 -,ul'li""' . lENTAL CHFME THE .i N j II Hi ill IIIINTIHTM 1 Mi 1 1 i ... . . ,",.,.i. ' 1 lKl TO Celebrate Amcrlcnn Victories. North Platto has boon asked to co operate in a nation-wide colobration of American victories on Pershing's birthday, Friday. September 13th. Tho suggestion l8 conveyod In a tolcgrani. front tho Omaha wof.d-IIerald to It? local correspondent Miss Edna Sul livan rccelvod this morning. Miss Sullivan has interviewed local patri otic socletios and finds that thoy aro heartily in accord with tho suggestion. Arrangements will at onco bo started to mako tho celebration ono of the biggest things North Pntte has over had. :o: :- Primary Flection Today. Tho state and county primary elec tion is being hold today, tho polls opening at eight o'clock thi8 morning and will remain open until tight this evening. The polling places aro: First ward, Lloyd opera houso; Second ward court houso; Third ward, llro station; Fourth ward, Bulck garages. Tho real contests In tho primary ia for tho nomination of United States senator and for governor. Tho strong est candidates for elsnntor on tho re publican side aro Hammond. Sloan and Norrls; on tho democratic side More head and Metcalf. Thore is a strong light on between Neville and Bryan for the democratic nomination for govornor. : :o: : Tlireshornien Must ltaport. Under an act passed last year by congress, it is made obligatory upon threshermen to make reports con cerning wheat production. Threshers operating In Lincoln county aro re quested to make their presenco known to Bert Barber, County Agent in this city, and glvel tho address to which thoy wish their report blanks amt. Failure to mako theso reports Is regarded as a misdemeanor and muter the statutes is punishable. : :o: : Basket Picnic. ' A casket picnic will bo held this afrcrnon at the home of Emma An derson. 414 E-. 11th street. Try to be on hand and mako this a red letter day for Emma. A program has been arranged to bo given at four o'clock and lunch will not bi sorved until after six so that those who can come to sr.pper may got there in time. Dr. H, C. Brock and F. W. Itincker left by auto for Fairbury tho latter part of last week. Mrs. Brock and son who have been visiting thero for a couple of weeks returned home with them last night. Dr.. L. J. Krause. Room .3 McDonald o- n tit . -4 Charley Herrod lias resigned his position in tho Herrod GrooVry and Will probably mako application for enlistment in tho quartermasters de partment of tho nrmy. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wlulngand and sons, who havo been auto touring In Minnesota and Wisconsin, aro expect ed homo tomorrow. ' Potatoes, cabbage and tomatoes only thrjje cents a pound for tho next week at Lincoln Highway Gardens, 2000 Ulock oast Fourth. 2t fc"'.N W '"''Hill V V... inn up1 What is the Cool, Clean ... mi n ...llMllll UlllMlU lllllllll III..... .t rr mil 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 II ... . ' liiMiiiiiiiiiiiiti.- Klenzo Feeling ? IT IS a freshness like a spring morning on a mountain peak. It spreads over your teeth and tongue. But it's more than a fla vor it's a testimony of thorough cleanness cleanness that has extended to the countless little taste nerves and has freed them of the sticky mouth secretions. Any wonder your breakfast tastes betterafteryou use Klenzo? Gef a tube to try today. STORE FRENCH MAKE (JAINS ON A NINK 31 ILK FRONT. Th French nrinlos, In a now drlvo bctweon tho Olso and Aisne rivers Sunday, advanced to a depth of a mllo and a nunrter on a front nino miles long. In making this gain the linos of tho Picardy salient and tho Alsno-Veslo battlo front wero consolidated,, a con noctlng link being established and tho now position strengthened. The greatest ndvanco was mndo be tween Carlob6nt, four miles east of Hlbocourt and Fontonoy five miles west of Solssons. This marks the wostcrn cxtromlty of tho Marno counter offensive. The French forces in this sector aro pressing steadily forward, engag ing the enemy wherever contact can he had with him, Tho allied artillery Is also poinding away constantly ilti positions to tho rear of the onomy linos, causing great havoc. Tho village of Nouvos-Clncrc was captured, seventeen hundred prisoner! being taken here. Thoro also fell into tho hands of tho . ndvanclng French nmles a considerable quantity of war matorinl, supplies and shells which tho onomy was unable to remove and did not havo tlmo to destroy. Tho movement on this vlllago came as a surprise to the onomy and, while sharp fighting took place for n short tlmo tho onomy force was easily de feated and forced to submit. -: :o: :- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Ida Tnrttington loft