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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1918)
Mh Jtortit path? Jitpltlee tribune. THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.; 'Gt 'ST 16, 1918. ' ' No. 62 LOCAL AUTO OWNEltS CO-OPEKATK WITH THE U. S. In compliance with tho request of tho WAR ECONOMIES HOARD OP THE COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DE FENCE, the following rules govornlnK FREE LABOR, ADJUSTMENTS, and SERVICE, have beech adopted and will be strictly obsorvod by tho under signed motor vehicle dealers ct North Platte. 1. FREE LAHOK. The dealer will rofund to each re tail purchaser of a motor vohiclo all money received by him from such pur chaser in payment for parts replaced by the manufacturer within 90 days from the date of delivery. 2. ADJUSTMENTS. Minor repairs, adjustments, and ser vice, such as adjusting carburator, adjusting brakes, taking out squeaks and rattfle, work on battery or elec trjcal system, cleaning spark Tings, inflating or changing tires, aligning wheels, etc.; etc.; all other work not provided for in paragraph 1, shall bo charged for at tho dealiws regular rates, $1.20 per hour, with a minumum charge thoroforo of 25 cents. .'(.SERVICE. All so-called "free service" shall be discontinued forwith and no coupon books given free or Bold at a discount shall be issued, nor recognized, nor coupons therefrom accepted by dealers in lieu of cash nor shall any other plans, designed to result in free labor, service adjustments, or inspection bo adopted or 'practiced, tho provisions of paragraph numbered 2 herein shad bo held to govern in every instance that is not covered in paragraph 1. 1 1. CASH. . The undersigned doalers have agreed to go on a strictly cash basis on ' and after Sept. 1st. Wo are not casting any reflections on tho credit of our j patrons, but is mado necessary owing! to the fact that the poeple from whom ' we buy are demanding cash. i .". OVERTIME. j No shopwork shall be taken In after 1 six o'clock to bo done that night, and j no work is to bo done on Sundays, and after six o'clock that is not abso lutely necessary. C. M. Trotter Motor Inn. by H. J. IWnkley llert A. Noble, Mrr. Overland Our. ; Jlcndy & Ogrler Co. J. S. Davis Auto Co. I Willlnrd Sorvlco Sta., 0. J. Krooks 1 Max VoiiGociz Leu Auto Co., Fred Leu l Midway Motor Co. E. T. Mooro Mjrr North l'latte Dulck Co. A. N. Durbln Auto Co. J.V. Rontfgli .y !:o:: ; Clreing out all tho woman's and misses tailored suits, wash dresses,, wash skirts, fancy silk skirts and all other summer wearing apparel at THE LEADER MERC. CO. 4,000,001) YANKEES ARE NEEDED ! RECEPTION WILL RE GIVEN ON THE WESTERN EJIONT. T0 TllE UNLISTED NURSES. In reporting the administration man' powor bill extending draft ages yestor-' day, Chairman Chamberlain disclosed to tho senate that General March had told tho military commlttco It wis trp to tho United States to put o.iough mon in Franco to win tho war 'on the western front, and had expressed tho bollof that 4,000,000 Amirlcans under ono commander could go thru tho Gorman linos whenever tho pleased. The roport also revealed that tho now Amorlcan war program calls for eighty divisions, or something over 3,000,000 mon, in Franco by Juno 30, noxt year, with eighteen mortl divisions In training at homo thon. All of tho mon called for active ser vice under tho proposed now draft ages 18 to 45 Oenoral March told the committee, would be in France by noxt June. Secrotary Bnkjtr Informed tho com mittee, the roport said, that tho presi dent's policy called for concentration of American forces on tbJti western front. Including Italy, and that "tho theory of tho fighting In the future Is that wo must force the issue and win on tho western front." Immediate extension of tho draft ages was declared by tho army reprii sontatlves Imperative in order that tho UnltfU States may throw its fuK strength In tho struggle and win. :o. : The Allies Success. Four weeks ago yesterday Marshal Foch took tho initiative. In that time the allies have reclaimed nearly 1,800 1 square miles qf territory, improved their positions to tho detriment of tho enemy, freed thta Important railways running east and north from Paris and unofficially have captured 