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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1918)
THE SEMt.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. 'I 6 I',." pr: 5SSSSSS5SS955SS29I55S,I555555S5SSSSS555H5SI5SS55S SUct Libby'a Veal Loaf and garnish with cucumbers, water cms and salad dressing very temptlngt Veal Loaf -with such flavor! THIS delicately flavored Veal Loaf is fnade with such perfection by Libby's expert chefs in the? immac- v ulate Libby kitchens that you will always want these chefs to make it for ' ,you. You find it so appetizing, so , , , nutritious a meat at such little cost Nf and trouble. Order Llbby's Veal Loaf for lunch eon today. Serve either hot or cold, your family will delight in it. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago ESiiSSSiiiiiiSiSSSiiRiiiiiiiiS Soldier In a Harem. "1 am la n harem,", writes Private John Wallace Davis, of thq London Irish lllflos. to his uncle. "Of couurse, the ladles have gone, but it la an earthly paradise. For convalescence they have sent me to the sultan of Egypt's Alexandria scat "My bedroom has white and gold fittings, and the roynl arms are era blazoned over my bed. there Is a gorgeous reading r6orh with a mar "ble floor, and divans, with round long cushions, and we have a small urmy of Egyptians to wait pn us." Much Experience. "Do you know anything of thb art ef "husbandry?" "I ought to, -I've mar tied off Ave daughters." Atrocity In The Bronx. In view of hundreds of spectators two sea lions engaged In mortal com bat In the Inrgo tank east of tho Hon house at the New York Zoological park the 6ther day. Peter, six years old, comparatively a newcomer at the park, was the- victor, conquering Teddy, eight, years old, who had been at the park for the Inst six years. The fight was stnrted,by Peter, who Is believed to have been crazed by the heat Fishing Gazette. i A woman's Idea of a congenial hus band Is one who lets her huve her own way In everything. i A jink tea Is one of the things that make a mnrrled man paint tilings red. 2qS 1 CO One Carload Every Two Minutes teed Aine .trgft rlj in ly md ar (la in , to st tho t p ick ) t.- ade y the wl 5le ackera :w joI e .ond Ifl the 70 i 917. bb. of ban U the 0d as HlSOt 15,000 POUNDS MEAT A MINUTE GOING TO ALLIES One Hog Out of Every Four Being Sent Abroad Shipment of meat have been colng to the allies for some time at the rate of 15,000 pounds a" minute. As the shipments are kept up during a ten hour day they amount to , 9,000,000 pounds dally., Tho meat goes to 'eol- .tl.ra h. TTnltnri Ktntax anil th ! lies and to the civilian population of an tne countries ux war wuu ucr many. ' rrt, .itjiitii i - - . - Chicago Tribunt, Jun I, Hit These statements were made by a prom inent representative of the United States Food Administration. , No industry in the country has played a more, important part in helping to win the war than the American live stock and meat-packing industry., f Swift & Company alone has been forward ing over 500 car loads of meat and meat products per 'week for overseas shipment. Swift & Company, U. S. A. DAJRY USE A STRAINER FOR CREAM Will Break Up Possible Lumps and Remove curd Particles and Any Foreign Matter. ) (Prepared by the- United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) When cream Is ready for churning the churn should be prepared, it should be cleaned thoroughly, rinsed . i . 1 ,, a .V . . 1 .. wuu scuiuing wiunr, men iiiuruun'"J rinsed and chilled with cold wnter. Tho butter Indies, paddles, worker and printer should be treated In the same way,, and all but the worker placed In a pall of cold water until needed. If. that 1h not done, the butter will slide to them. Cream should be poured Into the churn through a' strainer- to brqiik up possible lumps and to remove. ' curd A Great Responsibility. TTHE responsibility attached to tho preparing of a remedy for infants and ohildre is undoubtedly greater than that imposed upon the manufacturer of remedies for adults whose system is sufficiently strong to counteract, for a timd at least, any injurious drug. It is well to observe that Castoria 13 propared today, as it has been for the past 40 years, under the personal supervision of Mr. Chas. b. Fletcher. What have makers of imitations and substitutes at stake ? What are their responsibilities ? To whom are they answerable? . They spring up today, scatter their nefarious wares broadcast, and disappear tomorrow. ' J Could each mother see the painstaking care with which the" prescription for Fletcher's Castoria is prepared s could they read tho innumerable testimonials, from grateful mothers, they would never listen to tho subtle pleadings and false arguments of those who would offer an. imitation of, or substitute for the tried and true Fletcher's Castoria. Straining Cream Into Churn. particles and any foreign matter that may bo In It. In order to have tho necessary concussion tho churn should be only ab.out one-third jfull. If too full, the churning period is prolonged and If the cream foams It nearly fills the churn and prevents concussion. In that case It Ip usuully necessary tc- re move some of the cream In order to obtain butter in a reasonable time. J3jcceptlate In the spring and early In the summer; when butter has a nat urally high color, ti small