last oven-; Jng for a visit with friends In Chappoll. , Mr. nnd Mrs. John States returned last evening from a visit with relatlveg in jJKnvor. Mrs. Elmer Mnsten nnd children ro turned this morning from a visit at Ordway, Col. Misses Luclle and Mario Martini re turned Saturday from Michigan wherb they spent the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crook havo returned from an auto trip to Chicago and other eastern points. John Kane left Sunday for Chicago after visiting with hl3 daughter Miss Clara Kano for sovoral weokB. Mrs. Fred Frcdrickson and children will roturn tonight from a visit at tho Slllasen ranch near Keaystone. A. V. Plunier has, b,?ont confined to the housivfor several days ,wlth an attoolt' 'off'inflamuiritory rheumatism; Mlsg Frank Elliott has gone to KansasJ.Clty and other eastern cities to purchaso fall nnd winter mlllintery. Dr. L. C. Drost, and family who had lfcen visiting eastern points by auto for six weeks, returned Sunday evening. O. E. Garrison returned yesterday from Portland whore ho spent three weeks visiting hla mother who is in poor health. Frank Burko will lbave today for Fremont to visit relatives for a week. Ue Is ono of tho Lincoln county boys who will leave next wdtk for Camp Funston. A nine pound boy baby was born yes terday Jq John and Christina Nelson bf east"Hlnman proclnct. Mother and son are reported to bo getting alone nicely. . Miss Laura Hemming and Miss Bishop, two trained nurses of Omaha, who wero guests at the P. W. Olson farm southwest of town, returned home yesterday. Miss Thelma Frater loft tills morn ing for Lincoln where she will resume hor studies In pharmacy and. will do vote her spare time to empldymnt In a drug store. : :o: : Notice of Dissolution of Co-Partner- ship Tho firm of DIonor & Fleishman. doalers in Boots and Shcjes, is this day dissolved. W. H. DIonor as liquidating partner, wilt settle all obligations of tho into firm and Is authorized to col lect all claims. Tina business will be continued at tho old stand. W. H. DIENEIt H. O. FLEISHMAN Dated August 13th, 1918. AlG-l-4wks. NOTICE. Notice is Hereby given that at the special ejection hold in tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County,' Ne braska on tho ISth rinv of Mnv. I'll 7. which said election was duly and legal ly callted and hold for tho purposo of voting Ten Thousand and no-100 Dollars ($10-000.00) of Brldgo bonds to bo Issued for the purposo of ob taining monoy with which to aid in tho construction of a wagon brldgo across tho South Platto river, as des cribed in notice of said election horkl toforo published nnd made a part of tho records of said city, that by tho returns on file and as canvassed by the Mayor and Council of said city and shown by tho records of said city tho total numbor of votes cast at said election woro 303 and of said total munbor of votes enst 288 woro cast for Issuing said bonds and 15 wore against issuing said bonds. Moro than two-thirds of tho votes being in favor of issuing said bonds as required by law. Tho proposition was by motion duly seconded, carried and adopted by tho Mayor and City Council of said city and ontorpd on tho records of said city. In witness whoreof I havo here unto sot my hnndnn d affixed my of ficial seal on tho 12th day of August, 191S. I O. E. ELDER, City Clork. City School Notes. rrtln Tfnl,n,.alt.. .,l..., -.1.. I..t I OIV UlllillllVU 1.(11110 JUOl rocblv 'd by Superintendent Tout show a .reasonable high standing for tho olnfcs ft 1918. Thirty entrance, points or. fci edits nro rcqulrod for full en trance to tho University of Nobraska. Not oiif In th class' failed to r'ccolvo tho required 30 points, while G re ceived 31 credits and 35 members of tho class received 32. This is a ro mnrkablo good showing for tho class and for tho North PJntte high school. Miss Itoleno Shoup who taught tho Baker school Just west of this city last year and has been engaged for tho coining yonr has asked the Board of Education to release lux that she may spend tho winter in the south with her mother. Toachors from othor places who conic to North Platto to teach In tho city schools havo sometimes had tronble In finding suitable pCnccs to room and board. To holp them in got ttng woll located, Superintendent ToUt Is taking tho names of poople wl)o havo rooms or will furnish board to 'teachors during tho coming year. He ' Is n-sually in his offlco in tho Franklin school Phono 100 overy day from 4 to 5 and will bo glad to havo nnyorio phono or cnll about boarding or rooming teachers. "William Munson has beisn employ ed )ty tho Board of Education as tho Janitor of the Jefferson buldlng in tho place of Mathlas Ella8 who goes to tho Pnlon Pacific. . RHfs