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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1918)
I latte cwi-xitlcphli) C5r i MtlttE - THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NOJITH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 6,' 1918 No. 59 rwi?TY.T"wo cihsa s men JtBCOSnil'.NJfD FOIt CLASS 1. The names or twenty-two class two men hnv6 been sent to tho district board nt Omnha by local board with tho recommendation that they ho re claBslUcd and placed In Class One. wolvb or fourteen o tho twenty-two nro well known yomg railroad men. Tho namon sent In were as follows: F. .!. Sadel, North Platte. Gus A. WidstirandL othonbuirg. Karl Mercor, Ingham C.'hnB. Untnd, Wallace Axel Johnson, North Platto Kdwnrd Hart. n:w ut Alliance Gustavo Wlnbnrg, North Platto James M. McNioll, North Platto ltlloy Warren, North Platto llarrv D. Hurt," North Platte Walter Mcltln, Nilth Platto Wm I.. Knuffnian, North Plattb Kdwnrd Grelscr, North Platte Fred A Hansell, North Platto Oarl Skaggs, North Platto .lamps S Uoyle, North Platte Mark LeDolyt. North Platte Stephen McWllllams. North Platto Hoy Lannin. North Platto Jpsku Darnell, North Tlattc Elmer Seller, North Platte. Glenn KcoUv.ahe:, North Platto Mitt! fMAHEEN WINS LAtfl) IX THE 31KAWIXG. vJn the drawing for 204 acres or land t dJoliDng tlit town, or Arthur, which was conducted at tho United States land office, Saturday afternoon, the name of Mike Shaheon, a resldont of Arthur, was on tho Lrst ticket drown from the box and hXf was doclarod the winner of tho Tight to make entry on the land. Tho oecond slip drawn con ::o: Miss Edilli Vernon Married. News has justrreached tills office of tho marriaco of Miss Edltli Vernon, of Boone, Iowa, to Henry Gilbert of tlin sumo cltv. The certetaony was per formed In Council Bluffs. July 27Ui, bv Rev. Frederick W. Evans of tho Presbyterian church, tho couple steal away from their frllclids on an early morning train. After spending a few days in Omalia, tney nave Toiurneu 10 Boono. where they have gone to house kise'ntnir and will be at home to their frlenda at 704 Story street. Miss, Vernon has many friends In our city and was a teacher in our schools for n number of years. Mr. Gilbert is em nloved by tho Kemble Floral Co. and to both, tho best wishes of their many friends will bo extended ::o:: Bo It Now. - "When tho Homo Guards were first organized a good number of citizens said they would not becomfet active members but when finances were need ed they would help out Funds are now "needed to help uniform tho Gu&rds, tho drum corfys and the band, rtnd Captain Shilling has Issued an S. O. S. for about lour nunureu aonars. KlOlIAItl L. GRAVES NEWARK LADY LAST TUESDAY. Tho Tribune received Saturday a card hearing this inscription: "Mr. Richard L. Graves and Mrs. Carrio L. Knapp announce tholr mar riage, on Tuesday tho thirtieth oi July, ono thousand nine hundred and eighteen, Nowarlf, Now Jeirsoy." Wo cortalnly most heartily congrat ulate our old friend Graves, and so talned thM name of O. U. Itoblnsdn,! will hundreds of other nennuintancon doputy postmastor of this city, and of long stapdlng In North Platte. Ord- ahaUld anything occur to snaiicen inarlly a . man noaaesod of Mr. Mat would render him Ineligible to Graves' home-lovinc dlsnosltlo,, would nioko entry the right of entry would, have taken tho step thirty years ago, fall to Robinson, snaneen uiu not but there is a destiny that apparently have his naturalization papers and t shapes our ends, and It was only at th enlry was suspended until ho canithr end of that long period of years secure, thorn. Eighty-ono persons had tho affinity appeared. Wo have no reglt'lorea In this drawing. knowledge of tho lady of his choico, Tho successful registrant for tho , but knowing Graves as wo do, It is a forty-acce tract, for VhIch a drawing cortnlnty that sho will evtlr and al was' conducted, was Albert F. Taylor,, ways rocolvo tho kindest conslder&s of thl3 city. tlon and loyalty. ::o:: It Is regretted by North Platto Retiring From