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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1918)
I GREETING AND A STATEMENT TO ODR OLD CUS" 3 TOJRSn TlI,pW ONES WE HOPE TO, GET rH We wish to express our thnnks for Tnvors shown us icjuring the past few years, and also wc want to interest you ,in our plans and aims for the future. ' Owing to the great world war of today, which has brought about tlie scarcity of help, the high cost of mer chandise and-many other things which are dissatisfying, we lire preparing to enter upon a Strictly Cash and Carry Plan September 1st, 1918. V It is our intention to give our customers the benefits of the saving, which means from 15 to 20 per cent on the every day necessities of life and to insure them better, and prompter service. ' ,,.. Depend upon us to keep up the high standard of the goods we sell, to give you honest weights and full measure aud to cut the corners off prices. We shall depend on increased business and the power of cash to bring results. SEPTEMBER 1st, STRICTLY CASH AND CARRY. Lierk-Sandall Co. Fair prices recommomlod by price comnitttco for Lincoln county Nc Sraaka.'nhU'publishecJJ'ny authority of 10 Federal VFood-Administration ' for said county, SUGAR:" 2 lb. lot, por lb 10 5 lb. lot, por lb 10 25 lb. lot, por lb 09 FLOUR: 48 lb. sack $3.00 24 lb. sack 1.G5 Bulk, por lb ..... WHEAT GRAHAM G lb. sack 40 12 lb. sack ." 7G 24 lb. sack 1.40 RYE GRAHAM LOCAL AND PEBSONAL Louie Lipshltz and family returned yesterday from an auto trip to Broken Bow. Dr. Shaffer, Osteophath, K. C. Bldg. Miss Irene Hubbard, of Denver, spent Sunday here visiting the home folks. Miss Comfort Conway has returned from a three weeks visit in eastern cities. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. The county commissioners were in session yesterday transacting routine business. The Episcopal Guild will hold a . social in the church basement Thurs day afternoon. Miss Bfeulah McGraw, of the U. P. store room offlco, is taking a two weeks' vacation. For qnlck action and satisfactory nlo.Ust yourtlund with Thoclecke. tl Mrs. Ray Stuart, of Colorado, is th'o guesi oc iur. nnu mrs. vv. j. a-uuii, liaving arrivieQ Friday. Miss Ethel Worlamoht, of Cheyenne. Is visiting this week with her cousin Miss Dorothy Hubbard. Dr. Brock, DentiBt, over Stone Drug Storo. ' tf W. B Howard, of Omaha, spent yes terday in town on business connected with the sale of his ranch. Miss Esther Bergman loft a few days ago for Brady to spleiid two weeks with relatives. 1 deorgo "Winkowitch returned Sun day from Saratoga, Wyo., where he spent two or thtfeo weeks. Miss Marlon Lawson, formerly of the Tramp grocery, has accepted a position in the U. P. yard office. Chas. Hupfer has sold his eighty acre tract of land two miles west of town to an eastern man for $8,000. Marry Dixon returned yesterday morning from Omaha where, he had been visiting his wife and daughter. The ladies' aid society of tho Pres byterian church will moot In the church parlor8 Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Gus Chamberlain und son Vnldamar, of Donvter, who spent ten' days here returned homo this morn ing. Wanted Girl for general house work. Mrs. E. F. Seobcrger, G02 weijt Fourth Street. Telephone 264... J Mr. J. Q. AVilcox and" children re turned Saturday morning froiu a 'pro tracted visit w:li relatives "in Enid, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Bonner and Miss Helen Bonner expect to leave this week by auto for a trip through Colo rado. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cramer are on Joying' a visit from the former's sister who at rived a few days ago from St.. Paul. Judge Woodhurst united in mar riage Saturday Lewis M. Conklin of Sl-ockvlllc und Miss Raymo Hansen, oi Curtis George Frater returned the latter part of last week from Texns where ho went on business connected with his oil interests. The Parls edition of the Chicago Tf iiino ncn 11 nllniins to INOrtll 1'iailO that this city has a maternity hospital conducted by Doc Twin-cm. Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and SwniHsh Massacre, ladles ana gentle men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bide 85tf Governor Keith Neville camo up from Lincoln yesterday morning and spon't tho day in town, returning to the capital ctyy this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murphy, Mr, and Mrs. H. N. Smith and Miss Loretta Murphy kift by auto yesterday for Denver and other Colorado points. Forty-flve young men of the 1917 and 1918 registration were examiiuid at tho local board rooms mo iauer part of last week. Six were rejected. Vincent Roddy, Francis Norris ahrt Charles collagen, wno nau oeen yibu-; ing Colorado cities by auto ror ion days past returned homo Sunday evening. Mr nml Mrs. Homor Mussetman leave tomorrow morning for Quanticoi Vn in n.aliln in the future. Tha for- mcir has accepted employment In tho ship yards there. G lb. sack 12 lb. sack..-, 24 lb. sack RYE FLOUR 12 lb. sack 24 lb. sack WHOLE WHEAT 12 lb. sack CORN MEAL 5 lb. sack 10 lb. sack 25 lb. sack CORN FLOUR 5 lb. sack 10 lb. sack 25 lb. pack Bulk, teex lb BARLEY FLOUR Bulk, por lb 5 lb. sack POTATOES Per pound BEANS Fancy white, por lb." Common white, 'per ,1b Colored, per lb. Lima, per lb LARD Pure, por lb No. 3 lb. pail No. 5 lb. pall .: EGGS Por ifoaen BREAD 1G oz. U. S. S. loaf 24 oz. U. S. S. loaf 32 oz. U. S. S. loaf 48 oz. U. S .S. loaf BUTTER Creanviry CORN SYRUP 01 nv. -72, imr usiii . .-, No. 5, per can No. 10, por can CORN SYRUP, WHITE , ho. 2, por can ... ;.. No. 5, por can No. 10 per can HAM No. 1, wholo skinned, por lb. No. 1 whole regular, por lb. Shoulder, per lb BACON No. 1 wrapped, whole, p?ir lb, No. 2, wrapped, whoCo per lb. : :o: : &FH16FS v We are authorized Agents for the Fqsdson Tractor Made by Henry Ford & Son, DEARBORNE, MICH. We will accept orders with deposits from residents of Lincoln, Logan, McPherson and the eastern half of Keith County. Shipments will be slow. Orders filled ac cording to dating. For information regarding price and equip ment address or phone Hendy-Ogier Auto Company Authorized Ford Sales and Service, North Platte P. S.--The Tractor and Car business will all be handl ed in our new home, 113, 115, 117 and 119 east Fourth Street. .40 , 75 1.40 .85 1.55 .85 .35 .05 1.35 .40 .70 1.G0 .0G .OGVi .40 .04 .1716 .12 .10 .18 .33 .90 1.50 .35 .10 .15 .19 .2G .48 .25 .45 .85 .25 .50 .95 , ..3G 1 ...3G ...29 GET ItKADY TO 1)1(3 l)KKl FOR LIIilsKTi UONDS. ..GO ..50 CITY AND COUNTY NEWS John Cook returned Frldny from a Jsit with relative in South Dakota. Mrs. Grorgo Gibhs and damrhtnr nave gone to YorK to mako their home. Baled hay this wdric in Rollins fnr $17 to $18 per ton with alfalfa com manding about ?2 per ton more. Tho nay crop in tno valley is somewhat nuavier man usual. Anyone willintr to elvo imnnt nmi room nr tn rrmt riwims tr Mm (n,mi,n. - -1 - ---.. vv lu llitWUUin u-iring uie Lincoln County Teachers' H13UCUIO boptombor 2-G. plietise call mack 502. Aileen Gantt. Co. Supt. G7 Mre. Arthur Tramt Intt. 1 ior vauejo. uai., wnoro her husband Is stafionl'ld as a ninmhnr nf fho mu rine bund. Max Hensolt and wife will occupy tlie Tramp bungalow. MiSS Isabcllc Dorail. who linn linnn employed in Omaha with tho Standard un company ror three months, camo naiuruay to visit tlie Homo folks btt- iu.u ui;t;uiiviiiu 11 uosiLinn in run fimn ha schools. Mr. and Mrs. James nnl,l spent two wetits at Excelsior Springs ruiurneu nomo Jtmuay night Mrs. Omar Huff and Imhv li nvn rn, turnJjd from a two weeks' visit with irienus m i'axton. Mrs. Elmer Helirpsnn linn rVitnmofl from a visit with relatives in Denver. William Dunn, of Wpod Rivor who frequently visited here. drafted boys who went through this cuy uie