quantity of butter color Is usually abided. In win-. ler me quantity rcquircu 10 prouueo a shade of yellow like tho desirable June color vurles from about 20 to 35 drops per gallon of cream. The color having been added to tho cream, the churn may be started ata speed to produce the greatest cdncus slon, which muy btf Ueterlnlned lnrgely by tho sound; About. GO revolutions a minute Is the usual speed for the com mon barrel typo of churn. After a few revolutions the churn. should bo stopped, bottom up, and the cork re moved to permit the escape of gas, This Is" repeated two or three times In the early stages of churning. At that period cream produces a very liquid sound and the glass In the churn Is evenly, covered with cream. When chnrnlng Is nearly completed there la a noticeable difference In tho sound made by the cream, while on the glass In the chum a thick, mushy mass will appear, which occasionally breaks away, leaving the glass clear. At this point the butter granules are Just forming and the cream l thick and finely1 granular, Hke-yeKow corn- meal mush, with buttermilk separating slightly from the tiny granules, Tho churn should bo revolved several times, then .stopped and the butter ex amined In order to prevent overchurn lng. When the granules are the size of grains of wheat tho churning Is completed. To continue the churning until the butter Is In largo masses Is a bad practice, because It Incorporates quantities of buttermilk which cannot bo washed out, The bad. effect of too much buttermilk In the butter has been discussed already. MILK IS LOST IN HANDLING .Simple Methods of "Checking Bottles and Method of Accounting Are Recommended. (Prepared by the" United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Much milk Is lost In tho process of" handling In milk plants, says the an-, nunl report of tho bureau of nnlmnl Industry, United States department of agriculture. Economies effected In that particular by one plant caused a yearly saving of $2,830. Simple methods of checking milk bottles, often an Important Item of loss, 'and a simplified system of accounting, have been worked out and put Into suc cessful operation In a number of milk plants by the bureau's Investigators of milk-plant management. Children Cry For 1 1 alcohol-3 PEU cent: tlntheStomactoaiKlBowjrfj rvfvf.ttAP and Rc&Wnw1! ffl neither Oplam,Mcrphtacjw Mncral. NoTA"y"v JimftiSt eUittodS!!' a (.Mnf.ilRemcdyfbT v ,,c- sweep jrcsulllnthcrefromanty rmucSiinatarpoS 3CEKrmCowsm II Exact Copy of Wrappw. Extracts from Letters by Grateful Parents to Chas. H. Fletcher. G. J. English, of Springfield, ATrss., Bays i "It was your Castor!, tbnk' saved my child." Mrs. Mary McGinnls, of St. Louis, Mo., eayaj 'We have eiveii oar, baby your Castoria ever slnco she was born, .nd we) reccommena it to all mothers." J N. E. Calmes, of Marion, Ky., eaya j "You have the best mediclna In the world, as I have given your Castoria to my babies from first to last" Mrs. Albert Ustisky, of Lawrenceburg, Ind,, says: "As I have had your Castoria in use for nearly throe years, I am pleased to say it is Just as tepreseKted., My children are both well and happy thanka toCstorfa."( R. P. Stockton, of fsfew Orleans, La.,, 'eays : "Wa began giving yoar. Castoria to our baby when he was eight days old and feavekept it tip ever since, never having had to giva any other medicine," Mrs. Dolph Hornbuckle, of Colorado Springs, Colo., sayai "Wm com menced giving your Castoria to our baby when she was four weeks old. She is now seven months and weighs 19J pounds. Everyone remarks t What a healthy looking baby.' We give Castoria credit for it" GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS BEARS the Signature of THi CKNTAUN MPANV, NKW VlRK ITV The Womanless Dance. . The mnhless dance 1ms originated In the West. The womanless danco Is the popular thing In the naval, reserve. The Naval Reserve. FRECKLES New It tke Tia U Get R14 ef Tbeie Ugly Spot There' so looser the iltfhtest Deed Of feeling ulumed of jour freckles, ai Ot bine double trenttb is guaranteed to remote these homely (pots. Blmplr set an ounce of Othine double atrenrth from jour drueelJt, and apply a little cf It nlcht and moraine aad rou should soon see hit Tn the irorst freckles hire btsun to dis appear, while the lighter ones-bare vanished en tirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce Is needed to completely clear the akin and saln a beautiful .clear complexion. - Be sure to aatt for the double strength Othine, as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If It falls t remore freckles. AdT. . Kept Strictly In Turn. "Well, corporal," said tho ofllcor, "it's u proud mother that'll bo waiting to greet you when you get homo this time." ' "What'll sho, be proud for?" .queried the corporal, with a puzletYexpresslon. "Ot your medal, of course," was tne nnswer. - "But I don't think she knows I've got .lt, sir," said the corporal. "What! haven't you told her?" "Well, no, sir. You see it wnsnn' my turn to write." ' ' Odds Against Bombs. An Ingenious person, says London Tit Bits, has calculated' the chances of tho average Londoner being hurt by enemy bombs. "Taking tho area of London as 100 square miles,' ho says, "with a circle CO ynrds In diameter us the area in which a bomb would cause serious Inconvenience, and