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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1918)
Kum it 3. Facilities For.. FittingfGIassesvil Kicrj np-to-dnto nJd foritko accur.? r ntc filling' of glasses IstrSrldcd in- . ClInton'H optical department. AH tlio.. , modern scientific Instruments raiulr- ' ' ' cd for exnmlnlng eyes and testing vision arc here. An experienced, careful optometrist . licensed hy tho state board of optotmv try, is In charge. All patrons are Trait-' ed on hy Iilm. Charges are fair and reasonable. It Is a safe and economical place ut which to buy glasses. ,.',',.--. C. S. Clinton Graduate Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Gradwle DtRtijt (Office over th McDonald ! ' Statu Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. John Gray left this morning for-California to spend Hcvoral wcokH WltU'TOlatlVCB. 1 ATtuur 'rramp, viio enuaetd in a navy hand, In now at tho Maro Island navy yard. Mr. Tramp left for tho west Sunday. Tho room vacated by tho Huffman cigar storo 1b being remodeled and will bo used As part of tho Green hit Hard hall. Miss Elizabeth Weir of Grand Is land, who has been visiting friends hero for two weeks, roturncd home- this morning. Vanted Girl for general houso work;4Mra, Chas. Wholan. tf. Irs.'N. F. Ciough left ycatorday for Ogalalla. Mr. Clough will follow noxt wpolc nnd thoy will make their ftuuro homo In fhnt town. Mrs. 'Chas. Burke, who has been as Boclatcd with tho Art storo, loft yos torday for Omaha whero sho will mako her future homo. Lawrence Murrln and Donald New ton ltft by auto this week for Estes Park and other westorn points to spend a wook or longer, It. h. Lambort, who has been Janitor of "tho Washington school .for a num ber of years, has resigned nnd accept ed a janlUirsholp at tho now depot. Miss Ilutli Stroltz, who had boon Bpcndlng hor vacation at home, ant Miss Buriis who had been hor guest for two weeks returned to Lincoln lost night. Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Pass, who woro married In Lobanon, ,Ky tho oarly paTt'of Cast month and went, to Wash ington on a wedding trip, arrived homo Wednesday afternoon. For SaleNational vacuum washor. Qarago for rent, bono 812. Geo. N. Smith, now engaged-In tho hardware buBlm&a at Horshoy, passed through yesterday " morning enrouto home from Aurora whero ho was call cd ,by tho death of his brothor. .Do not fall to obtatn our prlcoa on WHEAT. OATS, BARLEY, RYE. HAY. ALFALFA. You will lw-vo moTo dollars In your pocket, THE HAR RINGTON MERCANTILE CO. S. P. Dolatour 'and Uttlo grand daughter, of Lowollon, woro visitors In town' yesterday. Mr. Dolatour stopp d over while enrouto homo from Hastings whore he attended the demo c ratio sUto convention. County' Clerk Allen, accompanied bv his undo who la his guest, loft yes, torday morning for a day's fishing In tno biiicicjaKo north or Sutherland. Mrs. J. S. Slmms and children, Mrs. Earl Hamilton of Omaha and Miss Hannah Koliher also of Omaha, have neon spending this -week aB guests oi Mrs. Allison Wilcox on tho Payne rancn, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson and daughtor Edith loft yesterday for month's vIbR In Portland, Seattle and othor Northwest points. Enrouto homo Miss Patterson will Btop off at Chou- tcau, Mont., and resume her school work, " Chofl. Hupfer left Tuesday night foi Omaha to complcto his enrollment for enlistment In tho , school of onBlgna and wjll'vbo stationed at tho trainintr camp at 'Chicago Pior. After August zutn. ho roturncd yesterday to await tho call. For Sale Two registered Hcroforft nuSls. 4 years old. Inquire J. W. Payho or Allison Wilcox. 2t Rov. Robert White, former 'pastor oi tho PrcBbytrlan church, spent Wea nesday night In town vhiCo onrouto from Western Colorado to Now York wnoro ho will take Instructions in If M. Cf A. work and then bo sent abroad for sorvlco in that lino. If a mighty pretty girl told you that sho "just hated" you because sho was 'from tho north and you woro from the south, what would do huh? Wctl, sco What Hollo Bennett did in Tho Last Rchoi at tho Crystal Saturday aftor noon and evening, Wo aro paying $14 for mixed Iron and $17 to $18 for machinery cast iron, u Liipsnuzj tuo junk Man. Quy Swope. Charley Johnson and Bvoral others woro at Arthur this week viewing tho tract of land which re- Yortod to tho government and which will bo subject to ontry by drawing in a row nays. Thoy will mako registrar tion for tho land. Wanted To Rent a Farm, with Homo pasture. Inqulro.of C. H, Smith, Phono 780F012. 