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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1918)
THE 8EMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH lLATTJE. NEBRASKA. RIGHT HANDLING SAVES HAY CROP Proper Time of Cutting and Rak ing Are Important Factors in , Harvesting. TRACTOR GAINING IN POPULARITY IN WEST For the Garden Party Machine Reported Profitable by Owners in Corn belt. BEST TIME OF DAY TO MOW "With Small Acreage It Ib Customary to Walt Until Dew Is Off Grow, er Should Inform Himself by Making Experiments. Treparcl by the United Statea Depart i mcnt of Agriculture.) There Is considerable dlffcrcnco of Opinion among hny growers us to the ?)cst tlino of day to mow hay. Some never cut hay when the grass Is wet, others start mowing nt any time, nnd some mow In the afternoon only. When considerable hay Is grown It Is nccessnry to keep the mowers going most of tho day. Some growers of al falfa In tho South and Kast mow hny even when, a light rain Is falling, be cause unfavorable weather makes It impossible to get the crop tu time tf thq mowing Is all done lu good weather. "When the acreage grown Is small, It Is customary to wait until the dow Is off or to cut only In the afternoon. While this practice Is desirable In soino cases, In 'others It Is merely wasting valuable time and It should bo follow ed with careful Judgment. In other words, ' the hny grower should inform himself by experiments or by the experience- of his neighbors ,as to the earliest possible time In the morning after n, heavy dew nt which it Is safe to start mowing under different conditions, con sidering tho amount of moisture con tained in the upper surface of the soil, whether tho yield is light or heavy, tho weather, and whether or not n ted der is to bo used. All posslblo loss of valuable time, such as Is entailed by having hired help Idle or employed at work which Is less profitable nnd neces sary thun making hay, should be avoid ed. It Is important to know how much hny to have down at one time. It is not good practice to have two or three times as much hay cut tlown as can be hauled or taken in in one day. Loss of quality can he avoided somewhat by having the mowers only one dny ahead of the crew huullng; then if a rain comes up a minimum amount of liny will be damaged. Tedding. The best way to'cure out freshly cut hay is to stir up the swath with a ted der before tho top leaves dry out. Raking Hay With Side-Delivery Rake This . Should Be Done Befbre Leaves Become Dry Enough to Shat ter When Raked. When tho leaves lose their molsturo and become dry beforo the moisture from the stem is removed, the process of curing Is very much retarded. The tedder is especially valuable In curing alfalfa and clover hay, or heavy yleld3 of any kind. No set rule can be given for using tho tedder, but it should fol low tho mower from two to six or more hours later, depending upon yield, kind of hay, velocity of the wind, tempera ture, clouds, etc. Tho function of the tedder is to kick up the hay and allow Jt to cure out evenly. Tho tedder does more damage thun good by breaking off tho leaves, if usctf after tho leaves have become dry. It is used on hay in tho swath, seldom on hay In the wind row. To induce rapid curing, it is the cus tom of somo liny growers to ted tho hny twice the same day. Rakl&g. Tho practice of raking hay Into wind rows with cither a sulky (dump) or sldecllvery ruko is almost universal. The exceptions are where the liny is loaded on the wagon directly from the swath by means of a hay loader, or Is gathered from the swath with u sweep rake. These practices are rare, be ing followed usunlly only when the yield is heavy. It is safe to say that most hay Is cured almost entirely in the swath ; in deed it Is a common practice to com mence hauling or stacking hay imme diately after it Is raked. Under cer tain conditions this practice is allow able. When the yield is light, or when n heavy yield Is stirred soveral times with tho tedder, and especially If tho day Is cloudy and there is a good breeze stirring, liny can ho entirely cured In the swath and a good quality made. During hot, dry, sunshiny weather In tho middle of the summer, however, this practice of curing in the swath will not produce the best grade of hay. Under such conditions hay, especially clover and alfalfa, should be ruked In to the windrow Just after It is ull well wilted and before tho leaves become dry enough to break off when rnked. After being raked, tho huy may bo left in the windrow until It Is ready to bo moved, or It may he put Into cocks jtnd left until thoroughly cured. Principal Advantage Reported Is Abil ity to Do Heavy Work Quickly Saving of Man Power Also of Importance. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Evidence of the growing popularity of tractors on corn-belt farms is shown by reports made by 'more thnn 00 tractor owners, nine out of every ten reporting that their Investment In a tractor had proved profitable. These data were obtained In tho sum- finer and fall of 1017, nnd in the spring of 1018 on representative Illinois fnrms by specialists of the United States de partment of agriculture, in order to determine just what conditions Justi fied the purchase of n trnctor In that section. Experienced tractor owners who made reports stated that. tractors will prove profitable on most corn-belt farms of 180 acres or more, while in their opinion they should not bo ex pected to do so on fnrms of much less than 180 acres. The report of tho in vestigators, published ns Farmers' lhilletln 003, states thnt while, the fig ures were obtained In only one state, they are applicable throughout tho corn belt nnd that the prospective trnctor purchaser may reasonably count upon equaling the nverngo performances re ported In the study. Nearly three-fourths (71 per cent) c those who reported owned tract or capable of pulling three plows. Eleven per cent recommended two- Plowing Not Difficult Task: for Farm Tractor. plow machines, while 13 per cent ad vocated the use of four plows. In an swer to the question "What do you find to be the principal advantages of a tractor for farm work?" the answer indicates that Its ability to do. heavy woric ana do it quickly, thus cover ing the desired ucreago within the proper senson, was considered .the principal advantnge. The saving of man power nnd the doing awny with' hired help, enabling a man to farm a larger acreage and thus lncrenso the crops ho cap raise, was next In Importance. The ability to plow to a good depth, especially in hot weather, Was also emphasized. Under disadvantages the difficulty of efficient operation wns the prlncipnl point, and this fact should be kept In mind by everyone who considers the purchase of a trnctor, says the bul letin. In this connection It suggests that tractor owners tnko a course of training undei competent Instructors In. this line, as the results of such a course usually amply justify tho time and expense involved. Pocking of the ground when dump was mentioned by several owners as n disadvantage, but not ns frequently nr, was the case when moro of tho older and heavier machines were in use. Tho expense delays, and Inability to use the tractor for some kinds of work for which" horses could be used were disndvan tages mentioned by several owners. WORK IN OLD CLOTHES (Prepared by the United 8 tat 03 Department of Agriculture.) Tho Idea of furnishing n uni form for Industrial workers, while it appeals very greatly to sentiment, appears to be alto gether impracticable. Farm la bor does not suggest n uniform. For tho most part, farm labor Is done In shirt sleeves and over nils, and such town people us may be Induced to do farm labor will find It more economical and convenient to use their old clothes. Clnrenco Ousley, As sistant Secretary of Agriculture. GET FERTILIZER ORDERS liU Essential That Dealers and Manufac turers Know Needs of Farmers Soon as Possible. (Prepared by tho United States- Depart ment of Agriculture.) It is important thnt farmers who ex pect to use fertilizers on their wlient this fall place their orders early so dealers and manufacturers know farm' ers' needs as soon us possible, so that orders can be combined and car space used to the best advantage, Transportation difficulties require thnt freight cars be loaded to their rated capacity. Delay in order Ing, it is said, may result in a repeti tion of last snrlnc's experience when muny farmers failed to rooeLve their mixed fertilizer and acid phosphate until