Lucrotla Davis, who had charge of tho Commercial depart ment of tho local lilgn school for tho past six yttnrs, wrlto8 that sho has accepted a position' as head of tho Commercial department of tho Holenn Mont., high school at a salary of $1.5j)0 a year. Tho aunimor school In tho Manual Arts and Household Arts departments of the city schools has closed and tho teachers anei havlncr a short, vacation. Mlsp Layton has gono to Beatrice for a short visit and Mr. Nowman will leave for Lincoln to sixsnd" a week with acquaintance and relatives. Tho school wafa a ' succoss althrough tho enrollment was not as large as it might have been. ::o:: j ' .Sturgcs on righting Line. Lbron Sturges, writing to a friend under date of July 28th, saya that postal dutieB havo not rccontlv ontrair- ed much of his time. Tfch days before no wroto the commanding gonoral ordered all tho American fitl'il nnst- offioes closed nnd tho lemiployoca wero suramoneu io mo lighting lino. Mr. Stirpes -was placed as a guard part otihe time in herding' 30.000 prisoners and 'part of the time was employUt in carrying off tho dead and wounded from tho battle fiold and in assisting tp caro for thorn at tho first aid hos pltals. Ho rcfors to having ono good night' sloop in two wcoks. Tho Amorlcnn losses in tho sector in which ho is havo been very heavy. At tho tlmo of his writing ho expected t.o bo movpd to some point a distance of oight or ten days' marching probably Italy. Ho IntimntOB that In tho sector in which he has boon "war is hell broke loose." ' : :o: : Can We .Meet Them Word from Washington is to tho ef fect that in all probabilities tho peoplo of tHei United States will need to buy sixteen billion dollars worth of Liber ty bond8 between now and Juno 1st next. Lincoln county's shnro of this ttaggorlng sum will bo about ono and one-half million dollars or $500,000 for each of tUe threo Issues. Can wo moot those calls? Well friend, thoro ure about two and one-half millions on doposit in tho bunks of Lincoln County, and if wo are a llttllei tardy In subscribing for the bonds, Undo Sam may send one of his trusted ngonts hero to find out who's who financially and why moro bonds aro not purchas ed However. Tho TrlMuno does not bellovo tho 'people of Lincoln county will .bo tardy in purchasing future bonds. In tho last loan thoy nearly doubled their quota, and In tlilci call next month It will bo disappointing if we don't go over tho top. no mattor what may bo our quota and tills will no doubt bo true of future Issues. ::o:: Merchants Take Notice. Tho Fiesdoral Food Administration 1b insisting on strict compllanco with all the rutos promulgated and especially tho observanco of tho prices aB nx.l by tho Prico Fixing Committee. Else where In this partcjr Is published the now price list which will govorn until a new ono is published. Any vlolntlon will bo subject to a penalty. K. It. GOODMAN. County Food Ad. ::o:: Reception Postponed. Owing to conlllctlng dates, the pro- poKcd reception to onlIs.tod nurses, announced for Thursday of this wcok has been postponed to a lator dato, notice of which wlU bo duly glvon. ,:o:: KOOMS Sonlq fine, cool rooms at th ultnor Hotol. Rent by week or nii nth, reasonable. 67 ::o:: Howard Ranch Sold. i lio W. B. Howard ranch northwest of 'own, containing 400 acres was sold li. week to an easwrn pnrty for a fi i.sidoratlon of $2G,000 or $05 por a ro. Tho tract Is all valloy land. : :o: ; Eslrny Notice. taken up on soctlon 30, town 11, nuiBo 31, hy tho undersigned who thero reni'los ono mulo, about threo years old- weight about 800, no brands, Wut hlddon mark in his tall. Ownor call, prove property, pay charge and take animal away. O, W. T1TCHENER. DRAFT MEN 18 TO 11) YHAUS WILL HE CALLED LAST. Boys from 18 to19 yenrs who will bo made liable to military sqrvlco In tho now man-power bill will bo taken last, Secretary of- War Baker-told th'f- houso military nlTalrg committee yes tordity. Thoro would bo no objection, snid tho fcUrotnry, to putting tho mon of tho lB-ycnr-olass In a sopnrate classification, .to bo called "so far as practicable" only .nftqr tho oldor classes havo bUttn exhausted.' Ho ftx prsnined thnt Provost Mnrshnl Gonoral Crowder Is now propnrlng regulations that will put the men from 19 to 30 In sopnrato classes which will list subject tq tho first call. No general exemption of married mon simply because of their; marrlcU status, l8contomplntcd by tho wnr de partment In preparing for tho pro posted oxtouslon of draft ngoh- Secre tary Bakor declared. t Mr. Bakor said his previous ro- construod, and that married nvon who, do not support their families and who nro not engaged in useful occupations will contlnuo to ho called. "Thero nri many