Business. I frlonds that tho woddlng trip Is to tho We WA close out our ontiro stock i Maine coast, and not to this city, for. of groceries, queonsvvare and hard-1 wo cortalnly would enjoy wa'.comlng ware and retire from those lines of, him and his bride. business. Commencing Friday, August "9th wo will saoll all articles In those lines at cost for cash, but will mako no deliveries. Remember these good will be scld at actual cost If you doubt it, call at the store next Friday or any day thereafer and you con satisfy yourself, E. T. TRAMP & SONS. ::o WUjW MAX VOWElf HILL I.NTRODUCKlVlN CONGRESS. Enemy's FIro is Heavy. Router's correspondent at French hoadquartors ia Franco, in a dispatch dated yesterday aftornoon at 2 o'clock says: "Tho enemy's ilro Is very heavy along the whole ulne of the Voslo. and the Gormans are opposing very vig orously reslstanco to tho allies. Nevertheless Fronchspntrols hnv suc ceeded in crossing tho river and at several points between Sermolso, oast of Solssons' and Flsmes, where tho Americans crossed and between Flsmes and Muizon. Moro than 500 guns and GOO trench Old Settlers Picnic. Tho combined Old Settlers and Sun day school picnic held at tho Ross farm In Myrtle precinct Sunday was attended by a big crowd and tho day nrnved a most 'nleasaut one. "A SDlen- ld program was rendered, and tho mortara liavo been captured by ono basket dinner served inciuueu spring French army alone, that of Gonoral chicken and Ice cream. Four of the 1 Mangln, since the beginning of the real old settlers were present, tho old- alllod offensive on July 18. est. of which wero Mrs. W. H. ,Null The Gorman crown prlnc):i has on- and D. McNichol, both of whom located praired 40 of his divisions. (510.000) in that section of tho county thirty or men, jn tho Cham'paigno and 47 divls more years ago. , ions (635,000) men between the Aisno .:o:t jand the Marno slnc bo began his of- Red cross aotcs . Ifeslvo on July 15, tho Intranslgeant Tho general wont room won do open states. every aftornoon commencing Wednes- ::o:: day for work on tho quota which, must Runs Slnkllosnltnl Shin. be finished by August 3lBt Evoryono j The hospital ship Worllda was torp- Is urged to como anu get tins, wonc out j odoed by tho Huns Saturday near a at once. , British Vert while taking 400 wound Surgical dressing workers are also , ca men from France to England. The 1 . t a !. J1. i H. I - . I. . - ,m.i . " .1 in, i, ot, j,'ncQueu ior waiqn uie room ut uio jreu-, total number missine is niacea at vsi. K wn fit out the i drum i oral building will be open Monday, !Two American officers were saved but S Th hnnd nhnut 100 cuards ' WeflnoBflay and Friaay afternoons ana.flvo privates aro unaccounted for. ::o:: Mrs. "W. B. McNatton. has acedpted a. placo' In. the senior high school Lot this city. She Is a graduato of 'the Scientific Courso of Fremont collego and holds a rofoslonal Ufo certi ficate which Is tho highest qualification a teacher can havo in Nebraska. Mrs. McNatton has had three "years ex porlencq in teaching in Nebraska high schools and her work was very sue cesaM. Fifty-five quostionarios of tho 1918 registrants, claiming agricultural classification wero recently sent by tho local board to the district board in Omaha. Twelvo claims for deferred dlasses wore allowed Clyde Trotter returned, this morning from Omaha. Tho heat In that city yes terday -was torrlflc though not within six degrees as hot ns tho day before whon it registered 110. Edward Barraclough Is confined to tho house with an Injury on his head, the result of a fall whllo at work in the machine shops the latter part of last wook, Miss Mayo, Who had beon employed in tho Cressler dental offlco for several months, loft for Denver last ovofllng, Miss Anna Hayes has accopted a Miss Lillian Eaton, of tho Leader Mercantile Co., loft last evening for Colorado to visit the homo folks for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Strahorn loft this morning for Cherokee Park, .where thoy will remain for thirty days. Mrs. Glenn Miller, who has made her, homo in Alliance for soveral weoka, is visiting hor hushand this week. Tho moat wonderful bargains In muslin underwear at THE LEADER MERC. CO corps Tho band and about 100 ln the regular Homo Guards uniform.' unmay evenings Those who wish to oonate to tms. Wo are anxl0U8 to have tho people fund,; will please -Mand Captain ,,SWU;(0t N?rthPlaUe-know..alont .