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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1918)
I 1 StmbWttklu Sribune. IRA L. DARE, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION. 11ATES: One Year liv Mall In Adrnnco. . . .$15 One Year by Cnrrlor In Advance $1.50 Entered at' North PJatle, Nobraska, Postofflce as Second ClassMattor. Tl'ESRAY, JULY 23d, J918. Representative. 1 hereby announce myself as candi date for the republican nomination for float representative from the 77th District coVnposod of the counties of Keith, Lincoln and Dawson, at tho primary olection to bo hold August 20, and respectfully solicit your Support. I. have boon a resident of Dawsbn county for fourteen years, and my present homo Is In Gothenburg. GEORGE S. DOTY For Sheriff. I horeby announco mysolf as a candi date for the republican nomination for sheriff, at, the primary election to bo held Augusi20th,1918. - - A. J. SALISBURY. County Clerk'. I heroby announco myself as" n caudldato for tho Republican nomin ation for County Clork at the Primary flection to be held August 20th, 1018: - A. S. ALLBNT. YANKEES' AND FRENCH CONTINUE .. TO PIERCE ENEMY LINK. Tho Amorjcana and French suc ceeded Sunday In breaking through tho Gorman line (northeast of Chateau Thlorry, and drove a spearhead to ward the northeast three and one tenth miles at various places. i Tho allied troops liavo taken many prlstfhors, .Including tjireo officers, I who said they wore tired of war.1 Amorlcan .lnfnntrymon captured two Gorman 77. Previous to tho break ing tof tho German lines tho allies bat- , tied with despcrato machine gunners, who were mowed down as the allied , reinforcements arrived. Tho Gorman looses were torrlblo.. I An attack from Chatoati-Thlorry to Rholms began on 'Saturday. Amor- ; lean forces captured Hill 193, north of Vauxand advanced more than two kilometers. At last accounts titty, wore more than holding their own. against Gorman resistance. j Tho German rotreat across the Marnn lieiran on Friday undor cover of I a reat nmoko scrcon. At laBt ac costs great hordes of Germans were continuing norm, urganazea nosis tanco has been, mot with so far only at a few places. Tho district South at tho Marnft and east of Chateau-Thiorry la entirely cleared of Germans. Two .badly cut up Gennan regiments were Xctt south of tile. tytarno in tho Gorman retreat. AllleiV aviators bombed tho brldgos across tho river and their escape was Impossible, i All "Saturday night the allies ham mered away at tho widening wodgp between tho Germans and Paris as the Germans withdrew north of tho Manno ' Americans continue titkiifg prisoner :and gun. Allien' rcniforco mo'niB nf pouring in to overcomo any dotcffraln'oiL resistance . tho acrmans! may Tho hoavy artllloy of tho 'allies con tinues clearing tho districts north of tho Mnrno. Indian scouts 'who "were with Pershing 1n Mexico played a nnoroineiit part in tho "scout work in tho river, ' ' Tho Franco-American forces con tlnuo to mako progress, recoiling tlio anmv, who Jb defending himself obstinatoiy. Gorman roar gutards have succeeded thus fur in preventing the French from pushing, detnehmomts over tho rtyor Marne. . They are holding the ' north bank ot the stream with strong unity. t:o? Submarine Sinks Tug. An onomy submarine attacked a tow off tho oajftornmost point, of Capo Cod Sunday, sank threo bargiefc, sot a fourth and their tug an iipe and dropp ; otl few shells on tho mainland, Tho action' lasted an hoiy and was unchal lenged oxcont by twoj hydroplanes from -tho Chatham avjotlcm station, 270,000 AMERICANS NO.W . ON TjlK FIGUTINU LINE. Tho high water mark or tho Gor mau offcnsivov In Franco has been1 reached. Tho Initiative is passing to tho allied and American armies. Gen eral March, chief of staff, told the members' of tho annate mttitary com lnlttee. Later ho announced that American 'troop shipments "1iad now oxeoodqd 1,300,000 men, Insuring tho man power to hold tho. initiative on tho western front, and that 270,000 ot these aro engaged in tho battle now being .waged. Tho dirOct objective of Gonoral Foch'B counter stroke, Gonoral Marcli told newspaper men in bin