after planting time. Winter Vetch Valuable. Winter vetch Is especially valuable for building up poo? soils. For the guraen parry nnd all the rest of summertime's engaging oppor tunities for living outdoors some clev er lints nnd bags to mutch liuvo been made. They ull take cognizance of the fact that everywhere tho lady goes her knitting-bug goes, too, and it is getting to be ns much an affair of In terest nnd Importance as the hat , it matches. With the Introduction of mil linery braids and laces in its construc tion, wo hu"vo summer knitting hags different from anything that has gone before, Knitting Is becoming n sort of national pnstlmt! tho tired busi ness woman and the woman of leisure , If there are such any more declnre it restful to the nerves. Anyway, it is essential and must he attended to. The novel bng shown in the picture Is merely n tube-shnped affair covered with ribbon, lace and a fancy millinery braid a companion piece to the frilly midsummer hat that Inspired it. It is capacious and very chic1-designed for the womnn who is able o Indulge in 'tttlo fancies and no recouniiendcd for Slip-Over and r The slip-over blouse nnd others that hnve tho appearance of slip-overs hut fasten oiv tho shoulder, have been steadily Increasing in popularity and their chnncos for becoming a feature in fall styles are excellent. So far the slip-overs havo been developed in georgette crepe almost to the exclu sion of other materials, but if Is cer tain that ,they will he made in more substantial Bilks for fall, Some of them have n short peplum nnd are (belted down with narrow belts of silk 'or patent leather, but tliese are few in comparison with the number that are made "regulation blouse length that is, disappearing under the skirt nt the waistline. "For georgette slip-overs, small pat terns In brilliant bead embroidery aro so effective that nothing has supplant ed them for decorative purposes. Bright colors, as emerald green, blue, gold nnd rose, are chosen for mnny of tho blouses with peplums. They hang fairly straight and nro belted In. Their lines and bendwork are reminiscent of American Indian art und they continue to bo nt onco slmplo nnd very dressy. With n blouse of this kind nnd n silk or satin skirt, one may dress up to the requirements of almost nny wartime 'function. The blouse shown In the picture is one of those that has tho appearance of n slip-over, but open on one shoul der to nllow It to slip over the head. It hardly needs description, since It is plain, except for three slngh! box plaits In the georgette at the front nnd back. Hctwocn the plaits at tho front there nro two conventional flow er motifs outlined In colored silks, Four small crocheted buttons aro set along the shoulders. The xecund hlouse is a model thnt has proved successful inudo of silk anyone else. There are plenty of pretty bags thnt are more simply mndo of materials that are seasonable all the year round. This particular bag suggests ways of using mnterlnls ouq may have on hnnd for millinery Is often dlscnrded before .It shows signs of wear. It does not make much dlffercnco what huts nnd bngs are made of so long as they aro pretty nnd cleverly made. .What is called the "calico vogue" has Introduced calico, gingham," cottdn crepe, percale and other cottons Into the making of extrn lints for mid summer. They might all bo classed as garden hats but, like sport hats, they go everywhere. And everywhere 1b Just the placo tq And knitting bugs nnyono who can use a needle can own one of these matched sets. Silk qords and tnsscln, narrow silk fringes nnd narrow lln gerle laces the old-fashioned rlc-rao braid and hnnd-crocheted edges are nllj appropriately used with these smnrt I inexpensive, wnrtlrao novelties. Other Blouses r nnd of the sheer cottons, ns voile, batiste, organdie, with a shirt front, collar and cuffs of cross-tucked whlto organdie set in. In tho picture It is made of cross-bar voile in china blue! with white orgnndle. Embroidery Now the Thing. That beaded trimming Is rapidly giv ing way to embroidery seems to bo 0 fashion tendency beyond dispute. It Is said that one reason why the metal lic heiid effect become so nonular In 1'aiis and luter in America a season or so ago was because it was posslblo ta make use or metal tlllugs and scrapings, from munitions works for much of this trimming. Hut for some reason very little metal trimming is coming Into, this country now and beads are scarce. Kmbroldery is entirely within the, Doiinus or tilings available. Hence tho ,1.111 fl(nut?f,. 