-oifri'ptfc HhfFthelr check or caslibefore the end cal department Wc have tho most up- of this weok- j to-datb optical Instruments and with ::o" '' i thoso wo aro ablo to glVo a careful Announcement to th Public. t-xaminatlon for all eye defects. Our I wish to call attention to tho fact optomatrist In charge is a graduato of that I havo purchased tho Dr. Crook the Northern Illinois College, one of dental practice of this city and will xlio largest and most recognized maintain the samo until I am' called gchocfts of its kind. Our lenso grinding Into the service of tho United States, piailt i3 most complete, which onables I enlhited in the medical corps last ug to offer ono day service on broken November and havo been awaiting ense or on new glasses. Our work Is summons flncc that date. When that guaranteed to give satisfaction. Give time comop i snail cioso my oince anu U3 a trial and you will be convinced. Ua absent for the duration of the war. DR. L. J. KRAUSE, Dentist : :o?: .Hon Reclassified. The local rcgi&tiatlon board has re ceived notice of tho fpllowlng reclas sification of Lincoln county men: Henry Kahler from Class 4 A to Class 211 .Tease E. Smith from Class" 2B toi Class One James C. Peterson from Class 4A to Class One. Wanted io Rent.. A wall located, strictly niodorn houe of not less than seven rooms in North Platto. Leaso must run for not less than ono year. Address D. M. Leypoldt, Horshoy, Nebraska. The Presbyterian aid will meet at tho church Thursday afternoon. Re freshments will bo served and a good attendance Is desired. Don't suffer tho misery of indiges tion when you can get relief from Prickly Ash Bitters. It eases pain and drives out badly digested food. One does does the work. Try It Price $1.25 per bottle. Gummoror-Dent Drug Co., Special Agents. , HARRY DIXON & SON Miss Edna McKlbben of Geneva, Neb. has been elected to a place in tho Intermediate department of the city schools. Miss McKlbben Is a graduato of the Mlndon high school and of tho Peru State Normal and has had three years experience in teaching in graded schools in Nebraska, Her teaching wns very satisfactory to the officers and patrons of the schools where she worked and thoy havo given her the best of recommendations. Mesdames O'Keefe, Lannln, Crosby and McGraw is the coramltteo in charge of the social to bo hold In tho basement of tho St. Patrick school Thursday afternoon by the CathoTic altar society. position in the First National bank. Miss Blanche Fonda who has been vlsltng relatives in Chicago for several weeks, is expected to return this wook. Miss Rlglna Nolon has resigned her position with tho Nyal Drug Co., and accopted one with tho Gummerer-Dent Co. Mrs. A. W. McKeown returned this morning from a visit ln Denver. We Want Your Wheat. Do you know, Mr. Farmer, that it takes nearly 800 bushels of . wheat every day to run. this mill.' We can use every bushel of goodSvheat : raised in this vicinity and still have to ship Wheat in. Don't sell any wheat without consulting us about" it. We haven't time to drive through thex country hunting you all up but you can find us all day, every day at our office, and those we have dealt with are our best boosters. North Platte Electric Mills Office Phone 1074. At night call Carroll, Red 316 LOCAL PEBSONAL The now administration mannowor bill, extending tho soIcctlMa service nctf to all mon between tho ages of '18 fond 45 Inclusive was introduced yesjorday in both houses of congress. The measuro was referred to tho military commlttities. Congressional leaders iCan to havo it considered this month. In presenting tho bill to tho sonato Chairman Chamborlaln of tho sonato military committed? gavo