2 A. N. Duxbln. who has roturncd from tho west part of tho state, says that thorOl Booms to bo no question but that tho company operating In Banner county has struck oil, although tho campany Is socrotlvo and visitors are not allowed on tho promlsos. Tho com pany Ik attempting to seouro addition al leases and havo shipped ln a big lot 01 auuuionni material, Lost -Fink Bhall cameo Saturday ovonlng. Reward, Call Black 727. 2t Dr. Nowman was called about mid night Monday to treat tho family of Wm. McGalmn four tulles east of Elsie, who wero Bufforlnx rrom tho effects of a Ughtnjng Btroko, Tho lightning nit tno cornor or. tho bouse, damage lng It badly, and Mr. McGahan, his daughter, hired man and tho hired girl woro all knocked sonsoloss, but tho doctor round them all pretty well recovered when ho reached there. WnEaco Winner. North Platte, July 30, 1918. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for All holders of U. 8. Liberty-Loan lllc nomination for County Attorney Bonds of Issues prior to tho Third P" Uo Democratic " ticket at tho pri Liberty Loa aro tntUlciMo tho for W. mray election AuguritOth, 1918, sub lcge OCfkcmvrBioii' totho'-firesln Jojt to thewill o voters, whose up bond rate-of Jniercst , . f B port 4 reBptfufiy sblftlL'i -In order toWfce tho Work JOmlQRpiT. pense of tills conversion to a mini- ::o:: mum the.banks of North Plattojkmdly 1 -dUmnlho Herrod Grocery; request 'their "customers to pro5eB.t' Thq Food. Administration haa ,d(f-, all bonds' thoy uetflre to convert Our- .crecl; that tho" Herrod. grocery Bhalf U10 week or August, sui to Augustiy. sen n sugar lor a stated period, pro)) Wo will appreciate youfv' 'prompt ably thirty daya. This 'penalty has. co-operation. v been asscscd Ijy reason of a violation PLATTE VALLEY STATE 'UANK or the state administration's ru'es ro MCDONALD STATE BANK Jating-to tho handling of sugar. Tha FIRST NATIONAL BANK s administrator issues his rules with : ;:o:: tho expectation that thoy bo observed irtnisfir Drawn '.0 Fine '" wlUl0,ut equivocation and tho party jqnlstcr Draws o J c. whQ Jn ftn vIolatCs the order l6 Rov. J. E. Largent, Methodist mln- no,inii7P,i ister at HerBhey, was find $50 and costs . :o. . in the county court TueBday artornoon TajCfI 0ver Local Exchange, on tjio chargo of asflaultlng County Tho North Platto telephone exchange Commissioner J. S. Koch last week. aIong mth all otnor propcrty ot thn Tho mlnistor pleaded guilty and paid Nebraska Telphono Co.. was turned uie line aim cusib ubbubpuu Bumai ovcr to tno united States government Illm- , , , . , at midnight Wednesday. . In making a note of the assault last, Mnnager Pratt took a complete In- week. It was stated that atter recover- vninrv nt Ing from the effects of the blow, which North Piatte, paid aU bills, and start knocked him down and placed him ln cd tho government out with a clean tniazed condition for several minutes Blatc. Manager Pratt and eighteen or Mr. Koch had retaliated and got tin twenty girls employed In tho exchange best of minister. This was incorrect a8 weli aa tho llno men are now work. as 1110 miniBier ic 1 uie scene 01 uuuon lng for Uncle Sam, eo they had better 'came to.' :o: "be gbodfc'1' -::o:: YAcct Delegates to Encampment. . Hall Storm Destroys Crops. At a moetlng of tho local camp bt D- B. Martin,, who lives north of Spanish War Veterans Tuesday Horshoy, was in town Wednesday and evening C. W. Likes and A. W. Browu reitwricu mot a Hailstorm Tuesday wero elected dolegates Worn tho camp ovonlng. had cut into shreds over 300 to tho national encampment to be acr3 of corn. Will Bell and sever bold at Baltimore September 3d. 4th ttI other farmers ln that section are and 6th. In addition to these A. W, Ba,1 to nav suffered a total dostruc Shllllng, Department Commander ot f crops. Tho hall was bo severo Nobraska, is a dolcgato by reason or that it beat the grain out ot tho shock- hls official fooflition, and W. D. Eahd- eu sneaves 01 wneat. Han stones as man, Jullua Hoga, D. E, Moody and ,nrS as "en's eggs aro reported to A. E, Boll havo boen selected as dole- have fallen, but scarcely a drop of rain gates at largo from tho state. A fe". Tho area covored by the storm majority of tho dolegates named above waf5 IarSo and tho destruction qf crofts are making arrangements to go to m uistrict is. sam