11,111 ulintu . t . I . 1 a iv it v .iu)vo ,f ii, 4iuuw iiiiiuruiuecy rather thun beads. It has been snld that there is an etui to sn-enllnd Oriental and ecclesiastical embroider-' les, thnt Is, bright colors have been wibi iuiii-, iiuu iuuiil ui uiu Milan; dresses .showing embroidery will hrf. A..,....l..n.. ....... .1... 11 worked In threads of tho samo color ori In some simple one-tone contrnst Organdie Frocks. Orgnndle frocks, though n bit out of tho picture when wo look nt tho cling ing, long-lined frocks of racdtovnl tendency, or even tho starchless frockH of Rmplro origin, nro churmlng for thoj young giri jn tneir enspness und fresh ness. With a wide, berlbboned garden party hat they nro bowltchlngly youth ful. Don't Neglect It's Migkty Poor Policy to Worry Moms Thus Handi capped When Health ant. Strength is So Weeded THE man or woman handicapped with a bad back in these times when physical fitness it to necessary, ia indeed crippled, tt'a mighty poor policy to worry along with an aching back day after days woik ia neglected and the simplest duties are a burden. Plowing, planting, harvesting, chum ing, the daily housework all throw a heavy strain on the kidneys and kidney ills, with attendant backache, are a common result. Don't waiU Neglect may mean gravel, dropsy or Dright'a disease. Get a box of Doan'a Kidney' Pills today. They have helped thousands. They should help 70U. Personal Reports of Real Cases A NEBRASKA CASE. Mrs. Wai. Bryant, 600 South St., Dlalr, Nob., says) "My troublo waa with my kidneys and bladder and It caused mo a great deal of misery. My wholo system scorned to bo affected an a result. My attention was called to Doan'a Kidney PIIU and I used them. They strengthened and toned up my kidneys, regulated their action and acted as a tonic, making mo fool better in every ray." Tho above statement was Given June 11, 1910, and on March 1st, 1010, Mrs. Bryant said: "What I havo said In my former statement concerning my oxperleneo with Doan'a Kidney Pills holds good nnd I gladly contlrm It at any time." DOAN'S 60c b Box At All Stores. HAD SEEN THEM "AT WORK" Tommy Had Little Need to Puzzle His Brains Over Question Propounded by Teacher. Here is n llttlo story that was told nt a social session by Representative Hubert D. Stephens of Mississippi, ns an illustration that tho best Industrial results cannot nlwnys be obtained through team work : Some time since, tho teacher of n public school In a country town was Instructing a juvenile class in mathe matics when silo turned to u small boy named Tommy. "Tommy," said she, "If your father enn do a piece of work In six dnyS and your uncle Jim can do it In soven days, how long would It tnkd them to do It together?" "About ton thousand years," was the rather startling rejoinder of Tommy. "Ten thousand years!" exclaimed ACI1 Uiyusilliu Jl-lliai uitiuiunu tencher. "Why, Tommy, Mint do menut r.rr rl". tho you "I mean," wns tho proiiipt resliQnso of Tommy, "that If you put them to work together they would Bit on the fence, smoke and swap fish stories." Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. Lemon Juice For Freckles Girls! Make beauty lotion at homo for a few cents. Try Itl Squeeze- the julco of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shnko well, and you havo a quarter pint of tho best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complex ion wiiltcner, nt very, very small cost. Tour grocer has tho lemons nnd nny drug stbro or toilet counter will supply thrco ounces of orchard whlto for a fcwcents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into tho face, neck, arms and hands and see how freckles, sunburn nnd tnn disappear and how clear, soft nnd. whlto the skin becomes. Test It Is harmless. Adv. A Correction. War Correspondent Raymond Carroll wns looking through Ills Held glnsH nt a compuny of retreating Germans In tho Locro neighborhood. . "Gad, how they are hooting It!" nn English correspondent chuckled. "See how they