wcokly cbnw ferdnco, lu the railway tlmt foods tllo German .forces in the Chntpau-Th lorry region. Already It ha basm attained, for the Fronch. and Amorlcan forces ate either astride the line at certain points or havo It under direct tiro at short rango tendering it unusuablo, -t :o: : Alljcd Yicforlos Multiplying. Victories lor VUo ,allled arms aro multiplying, Over tho .entlro sixty mile front'rutfnlng from SoJhhoiis to Rhoinis tho ,0ikii troops arQ fighting With a determination' that knows no denial. ivur, n,w,a ir. b,,,,.! .!! J"01" 10 uuamam avjnucm station, Itubfin rSi&HfliS 'C,rc,C(l 0Ver -U-boat, caus Btuhhortt rpsiaitatite Jsjmet wiui from ln j ob t0 ubmi(MC0 for'onlva monont them. qaIns.lyo4)oen made' by theVoaW and resume nring Amorlcan mnd Frtmch against tho prp" VXMl 2 Chateau-Thlerry, which represents SbnffAf anmn tboiKunnTn the boUtla llho wfrtpio t6,Sv n' LfthnS MS Germans had ifrlven tholr wedgo f&&JS S Tlio siibmarlno wos plainly soon from ihOTO. :n".? est to-,J?a!Tl5. has, beon tho Froxichf troop's, and, almost slmil- jtawiousiy tuo vjuage of uraiues, twi mum cnntward, and tho heights to tiorth' ...... Aotthg in hfvnnonv with thb move- 'C. 7no. 0sc. s1.25' and $1.46. i(int on Choateau-Tlilarrv. ' American Th btwt that 8 made, all ilico material. and - Frwicl troopo nortljwfjst of the tfn The little romper suits for the llUlo tho vlllngo fell juto their 8 anu .gins u nt ages uvo to six vci,ty btokft thru tho Gennan Unos'nnd ut -sbnie points advanced mora '.than three mites, Luro nunibora ornriBon ors w6ro taken. Tlwf njlioa :.mrtfehino guns' literally mowed down, tho Ger mans. disunities o llnte. . Washington,- July 21n-rTho casual ties to dtj for the army and marlno corps oggregato ao.ssi tor the army and .1.885 for the marine cori'n. Thft total army, casualty :ist up to dato, as To Boycott Gorman Goods. ! Yanks' Take 17,000 Prisoners. Thit American .Dofcnse Society Mb u PriHonrs captured by American .working on a plan to Becure fho!trooP3 In tlio offensive on the' Aisne- slgnaturo of twenty millions of popte Mnrno trout up to an early hour Sat- to a pornotuttl pledge to rof uso to bhy 1 iay totaieu uy actual count 17.000, goods made in Gurmanjr. In Franco Gonifiral Pershing reported In his com- thev have already circulated ncKt.nrft muniouB ror baturuay nlclit bv tho war bidding the poople heVor to "forget the' department Capttiro of 560 glfins also Hun anu ma work, xn urent uritam, 1S wnaooncea, , Wltntiwn mrmirtcHivti f nwtillt. irrnnt Ktveil OUt today IS!. or jjma.ll, for th prearmt vtory bej Killed in action, 1,081, including 29. Jongs to uio Aaroncnn troops, u is at hu, uiuen ror granted tnau ti! Kronen oomniniulore wrlvild not Jiave done Vhat'Uioy have dmiowoulil not even, Havo thought of a big counter attack if thp Americans had not boon on 'the- front to hnlp, 80 it id true now-at this moment, rather ..than two or three mqnthB.' hence, that W10 UnlWd' SJtateo forces are a groat military' factor. " . . ', n, ;to;; ' Framed ttnd laislo Dolph. aro spend intr a Jiionth'fl Yatvntlon with Mrs. Os- born near toxlngton, havhig hit for there inat night. of wounds, C78JH . of disease, 1,389. of apcldent and othor causes, Died Died Died 512. Wounded In nctlon.' 0,817. action, including ptflBcwi eria, 503. TotaU ,10.831. Marino Vor'ps' total, including Jiily 0 report Is: Officers: Doaths 25; wtonndnf'f, 29; lnlsslng, 1. Enllstwi men: Deaths, 054; wounded, 1,095: in hands of enemy, 4; mlssltig, 77. Total, 1,885 Stn'f Always Blame tho Telephone Operator When You Are Called Mistake MHWIMMIMMNBniHMHI HIIIIM1! Ill 111 AtVUWUNflNmMmv."WBKaBUaMMMailfeJMMUtfrf LITTLE PAL O' MINE. The following lines wer. writtfti hy Corporal Janles K. Flynn, a North Platte boy now ln Franco with the' Railway Engineers. It 'was 'first published "in the Stars'and stripes, tho trench paper issued by American soldiers in Francouand later appeared in the Paris edition of the Now York Heraldj'" One cannot road this poem without Ills or her hear going oitl to th boys who aro under tho colors abroad, for It sfr .feelingly cxproBSQ8ltho innermost thoughts Of tho boys bo far. from the ones they lovcanfl' tio land