to nave ueen ai Baltimore. most total. o:: -: :o: Award Contrncts for Unlform. Tho contract for furnishing unl rorms ror Nie Home Guarda was awarded Wednesday night to Ed Soldiers In Franco Need Books. Tho North Platto Public Library has received today a request from tho American Library Association's head-. n,,ri,n Ti,n nvinn ia .i9r.n nM, in,i quarters in Washington ror more dow In North Platte . books from this community for tho At nraannt lliorn In nnlu ntifflnlJmt Hien OVCrSCaS, monov in tho trmHurv to nurchasfe T1o a'PIeal from Washlngtfitr states oint nithtv nnifnrtna nhmif thirt that now novels and good Western of which will bo needed for tho drum stories, whether new or old, aro most mc lnnvinn-wt nftv rxr nnnr,i heeded. Books by Zane 'Grey, Rex It is therefore necessary that ad- each' London, Ralph Connor, ilitlonal funds be raised to provide at Owen Wistcr and O. Henry aro very least fifty mora Just how this money Popular. Tho Public Library announ ls to bo garnered will bo decided upon ce tlmt It will recolyo and forward by tho committee at an early date. a suitaW.c books that aro turned In .... ,4 it urges tho frlondB of the soldiers Will Pno Sugnr Curds, and sailors, many of whom havo al- Beginning this montli tho local g'ro- ready responded most genorously, to cors will ubo' sugar cards, showing givo more books. tho amount each purchaser buys from :e:: ono or more merchants. Tho stubs of Yankees Advance Two Miles, the card is returned to tho food ad- Plungjhg northward from Sergy, ministrator and by this means ho Ja American troops have nlado a bril enabled to keep tab on tho amount Hant and important advance in dea oach householder purchases, whether porato fighting and apparently havo ho buys from ono or more grocers, opened tho way for further successful nils sorves as a check on tha .rian . operations In tho Marne salient. ' who might act unfair and secure moro Tho stoutest resistance was no ob sugar than ho is entitled. '' ' staclo for tho Americans and they now ::o:: aro on tho Foro-en-Tardenois-Coulon Licensed to "Wed. . pes, highway southt of the forest ol July 29 David O. Spear and Grace Nosles. The advance late Tuesday M. Attobory, both of Lincoln -county, measured a little less than two miles. July 30 Fredrick Fisher and Edith French troops on tho wings moved Carr, 'both of Frontlor county; mar- forward also and allied pressure on rled by Judge Woodhurst. the flanks of, tho pocket Is bolna July 31 Wm. C. Hutchins and Mrs. maintained. Rnckaol Thomas, both of this city. , . .In their advance, tho Americans July 31 Ross D. Shaner of North drovo a wedge Into the enemy line Platto and Hazol May Housor. o and tho allies now aro In a position Maxwell. to drive tho Germans back by flank . :;o:: movements both east and west or the Attention! head of the apex Which lies near Nes- aii u. j. 11. comrades nro requestou ibb to attend Post .meeting Saturday at 8 m. BuBinesB of importanco to bo transacted prior to National Encamp ment V ' 1'!.f!znr Collniiscs Amsterdam, July 31. Given two hours In which to prepare for the end, J. E. EVANS. Post AdJL Nicholas Romanoff, former Russian o:: omneror. was tauen out uy nis execu For Rent. Honors ln a state of such colapso that Suite of three rooms at 009 Locust It was necessary to forop him ugalnt street. Modern. Sen BRATT. GOOD? a Dost, says the Lokal Anzeiger or nor MAN & BUCKLEY. Un. which claims to havo received :: from a high Russian personage an ac- l'rotcstant Tulscoiml Services. count of the emperor's last hours August 4th. 1918. Aa ho was unable to stand without 9;45 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. support, when the place of execution m. Litany sermon and holy com- was reached ho was propped against munlon, 7! 00 p. m. dvonlng prayer, a foost He raised hla hands and Been St. Paul's Chapel, NorthBldo 3:00 p ra. Sunday school. 11EV. A. Tl. .TONKR. Tlnffnr "ot: ::o:: THE UNIVERSAL CAR EVERY FARMER NEEDS A Ford One-Ton Truck Every farmer at this time of the year has under consideration the way he can most cheaply bring his grain, hogs, etc., to marketreturn with coul for the winter, flour, feed, lumber and bran. The Ford Worm Drive Truck is tho one that is solving tho problem, cost of up-keep unusuully low and the greatest service the Truck world knows (FORD SERVICE.) Priced at North Platte $659.32 Your order must be placed at once to insure delivery HENDY-0G1ER AUTO CO. Phone 34 Corner 4th and Dewey cd to bo trying to speak, but tho rifles spoke and ho fell dead, For Sale Two houses and two lota. tu yAtt WATCH run hvt.t. Also two used, automobiles on yu. condition at a bargain. Seo Julius ...HI. Ttr .nil n..rnnl.r Wl IlllUIUl . . havo calls for medium priced homos on easy terms. Let us sorvo you. Tho H. & S. Agency, Brodbeck Bldg., 3rd Door East of Post Office. North Platto, Nobr. Phono Red C12. 