step out I There's the, goose step for you," "Goose step?" ho said, "That Isn't the goose stop, my boy It's the Foch's trot." FRECKLES Now Is tlte Time to Ctt Rid of These Uf 1 Spots There's no longer tho sllgbteit need of feeling ashaqied of your freckles, aa Othlno double strength la guaranteed to remote these homely spots. Simply Ret an ounce of Othlne double ' strength from your druggist, and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon sea that T(n the worst f reck If a bare begun to dis appear, while the lighter onea bare vsnlabed en tirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce , la needed to completely clear the akin and gala a beautiful clear completion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money back It It falls to remore freckles, Adr. Social Distinction. Golfer Anyone ahead of us, caddie? Caddie yes, sir; a gentleman with n cnddlo and a man carryln' for Ills self. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy 20 Smarting Jntt "ye Comfort. CO cents at rnrglats or mall. Writ for Freo Hre liook. MUiilNE KVKKBMUDY CO., OUIOA.UO a Bad Back! ANOTHER NEBRASKA CASE P. C. Carpenter, Arapahoe, Neb., says: "About six months ago I had considerable troublo with my kidneys, closely following a sorl ous operation. For sovoral days I was unablo to pass the kldnoy nocretlons and was In constant pain. I began using Doan'a Kid ney Pills and soon found groat ro ller." (Statement clvcn April 27, 1012.) On March i, 1916, Mr. Carpenter said: "Tho euro Doan'a Kldnoy Pills gave mo 1ms lasted. I otlll havo great faith In them nnd will ingly endorso them again." KIDNEY PIL-L.S hoiter-Milburn Lo.. Buffalo. N. Y.. Chemists fEvorJrWoman Wanis , FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for (touch s step pelvic catarrh, uletratlrm and lallans saatlaB. Reeomneaded by Lydk E. Pinkhara Med. Co, for tea years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat aad sore eyes. Economical. Hl troaeur clesstlaa. sad gtnniddtl ISunjflc ifw. 30. ell dniirt, of pottrari by Vmi3. The PaitlTM Cagirny. BcHoo. Mm Housekeeper Wanted Middle aged woman, without children, who would appreciate a, home more than wages. Givo age, height and weight Address Post Office Box 047, Lincoln, Nebraska. The Libefty"Plan'l mo most nttrncuvo ana moil popular lladlator ornament oror produced. ITlts any carl Indes tructible solid aluminum, high ly pollibodl w ings hand-palmed with fl ylng omblom In lled.Wblte audBluo. Tho slightest motloa tplni propejler aria and makes It almost sees altra. "It fairly bums with patriotism." POSTPAID $1.00 OllDllH TODAY AND QVS TIIH AQHNOT DEFENDER AUTO LOCK COMPANY 6th Floor Marquetto Bids. Datroit, Mick, BEST BUVERSSELLERS " cattle I iHOGS.sHctp STOCK YARDS'OMAHAi Guticura Fop Baby's Itchy Skin All drerataUt Soap S5, Olnt nant and CO, Talcum 29. Dampifl cacn iraa 01 'uau' aaia. Dtp. S, Sottan." TYPHOID! no mora necessary than Smallpox.. Army experience has demoBJtrateii the almoit miraculous ttth Caey, and harmlaineu, of Antityphoid Vaccination. BeTacclaatedMOW by your physician, you and your family. It Is moro vita! than homo' Imurince. Aik your pbya'clan, druggUt, or send for Kara you bad Typhoid)" telling of Typhoid Vaccine senilis from uie, and danger from Typhoid Carriers, Frsduilni Vatelou asd Strums andar U. 8, Litems The Cuttir Laboratory, Btrkiliy, Cat., Chlcasa, lit. Kill All Flies! riaoed anywhere, Daisy Ply Klltarattraets and kills all flies. Meat, clean, ornainentkl,conYenlent and cheap. f lip oT.ri wIlFaot Mil m laiar guirtiilu. Oaai d ffcU. Atkiow Daley Fly Killer br lvM( prepaid. It. 00. flalt kw rfl4 r . sss? a ami KAR0L3 SOMEAt, ISO M KAL0 AVft., BROOKLYN. U T, HAIR BALSAM . A toilet preparation of merit. Ha'pa to eradicate dandruff. . ForReitoriag Color and ' Beauty taGrar or ftArAWtXt too. and S Loo at Drurrl'U. THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nabrsika EUROPEAN PLAN Uooma from $1.00 up single, 75centa up double. CAFE PRICKS REASONABLE Roil WLM DEVELOPED 10c Prints So to 80 each. 24 hour service. Guaranteed work. Returned Postpaid. Photo Craft Shop, Omaha, Nek SEEDS Alfalfa M, BweetOloyerllX. rarus for sale and rent on crop payment. J. MULIIALL, tkK City, Iowa U., OMAHA, NO. 30-1918. rnisir 1 tfmsm 11 t W. N.