73,000 pris-; onerB and 1,700 guns. These are tWsJ rhyslcal gains, the future holds tho others. Henry BlAcui, military cornmentator In an artlclo Thursday, says a condelr-1 vative estimate of German losses since , July 18 is about 350,000 dead or wound- ea. -:o: Who Is Hoi A North Plntte boy was qultel badly burned between Maxwell and Brady Sunday ovenlng enrouto home from Gothenburg on a motor cycle, tho I gaolino exploding and burning car. I Dr. Kelinon gavo him tempprary reOief ' and ho went homo on No. 1G that night. Another motor cycljct uurncd for him) tho same day. Maxwell Telepost. . ::o:: E, A. Wahlford, for soverai months employed in ' the Marti market, has ! nurcliased tlite) John Noblo stock of' groccrleV'in "ho - Fourth" . warih'-'tak'lhg possession today. Mr. Wahlford was for a number of years In business in Sutherland. Hundreds of now fall suits, coats and dresses await your inspection at i BLOCK'S. The thirteen youhg women who have enlisted as student nurses, and who will soon leave for training schools, will be given a rtrtooptlon at tho court house park 'Uuradayt Aug. 22. While this reception originated with Tho Homo Guards, it will bo a community affair Just aa have boon the receptions tondorotl ths young m:tti who have gone Into tho tsrlrvlce. The guests of honor, tho band, tho drum corp3 and members of tho Homo Guards and other societies will as semble at the federat building at olght o'clock and march to thti court house park where a vory Intorkisting program will he rendored. In onllatlng aa student nrirses thfse young women have barkened to thoir country's call just as has tho boys In tho service, and It Is propor that as citizens wir do thorn honor. While they do not go directly to tho fields of action thoy soon will roltove graduate nurses who will go to tho front to glvie their kindly ministrations to the wounded soldiors. Tho Tribune urgoa our citizons to turn out enmassls at tho reception and show by your words and presence that In enlisting they have provon thomsolvos 'patriotic and ob serving of our best wishes. :o: Wo do not know how many, If any men i in Lincoln county are loafers, but If there arc such, rhoy will bo commandeered into some necessary work within the next two or three weeks. An agent of the government will bo horo about September first to jnako Investigations, and if ho finds any ablo bodied men between tho agos of 21 and G5 unemployed, or employed at labor which Is not vital to thki j i ,0 i I,, .i f .i county s wuiiaru, no win uo lumiuiij Into such labor sorvlco as no is com petent to do at such ilaco as needitkl, oven though that, location may bo in Now York. Tho government is dotfclr mlnod that the "light or work" order bo carried into full effect In cvteTy part of tho country. i Middios! Middiesl In 25 different' styles, all sizes, rtngujar values up to $1,76 are now on sale at 49c 79c and 95c nt BLOCK'S Clean Sweep Salo. This week F. R. Finch, Maxwell's wide nwako ral estate doaler, sold nbout 4,000 acres of land as follows: Asu Mooro soctton and a school section and the Chris Hanson half .section north of town to a Mr. York, of Gothen burg. V:trnon Yanken section and two Dictz sections north of town, to Nool Covert of Cozad, and the Tom Peter son section south of town to p. person Whoso. nan)o;'thi?( writer : did, iihot learn. Maxwell Tolepost. Always earliest with tho iatost at BLOCK'S. Whore all tho noautlful new fall stylos in cdats, suits, dresses, skirts and blouses are now shown and on display at this storleL WOlfKKltS ARE NEEDED AT 'fltKU CROSS WORK ROOMS. "MJre orders for work in tho a-ur-glcaljdrerslngs and garments depart ments of Ufci Rod Cross than woro oxpettod havo come In." said Prosldont SoobfiJKPr this morning, "and It is nocenry that tho full quota bo furn ishedi Women and girls aro ursod-to give- jy part of their tlmo to assisting Ui tljjp.worl. rooms. Our eoldlors aro not jyffcng now and wo at homln must do our bit. Come out and holp" The Tribune trusts thnt this appeal for workers by Prosldont Scoborpl t 111 Sh promptly mot by tho women of Ntth Platte and Lincoln county who heretofore havo not boon slow to lend the holplng hnnd. Amrclcan troopl aro now In tho thick of tho flghtltend have boon for two or thrcM