so dear. Editor Tribune:) . f,ffiy .... It's darkening fast, Little IaLo Mine, and It's tfrtiary and wot and col4 i And the nlght-tlmo cree'ps bit 'a murky sky as jt gathers this world ln Its fold. Tho shadows fall so silently, and deepen one by one, ' And daylight, passing,' leaves ho trail as ft. follows the setting, sun. The wind blows chill and cuts"the flosh wltha deep and stinging pain; It's burdened l;avy with cruel mist from weeks and weeks of rain, Tho heavy, sodden, low'rlng' cloudi ln the dread October sky , Like bounding, tumbling ttunble-wreds go rolling and whirling by: . It's a desolate place, this world of war, starved and lank and lean. Resides a few loud-squawking crows, bird folk are nover seem Even the little rabbits, accustomed to meadows and heath, Have bedn starved with war's wild hunger and trampled by inarching- feet. ' Three years of war's wild waste, of moss and brush and weeds', Of pathways blocked and yards o'ergrown and lakelets filled with, reeds llavo madoTTrack of flower-beds, of garden, fields and lawn, And loft this land aa wild and blfak ns Iceland's Christmas dawn. 'Rusty entanglements of w'iro and shell-holes now o'ergrown, Gaunt witnesses of dripping blood and shattered manhood's moaif, Remain to mock strong, virile youth once grbonicd and fed for the trench , In a cruel attompt from German hordes a lasting peace to wrench. Yorai can watch Ihc- van 611 a busy day as It passes, thousands strong, But there's nothing but khaki, leather and steel' in tho stream as It passes along; , Only-tho cloth' of tho service, some now, only s'pattored with mud, Some old and worn and tattered, and some all covered with blood.' It's a lonoly world, LittlO Pal o' Mino, and tho days pass heavy and slow Each haa Its tale of. victory or a tale of Buffering and wob. Brav.o docds from tho "Lino" j)as comnlonplaco; thoy're done many " tiroes every day, . '.'-'' For men, long Inured to the' bitter strife, havo come to do things that . way. ""' ' And when evening comes In this land of decnyand darkness settles o'crhead . lt',8 a lono and cheerless way, I take as I seek my lowly bod. I sit In this little hut of mine, "and In -the embers' glow"1 1 I poo again tho faces of dear old friends I know. . v I hear tholr gentle voices In tho evening's scurrying breezed ' And my Idlo fancy takes, me to mv homo across tho seas. ' v I see the one I loft behind ln that dear spot over there; I isce a pair of wondrous eyes, a wealth of lustrous , hair; I hear again hor gentlo voice' and touch her hand so fine; I dream then of tho happy days I'll know when sho'U bo mine. M I'm missing you, -Little Pal o' Mine, in this world afar from cheer, t -And, as I sft with my IdnBlVk thoughts, I wish that you -wore here. . Thof 0 wore Joyful days, Lltqo Pnl o' Mino, a riot of youth and song, And good times came oh each .breath. of. air and followed each, othor along. ' 4 , But they're not In this land whore I'm duelling; no youth, no 16vo,; no play ,,. Enhances my waking1 hours nor passes dull time away. My comrades faces are missing, those voice's I cannot hear' 1 . Weatluthls 'pagan altar of Mars in this land so bleak'atfd drear. Arb-fsrr from this lowly abode- of mine, in these days o? damp and cold. But thisfstrlfo must e'easp, and I'll return to the 'land I love once more. To a spot that's many and many a league frgm 'France's blighted, shore. Then joy and happiness will. replace, tlo suffering and-Iho -pain,' And bright and healthy j sunshine tho snow and sleet and rain. ' v So now good night, and may your dreams bo 'bright and shining gold, And know that your Little Pal dreams o.f-you in this world of dam'p and cold. , - N Good night again, Llttlo Pal o' Mine, across the ocean blue; Good nlsht, and may God, bless, you. la-the nessage I send" to you. N ; v CORPORAL JAMES K FLYNN, . ' . COmpatay D.-. th Railway Engineers, If you can't work well in hot weather tako Prickly Ash Blttors, it purifies tho stomach, liver and bowels and fortiflos the body to resist the do pressing influence ot summer heat Prico $1:25 per bottle. Gummero Dent Drug Co. Special Agents. mi, ILUtOLD A. FEPTNJ5R Osteopath. Bolton Building Office hours 9 a, m. to 5 p. m- 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. . Phones Oflca Black 333 Rest Black 1020 ,T. p. BEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUItGEOK Successor to Drs. Roddold & RedfleJd., PHYSICIAN SURGEONS IIOSPITAL Offlofl Pbontfi 642 Rob.