assuming tho enemy Bdcceeds In dropping 200 bombs In London eyery month all the year round; nssuralng also that thcro Is an jequnl likelihood of a bomb drop ping at any one point us nt any other,! the war will have to last 32 years for It to be likely that a bomb will drop within one's own circle," , , Get New Kidneys! SUBpIdOUB. ( .'"Thcro goes a man of great prom l8e." V"I know him. Hap lie been bor rowing from you, too?" At the Muueum. ' . "What nn extraordinarily long bill thnt bird hnsl" "Must be dealing at tho same provision store that I no." Young European Capital "Ilelslngfora, the capital of Finland, is among the youngest of the Euro pean capitals, for It Is but little over a hundred years since Czar Alexander I, shortly sifter tho annexation of the grand duchy by Russia, transferred llio capital thither from Abo, which wav In his opinion, too near Sweden. RED CROSS SERVICE, Rod Cross Ball Bluo gives to every housowlfo unoqualed servicer A large 6 cent package gives more real, gen1 ulno merit than any other blue. Red Cross Ball Bue makes clothes whiter than snow. You will be delighted, At all good grocers. Adv. Not Quite. "Does the new sopruno'a volco fill the church?" "Npv; I noticed some vncant seats up In tho gallery." v Brighter Now, First Scoutr-Supposo you were 1 my shoes. What would you do? Second Scout I'd shlno them. The kidneys are the m6st overworked organs ot tne unman nour. ana wnen vucy fail in their work of filtering out and throwing ou ttic poisons aevciopeu in me system, things begin to. happen. One of tho first vwrnings-is pain or stiff ness in the lower part of the back; hibhly colored urine; loss of appetite; indiReJ flnn irritation, or even atone in the blad der. These symptoms indicate a condition that may lead to that dreaded, and fatal malady, Bright s disease, for which there is said to be no cure. Do not delay a minute. At tho first in dication of trouble in the kidney, liver, bladder or urinary organs' start takine Gold .Medal Haarlem Oil Caifuules, and save yourself before it is too late. Instant treatment is necessary in kidney and blad der troubles. A delay is often fatal. You can almost certainly find, immediate relief in Gold Medal Unarlem Oil Capsules. For more than 200 yeara this famous prep aration has been an unfailing remedy for air,kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It is the pure, original Haarlem Of! your great-grandmother used. About two cap 'sules each day will keep you toned up and feeling fine. Get it at any drug store, and If it does not give you almost immediate relief, your money will bo refunded. He sure you get the GOLD MKDAL brand, None other genuine. In boxes, three) sizes. Adv. Hot IsflsfGttlCI' PoiSOHS Hit The Stomach First . How to Keep Your Stomach Strong, Cool and Sweet Not Like Other. Men. Grubbs "What gives Jinks such confidence In bis own opinions?" Srubbs "Pure obstinacy. That nnip Is determined to bo different from anyone else.'' When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy 9a Smart! n Jnt Jfj Conn'irt. to cents si brnnUU or mslL Writ (or fcree Mrs Book. MOIUM XXM JUBMBOZ CO., CIIIOAUO Hot. weather always atarta tboso 3u!ok, chemical changes which pro uce poisons in meats, fish, frulW, vegetables, milk and food products. Sucii summer poisons in foods not only make well stomachs sick but de volop with dangerous rapidity in Bon8ativo,.8lck or ailing etomncbs and bowels. These poisons not only generate gaBcs and fluids which cause that bl6ated, lumpy feeling, heartburn, sour stomach; belching, acidity, but endloss other stomach and bowel miseries. Ji sure, safo, quick acting relief has been found which absorbs and neu tralizes theso poisons, to much acid and harmful gases. EATONIO Tab lets, one or two taken after every meal, will keep your stomach sweet. You will have n good appetite to eat what you like, when you want it and bo BEST BUYERSSELlERS o' cattle HOCSM.SHEEP STOCK YARDS'OMAHAi free from all those bad effecta liable to conio after a hearty meal in summer. KATONIO Tablets aro botweother proteo tors lor the stomach. They guard against the germs that lurk in-the things you eat and drink. They rebuild listless appetites, pro mote digestion by aiding proper action ot toe stomach functions and Insure speedy relief from IndlgesUoo and all stomach distress, EATONIO Is gobd to cat like candy. People from all over tend grateful testimonials. Tens of thousands are obtaining relief with KATONIO every day but the besteTldeuce Is to let your own stomach tetl you the truth. Oo to your druggist and get a big box ot KATONIO, Tell him you want It lor the pre vention and sure relief of stomach and bowel disorders produced by hot weather poisons. Then It KATONIO falls to satisfy you-re-turn It to your'dmgglst, whom you know and can trust, ne will cheerfully refund your money. If your druggist doesn't keep KATONIO-drop us a postal. It will be de livered to your address and you can then pay for t. Address, H. U Kramer, Pres., 101S S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Kill All Flies! FISMdanywben, Daisy Ply Killer VtrtcU and ktlU Ul AIM. Nett, dean. oromnUl,oouTnUi!t awl cheep, sbsBsbbblBssbisBsHbb' I Mt Mil m Daley Fly Killer SkM fey tMatera. mr I Ml HAMOUS frOMiM. tSSBS KAU( VK MHM.'ffl.K.I, W. N. U., OMAHA. NO. 28-1918.