weeks, aud hundreds have been wound ed. Tlhls noeesnnrlly calls for thous andsjot surgical dressings dally, and the auplply Is diminishing. To not flK the Jiuota apportioned to Lincoln counw woufld bo a rolloctlon on us. Cun wt afford to bo laggards In this workwwhen perhaps thoso vory drlclss Ings may bo usod In removing tho Biit ffrluflb of soma Lincoln county boy. :o: A fifteen car troop train passed wastat. S:30 this morning and the 500 or mqro men wcro served with coffeo, sandwiches, cigarettes and poRtcards at thj Cantteon, station. This was tho secoiul troop train to go west within twenty-four hours, and this gives riso to th rumor that tho mon aro enrouto: to Russia. Today's papers state that a regiment of Americans landed at Vlodivostok yostJ:lrday and It is pro-j babldthat many moro nro to follow: I Will Moran. mastor mechanic for the lir O. road at Garrott, Ind., who has open in town for a day or two will 'ft'turn east tonight. In tho shops at OaTrelt 2,500 pltoplo aro omployed a uuniboi of whom aro women. IB Hundreds of new fall suits, coats and drosses await your Inspection at BLOOD'S. ThoHr" nepartmont was called out last night to.quonch tho flamos of a hurnlg auto at. tho Romlgh garage. The 'fire started whllo tho car was in-1 do0rbut it was pushed outsiuVi. j 'Miss M. Slcnian, Btoam baths and' Swodish Massage, ladles and gontlc men. Phone 897. Brodbock bldg 85tf; A. G. Howard returned last night from Ja visit in Portland, Ore. His wife ajid children who had boon thoro for several 'months, stopped off at Kimball for aBhoxt visit while cnrputo LoET.ot tomatoes and other vege tables fov Bale. North ltatto Floral Company. For Farm Loans see Gene Crook. Room west of VIonna Cafe. rr Morrill. DontlHt DRUM CORl'S DANCE PROVES RIG SUCCESS. Tho dnnqci glvon at tho Lloyd Opora Iioubo last evening by tho Lincoln county Drum and Duglo Corps was ono of tho big successes of tho year, tho tilt udauco bolng such as to All tho blK hnll with dancors and spectators. The muplc Was furnished by Stamp's orcluptra and was lino, tho floor was ! In good condition and from nlno until t elvi- o clock ovory ntttendnnt had ono of the best times of their lives. Ono pleasant fenturo of tho ovon Ing was tho presentation of a ono hundrod dollar check to 'tho Homo . Guards by W. J. Hondy, a gift that was i highly appreciated. This chock tV J togothor with Uio not rcctlpts of tho dance will bo URcd In buying equKp- ui;.iit and uniforms for tho Guards. :!o::' First showing of now fall suite, coats and dresses at BLOCK'S. Siberian Crab apples and all other kinds of applos for Bale. Andrew Olson, near Platto Valloy school house. Phono 780F11. Clork Allen, of tho registration hoard makos tho prediction that If tho draft agfcls aro changed from 18 to 21 nnd from 31 to 45, not loss than threo thousand men In Lincoln county will bo required to register. Houso drcsHeis in vf. sizes and In many different stylos. Values up to ?2. Clean sweep prlco at BLOCK'S 98 cents. For Salc Two Ford cars In first class running ordor, with light truck bodlris. Inquire at 214 South Chostnut, North Platte, Nebraska. 4t Word received ycBtitirday by his parents stated that John Tlgho, Jr., inoro fmatllnrly known as "Buck," has been commissioned a lieutenant, having passjed a creditable oxamlna- tlon at an offlcors' training camp In j tho southwest, ' Always earliest with the Cateat at , BLOCK'S. Whoro all tho beautiful now fall 'styles In coats, suits, dresses, skirts and blouses nro now shown and on display at this stork To (ho Republican' voters of Lincoln County. Tlit nomlnntlo nor tho ' republican candidate for U. S. sonator nt tho primary election lifts botwoon Ro3s L. Hammond, C. H. Sloan and G. W. Norrls. Dollovlng that tho groat maj ority of tho voters of this county aro 100 per cont Americans, nnd that tlifeV aro entitled to support a cnndldato who hns boo at nil times a 100 por cont Atnjcricnn. I heartily endorse Ross L. Hammond ns the only ono of tho three who nt all times slnco tho oponlng of tho Groat World War hns bdm nt all times for Amorlca nnd her present allies. Both Norrls and Sloan hnvo by thoir votes In congtVUs glvon aid and com fort to our enemies and to tho enemies of our present nlllos. T. C. PATTERSON. :o: All that's now for fall In silk nnd wool dross goods at THE LEADER MERC. CO. -:;o:: Methodist Church. Sunday nchool 9:45 a. m., Morning woshlp 11:00 a. m., Epworth League 7:00 ip. m. At S o'clock thoro will bo a program of srWclnl Interest. Mrs. M. J. Forbeis will glvo a roadlng. There will alslo bo other attrnctlvo numbors. and a short patriotic talk. ::o:: Summer undorwoar for tho whole fatuity at boforo tho war prices at THE LEADER MERC. CO. KEITH THEATRE TO-NIGH J JEWEL CARMEN in "The Girl With the Champagne Eyes" and the 2 part comedy "HIS SMOTHERED LOVE" A solid laugh from start to finish. Girls, Do You Know How to Knit? MargZLe ;"The Seven Swans" Clark will show you how to knit garments that will transform swans into handsome young,men, She is a prototype of our maiden's who are khittnig for flu'r Hoys "over "there." "Men and maidens, come and learn to knit. Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 1020. IS Ti ! & m is Sn IE Hi SilWIlTfllPF Good OF ALL During the balance, of August wp will put a price on ail classes of Summer TVlerchandise that will cause it to move out quickly. Hot weather will be with us for some time yet so you will have plenty of use for the goods purchased. Wash Goods One lot wash goods, printed patterns, 4 j and stripes, per yd 1 tlC One lot wash goods, good assortment 4 FJ of patterns and colors, per yd Q Silk Blouses High grade silk hlouses, made of Georgette crepes, values up to 37.50, all colors Extra quality .Georgette blouses, fj rfQ values up to $10, only a few at. . O High grade Georgette blouses, just a few of these but very fine, values &12 and $15, all at Shantona waists, -very neat and serviceable for common wear . . . Cotton voile waists in a great va- tf i j riety of patterns $ 04-) $4.98 '$9.98 fS1.98 Spring Suits These suits are suitable for early fall wear and the materials in them are better than you will get again at much higher prices. We do not have every size, but if we have yours they are a good investment at $14.48, 19.98 and 29.98 Wash Dresses Ginghams and voiles, new patterns and new styles, all are marked at clean up prices $1.48, 3.98, 4.78, 7.48 Silk Dresses Foulard gingham silks and some light col ored taffetas, all of the very best makes and fine quality. The few that are left go at $14748 and 17.48 Men's Furnishings Men's sport shirts made from good percales and chambreys, good patterns, to se- Qfh lect from at 69c and OyC Men's soft collar negligee shirts, plain and fancy patterns, priced cheaper than A you will buy them again, at Men's dimity union suits, made witliK elastic knitted piece on back and legs Q yQ Men's mesh shirts and drawers made k J from good quality cotton yarns, each 4-OC Men's knit athletic style union suits an i Q exceptional garment for the price. . . . 4"OC low Women's and Children's Low Shoes Women's white canvass Oxfords, rubbre soles, low rubber heels, medium rt 4 Hf quality canvass 1 Women's white canvass Oxfords, heel, cap toe, rubber sole, fine canvass , Queen Quality white canvass pump, French heels, leather soles Women's white canvass pump's, rubber Soles and low heels, one strap, fine canvass . . Women's white rubber soles, canvass Women's white canvass pumps, (t 4 AQ low heels 51.70 Women's white canvass shoes d i Q medium heels, leather soles .... i) X ,4 Women's white canvass boots (t French heels (Queen Quality) $jty mcn's Oxfords and pumps, kid and guri!iictal leathers, finest grade (Qtn-en Quality) Women's patent pumps, low and medium heels, one and two strap high canvass pumps heels, fine :$2.69 $2.98 '.$2.39 good 2.69 $4.48 .98 Women's white canvass boots medium heels rubber soles ..... Women's white kid boots,French heels (Queen Quality) , . Womens pumps, assorted kinds of leathery and styles $2.98 $5.98 $2.98 Children's Pumps and Oxfords at Clearance Prices. Boys' Wash Hats All new styles made in the very best i Q way 65c and 75c qualities at 4"0C $1.00 quality at 79c Foulard Silks 36-inch Foulard Silks, a few nice patterns lelt at $1.50 Wash Skirts Our entire slock of wash" skirls, the largest part of them high grade, made with shrunk waist bands, fine quality Garburdinas and Piques $1.48, 3.48, 5.48, 6. If You Come Now You Will Get a Bt :ter Assortment to' Pick From.