- Phono (57 T Offlce phone 241. ResJphone 217 L. C. DROST,' Osteopathic Physician. , North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. DOCTOR D. T. QDIGLEY Practice Limited to . , Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 City National Bank Building. . Omaha, Nebraska. The Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Co, Announces that It Is prepared to fur. nlsh.all consumer with BEEP "WELL Artlficnl Ice. PHONE 40 and your orders ' will be Promptly Filled: fttfi- -r r SCHIIRNGER UNDERTAKING COMPANY; v NORTH.. PLATTE'S A10DERN FUNERAL HOME. , AUTO SERVICE LADY ATTENDANT" " PRIVATE CHAPEL. PHONES DAY 623. NICHT 930. 60D LOCUST. tho boycott Idea lias boon carried to such a length 'that ie seamen are pjodging thomsolves novor to carry any goods to Germany because of tho murdor of defenseless sailors. All over the world the same movoment is going i Primary Election Procliinintlon. By virtue ,of tho authority vested in me by law, and in accordance with Section 2159 of the Rovied Statutes Of Nebraska for 1913, I, A. S. Allen County CVerk ot tlio County of Lin coin, Staio of Nebraska, do hereby direct and proclaim that a Primary Election bo held in the several polling places throughout the County of Lin coin, State ot Nebraska-, on Tuesday, the 20th-day of August, 1918. during aiont. hut tho tinortlp. of Gormanv havo tlio Hours designated by law for the mnrtB themselves iv nart of the crime ! following purposes,, to-wit on. Germany win, ho tho Ishniael among tho nations during tho remainjl- or ot ino xwentiotn century, wnero ovor tho Germans -go- they will find trado and hearts" locked against thdmr It is a torrlblo iprlce topay for the sins of a wicked and reckless govern- part of agcSv and they- must share punlshmont. State Journal. ::o:; : in thq Wero you ever called to the telephone when tmother number was wanted? " , When this occurs, tho operator, to be sure, rany have humanly, erred by ringing on the wrong .lino. JYforo often, however, it is tho fault of the persqn making the call. People often ask for 456, for example, v?hon 546 is wanted and then either 'hang up" when tho mistake is , realised ov become impatient when tho wrong person answers. ' ', Unfaniiliarity with the work of Jtolophone operating - often prompts unjust criticism. Please" don't forget the , earnestness of tho operator's effort when some occasional sorvice difficulty does arise. " " NEBRASKA TELEPiiOHE COMPANY Nave vouil Mtiy "Wnt .SavliiHH Nluiiiim , nad Liberty Ilond , Big Drive to Come Later. . ' - , A Washington. dispatch says; That the present drive of tho allies is noth ing moro than a giant pdulntor offen sive is the gonoral belief lioro among military men and is homo out ln statements made by Gonoral Marsh. Tho latter' states that the allies will mako tholr roal drlvo tho foro part "of next yoai It Is believed that tbo Huns will fall back toy 3no of their old lines of trenches and thoro.dlg ln. This will make. It necessary to shell thorn out beforo continuing the pursuit It Is be- liovod howovor that thp present drlvo will bo carried through as far as the Judgmont of tho alllod loadors deem advisable 1 r-::o:; John IV. Cochran, Ed L Plorson, "Golden Rule" Landmen, Sutherland, Nebraska. 