1 JO 1 1 - Must Work 'or Fight. UudtT a now ruling of the provost marshall. a copy ot which was received u row days ago, Insuranco agonts find thoy aro rated under tho "work or fight" resolution, Tills means tholr business la donsldered nonossclntial and those of military ago, ongaged In writing Insurance, will havo to turn to othor fioldB ot work or enter tho army. Shoe Market Itfnnnv in T.nan. riontr of six per cent money to loan on rams and rancnes, interest pay noio annually vriui nriviiego or nnv- ing part or an hi any urio. Loans I closed promptly. No delay. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, ::o:: Roduco Voluntary Induction. no moro or the 1917-18 classos on national army mon aro to Inducted Into tho marines or any branches of tho navy, according to a lato ruling of tho provost marshall received hero. All voluntary inductions ot thcfib men Into any brunch 6f tho sorvlco1 havo also boon roduced in number, nocauso or, .uio aimmisiung number ot mon llstod ln tho first class. Four thousand four hundred Nobraskatuji will bo called to tho colors during Uie I month of August, and tills will exhaust tho first class In many counties. To avoid this voluntary Induction Is being curiaucu. ::o:: For quick action aud satisfactory Hie Hit your laud with Thoclockc tf STORE IEWS 60 pairs children's Bhoea and sllp ers In whlje and black, lndlud ing white kid barefoot sandals, few pairs of a kind and worth up to ?2.45 your choice at tho pair $1,00 Ladles white linen Poplin Oxfords low heol, whlto soles special at tho pair :s .34.40 SCHINERNGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN FUNERAL HOME. AUTO SERVICE LADY ATTENDANT PRIVATE CHAPEL PHONES DAY 023. NIGHT 030. 609 LOCUST. woes? Vou can't get bet ter shoci, In value. style or fit anywhere then those we olfer. We Kn ow Shoes ' That Js the reason we rah alwdya saUsfy your shoe needs. Being Judges of real Shoe Values wc arc enabled to buy advantage ously and con tinue our prac tice of making It Real Economy , tobuvvourihoei iiere.ucldcj,ve Know now to fit your leet and al wavft earn, I he widths and sizes to . do It properly. We oucr Good Fit Right Price Lai Styhi Solid Valact What more could you want 'Feet It Un't nnltf ctinM that we know .either. We Know Feel and we know how to over come and correct toot troupes 01 an sorts. rr.. We understand the fit tlntf ol thfs.e f.lmnnc ut. bclioll's Appli ances so as to meet every individual loot need, and we can aDtoiuteiy promise you Foot Comfort If VOU hrlntf vnnr 100. irOUDIO to US. Our advice and examination is free, with no oDiigauon in volved Com in. FOOT MASSAGE:-- For Tired, Burning, Aching Feet Mrs. S. E. HUPFER Over Cash Meat Market Two Quart Sauce Pan 49c This Week Only Regular Price 80c i-ier6'S a Mirro Aluminuhl Laurie Pirn offered for 1 a Short time only at about half the regular price to acquaint you with the remarkable quality of this famous line of aluminum that reflects good housekeeping. ' See these Mirro features: (1), the cool, hollow steel handle; (2), the sturdy flat-headed rivets which keep the handle everlasting firm and se- . , cure; (3), the tightly-rolled. sanitary beads; (4), the twin lips for added convenience in pouring; I and (5), the famous Mirro finish. This is the same celebrated aluminum ware you see advertised in The Saturday Evening Post and other national publications. Get your sauce pan now while this limited offer holds. Sale and Demonstration all this Week Derryberry & Forbes. Inc. FEEL BETTER HOW- HAD A DIP IN KRESO 1 TUbJES DID YOU EVER TRY IT ON Y3UR STOCK? Nothing like It to put them In cood condition, free them from insect paresites end pro tect them from contagious dis eases, Kkso Dip No. KILLS LICE, TICKS, MITES AND FLEAS: CurM Mangt, Scab, Ringworm and Other Skin CHsiasts. Disinfects! Clsansss and Purlflss. Use It on Horses, Cattle, Sncep, Swine, Dogsr Goats and Poultry. FOR SALE BV Stone Pharmacy 1 CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLETS ON KREQO DIP No. 1,