assurance that everything would' bo dono to oxpodlto lto passago. Bjrbvost Marshal General Crowder. In fa statirhiont submittd by Senator Chamberlain, suggested Sept 5 as tho date for a national registration of men wiimn tiio proposed now age. weekly registration of youths atta In- lng tho ago of 21 during tho jaoxt fow woolCs. wns proposod by General Crow- d0f;,as tho only mtans of obtaining tho 200,000 inen to bo called to tho coqrn in September. This could bo day for Kimball whoro Mr. Orton Will dotnc by prirsldontlal 'proclamation and harvost a big crop of grain, which ho wouiu aaa about 80,000 to tho numbor-pul out last foil and spring. of foon available. ... ....... . ...O., ! THH T.KAT1KI1 MtiinfT r.c Miss Perry, of Fromont Is the guest of Miss Myrtlo BceVor. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Trout and son loft yesterday on nn auto trip tu Estea Park. Mlssos Kathorlno and Laura Brotzer returned Saturday ovenlng from a visit In Grand Island. Harold Furko wont to Lincoln Sun day for tho purpose of onlisting in somo branch of tho service. Miss Emma Rudaf, R. N. of Omaha whose parents llvo hero, loft for Franco with Hospital Unit 49. Mrs. J. L. Seller of Carrol, Iowa, camo last week to visit hor son Elmer Sof.or and brother F. C. Plolstlcker. Mrs. II. C. Brock and son Ilbnry loft today for Falrbury whoro thay will visit rolativca for a couplo of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Orton left jclster The Colored 3Icn Lento. three ttoliorcdi xcjdstramts of Mlssos Mildred and Allco Fltzpat- Lincoln connty who loft for Camp1 " wcni ,l umai,a Vua m?nunS' FuhHtou Sunday and tho nrecedln tho to FPloto her course ln irntiHt H,, nursing, tno inttcr to sutmut to a reception tho preceding slight operation. KLKVJSX YOUKG TTOXEN NOW ; WORKING INliAROR OAtiG. Drossijiil in fciulnalls eleven young women nro now on tho Union Pacific payroll aa omptoyos of tho store de partment in this city. Four of theso nro employed in tho storo room and sovon are engaged ln tho labor gang unloading Buppllos from cars. Theso supplies consist of everything that a great railroad need at a division tor mina!, and rango from a two Inch bolt and nut to a car whedi. Somo work? Woll yos, especially wlilon. car whoe!8, axles and other big stuff, wolghlng from 250 to 1,000 pounds each neod bo unloaded. Can tho girls do tills work? Woll, thoy aro doing It, and this too, whon tho temperature stands around 100 and whon tho day's work is ended thoy chaso homo as llvoly as though thoy had boon attend ing an afternoon party, rather than straining tholr muscIo3 lifting heavy weights. Foreman Tom Joffors says this woman labor 1b, of courso qulto an In novation for him, but what olso can' bo dono when you can't got man pow er? 4 i' Tho young women rocelv-o thirty cents an hour for tlfolr labor, and thoy well cam ovory "penny thoy rocolvo. "nr. . Pershing's Crusaders. Pershing's Crusaders, tho " flrstof; flclol war pictures of tho American F.xpoditionary Array ln Franco aro to bo shown at tho Keith very soon. ' Thoro la not tin Inch of tho' plcturo but that Is fuM of tho doopkst Interest to Amorlcans. Tho first part of tho plcturo deals with actlvltlos on, tills Loul 8 and Eugene 1 if r 'n! S it 1 cantonments, tHd y: M. C, A. houses. Alonzo Poysitbr who reglsota " Ja f08,A" L i5LTK Si?-WiU i nsd CroSB contore and what tho a farewell evening at court houso park. At tills Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams haVo meeting J K Bivans presided and tho returned from. Rochester, Minn., where j louowing program was given: Selec-'Mrs. Williams submitted to an opera tions by the band, rending by MIbs Lo-1 tlon Bovornl weeks ago at tho Mayo Dliwt. aong by a ladles' quartette, ad-1 Brothers hospital, dress by Rev. Koch and tho prosonta-l ,,, t,,v, tlon of s;veatera and comfort kits. ThoL II?5..i,"a S1'?1 X08.?? mnn ulm wn ,on tr snnnj'u iuuuKu wuuiu bug wm lemiuu flcrs, Dll.-nr. this county vent to Omaha and Joined the conllnnent from that city. B. T. Tramp & Sons will retlro visit hor sister In Central City. Kii,ta f rnii,ni.,,0 OT..i n,nl.