iauer part or last week to go in iruiiung ai i-iOgan, man. William Poarsall. fnrmnrl city who has been located In riirvn for some timo.. was transferred hero uy taa local board of Laramio Countv unu win jeavo next weeic with tho local registrants for Canin FnnRfnn Mrs. Pearsalf will remain with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Wins low ior some time. ".'iminiip" Langley, an emnloyeo of tlie local snops thirty yoarB ago, ipas- seu west yesterday morning. He Is now supervisor of machinery for the Union Pacific corporation, and prior to accepting tnis 'poslilon was mastoi mechanic of thiol Oregon Short Line at Portlund. Wanted Younc ladv to lnnrn ro touching. Good wages to start with ana goou opportunity for advance ment. Written applications only BROOKS STUDIO. 2t Wednesday nlcht'o nttrnnMnn nt thn urysiai win no "Tno tainted Lily" with Alma RiiohonH. Thi Rtnrv hHnca up Uvo point as to whether or not a woman suouiu nvo wun nor nusbanu aitor sno has ceased to love or re spect him because the happiness of her naronts dlencnds on her matrl moniai alliance. The classes in Homo Nursing to he opened during tho month of Soptein bor will bo hold In tho ovoning to ac commodate those who would not bo able to attend during tho duy. Tho class is organized under tho direction of tho Red, Cross and similar courses aro being held all ovor thiol country, Miss Boyd, of tho Gcnora Hospital, Is to be supervisor and instructor, and a certificate will bo given to ovory student who completes tho courso of fifteen lessons. All tboso wishing to nttond tho course aro ronjuestcd to glvo their names as soon aa possible to Mrs. York Hlnman or Mrs. G. T, Field Washington Tcntatlvo 'planB of tho treasury provide for throo big liberty loan cumpalgns within tho next year, each to ratso $5,000,000,000 or more. The first will Wet from Soptomber 2S to October 19, aB announced, tho next is planned for January or Fobruary and the third May or Juno.This pro gram will bo necessary. It Is oxWain- od, to provido.JlG.000,000,000 inquired m auaition to tno $s.uuu,uuu,uuu to no provided by tho now rovenuo bifil. It government oxponses and loans to nl- li: fall much below tho $24,00,000,000 estimate the government is oxpected to try to combine two loans into ono blg campaign for the largest credit ' ' LA . A, f 1 1 . ever sougiiL uy any iutuuii. oucu u campaign would bo set for some timo In the late winter. Monoy needs ho tween loan periods will bo llnancul by !sale of short term cortil.catb8 of indebtedness an in tho past. In addi tion the treasury looks for a steady inflow of mouety from tax certificates whlclj banks and corporations probab ly will buy In billion doClar quanti ties, which vlrtualy means tynying tax es in advance. ay 1st Grain Gr We have the most completely equipped plant for the handling of your products of any concern between Omaha and Denver and can give yoii service second to. none. Our bids on grain are the highest that conservative business will permit. , v We buy more prairie hay direct from the Producer and sell direct to the Consumer, than any' other Shipper in the United States, and arc, therefore in a position to bid you the top market, or better, at all times. , i Leypoldt & Pennington HAY, GRAIN AND LIVE STOCK, COAL AND FEED PHONE 99 Branches:-Newport and Atkinson, Nebraska, on the C. &. N. W. Railway. Sugar AUottinent for September. Omaha, Nobr., Nebraska" nllott- nient for sugar for tho month of September for all purposes is 5,158, 000 pounds, according to announce ment of tho Fi'lderal Food Administra tion for Nebraska. Ono million of this amount is for canning and preserving purposes, tho romalndor for gonoral household purposes. Tho nllottmont, bolng the samoA as for August, moans that rotallors and all other denlors will recfeivo tho panic nmotujijtH as In July. Household ers will bo permitted to hnvo 2 pounds