mnrrled mon In the country who ought to go "and fight n rl n O I t rt tllnn lift entll ClE) 11VVIJ HO nillKiU uu omul o A Worthr Picture, "Porshlng's Crusaders," which will tin oxhlbltod at tho Kolth Wednesday nnd Thursdny ovonlng of this week Is, wo nro told by 'people who havo scon It, a very creditable production in as much as It Is educntional along thri lines pursued by Undo Sam sinco tho war began. It gives tho nudionco soino idea of tho onormous task Unolo Sam hns performed Jn fourteen months nnd tho work ho Is still por- form Inc: it depicts our resources and our rosourcofulnoss-lt shows ua how big a country wo are. and what wo can do when put to the test Know ing rroin otnors jubi mo worm oi mo Picture, we trust that the , Kolth will bo crowdekl both nights. Incidentally it can bo said that tho Homo Guards rocelvo a cortain por cent of tho re ceipts. disunity, List Not So Heavy. Casualties in tho United States ovor8ca8 forces, announced by tho war and navy departments during tho wcok ending yostorday. numbered 1,355 compared with 4.91G for tho pre ivous week. Total casualties, an nounced to dato numbor 21.4C7, Includ ing 37fi in Sunday's army Hat. Total army'B casualties numboro 18,707, the marine corps lists total 2,760. (iiisollne Prices Stabilized. Plans for tho stabilization of pot- reloum prldis recommended by tht nation petroioum war sorvlCa com mltteio in Now York, last week, woro accepted yostorday by tho fuel admin istration, which nnnouncoil its uouor that the agreement wlCl pretvont any radical change In consumers' prices of gnsollno nnd other oil products. : :o; : e Ono of tho most successful growers of flowlcirs in town is Engineer W. B. Brown, living In tho 1500 block on east Sixth. Ho has largo bods of cannas, dahlias, petunias nnu oiner froo bloomers that present a Meiry pretty appcaranco. s jMHHHHMHMHHn "Pershing The U. S. Government employs the Motion Picture to render an accounting to Nation how America's Fighting Sons are spending their lives. how American Labor is backing them up. how the Government is spending the National wealth. "Pershing's Crusaders" calls the Nation to Witness with its own eyes HOME GUARDS BENEFIT Keith, fcS August 21-22 i SOUTHWEST NEBRASKA DISTRICT FAIR AT MAY WOOD SEPTEMBER 9-10-11-12-13 Better anil bigger than over. Increased premiums for live stock. More and better attractions. Largest carnival company on the road. Horse and auto races. SPECTACULAR FREE ACTS Chas. A. Llbton. Pros, Dickons, Nobr. Harry Hall, don'l Sup't. In chargo of concessions Maywood, Nobr, NEWS A110DT THE ROYS WHO ARE lSERVICB. Henry Schiltz. of Camp Funston, was called hero a fow dnya ago. by tlio Il!nes8 of hjs sister. (, Lylo Ludwlg.' who has boiein- or.vicn at Cntirp Funston iov a month past,' Is , visiting wjth'locnl ft.londs. A card roqrHvod Raturdny announc ed that Llout- Frank Stuart, of tfie Twojity-socond Engineers had nrrlvctl satoly In Franco. Sherwood Woodhiurst has been transferred to tho light nrtlllorjdii'd sent from Ft. Logan to Camp Fromont California. Mr. nnd Mrs. P..M. Sorenson receiv ed their first lottcr yesterday, front their son Hnrvoy who but rqdeifUy wctit oversoam Harvoy writes tllnt the trip over was unevcnltful, and that' he is Heeling fine. Tho day ho loft' tho United Stntos shoros was hls birth nn- 1 S1,ry Ohas. Sludor writes -from . GrSttt Lakes that ho Is now working Jn tho aoroplano ongtnlq shops nnd says that an auto englno compared witir an noroplnno engine looks Uko a junk heap. IBn likes tho work, 'is taking great intorost in it and hns recoived almost porfoct markings on his work for throe wdeiks past Each mouth ton mon from each company nro sent tb an onstorn university for advanced In stmictlnn and ho is working with thto vlow of bocomlng ono of the ten to go, soonor or later from his comapny Writing from Franco undor dnta of July 22d, Ralph Henderson. Bon of Mr. nd Mrs. J. W. Hondorson, writes. that lKl mot Bob MoWHllama ana tnat tho lnttor was woll. In a Bubsoquont T..i onn. 1.0 Bt:0(l n chllt0RU whlch wns buWt sixty- I years ooioro uuriBi' aim imu i juu . . ... ni.i.i .1 .1 Mi. Bltxy foot deop In which priBonors ,k knlve8, and th tho fl6bd wnrn ,, ,.fi thlrt ,inni, n,i wero droppou. Tho prisoners cii on mutllntod bodies washed away. Ho saw a number of dungoon8 and torture rooms. Ralph Is in tho hospital corps and says thoy havo good food, and good U:ds, :o " Dr. Morrill. Dentist. k How to bo nimble thougli frit . Ono ot the live topics of tho .dny. For full particulars soo "The 'BelTBif ivllli lenturo itrogram night each Keith Theatre Friday and Saturday Aug. 23-24 urasws It. C. Norris, Soc'y Wollfloob Nobr. B, I. Mills, Sup't Spoed, Maywood, Nobr. DRUGS. Somoraet, Neb,