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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1918)
tMlt A A ,L t. . . . . A . A . 'fm r. t-.-i xm- immm , , , - i i i ,i u -fini ii i i i r. I-..T. i ii .in .11 i . mil -im - ' mi - - i i . I,, " i. 1 ii dm.ii in-- a ' V . 1 i --. THIRTY-FOUltTH YEAR. ' ; ' NORTH PLATTE, NEfi. AUGUST 23, 1918. No. 61 i i .... . l .... i " Tlio 3tllky Appearance In reply to sovoral Inquiries I wish to Btato that the milky nppearanco of the city water Is due to nlr In 1t caused by changing from the now to old pumps for a few days to mako re pairs. It will clear up If allowed to stand for a minute or two and will disappear ontlroly within the next day or sc. Samples of tho wator wore Bent to tho state bacteriologist for examina tion recently and tho report Just re ceived says the wator Is O. K. HERSHEY WELCH, Wator Com. : :o: : Paris dispatches stato that tho ainled armies have taken 100,000 Ger man prisoners since July 18th. : :o: : MIsa Clara Baker, who submitted to an operation at tho Nurso Brown hospital Wednesday Is doing nicely. Ralph Graham and sister Miss Bosslo returned a few days ago from a two weeks visit In South Dakota. They made tho trip by auto. Learn to Get Along Without Sugar It has been done before. A hundred years ago re fined sugar was unknown. Our ancestors used honey and you can use honey also. Besides there are syrups. The natural sugars of fruits will serve today as they did cen turies ago. You will get all the sugar you need in this way. The Allies do it now. England, which before the war used more sugar than we did, has but two pounds per head a month now; France one and a half pounds, and Italy only one. Show yourself ft patriotic American and use less than your ration- This is but a slight sacri fice as compared with all that the Allies are doing. Do it yourself. THE KEITH TIIEKATRE MANAGEMENT HOLDS FORTH TO YOl' A FEW SEASOIS WHY You must see the fun IMay that lias taken Ihc country hy Storm A. S. STERN & 8EL1VYN CO'S. ux iniMvi 2k mm LAUGHS EVERY MINUTE HE CAUSE It Is the great New York cast I nnd production. BECAUSE 2Eovry ono who lias seen It was fascinated by It you are no different from the others. HE CAUSE 3 It lias become drawing room conversation, club discussion, and yon surely want to know what It is all about and have your say. "TWIN BEDS' 'ran a solid year in New York, two years in London, six months in Australia. This is the big city show that plays Omaha, August 25, 2J, 27, Lincoln, August 28, Grand Island August 29, Kearney, August 30, North Platte, August 31, Denver, week of September 1st, after which it goes to San Francisco for three weeks. Keith Theatre, Sat., Aug. 31 Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Plus the War Tax Tickot sale Aug. 29, at 1:30 p. m. at the Box Office The foundation of the new Fall Outfit is Shoes. Never before have we had such an assortment of colors and styles, beautiful greys, browns and blacks, the kind that appeal to the particular dressers- Better Shoes ' for Less Money Greys, browns and black?, leather or cloth top, high or toes, large assortment to select from, at Labor Hoard .Meets. Community Labor Board No. 4 met at- the federal building last ovenlng for .the purposo of organization nnd tho discussion of labor matters por- I talnlng to this territory. This board is , part'of tho system as Intended by tho j government for passing on local labor j matters pertaining to tho supply nnd , distribution of labor for war purposes. jTho mmbers of tho board are: Arnold P. Becler, chairman, representing tho U. S. employment sorvlc, N. E. Buckley representing tho employers and George B. Gerrard representing the wdrkors. :o: : Eloxls Stearns, who has beeen em ployed at Staploton .for somo tlmo, came hero yosterday to mako arrage monts to leavo Monday evening for Camp Funston with tho Lincoln coun ty boys. ' "Over tho Top" Red Cross auxl j llnry meets at tho home of Mrs. 'Arthur Connor, August 28Ui. GROWING INTO SCREAMS BECAUSE ft It Hinges yon forget whero you t are what yon are guarantees j you true Mmpplncss, joy and pleasure, not problems. BECAUSE It Is a comedy classic, a hun 3 dred crllks in a hundred cities ' have unanimously decreed it is tlio best farce In years. l.EC VUSE (I It makes yon on;sg again U mid man's dearest wish is his yearn for his youth. ! 