for each porson In thei fnmity and re tailerb will bu allotted sugar oi this basis. Hotol and ipubllc eating places got 2 pounds for each 90 moals Borv cd; kes ossentnlls, tfO por cent of tholr former uso; osscntlal manufac facturors, their roqulromonts; bakors 70 por cicait of tholr uso in correspon ding poriods Inst year. : :o: : , For Farm Loans soo Qono Crook, Iloom west of VIonna Cnfo. -: :o: For Snle. ; 12 light, hack rovolvlng hardwood stools suitable for lunch counter, pocM hall, soda fountain, otc, also ono medium size- roll top desk. Inquire nt Shoo Market, North Plutto, Nc,b. AUTO LIVERY toil- word received Sunday told of tho accidental death of Alhort Rudat, son n( Mrs. Albert Haspel, of this city. He was manager of a chicken house In Hastings and was enrouto to Now York with a car of poultry. Near Crcs- ton. Iowa, Saturday tho train of which tho car was a part was wrecked and Mr. Rudat was killed. Mr. and Mrs. IIuspol went to Hastings lasjt night to attend tho funeral. Tho dcctlnsed leaves k wife and sovoral children. SInco I hnvo sold tho garngo am doing uuto livery from (ho North Side Burn.. Day or Night Telephone 2!. Wo mako n specialty of drlrei to sales nil over tho county nt tho rnto of IIto cents por mile por person. Those who have sales throughout tho country plcuso let 1110 know. Also 11 few cars for sale. Night Call Itotl (H52. Julius Mogenseim. SUGAR EXPORTS SMALL TO NEUTRAL NATIONS Only 707 tons of refined sugar were shipped from Amerlcn to neutral na tions during the first five months of this yenr. This nmounted to only 8.2 per cent, of tho total exports to nil countries. Mexico received more than Imlf tho iiniount wo exported to1 neutrals. SAVE SUGAR. it Sugar menus Ships k Ships mean Soldiers Soldiers mean Victory. w!tnmitattm8natmRtamiram ONE SPOON, PLEASE. Mnke one spoon of sugar Do the work of two. Keep the program going Until the war Is through. tnttttntrttttttitnmmmttatttmttmtmi OAR EXCHANGE Before buying a car be suro to see me as I have a number of cars almost as good as new, which I will sell at a bargain. These cars aro not old broken down junk, but cars which will stand close inspection and will save you money. Would be pleased to have you call and see these cars. A. M. BLTJME FIRST CLASS CAR PAINTING. 818 North Locust St. MORE FRUIT and LESS SUGAR How? More Canned Fruit Dried Fruit Fruit Butter Fresh Fruit Leas Jam . Jelly Preserves, Sweet Pickles ft FRANCE AND BELGIUM GET AMERICAN SUGAR Ninety-five per cent of nil refined sugar sent from tho United States to the Allied nations went to France and lielglum during the Drat ' live months of this yenr. Franco got 72 per cctjt., or nearly 8:1,000,000 pounds, and Relglum receiv ed Hourly 11,000,000 pounds, or 23 per cvnt. In ench country this sugur was doled out by n Htrict rationing organization. The entire amount tn the Allies In these flvo months 23,701 tons, almost half of which was shipped In May -Is only nbout one-hnlf of 1 per cent, of our totnl annual consumption. OIL'S THE THING In tractor operation the selection of the most suitable lubricant deter mines the life and work capacity of its engine. And this year every farm tractor is a war engine that deserves the most skillful care and operation. STANOLIND GAS ENGINE TRACTOR OIL is especially made to meet the severe lubricating requirements of kerosene burning engines. It meets the speci fications of tractor manufacturers and has proved its efficiency by keeping tractor engines up to their gruelling task day in and day out in all weathers and under all conditions. It keeps compression tight, lubricates evenly, produces a minimum of car bon and can be depended on to give you a full day's work from your trac tor at highest motor efficiency. Fill your oil tank with Stanolind Gas En gine Tractor Oil and convince yourself. mm SHI mm iftits ISii mm ins mm i hm STANDARD OIL COMPANY OMAHA