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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1918)
4 Her? It Is At Last! . The-Iong awaited for Sale has arrived. If you want to Hoover ize and save dollars, don't,, let nothing keep you away from; at tending this Sale. And M -Mia-Summer 1 at tnese Kimcuiousiy low prices. m You know our sales o the past. K j That we never dsssapoint, and M that ve do as we advertise. m i Suls Starts ' nt 830 cL hoLj -z i USt ',. I i. . , : . , m Ladies' Outfitting Store Come Early and Get lour Share of the Bargains itmues Th jiout the Month .of THESE days 6f high iPricek should make this SALE doubly attractive to the buying Public, with the apparel market soaring skyward, worthy fabrics only to be had at a premium and the scarcity of desirable Garments becoming more acute each day. Still this modern store determ inedly adheres to its policy of a through cleaning of all stock s at each Seasons end. So ' starting Saturday at 8:30 a. m., North Platte and vicinity women are again offered the Golden opportunity to share in this thorough an(d concise riddence of more than $23,000 worth of up-to-date women's and Misses apparel at a saving in price from 35c to SOc on the dollar. Suits at Give Away Prices We have divided the balance of our suit stock into two lots. Lot 1. All of our new spring sluts that formerly sold up to $30.00, Clean (MA Q8 Sweep Price liOU Lot 2. All wool and silk suits formerly sold up to $60,.00, Clean Sweep Price . 319.98 Washable Tub Dresses at a great sacrifice, 200 beautiful summer Street dresses, of best quality of plaid ginghams, colored voiles, and puro linens, made up in the very latest of styles and formerly sold up to $24.50 are now going at '. $2.98, $4.98, $7.48 .... and $9,98 Smocks and Middies up to $2.50 values at 98C and -$1.48 Smocks up to $3,00 and $4.50 values, at $1.98 and $2.98 Silk Parasols at ONE TIIllll) OFF. Wool and Silk Coats Wool and silk COATS at unheard of low prices. Coats formerly sold up to $18.50, Clean Sweep Price Coats formerly sold up to $30.00 M QQ Clean Sweep Price $ l4iJHJ All coats formerly sold up to $4'5.00, the cream of the stock, Clean 010 00 Sweep Price 4 I UiUU 100 Wash Skirts 100 At less than cost. Divided into 4 lots. Lot 1. All wash skirts formerly Q1 An sold up to $2.50, now Pli4G Lot 2. All wash skirts fomorly M QQ sold up to $3.50, are now going at Ju idO , Lot 3. Wash skirts that fomerly f f) QQ sold up to $5.00, Clean Sweep Price$ZidU ,Lot 1. Our highest grade wash skirts, values up to $7.00. What's left of $9 QQ them at 0idU White voile waists up to $1.50 7Q values, Sale Price f db One lot of white voile and organdie nnn waists, values up to $2.00, at JOG 150 Silk Dresses 150 In taffetas, satins, georgette and Bilk plaid ginghams. In' all the wanted shades, made up to the minute in style and former ly sold up to $43.50 are now going at $11.98, $14.98, $19,98 and $24.75 Extral ica!s! Onyx Lisle Hose .23c Onyx Fibre Silk Hobo in all shades, f0 Sale Price, Qdb One lot of white voile dresses, lace and embroidiery trimmed, good styles, some are slightly soiled. Not one dress in lot worth less than $5.00 and many m the lot that sold up to $13.50. All going at one 11 AO price for a quick clearance -V I ifu Beautiful Jap silk waists, values M Q0 up to $3.00 at V IiiJU Georgette and taffetta plaid and stripped waists, values up to $7.50, Clean 0f.flO Sweep Price ipHriiJU Princess slips and muslin night gowns, values up to $1.75, Clean Sweep HQ iO uuu price Skirts! Skirts! Silk skirts in taffettas and silk poplin, in plain colors or fancy stripes, values QQ to $8.75, Clean Sweep Price- pUiU0 White washable satin skirts and silk pongee skirts, values upto $12.50 J"7 IQ Clean Sweep Price $1 140 Our highest grade silk skirts in Kakhi Kool, Foulards, fancy 'silk striped Taffettas and Baronette Satins, values up to $24.50, Clean Sweep Price $9.98 and $12.48 . 2 dozen party dresses in all the wanted' shades, values up to $29.50, now going at $4.98, $9.98 and $U.98 Silk Petticoats In all desireable shades, made of best quality taffetta and satin, values up to $7.50 Clean Sweep Price $2.98 and $498 House Dresses In all sizes, made good and full, QQ-i values up to $1.79, Clean Sweep Price uUC This Sale for Cash Only, No Charges, No Approvals, Refunds, Every Purchase Must be Final