50-) -::o:; If hot weather saps youf enorgy and you can't -work well, It is a sign that your system is full ot bilious imparl tlos. You sick if you do not do something, Tako Prickly Ash Bit tors, it cleanses tho blood, liver and IfowolB, restores strength, vim and cheorful spirits. Prlco ?l,2o a bottle. Gummoro-Dent Drug . Co., Spoclal Agonts. Tfotlco. Charles Bacon will take, notice thnfe on tho 2Cth day of Juno, 1918, W. H:.p. woooiiurst, juugo ot tuo county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, Issued am ordor of- attachment for tho Bum of Olio hundred thirty-one 60-100 dollars ($1310) with interest and costs in an action pending before him, whorein Claudo DeLanoy is ptalntlft and, Charles llacon is dvfondantv That property ot tho dofondnnt, consisting ot money uuo xno saiu uetonuant from tho Union J?acltto Railroad Company naa ueen. auacmcu miner sam oruor. , Said causo was continued, to Monday, tho 2GUi day of Avfeust, 1018, at 10 o clock a. ul - GLAUDE DELANEY, Plaintiff. By A. MULDOON, Ills Attorney. J23-3 wka. GEO; B. DtS, IMisylcIau and Surgeon, y Special Attention Ghcn to Surgory and Obstrctrlcs. Offlco:. Building & Loan Building Phones: Offlco 130, Resldenco 115 Hospital Phone Black 633. , House Phono Black C33 W.' dj. WIITCIIABD, Oradunto Votcrlnarian' Eight rears a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 'SIS, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of tho Court House. JOHN IV. COCIIRAtf Li), i. riEitsoN v Golden Rule" Landmen. - Sutherland, Nebraska; . W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LA"V OKIco over McDonald Rank. Office i'hono I18C ' Res. Phone 112G 2 Cents4 a Pound. . Must by dry and packed in' sacks. 'N We pay big price for Scrap - Iron ' and all kinds of , , .Metal. ' . LIPSHIT2 Notlco to Creditors. Estate No-. 15G5 of Caroline. Telitz, deceased in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will tako notice that tho time limltedfor presentation rnd filing of claims against said Estate is rpvemeber,2, 1913, and for ' settlement of said Estate is Juno 28, 1919; that I will sit at tho county court room in said, county on August 2, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on November 2; 1918, at 9 o'clo6k-a..m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all, claims and objection . duly filed. ' - . .v' - ' WM. H, G. WOODHURST, J2,-30 County Judge. IN THE - COUNTY COURT OF MN- COIiN COUNTY.V NEBRASKA. In v the ""matter of tho "Estato of Sophia Federhoof, deceased. Order of hearing on final report of Executor. -Now on this llth day of July, 1018. (came G. S. Huffman, the Executor of said estate, and filed herein his final account as Such Executor,, and asks to hos discharged, and for a decree of nnsi souienienc oi sucn estate, it is therefore ordered that the 5th day of August, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. in. at my onice in North Platte,, Nebraska, bo fixed as the time and place for exam- " (nation and allowance of said report and account. The heirs,, and devisees of said de ceased, and all persons interested in said Estate are required tb appear at the time and place so designated, and show cause, if any exists, ' why ' said ' account shoufil not be allowed. It Is further ordered, that a copy of -.this order bOubllshed In the Semi-Weekly .Tribune bf North Platte. Nebraska, for three woeln prior to -,the day set ' for said hearing. ' . Dated July 11, 191S. Win. H. C. WOODHURST, JJl-wks. Countyi Judge. For tho noflnatlon of: One candidate by each of the politi cal parties for United States Senator, . One candidate for Congress by each of tho pointed! patties' for tho Sixth Congressional District Candidates by each of tho political partlos for the following offices': Ono Govornor. One Lieutenant Governor. Ono Secretary of State. Oho Auditor of Public Accounts Ono Staba Treasurer. . Ono Attorney' General. One Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings.' ' Ono Railway Commissioner, Ono State Senator for tho Twenty' fifth Senatorial District, i Ono Stato Roprcsintativo for the (18th District: - , One Stato Representative ,for tho 77th District Also tho non-partisan nominatioo-of six Judges of tho Supreme Court. Tlio non-nartilsan nomlnamon apr four Regents of, tho Stato University, Tho nkm-AtrJisan .nomination tor two candidate's? for Stato Suporintcn dent of Public Instruction, At tho same timrf and places will bo submitted tho question of tho ca!llng of a constltutionnl.-corivontton. Also Candidate by each of the polit ical parties for the office of: ' Ono County Clork. One County Troasurer. Ono Sheriff. One County Surveyor. Ono County Attorney Ono County Commissioner, . 2nd District. I Also tho non-partisan nominations; of two candidates for County Judgo.