10IFI for :ears 1J SHOE MARKET $3.25 to $12.00 Be Sure to Buy your Shoes at the Shoe Market. UlTi AND nOHXTV NEWS. Sheriff Salisbury wbb In Satploton yesterday -on biislcnss. Mrs. Wood White loft Wednesday evening for Grand lutnnd to visit her parents . Miss Cora Souser has accopted a position at tho Barkalow nows stand in tho depot. H. A. Brooke and family, who have been visiting In Colorado for a couplo of wooks, will roUirn homo Monday. Mrs. Emily Coates, Mrs. Ada Lewis and Novlta Coates will leavo shortly for Portland to spend several weeks. Mre. Ora Sailor returned Wednes day from Hustlntrs nnd will leavo In a few days for Portland to visit dur ing tho. winter. Rev. A. C. Hull, who has been absent In tho lntorest of the Baptist Educa tional Commission for two weeks, will return Saturday. Lett KIdwell of Wnllnco is spending today in town while enrouto homo from a visit In tho east part of tho stato. Mr. Oscar Amtsuz of Wolllloot, who enlisted In the coast artillery and waa sent to Fort Logan Iras been trans ferred to a camp In California, Mrs. G. B. Day, formerly Miss Morlo Thornburg, Is visiting her mother Mrs. Mary Thornburg. Mrs. Day had beon at Camp Grant, at Rockford, 111., visiting hor husband who Is stationed at that camp. J. L. Loudon, the north side grocor, has purchased the Tramp stock of groceries. Ho will consolidate tho two stocks and cniitlnuf- the business at the Tramp old 61-ird, opening there noxt Monday. Horton Mungor, who mado ap plication for entrance into an officers training camp was summoned to Lin coln last night by the officer In charge of that branch of tho service for examination. Tor quick action and satisfactory ale list your land with Thoclecko. tf President Seoberger's appeal for fnoro workers at the Red Cross rooms has- resulted in an increased atten dance. Tho quota which tho Lincoln County Chapter has been called upon to flit requires a large weekly atten dance of workers. Miss M Sleman, steam baths and swt'dis'li Massage, ladles and gentle men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bldg 85t Ono hundred uniforms for tho Home Guards v.'ero ordered ten days ago but the manufacturers have written that the ord'-r cannot bo filled until tho early part of September on accocmt of scarcity of help and multiplicity of orders. Wanted to Rent Small farm place clobe to town. Ernest Hie-lms, City. Mrs. John Connor Is enjoying a visit from, her sister Mlsa Clara Kammeror, who has been attending the Grand Island business colloge and Is return ing from a visit in eastern Nebraska. Sho will visit hor parents at Flats. and return to teach In Lincoln county. this fall. "With not much prospects of gett ing pleasuro cars after January Hsst" sale a young garago man yestorday, "II looks as though tho only thing for Up auto follows to do is to go to war." They will 'probably have an opportun ity to enCIst as truck drivers and thus keep in touch with auto mechanism during tho struggle. For Sale Two lots and 4 room house. Cell Black 097. 4t Mrs. John Connor has Just receives word from her brothor Wilfred Kam moror, who belongs to Co, A, .27th En gineers, that ho is " entitled to a furlough to England and that ho will soon recolvo his six months sorvlco stripe. Ho says he ridos a motor cycle and has traveled ovor 3,000 miles, over half of France. :o: NOTICE. Patrons and friends, I ,havo purchas ed tho E. T. Tramp & Sons grocery stock and will movo my stock .of groceries over to their old Btand and condjuct a basket grocery. I will sell for cash, eliminate the delivery ex pense, giving my customers good cur teous servlco and hotter prices. Orders of $5.00 and ovor will bo de livered. LOUDON'S BASKET GKOCERY, J. L. LOUDON, Prop Open to the public Aug. 26, 1918 We s buy for Cash and Sell for Cash. low heels, pointed or wide Tho Primary Election. 4Vith somowhnt moro than haflf of Jhp precincts of tho stato reporting, Novlllo loads Bryan for tho democratic 'nomination for governor by nbout 7,000. and this lead will bo increased ! rathor than demlnished whon tho full returns havo beon rocolved, Tho result should be very gratifying to Gov ernor NevH.lo, Inasmuch that-ho mado no campaign, having evllontly arrived at tho conclusion that If tho peoplo endorsed his administration well anrt good, If they did not ho would not at tempt to forco hlmsolf upon them. , Tho vote on McKotvio, republican candldnto for govornor, has not been tabulated, as his opposition wan weak anu nc recoivod practically tho full , iopubllcan vote. For the nomination for United States sonator Morehoad, democratic Is l.OOO ahead of his nearest com- j potluir, while Korris, republican leads! Sloan, his nearest competitor by ! nbout 2 noo nnd his nomination I as-1 surod. It Is genorally predicted that at the November oloctlon Norris will bo donated, for those