--Bjt. IIVU VIVtltlf lit 114. VI IVJ A u w Mrs, Frank Shalonborg, of Omaha ' clotles aro doing to hol'p tho cause. is visiting frlendB ln town while on-1 Thoy show something of tho 8l&p routo homo from DonVir. Mrs. Shaten- the undertaking to provldo the sol- from tho grocery business and dovoto erg was fofnnorly Miss Mattio Hall, I Mors with broad and meat or threo thejr time and energy to tho dry goods at ono time a resident of North fiauaro moals a day. Thoy also show lines exclusively. Tins, move has boon I'lauo. ,nruimiu wmn, uiu mumus vi wu luistened by the ontranco of Arthur Tramp into the service, tho scarcity of ho'.p and the constantly increasing oxponae of tha delivery Bystom which ulrifody is onormouB. "Wo know to a certainty that this firm will oscapo groat gobs of grief when thoy retire from the grocory lino. In fact wo don't know of any class of business where the grief element has not in creased 100 per. cent during the past fivQyears. In ' tho bill Introduced In congress yesterday chanslng tho draft aces to il8hM5, it. Is flgurod tho registration lh'NOb. wlil bo 189,245, or 71,000 moro than in tho first registration. Based on tho number registered in 1917, tho total registration ln Lincoln county under tho new law will roach about 2,000. Mrs. T. C. Casey who had beon visit ing relatives In eastern "points for several weeks roturnod homo tho lat ter part of- the week. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Roddy left! Sunday ovenlng for Excelsior Springs to spend soveral weeks. "W. P. Tuckort and Bister Ruth Rud- at will leave tomorrow for Hastings to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Albort Rudat. Plan to spend a morning or after- at THE LEADER MERC. CO. nmbulanco corps and econos aboard, shin with tlin .Tackles. Tho latter nart noon at THE LEADER MERC. CO. 'til0 plctu ho, flCono3 Jn JS'Ji? JS? ifnn8 h Av1?S Franco. The best ot these? arotakon In on all you buy means a big saving of front tronchaa nnd Ul0y lot m 8eo dollars to you. pur BOldlors actually firing nt tho Gerr Dr. Walter Crook and family loft manB and undor flro thomsollvcB. The Sunday morning by auto for Chicago first grou'p of captives aro shown- whoro tho Doctor will attend tho sob- coAa by so wo can take stock for Blons of tho national dental assocla- ourselves. To miss theso picture and , tlon. Dr. Crook, who has disposed of pthors that are to follow "is to miss his practice In this city will probably somothlng that la more valuable than enlist In tho medical corps of tho many klnda pf education. Thoy aro nrmy whllo ln tho cast worth m'aRlng a pilgrimage to aelel PAULINE FREDERICK IN "RESURRECTION" A Scatbing Arraignment of the Double Standard Keith Theatre, 0Ka.y August 8 and 9 SSI Final Clearance of s HOES For Women and Children Here is indeed an opportunity so profit. Low Shoes which formerly sold for much more are greatly reduced in this clearance. Women's White Canvass Oxfords, rubber soles, low rubber heels, medium 7Q quality canvass $ 1 1 1 U Women's White Canvass Oxfords, Low Heel, Cap Toe, Rubber Sole, flne OQ CQ canvass tp&iUU Queen Quality -White-Canvass QO Pump, French Heels, Leather Soles tp&iijO Women's White Canvass Pumps, Rubber Soles and Low Heels, One Strap, HQ Fine Canvass vpZiuu Women's Whit Canvass Pumps, Good Rubber Soles, High Heels, Fine n CQ Canvass tjuLiuJ Women's White Canvass Pumps (M QO Low Heels, Leather Soles p I iuO Women's White Canvass Shoes 01 Q Medium Heels Leather Soles v I "0, Women's White Canvass Boots OQ French Heels (Queen Quality) tpUiZu Women's Oxfords and Pumps, Kid and Gunmetal Leathers, Finest Grade MQ (Queen Quality) iJMiHU Women's Patent Pumps, Low and 4 Q Medium Heels, Ono and Two Strap I id Women's White Canvass Boots ffi) nn Medium Heels, Rubber Soles tpZtUO Women's White Kid Boots, French C QO Heels (Queen Quality) UiuO Women's Pumps, assorted kinds $OQ0 of leathers and styles $Ziu0 Children's Pumps and Oxfords at Clearance prices Wilcox Department Store.