- Als tho non-partisan nomination of two candidates for Countv Sunorln- pumdpnt of Public Instruction. - AIro ono candidate by each of the political partjpfi for the offlco of: - Pollco Magistrate for tho City of North Platto. Pofls will bo opened at B o'clock a, in. nnd remain open until 8 o'clock p, m.. ot tho anmo day, . In tfjRUthony "whereof, I havo horo itnto sot jny hhnd and. seal of tlio County of Lincoln, Stato ot Nobraska. this 18th day of July.J918. A. S. ALLEN. County Clork. (SEAL) J23alG NORTH PLATTE - ..General . Hospital. ' . (Incorporated) One Halt Block North' oi Postoilice. Phone 58 ' ' A modern institution for tho scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases.' Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. ; Staff: ' Geo. B. Dent. M. D. -Y. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Rcifield. M.D. J.S. SIMMS, M.D. Notice. S. S. Henshaw, first and true name unknown, will tako noticq that oir the 15th day of July, 19J8, 1. L.-Milton-berger, Justice of the Peace of Lin coln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for tho sum bf S1G.99 in an actlon pending -beforo him, where-'' In Lelrk-Sandall Co. are plaintiffs and S. S. Henshaw is defendant- that prop erty of the dofendant, conslsiting of moneys ill the hands of tho Union Pacific Railroad Co., a corpoaxtion, has been attached "under said order. Said cause is continued to,JJid 7th uay or August, l'Jl, at 2 o'clock p. m. LlglKK-SANDALL CO., Plaintiffs. WANTED - RAGS 2 to 8 cent's per pound. Wo also pay tho highest market prico for liidos, all kinds of junk NORTH PLATTE HIDE, IRON & METAL CO. Phono Rod 2C0. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of Lincoln County,. Nebraska. , , In the Matter of the Estate of John Bratt," Doceased. ' . ' Notlea is heroby given tovanv. and all persons having claims and demands against' tho estate of the said John Bratt, deceased, that tho 18th day or Novembjir, 1918, has been set and appointed as tho day for tho recep tion, examination, -adjustment and al lowance of.lawful d.almp and demands of all persons, against said estate and that tho county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska will at said time re ceive, 'ttxamine, adjust and allow all such claims against said estate, as provided by law, at the County Court Room In the court house in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln Coutity, Ne braska, and all persons so Interested in said estate, wUl appear at said tlmo and !plaoe and 'duly present their said claims and demands iii the manner required by law, ,or show causo for not so doing, and in caso any of. said claims and demands shall not be pre sented on or prior to tho said 18th day of November, 1918, the same shall bo forever barrekl. I testimony whereof. I havo alerted iiuiiuu mm iuli.i;ii uio Srai Ot this Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platto, Nebraska, DERRYUERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamors Undortakera nndFnnoralDIroctors Day Phone 234. " Night Phono Black 538. PLATTE VALLEY MOUNMENTAL WORKS. Grnnlto and marblo headstones. (Tho vonly shop In tlio city. Eqnlppcd trltli pnoHHiaiiC Riucjuuerj. uuiienug neat ly" dope. AH work gHaraBteou. "WOOD GATE &' ABERNATHY. Corner 7th nnd Locust, North Patte. said court this lCth day of July, 1918. Wm. H..C. WOODHURST, Co. Judge. J23-A15. , ( NOTICE EOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 05871, Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Nobraska, July 19, 1918.. Notice is hereby given that Minhlo Eliza Seose, formerly Minnie Eliza McGuIro, of North Platte, Neb., who on Feb. 8th, 1912, made Homestead entry, No. 05371, for E of SEV4, sec tion 2, townBhip 11 N. range 30 W. Gth Principal Meridian, has filed irotlco of intontion "to mako final, threo year proof,, to establish tfalm to tho land above described, beiforo the Register and Recoivor, at North Platte, Npb., on tho 28th day of August, 1918. , Claimant namos as witnesses'. Joss Highberger, of North Platto, Neb. Andy Howard, or WolUloat, Neb. Martin Magnuson, of North Platte. SCott Shaner, of Jllgnell, Neb. E. J. EAMES, Register, J23-A23. i