ropubllcnns who consider themselves 100 per cent Am erican will refuse to support him by .reason of his record in tho sonato. C- W. Pool will bo tho opponent ot M.P. Klnkald In this congressional dislrjct. - - , :;o:: (Blocking the Draft Law. A 'Washington dispatch says that ; Increased resistance bolng shown by certain members of congress to tho ' drafting of twenty-ono-year-olds In the army, threatens to upset tho pinna of tho war department, of getting , ojghly American divisions into Franco by June of next year, it was learned I yestorday. ) This is the nmnlinr nf 111011 Mint ' Chlof cf Staff March declared tho United States should havo to bring tho war to a successful conclusion by tho end of 1919. It is tho plan along which tho war department pre liminary arrangements for troop transportation and supplies are bolng mado. ; :o: : COUNTY NEWS. At a recent meeting of tho Horshoy Homo Guard. F. C. Donnolly wns unanimously elected captain. A com tmltteo wns appointed to Investigate tho proposition of socurlng uniforms. Tho Lutheran congregation south of Horshey will dedicate a service Hag next Sunday evening at olght o'clock. G. S. Thompson has been appointed chairman of tho four mlnuto men of Horshoy end community by tho nation al publicity committee. Attho primary oloctlon In Nichols precinct Tuesday the jlcm.ocrntn , cast. tmrtyaix and the republicans thirty- seven votes. John Edmlnston, of Horshoy, is at Camp Pike, Ark., training school nt.nlylng for a lieutenant's commis sion. jiuoo jiouiiui niuiuiiun Ulltl 1(14 O. I A . i f. r. T 1. A ....... 1.7 .... .. .1 1.H Tf'.ey of North Platte have decided on 1 Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, as the date of their Red Cross entertainment in Brady. Miss Antonldies' ability as an entertainer i well known hero and Mrs. Tiloy Is as well recommonded, both having given entertainments ovor the county. The program will bo published next week, Brncy Vin dicator. Enlisting Homo Guards Yes, tho Telopost's appeal has been heard as well as tho H. G's. of tho other towns In tho county. J. W. Fottor has volun teered to nnd Is enrolling men anrt young men for Maxwell Homo Guard. All aro Invited to become mombora. See 'Fct" at the drug storo and sign up. You'll havo an experienced drill master. North Platte H. G. and Drum Corps will come down to assist tho Company organize. Maxwoll Tele post. A war mothers association wns or ganized nt Maxwell Tuesday. Tho officers elected woro: Mrs. E. J. Eamos, chairman; Mrs. M. S. Chap- po'l, vice chairman: Mrs. F. R. Hakor, Secretary and Mrs. u. 11. KuluiB. treasurer. A committee was chosen also to prepare a constitution. Any mother having a son In tho ser vlco and who is a loyal American is eligible to membership. : :o: : Or Morrill Dentlof I Des'ned pn livin models, not on dummy I w1 ' Now, when all the nations are practicing jmm 1 pP fpl J economy, is a good time to start some real IfeS BJ HBB j iH ' 98c up to $5.00 1 I Wv Whether you are slender, normal or stout 0 : you will find n big selection j ist in at the I Lll sUl 1 I NORTH PLATTE'S GREATEST STORE. I ALMOST THE ENTIRE EHONT. Tho tldo of dofent still surgoH heavi ly against tho Gorman armies in France and Flandors. On tho four Im portant sectors Fronch nnd British arms again havo been served, nnd tho ontlro Gorman front from Ypres, In Bolglum to SoIssoud, on tho Alsno, now Is moro seriously menaced than bofore. Fronch troopa of Gonoral Mangln, operating from tho region, two nines nortnwost or soissons to tlio Oleo rlvor and thoso of General Humbert, fighting bctwoon tho Oiao and the Mntz, havo materially pushed forward and may compol tho lmmodl nte evacuation of tho ontlro Sommo Olse salient from Brnyo to Noyon. Farther to tho north, betweon Albert and Arras, Field Marshal Ilnlg has followed up his successes of provlous days by a now offonslvo ovor a front of about ton mlHos nnd driven for ward his troops for splendid gains over tho ontlro line, capturing a num ber of villages, taking guns and In flicting heavy casualties. Still farthor north tho famous Lys sector, a gonoral eastwnrd advance on a front of moro than four miles has beon mado by tho British, who havo brought tholr posi tions appreciably nearer tho or.d 101G battle lino running oast of Armon tlores. ::o:: Interesting If True. Tho Stato Journal says: Mr. Mc Kolvlo and Govornor Novlllo aro of approximately tho same ago. Thoy aro alike, too, in linvlng tho opposition ot tho sumo olomcnts among tho organiz ed fnrmors. It Is probnblo that certain membors and officers ot the fnrmers' union and tho non-partisan longuo fool so much dissatisfied with both of tho reguHur nominees that thoy will run a fnrmor candidate by petition. Mr. McIColvlo Is reputed to havo a strongi farmer tfplliwolng, hrtt his farm papor, but ho has offonded somo of tho leaders, and thoy aro already planning to mako him trouble. Thoy can't go to Novlllo, for ho Is oven less acceptable to them than Mc Kof.vlo. So tho talk of an, ludopendont movement which promlBos to ho tho most Intoresflng feature of an Intor ostlng campaign. It is hold to havo very littlo chanco of buccoss, 'bult whothor It wauld limit Novlllo or Mc- Kelvle most Is tho question. Baptist Church. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. B. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. Evening servlco 8 o'clock. You are lnvltod to mako tho Baptist church your. church home. . ioL:-;' Notice of JUssoliiMon of Co-Tntincr-shJp Tho firm of Dloilor & Fleishman, dealers In Boots and Slides, Is this day dissolved. W. H. DIoner as liquidating partner, wlKl Bettlo nil obligations of tho Into firm and Is authorized to col lect all, claims. Tlio business will bo continued at the old stand. W. H. DIENER H. G. FLEISHMAN Dated August 13th, 1918. AlG-lwkS; For professional eyo sorvlco (see HARRY DIXON & SON, .Optometrists. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dontlst Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platto, Nebraska, Wm. S. Hart in A Western picture played with speed and ginger by the man who put the old West back on the map IT'S HART1 THAT'S ALL! THAT'S ENOUGH1 Keith Theatre Monday and Tuesday NEWS ABOUT THE BOYS WHO AHE IN SERVICE. Clayton Whoelock, who wns sent from horo. to Camp Funston, lqft for cvdrseas duty last Mondny. Ho had boon in nn eastern camp Just a week boioro embarking. A tologrnm sont to Llout. Fettor at an eastorn training ennvp Tuosday brought the rop.y that ho waa no long- . or nt that camp and It Is presumed that ho has beon sont oversona with somo hospital unit. Ray Po.ters writo9 his parents that he bar been transform! to Camp MR Pliorson, Atlantn, Ga. Ray has jHlt beon released from a confinement ot eight months In tho hospital at Cmnp Cody during which ho submitted to five operations. John R. Ritnor lias received from his son Coryornl Will Rlntor, stationed; nt Cam'p Fremont, California, tho 1110 dnl tho latter rocolved for his skill as a pharp shooter. Tho corporal mado a4 t.coro of forty-aovon out of opbstdblS; fifty at 000 yards. Ho Is now inslhltr-' torof a sharp shooter company, hut ho says indications aro that thoy wilt soon bo sont to an eastorn camp to be outfitted for ovorBCu3 sorvlco. Loon Stono and Joo PIzor havo beon Isltliig In Donvor for sovoral dnya past. Loren Stnrgos, who has boon, in France fot a numbqr of months, has' pent to Mrs. Lllllnn Gloason two erases mado from tho brass shell part'otu'eij oxploslvts ilrod from tho celebrated Fronch G guns. Thoso shcllg 'a'ro about ten Inchon long and nbout 2 Inchon 111 dlamoter and woro hand somely o:u;mcd by a Fronchman . whllo recovering from wounds. As a work of art tho vases aro valuable I and aa a momenta of tho world's groat I war thoy aro oven more so. - :o : : . To the Public I Acting In co-operation with tho United States Dopartmont of Agricul turo, tho public Is roquosted to im-.-niodlntoly destroy all barborry hedges with tho oxcoptlon ot tho Japtineso varloty. With this slnglp oxcoptlon al bnrborry hedges aro hereby do claijod a public nulsanco nnd a mon aco to tho public wolfaro and tholr ' maintenance, salo, 'propagation and, production in tho stato ot Nobrnska 1b forbidden. 1 A similar roquost wns mado by this Council somo tlmo ago but wo aro inow advised that thoro had not boon i the ready compliance which' wo had . reudon to expect'. Any further resis tance to this action mado necessary (by the damaging - effect- whtchrtho l presence of this shrub hasi upon wheat production, wt'A bo dealt,.th .In a summary manner. lJfV" 1 NERRA8KA' STATE COUNCIWOF DEFENSE. v. . .4 Ford Will Refund Profits. Announcement Jwiib made Wodnes lay by E. C, Lloliold, socrotary for Honry Ford, that tho latter would re turn to tho United States treasury eyory cont ho mado in contracts for war material. Many contracts have been nwarded tho Ford Motor company of which Mr. Ford was a littlo moro than onohalf, and ho will not retain a dollar of his share. What tho other stockholder,, will do 4s not known, but Mr. Ford has expressed the deslro that thoy all follow his example. Claude Dolany roturnod this morn Ing from a brlof visit In Omaha. The Tiger Man" August 26-27 KM